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Question 1.

The article written by Jared Diamond emphasizes the significant part that technical developments
and scientific study play in the process of boosting food supply. In addition, it emphasizes the
need of striking a balance between these advances and the distribution of resources in a
sustainable and fair manner, particularly in areas where resources are few. In the paper, Diamond
believes that, the ability to farm crops and domesticate animals are key factors in a society's
growth. Diamond believe farming is so crucial. I agree with him.

Also he talks about the geographic chances countries have. The argument that he is making is
that geography had a significant part in determining the path that history took and led to
advantages that eventually contributed to Europe's triumph throughout that time period.
Diamond's approach rejects simple explanations for European success and urges a more subtle
understanding of human cultures' evolution and advancement. It emphasizes the role of
environmental and geographic aspects in history and encourages a more holistic look at human

Technological improvements, historic events, geographic background, colonization, politics,

education and culture are most of his claims on nation’s development ideology. I agree with him.

Question 2-

Nations' wealth and worldwide influence have depended on their agricultural, industrial, and
engineering accomplishments. These fields' complicated interaction has frequently dictated a
nation's economic strength, technical growth, and capacity to negotiate international affairs.

Initially agriculturally successful countries built their economies. Agriculture supplied food,
excess, and population increase, allowing communities to thrive. The capacity to harness the
land's resources, grow crops, and domesticate animals helped civilizations build stable societies
and accumulate riches. Agricultural prosperity typically led to economic stability, paving the
way for innovative manufacturing and engineering.

In his article, he talks about several machines that led to developing countries improving
economy. The machines that he refers to are mostly been used in the area of agriculture. So we
can say that if a country is technologically improved and producing machines, they can be
succesful in agriculture too. Between war, peace and trade in the light of technology, he believes
that the war is the most significant one. He talks about such weapons in his paper as well.

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