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1. As a nurse, you are caring for a patient who practices a religion that requires them to
- Respect the patient's religious beliefs and work with them to adjust their
medication schedule.

2. What is the primary reason cultural care is essential in nursing practice?

- To provide care that is respectful and responsive to the patient's cultural beliefs
and practices.

3. Why is cultural competence important in nursing?

- It improves patient outcomes

4. What does cultural competence involve in nursing care?

- Acknowledging and integrating cultural differences

5. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an organization that is culturally

- A focus on assimilating diverse cultural backgrounds into a homogeneous culture

6. What are the steps involved in a cultural self-assessment?

- Identifying cultural baggage, assessing organizational cultural competence, and
providing culturally competent care

7. Which of the following statements best describes cultural self-assessment?

- It is an examination of one's cultural biases and assumptions

8. Nurse Madeleine is a registered nurse who works in a community health center. One
day, she attended a training on cultural competence in healthcare. After the training,
she reflects on her own cultural biases and assumptions and decides to do a self-
assessment. Which of the following is not a factor Nurse Madeleine to consider in
doing a cultural self-assessment?
- Clothing preference

9. Why do healthcare professionals need to follow a systematic, orderly process in the

delivery of
- To guarantee that care is delivered in a culturally appropriate manner.

10. What is the significance of updating healthcare professionals' knowledge and skills?
- To be responsive to the changing demographics

11. A nurse is conducting a culturologic assessment of a patient who is from a different

cultural background. Which of the following would be the most appropriate action
for the nurse to take?
- Ask the patient open-ended questions to explore their cultural beliefs and
12. A community health nurse is conducting a culturologic assessment of a local
immigrant community. Which of the following would be the most effective approach
for the nurse to take?
- Conduct one-on-one interviews with community members to explore their cultural
beliefs and practices

13. How do Blacks, Asians, American Indians, and Eskimos compare to their Anglo-
American counterparts in terms of wrinkling in later life?
- They wrinkle later than Anglo-Americans

14. According to bone density measurements by race and gender, which population has
the densest bones and relatively lower incidence of osteoporosis and hip fractures?
- Blacks

15. Why might the "Mano po" gesture be considered inappropriate in some cultures?
- It involves touching someone's head

16. The magico-religious health paradigm is a belief system that:

- Believes in supernatural forces causing illness

17. According to the holistic health paradigm, how is health perceived?

- A positive process that encompasses more than the absence of signs and
symptoms of disease

18. What is the purpose of symbolism in human communication?

- To connect different aspects of life through shared symbols

19. Which of the following is the definition of illness behavior?

- Any action taken by a person who feels ill to define their health and seek remedies

20. Which behavior is defined as any action taken by a person who believes themselves
to be healthy to prevent disease?
- Health behavior

21. Which behavior is defined as any action taken by a person to manage their illness?
- Sick role behavior

22. Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences behaviors and practices to
maintain health and prevent disease?
- Current location of the individual

23. Which type of healing system is characterized by specialized education and

knowledge, professional responsibility for care, and expectation of remuneration for
services rendered?
- Professional care
24. Which of the following terms can be used to refer to traditional, lay, indigenous or
generic healers?
- Folk healers

25. Which of the following are the types of healing systems in the Philippines?
- All of the above

26. Which of the following terms refers to the conventional medical approach commonly
used in Western societies?
- Western Medicine

27. Which alternative medical system focuses on diet and herbal remedies and
emphasizes the use of body, mind, and spirit in disease prevention and treatment?
- Ayurveda

28. Which of the following treatments uses spiritual energy channeled through a
practitioner to heal the patient's spirit and in turn the physical body?
- Reiki

29. According to Leininger and McFarland, what role should folk healers play in a client's
healthcare team?
- They should be an integral part of the healthcare team and included in as many
aspects of the client's care as possible

30. What is the main difference between professional care and folk care?
- Folk care is focused on traditional healing methods while professional care is
scientific or biomedical-based

31. What role does cultural competency play in adult nursing care in the context of the
transcultural perspective?
- Adult nursing care that is culturally sensitive and patient-centered.

32. Why is it important to have a transcultural perspective when assessing health and
sickness behavior?
- To provide patient-centered care that respects and integrates cultural values while
ensuring well-being and health.

33. Why is it essential to apply the transcultural perspective in evaluating types of

healing systems?
- To provide patient-centered care that respects and integrates different types of
healing systems.

34. This is a belief that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others.
- Ethnocentrism
35. This is an inaccurate perception of others or preconceived judgement s about people
based on ethnicity, race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, social class, size,
disability, religion, language, political opinion, or related personal characteristics.
- Prejudice

36. Which of the following is NOT a component of cultural competence?

- Cultural stereotypes

37. Which of the following best describes cultural imposition in nursing?

- Forcing one's own cultural beliefs and practices onto the patient.

38. Limited knowledge and understanding of cultures usually lead to stereotyping,

discrimination, prejudices, racism, and biases with an attitude set.
- True

39. When a patient expresses cultural beliefs that differ from the nurse's own, what is
the nurse's best approach?
- Respect and acknowledge the patient's perspective without imposing personal

40. Which of the following is an example of a cultural belief that might influence a
woman's experience of childbirth?
- Her religious beliefs regarding childbirth.

41. Tia, a pregnant woman of Hispanic descent, has cultural beliefs that emphasize the
importance of family presence during childbirth. How should you apply the
transcultural perspective in this situation?
- Respect and support Maria's desire to have her family present during labor and

42. What is the primary objective of healthcare providers when applying the
transcultural perspective in childbearing?
- To deliver patient-centered care that respects and integrates cultural values.

43. In the transcultural perspective of childbearing, what is the primary goal when
addressing cultural beliefs?
- To provide care that respects and integrates cultural values.

44. What does the transcultural perspective in childrearing primarily aim to understand?
- The cultural influences and diversity that affect childrearing practices.

45. How might cultural beliefs impact childrearing practices?

- They can lead to diverse approaches to parenting, discipline, and healthcare

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