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In today’s class my students are going to conduct two debates.

The first one is whether

one is for or against immigration and the second one is whether you are for or against
plastic surgery. On this occasion, I`d like to congratulate both teams on the choice of the
subject as they are highly popular nowadays.
If you don`t know the basic rules of the simplified debate format, I`d like to resume them
for you. As you well know by now, there are two sides to any debate. The first one is the
gorvenment or the affirmative group which is for the resolution and the second one is the
negative, or the opposition which is against the resolution. The ones who take the floor
are the affirmative team.Each debator is supposed to deliver a 3 minute speech.Then the
negative side will have to rebute the governments arguments and come up with new ones
of their own. There will also be POI.There are also called points of information.This
happens when one debator wans to ask a question for clarification or hinder his
opponent`s speech. While the debate is going on, the other classmates are supposed to
write down the main arguments in the space provided on their worksheets.
Now, I`m going to play two short videoclips related to the topic and then we shall
proceed with the debate.
Now, who would like to say a few comments on the first debate?

I`d like to tell you a few things about the debate. You should bear in mind that there
should be more facts and figures when it comes to your speeches so that your arguments
get more real and accurate and that you support your opinions with sustainable
arguments.On what |Nicu said about the presence of immigrants that leads to a high level
on unemployment.I partially agree with you. The one for migration say that immigrants
do the jobs the natives aren’t willing to do. Over the last 30 years immigrants are mostly
schooldroputs, wchich means low skill work force. Consequently they have a low income
and mostly belong to governmental benefit programs.This is a huge fiscal burden on the

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