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This is a closed-book test.

Part I: Identification
Identify the following. Complete sentences are not necessary.

1. What historical person does Napoleon represent? (3 points)

2. What historical person does Mr. Jones represent? (3 points)

3. What historical person does Snowball represent? (3 points)

4. Which pig explains Napoleon’s decisions to the other animals to make the decisions seem
beneficial or wise? (3 points)

5. What is the name of the song Major gives the animals? (3 points)

6. What is the wording of the last of the Seven Commandments at the start of the book?
(3 points)

7. What is the wording of the last of the Seven Commandments at the end of the book?
(3 points)

8. What two words are later added to the commandment “No animal shall sleep in a bed” by the
pigs? (3 points)

9. What chant are the sheep taught to continually repeat at the end of the book? (3 points)

10. What is Animal Farm renamed by the pigs in the end? (3 points)

Part II: Short Answer

Answer the following in at least five sentences each, using proper grammar, punctuation, and
11. Explain who Major is (as well as the historical figure he symbolizes) and what at least two of
his basic teachings are. (10 points)

12. Explain who Moses the raven is (and what he symbolizes), and what two of his basic
teachings are, along with how what he teaches contradicts Animalism. (10 points)

13. Explain how Squealer justifies the expulsion of Snowball. Also, explain how Napoleon uses
the absent Snowball as a scapegoat, so that Napoleon does not have to take responsibility
for his own mistakes and weaknesses as a leader. (10 points)

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(REVISED 5/27/2022) St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us!

Part III: Paragraph Answer

Answer the following in a paragraph of at least 150 words each, using proper grammar,
punctuation, and spelling. Include a topic and concluding sentence for each. Be specific and
thoughtful in your responses.
14. Discuss Boxer as a tragic character. Explain who he is, his two mottoes, and his attitude
towards the Revolution. Show how the definition of a tragic figure—someone who is
virtuous, just, and noble, and who is destroyed, not by a sin on his part, but by a flaw or an
error in judgment—applies to his life and death. (20 points)

15. Discuss how the situation for the majority of the animals at the end is basically the same or
worse than it was under Jones. Identify at least two initial benefits and promises the animals
receive after the pigs assume leadership. How are the pigs able to extract themselves from
these agreements? Explain how the pigs are slowly able to assume tyrannical powers over
the other animals. (20 points)

End of Test

Seton Home Study School ENG203_22A

164 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us! (REVISED 5/27/2022)

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