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### enable telegram notification, change from 0 to 1 if you want to enable telegram

:local isTelegram 0;
###replace telegram token
###replace telegram chat id / group id
### hotspot folder for HEX put flash/hotspot for haplite put hotspot only
:local HSFilePath "flash/hotspot";
### enable Random MAC synchronizer
:local isRandomMacSyncFix 0;

# Get User Data

:local aUsrNote [/ip hotspot user get $user comment];
:local aUsrNote [:toarray $aUsrNote];
:local iUsrTime [:totime ($aUsrNote->0)];
:local iSaleAmt [:tonum ($aUsrNote->1)];
:local iExtCode ($aUsrNote->2);
:local iVdoName ($aUsrNote->3);
:local iTimeMin [/ip hotspot user get $user limit-uptime];
:local iUserReg [/system scheduler find name=$user];
:local iMac $"mac-address"
:local iDevName [/ip dhcp-server lease get [find mac-address=$iMac] host-name];

# Check User Data

:if (($iTimeMin>0) and ($iUsrTime>=0) and (($iUserReg="") or ($iExtCode=1))) do={
/ip hotspot user set $user comment="";
:local iFileMac;
:local mac $"mac-address";
:for i from=0 to=([:len $mac] - 1) do={
:local chr [:pick $mac $i]
:if ($chr = ":") do={ :set $chr "" }
:set iFileMac ($iFileMac . $chr)
# Extend User
:if (($iUserReg!="") and ($iExtCode=1)) do={
:local iTimeInt [/system scheduler get $user interval];
:set iTimeInt ($iTimeInt+$iUsrTime);
:if ($iTimeMin>$iTimeInt) do={ :set iTimeInt ($iTimeMin+$iUsrTime) };
/system scheduler set $user interval=$iTimeInt;
# ADD User
:local iDateBeg [/system clock get date];
:local iTimeBeg [/system clock get time];
:if ($iUserReg="") do={
:local iTimeInt $iUsrTime;
:if ($iTimeMin>$iUsrTime) do={ :set iTimeInt ($iTimeMin+$iUsrTime) };
:do { /system scheduler add name="$user" interval=$iTimeInt \
start-date=$iDateBeg start-time=$iTimeBeg disable=no \
policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \
on-event=("/ip hotspot user remove [find name=$user];\r\n".\
"/ip hotspot active remove [find user=$user];\r\n".\
"/ip hotspot cookie remove [find user=$user];\r\n".\
"/system scheduler remove [find name=$user];\r\n".\
":do {/file remove \"$HSFilePath/data/$iFileMac.txt\"} on-
} on-error={ log error "( $user ) /system scheduler add => ERROR ADD!" };
:local x 10;:while (($x>0) and ([/system scheduler find name="$user"]=""))
do={:set x ($x-1);:delay 1s};
# Save Data File
:if ([/file find name="$HSFilePath/data"]="") do={
:do {/tool fetch dst-path=("$HSFilePath/data/.") url=""} on-
error={ };
:local iValidUntil [/system scheduler get $user next-run];
:if ([/system scheduler find name=$user]!="") do={
/file print file="$HSFilePath/data/$iFileMac.txt" where name="dummyfile";
:local x 10;:while (($x>0) and ([/file find
name="$HSFilePath/data/$iFileMac.txt"]="")) do={:set x ($x-1);:delay 1s};
/file set "$HSFilePath/data/$iFileMac" contents="$user#$iValidUntil";
# Update Today Income
:local iSaveAmt [:tonum [/system script get todayincome source]];
:local iDailySales ($iSaleAmt + $iSaveAmt);
/system script set todayincome source="$iDailySales";
# Update Monthly Income
:local iSaveAmt [:tonum [/system script get monthlyincome source]];
:local iMonthSales ( $iSaleAmt + $iSaveAmt );
/system script set monthlyincome source="$iMonthSales";
# Telegram
:if ($isTelegram=1) do={
:local xVendo;
:for i from=0 to=([:len $iVdoName] - 1) do={
:local chr [:pick $iVdoName $i]
:if ($chr = " ") do={ :set $chr "%20" }
:set xVendo ($xVendo . $chr)
:local iUActive [/ip hotspot active print count-only];
:local iMessage ("<<======New Sales======>>%0A".\
"Vendo: $xVendo %0A".\
"Device: $iDevName %0A".\
"Voucher: $user %0A".\
"IP: $address %0A".\
"MAC: $mac %0A".\
"Amount: $iSaleAmt %0A".\
"Extended: $iExtCode %0A".\
"Total Time: $iTimeMin %0A %0A".\
"Today Sales: $iDailySales %0A".\
"Monthly Sales: $iMonthSales %0A".\
"Active Users: $iUActive %0A".\
"Expiration: $iValidUntil %0A".\
/tool fetch url="$iTBotToken/sendmessage\?
chat_id=$iTGrChatID&text=$iMessage" keep-result=no;
# Random Mac
:if ($isRandomMacSyncFix=1) do={
:local cmac $"mac-address";
:foreach AU in=[/ip hotspot active find user="$user"] do={
:local amac [/ip hotspot active get $AU mac-address];
:if ($cmac!=$amac) do={ /ip hotspot active remove [/ip hotspot active find
mac-address="$amac"]; }
:if ($cause="session timeout") do={
/system scheduler set [find name=$user] interval=5s;

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