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Factors Affecting The Quality of Life

The quality of life refers to those factors that cannot be measured in

financial terms but are necessary in order to enjoy the benefits of its
wealth. The following are the factors that impact of the quality of life of

1. Level of crime – a high crime level can increase peopl’s fear and
anxiety which can hinder their happiness. They will also spend
much of their income trying to protect themselves from crime.
2. Health – good health is necessary to enjoy one’s wealth. The
availability of doctors, nurses, clinics, hospitals, specialist doctors,
modern machinery and medicine can all have an impact on the
quality of life. Compare the health care system in Brazil to that of
Canada or England or Germany.
3. Education – education impacts upon the way people view life and
thus their lifestyle. Knowledge open their minds to endless
possibilities and opportunities for work and their personal
4. Recreational facilities – rest and relaxation is essential for good
mental and physical health. The availability of cultural centres,
auditoriums, sporting facilities, playparks and playgrounds etc.
Can all contribute to the quality of life.
5. Diet and nutritional levels – a high income will allow people to
have more access to healthy food and a proper diet. This is
necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Compare countries where
people have difficulties finding food to those where food is easily
accessible. Food is the most basic human need.
6. Life expectancy – a low life expectancy in a country can indicate a
poor quality of life and vice versa. A low life expectancy can
signify problems accessing food and good health care.
7. Infant mortality – a high infant mortality rate in a country can also
highlight problems for food and health care for the treatment of

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