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Dear Beloved Children of Light,

God Says to you today, a profound lessons that emanate from the complex and often
misunderstood emotion of hate.
Though hate may seem antithetical to the divine nature, it serves as a catalyst for
growth, offering invaluable insights into the human condition.

Like this Video and May the peace be with you all.

God Says to you that hate resides in the darkest corners of the soul, where it
festers and grows, feeding on fear, anger, and resentment. Hate, like a poisonous
vine, takes root in the soil of the heart, spreading its tendrils through every
thought and action. Hate deceives us with the illusion of power, convincing us that
by tearing others down, we can elevate ourselves.

God Says Hate often wears a mask of false righteousness, cloaking itself in the
guise of justice or moral superiority. Hate echoes the pain we've suffered, turning
our wounds into weapons we wield against others. Hate perpetuates a vicious cycle
of violence, as each act of aggression begets further retaliation and retribution.
Hate locks us in a prison of resentment, where we become trapped by our bitterness
and anger.

God Says Hate blinds us to our shared humanity, leading us to believe that we are
somehow superior to those we despise. Hate erects walls of division between us,
preventing us from seeing the common threads that bind us together. Hate thrives in
echo chambers, where like-minded individuals reinforce each other's prejudices and
animosities. Hate leaves scars on the fabric of society, reminders of the
atrocities committed in its name throughout history. Hate poisons the wellspring of
compassion within us, drying up the reservoir of empathy and understanding.

God Says Hate shackles us to our enemies, binding us together in a destructive

dance of mutual animosity. Hate clouds our vision with a fog of fear, distorting
our perceptions and preventing us from seeing the inherent goodness in others. Hate
thrives in the darkness of ignorance, where fear and prejudice blind us to the
truth of our interconnectedness. Hate tempts us with the allure of revenge,
promising satisfaction but delivering only further pain and suffering.

God Says Hate is a thorn of prejudice that pierces the heart, poisoning our
thoughts and actions with its venomous sting. Hate is a destructive fire that
consumes everything in its path, leaving only ashes and ruin in its wake. Hate
brings tears to the eyes of the innocent, as they suffer the consequences of
others' intolerance and bigotry. Hate distorts our reflection in the mirror,
blinding us to the beauty and diversity that exists within humanity.


In the sacred alignment of 11:11, perceive the presence of divine beings and
angels, guiding your path with love and wisdom.

Type 11:11 and May the repetition of the number 1 in 11:11 remind you of the unity
and oneness within God's creation, a reflection of divine harmony.

God Says Hate can only be healed by the gentle touch of forgiveness, which has the
power to dissolve resentment and restore harmony to fractured relationships. With
each act of kindness and compassion, we usher in the dawn of a new day, where hate
has no place to take root and grow.

God Says Love is the antidote to hate, a powerful force that can overcome even the
deepest-seated animosities and prejudices. Just as hate spreads like wildfire, so
too does kindness have the power to ripple outward, touching hearts and inspiring
acts of compassion in others. Even in the darkest of times, there is a light that
shines bright, guiding us towards the path of understanding, forgiveness, and

God Says When we stand together, united in our common humanity, hate loses its
power to divide us, and we become unstoppable forces for positive change. In the
face of hate and injustice, it takes courage to speak out, to raise our voices in
defense of those who are marginalized and oppressed. In the fertile soil of hope,
even the smallest seeds of love and compassion can take root and flourish,
eventually choking out the weeds of hate that threaten to overtake us. Hate cannot
be passively ignored; it demands active resistance and opposition. We must stand up
against hate in all its forms, speaking out against injustice and intolerance
wherever we encounter it.

In the end, love will always triumph over hate. It is a force more powerful than
any other, capable of transforming even the hardest hearts and bringing about
lasting peace and reconciliation. Forgiveness is not easy, but it is essential if
we are to break free from the chains of hate and move forward toward a future of
healing and reconciliation. Understanding is the key to breaking down the barriers
of hate and prejudice that divide us. It is a beacon of hope that illuminates the
path towards unity and reconciliation. Empathy allows us to see beyond our narrow
perspectives and connect with the experiences and emotions of others. It is a
powerful tool for overcoming hate and building bridges of understanding and
compassion. Diversity is a gift that enriches our lives and strengthens our
communities. It is a reminder that we are all interconnected and interdependent,
regardless of our differences.


