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Reimagining Roles: Unraveling the Impossible Dream

By: Abao, Rhanlee D.

UCSOL | Gender Sensitivity and Laws on Women and Children | 1L-M6

A complex web of expectations and norms exists beneath the surface of routine in the
quiet corners of our daily lives, often going unnoticed. It takes a moment of reflection, prompted
by the short film "The Impossible Dream," to untangle the threads of tradition woven into the
fabric of our own lives. As I delved deeper into the film's narrative, I noticed echoes of my own
family dynamics, prompting a profound reevaluation of the roles ingrained in my upbringing.

Growing up, I saw a dichotomy in my parents' roles that reflected stereotypical societal
norms: my father was the unwavering provider, and my mother was the selfless caregiver. It
appeared normal, almost unquestionable, as if passed down through generations. However, the
short film was a moving revelation, highlighting the subtle differences between my parents'
dreams and aspirations.

The male character in the short film resembles my father in many ways, despite my father
being a dedicated breadwinner working tirelessly to support the family. The contrast with the
wife's dream, a desire for a partner who shares domestic responsibilities, struck a deep chord
with me. It was a stark realization that our family had unwittingly followed societal norms,
perpetuating a narrative that limited women to the domestic sphere while men took on the role
of providers.

As I reflect on my mother's unwavering dedication to our family, a veil of silence falls

over her desires and dreams. Did my mother harbor an impossible dream like the film's female
character? A vision of a partnership in which responsibilities were shared, and the burden of
daily chores and childrearing was not placed solely on her shoulders? The film became a mirror
for my family's untold stories, prompting me to question the status quo. The awakening brings
about a renewed sense of responsibility. It inspires me to break free from the inherited mold and
question the traditional roles that have defined my family for generations. My mother's unspoken
sacrifices and the film's portrayal of unfulfilled dreams serve as catalysts for change. It is a call to
action, encouraging me to actively participate in breaking down the barriers of gendered

In order to envision a future in which gender roles are not predefined, we must adopt a
more egalitarian perspective. We must recognize that responsibility for chores and childcare
should not be limited to one gender but should be shared equally by partners. The journey to
breaking free from the shackles of traditional expectations begins with acknowledging the
disparity and actively working for change. The short film "The Impossible Dream" serves as a
reminder, a source of reflection, and a catalyst for transformation. It gives us the ability to
question societal norms, challenge preconceived notions, and strive for a more equitable
partnership within families. As we embark on this transformative journey, we should strive to
unravel the threads of ingrained expectations, weaving a new narrative in which dreams are no
longer considered impossible but rather achievable through shared responsibilities and mutual

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