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Engineering optimal vaccination strategies: effects of physical properties of the delivery

system on functions

Ge Zhu,a,b Yong-Guang Yanga,b,c and Tianmeng Sun*a,b,c

Key Laboratory of Organ Regeneration and Transplantation of Ministry of Education, Institute of Immunology,

The First Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China. E-mail:

National-local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Animal Models for Human Diseases, Changchun, Jilin, China

International Center of Future Science, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China

Received 5th January 2022, Accepted 23rd January 2022

This review summarizes the recent advances and insights into the applications of drug

delivery systems (DDSs) in vaccination and the impacts of the major physical properties of

DDSs on the success of vaccines.


With rapid developments in medical science and technology, vaccinations have has become the key to solving

public health problems. Various diseases can be prevented by vaccinations, which mimic a disease by using a

small part of the causal organism—also called an antigen—to stimulate the specific immune response to defend

the host against the disease. The interaction between antigens and antigen-presenting cells (APCs) affects the

efficacy of a vaccine. Adjuvants are crucial components of vaccinesvaccinations, optimizing the process of

antigen phagocytosis by the APCs to some extent. However, many vaccinations fail during application in

clinical trials owing to drawbacks of some antigens and adjuvants, such as immunogenicity and high

degradability. Owing to rapid developments in the payload, targeted delivery and controllable release of drug

delivery systems, they may have the potential to improve vaccinesvaccinations. In our review, we discuss

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multiple delivery systems and their role in vaccines and discuss how the major physical properties of delivery

systems ultimately affect the success of vaccines, such as size, morphology, surface charge and elasticity.

1. Introduction

Vaccines Vaccinations are an indispensable component of public health systems, stimulating the immune

system to produce specific immune responses and create protection against the infection and/or disease. Many

diseases, including smallpox, measles, and polio, have been successfully eradicated or have a greatly reduced

incidence owing to the use of vaccines.1. Despite this great progress, vaccination efficacy has been limited by

antigen variability and low immunogenicity. The introduction of adjuvants has largely resolved the problem of

poor antigen immunogenicity and reduced the amount of antigen required, and thus the side effects of

vaccinesvaccinations. However, poor stability, high degradability and unacceptable tolerability of some antigens

and adjuvants limit the efficiency of vaccine application, along with antigen phagocytosis by antigen-presenting

cells (APCs), despite their uptake by APCs triggering the subsequent presentation of antigens and thus

representing an important factor affecting the vaccination efficacy. In 1995, one of the first nanomedicine

doxorubicin liposomal medication, Doxil, was approved for Kaposi’s sarcoma; since then, many material-

composite drugs have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).2–4. Drug delivery

systems (DDSs) have realized degradable biological macromolecular drugs payload, targeted delivery,

controllable release, and favourable pharmacokinetics of drugs.5–9. Therefore, DDSs have the ability to improve

vaccinations. In this review, we illustrate the role and classification of current vaccine delivery systems and

discuss the impact of changes in material properties on the effects of the vaccine, so as to develop more

optimized and suitable vaccine delivery systems in the future.

2. Vaccination mechanisms

Antigens, also called immunogens, are molecules that react with components of the immune system and activate

adaptive immunity. The majority of clinical vaccinations imitate the causative agent of a disease as antigens to

stimulate specific immune responses (Figure Fig. 1). Vaccines can be categorized as live (weakened or

inactivated) and non-live vaccines based on the antigens used. The common types of vaccines that are currently

used are summarized in Table 1. Live vaccines can induce a strong immune response, but there is the potential

for uncontrolled responses in immunodeficient individuals.10. The antigen components of non-live vaccines

include proteins, peptides and polysaccharides.11. Subunit vaccines have a pure composition and high safety, but

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relatively low immunogenicity. Particularly, when faced with the novel coronavirus COVID-19, DNA/RNA

vaccines have great potential for long lasting immune stimulation and anti-pathogen mutation. Inducing

powerful immune responses and maintaining long-term immune memory with low doses of antigen is are a

primary goals of research on contemporary vaccines.

