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Senior High School 20 BATAM

Assalamnalaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
•the honorable, juries, teachers, and audiences.
First of all. let us convey our gratitude and praise to God, he has giving us health. opportunity.
and happiness so that we feel very happy and healthy today. Without mercy. it is quite impossible for us
to enjoy our life and come today. Then. let us greet and pray to our beloved prophet Muhammad S.AW
who brings us to the path of light and leave the darkness in this life.
All of audiences
First. I would like to intrtkluee my self . My name is Rosdiyanah Ayu Aisiyah Putri. lam from
Senior High School I Jember. In this accasion, I would like to tell you about ASEAN
Economic Community for Indonesia,
'Ille biggest challenge for Indonesia is how to attract as much foreign investment. Not only to
make Indonesia as a target market alone, but choose Indonesia as a prtxluction base for regional and
global markets. AEC is an agenda of integration of ASEAN countries which aims to eliminate or the
obstacles in economic activity across the region. for example in trade in goods. services and
investments. main objective AEC 2015 implemented through four main pillars. namely ASEAN as a
single market and production base Of international, ASEAN as a region With high economic
comrRtitiveness, ASEAN as a region With equitable economic development, and ASEAN as a region
fully integrated into the global economy. HOW can we successfully integrate into the regional and
global if the national economy itself has not been integrated? As we know, the more self-closing and
defensive, the risk is relatively deeper downturn for Indonesia. We Will be in the global

Dear audiences
I think the AEC becomes very necessary to minimize the gap ASEAN countries in terms Of
economic growth by increasing dependence Of the members. AEC can develop the concept Of meta-
national in the food supply chain. and produce a single trading block that can handle and negotiate With
the exporters and importers Of non-ASEAN.
I feel that AEC Will be a opportunity for Indonesia Of trade barriers Will tend to diminish even
be non-existent. It is Will result in increased exports, which in turn Will increase the Gross Domestic
Product Indonesia. On the Other hand, a new challenge for Indonesia in the form Of commodities
traded homogeneity problems, for example for agricultural comrncxlities, rubber, wood product
textiles, and electronics. In this case, the risk Of competition Will arise With the number Of imported
goods Will now in large quantities to Indonesia which Will threaten the local industry to With foreign
products Of much higher quality. This is Will increase the trade deficit for Indonesia.

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