Embrace the moment of 12:12 as an opportunity to connect with God's grace and
blessings, bringing clarity and peace into your journey.

Type 12:12 and Connect with the sacred energy of 12:12; may God's divine light
illuminate your path, guiding you toward fulfillment and spiritual growth.

Subscribe to this Channel as God extends a message on the intricate facets of human
experience, including the often turbulent emotion of anger. Despite its tumultuous
nature, anger harbors profound lessons that serve as catalysts for growth and

God Says Anger is a natural emotion, arising from the depths of human experience,
signaling perceived threats to one's well-being. Like a flame ignited, anger burns
within the heart, fueling intense emotions and stirring the soul to action.

God Says Anger can manifest as a fierce storm, brewing within, stirring tumultuous
waves of emotion that threaten to overwhelm. Often, anger wears a mask of rage,
obscuring the deeper vulnerabilities and insecurities that lie beneath its fiery

God Says Anger cries out against injustice, demanding accountability and striving
to rectify perceived wrongs. When nurtured, anger can bind one in chains of
resentment, poisoning the heart and hindering personal growth. Anger fuels the
dance of conflict, escalating tensions and perpetuating cycles of discord and

God Says Anger can empower one to assert boundaries and rights, providing strength
to confront injustice and oppression. Unchecked anger can fester, transforming into
a thorn of bitterness that pierces the soul and impedes forgiveness. Anger yearns
for recognition, seeking acknowledgment of its validity and the grievances it
represents. Healing from anger requires introspection, acceptance, and forgiveness,
paving the way for inner peace and reconciliation. Within anger's flames lies the
seed of transformation, offering opportunities for growth, change, and personal

God Says Anger often stems from ignorance, clouding judgment and obscuring the
truth beneath layers of misconception and bias. Awareness illuminates the shadows
of anger, revealing its origins and providing clarity for constructive resolution.
In moments of anger, introspection becomes a guiding light, leading one to explore
the deeper layers of emotion and motive.

God Says Anger, woven into the fabric of human experience, reflects the diversity
and complexity of the human condition. Emotions intertwine in a symphony of human
experience, each playing its part in the grand orchestration of life. From the
ashes of anger emerges the phoenix of resilience, embodying the strength and
fortitude to rise above adversity. Harmony blossoms amidst the dance of emotions,
fostering understanding, empathy, and mutual respect. Diverse perspectives enrich
the tapestry of human emotion, offering depth, richness, and complexity to the
human experience. Hope shines brightly amidst anger's darkness, guiding the way
toward reconciliation, healing, and renewal. Compassion's ripple extends far and
wide, touching hearts, inspiring change, and nurturing a more compassionate world.
Through the fires of anger, transformation takes flight, leading to growth,
renewal, and positive change. Connection transcends anger's barriers, fostering
empathy, understanding, and solidarity among all humanity


Open your heart to the sacredness of 222; it signifies divine communication and a
connection to higher realms, inviting you to trust in the guidance of the

Type 222 and Trust in the divine timing of 222; it serves as a reminder that God's
plan is unfolding in perfect harmony, leading you toward fulfillment and purpose.

Anger serves as the guardian of boundaries, signaling when our personal or moral
boundaries have been violated. It empowers us to assert ourselves in the face of
injustice or mistreatment, safeguarding our dignity and integrity. Through the
righteous indignation of anger, we affirm our inherent worth and refuse to tolerate
actions that compromise our well-being or violate our principles.

God Says Anger acts as a catalyst for change, propelling us out of complacency and
into action. It galvanizes our resolve to address systemic injustices, challenge
oppressive structures, and advocate for positive transformation. Through the
transformative power of anger, we become agents of change in the world, effecting
meaningful progress and advancing the cause of justice and equality.

Ultimately, anger serves as a crucible for self-mastery, inviting us to harness its

fiery energy for constructive purposes. It challenges us to cultivate patience,
compassion, and resilience in the face of adversity, empowering us to respond with
wisdom and grace rather than react impulsively. Through the mastery of anger, we
attain liberation from its grip, emerging as sovereign beings endowed with the
power to shape our destinies with love and integrity.

Let us transcend the limitations of anger and awaken to the boundless expanse of
divine love that unites us all in the eternal embrace of oneness.

With Boundless Love, Amen.

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