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Daily Activity

Hello, my name is Natasya Salsabila, I will tell you about my daily activities while at school, and on

I go to school from Monday to Friday, Monday to Friday I wake up and tidy my room, then I get ready
to shower. After showering, I got dressed, then I eat breakfast, and getting ready to go to school

When I’m at school I study in class, and During the break I eat lunch with my friends. When the bell
rang I continued my study activities until it was time to go home

When get home, i clean my house, and took a shower, then I played with gadgets, and I did my
homework. After doing my homework, I eat dinner and tell a story with my mother. After that I got to

My activity on holidays is to wake up and help my mother clean the house. Then during the day I went
to play with my friends, and came home in the afternoon. When I got home I showered and eat, then
after I relaxed and fell sleep

Nama : Natasya Salsabila

Kelas: IX-2

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