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Literatura Canadiense en Lengua Inglesa - Febrero 2013 – Modelo A

Duración: dos horas. No se permite el uso de diccionarios ni de Guías.

Lea estas instrucciones con atención

Debe realizar las dos partes de este examen. 1ª) Lea atentamente el texto y responda a cada una las
cuatro preguntas que se le formulan con relación al mismo, numerándolas. 2ª) Desarrolle dos de los
tres temas que se le plantean. Redacte sus respuestas en inglés de forma clara y precisa, sin repetir los
enunciados. Mantenga el orden exacto con el que se le proponen las preguntas. Consigne su nombre
y apellidos en todas las páginas que entregue con sus respuestas.

PART ONE: Provide brief answers for the questions following the text below using
approximately 50-75 words for each one. Write separate answers for each question.

Where are the coolies in your poem, Ned?

Where are the thousands from China who swung
their picks with bare hands at forty below?

Between the first and the million other spikes

they drove, and the dressed-up act of
Donald Smith, who has sung their story?

Did they fare so well in the land they helped to

unite? Did they get one of the 25,000,000 CPR acres?

Is all Canada has to say to them written in the Chinese

Immigration Act?

1. Identify this poem and discuss its main stylistic features or rhetorical devices.
2. How does this poem break with conventions both formally and thematically?
3. What prompted the author to write this poem? Explain the historical context in
which this poem was written.
4. How is the author’s ideological position defined through this poem? What was he
reacting against?

PART TWO: Choose two out of the three topics proposed below and write a short
essay on each one, using approximately 250 words in each of the two essays.

1. Discuss the depiction of pioneer life in Susanna Moodie’s writings.

2. Discuss the main sources of inspiration for the Confederation Poets.
3. Discuss the stylistic innovations of the short stories written by Margaret
Laurence, Mavis Gallant, Alice Munro, and Margaret Atwood.

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