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Math Student Pledge

1. I will make an effort to attend all class meetings.

2. I will do all the homework assigned, not just some of it.

3. I will take notes, write down all steps involved to solve problems
including describing the math processes involved using my own words.

4. I will ask questions in class as soon as I don’t understand.

5. I will read all examples in my math text.

6. I will ask for extra help or seek out a tutor as soon as I don’t understand.

7. I will seek out a partner or “study buddy” in my class.

8. I will set aside a specific amount of time to do my math homework.

9. I will BELIEVE in myself.

10.I will affix my signature in the lower left corner of this paper to show that
I agree with all the statements above.


Name and Signature of Student

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