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Vivian Ekaputri

XI Bahasa


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Exelency Ms. Candra and the honorable all of my friends whom I love. First of all, let’s pray and thanks
into our God Allah SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessing. So, we can attend and gather
in this place in good condition and happy situation.

As part of Indonesian society, of course we should be concerned about the current state of the nation's
economy. The current condition of the nation's economy is not getting better, on the contrary, it is
increasingly showing its downturn. In addition, the current condition of the rupiah is increasingly
weakening against the dollar exchange rate. Of course this has also had an extraordinary impact on the
economic life of the grassroots community. This impact is clearly seen in the increase in prices, the
increase in the number of anger due to the many companies going out of business, the increase in the
crime rate due to poverty, and many more.

Commercial activities will greatly assist in improving the nation's economy. The increase in the nation's
economy can be seen from the increase in the standard of living and welfare of its people. Through
trading activities, the standard of living and welfare can increase with the rotation of the economy.
Economic activity, starting from production, distribution, to consumption, will run with measurable
stability. In addition, the government's role is also needed in supporting economic growth through the
trade sector. For example by providing interest-free business capital loans, entrepreneurship training,
and so on. It is hoped that the synergy between businessmen and the government will have a positive
impact on the growth of the Indonesian populist economy.

That's what I can say, maybe what I said earlier is not scientific in nature because it is only based on
research and personal experience. However, I hope that what I said earlier can benefit all of us,
especially the nation and the state, thank you.

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