Adjuvants, which are essential for vaccines, are components that enhance and shape antigen-specific

immune responses. Understanding the mechanism of action of different adjuvants is the foundation to

predict the effect of vaccines. Currently, adjuvants can be broadly divided into three categories. The

first comprises immunomodulatory molecules, including pattern recognition receptor (PRR) agonists,

among which toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists are the most widely studied and applied; polycytidylic

acid (poly-IC), an agonist of TLR3, and poly-IC derivatives have been applied in a clinical trial for

tumor treatment,12, and shows potential as an adjuvants in cancer vaccines. Unmethylated 5′-C-

phosphate-G-3′ oligodeoxynucleotide (CpG ODN), an agonist of TLR9, has also been certified as an

adjuvant of vaccines for cancers and infectious diseases in clinical trials.13,14. Another group of

immunomodulatory molecules already used in clinical application are lipid A analogues, such as

monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA).15. The second category comprises particulate formulations, including

aluminum salts, MF59 and virosomes, which are also used in many clinical vaccines.16–19. This group of

adjuvants also serve as delivery agents. The third category is combination adjuvant systems, in which

two types of adjuvants are combined, eliciting an improved effect. Adjuvant system 01 (AS01,

comprising MPLA and saponin) and AS04 (MPLA and aluminum salt) have been clinically approved,

and have satisfactory efficacy.20,21.

2.1. Injection site reactions

Most vaccines are administered subcutaneously, intradermally, intramuscularly or viavia the mucosal

route,22, and in the clinic, the most commonly used injection method is intramuscular.23. This approach

is superior to intravenous injection, in which the vaccine may be cleared by phagocytes in the

circulation, liver and spleen; intravenous injection is used in only a few cancer therapeutic vaccines.24.

Although the immune response to vaccines predominantly occurs in the draining lymph nodes, the type

and number of innate immune cells that the vaccine initially interacts with at the administration site are

critical to the subsequent overall immune response.23,25. Vaccine administration causes tissue damage

and antigen depot formation at the injection site, which acts as a delivery system and leads to

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controllable release of a number of endogenous molecules and antigens. Then, the damage/pathogen-

associated molecular pattern (DAMP/PAMP)–PRR pathways are activated.26,27. Immune and/or non-

immune cells at the injection site release inflammatory factors and recruit pioneer cells of the innate

immune system, the most important of which are macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs). The recruited

immune cells release cytokines and chemokines, which in turn recruit more immune cells, creating a

positive feedback loop.28.

2.2. The innate immune system

The innate immune cells capture and internalize antigens by PRRs; five types of PRR have been

identified: membrane-bound TLRs, C-type lectin receptors (CLRs), cytoplasmic NLRs, retinoic acid-

inducible gene-I-like receptors (RLRs), and several DNA sensors.29. The interaction between

DAMPs/PAMPs and PRRs leads to phagocytosis by the APCs. It has been reported that materials larger

than 500 nm are preferentially endocytosed by macrophages, while smaller materials are more often

phagocytosed by DCs.30. This process promotes the maturity and activation of APCs, which upregulate

the expression of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and co-stimulatory molecules, migrating

to the draining lymph nodes viavia afferent lymph vessels31 and initiating multiple downstream innate

immune pathways.32. Studies have shown that adjuvants in vaccines modulate the migration of immune

cells to the lymph nodes.25,33. Activated DCs serve as the link between innate and adaptive immunity,

triggering the adaptive immune response, presenting the antigen signal to T helper (Th) cells and

determining the type of subsequent immune response.34,35.

2.3. The adaptive immune system

Adaptive immunity can be categorized into two types: cell-mediated cytotoxic immunity and antibody-mediated

humoral immunity. The lymph node is a prime site for immune cell interactions.36. The differentiation and

maturation of T cells mainly occurs in the paracortex (T cell zone), where CD8 + T cells are primed in the central

paracortex and CD4+ T cells in the peripheral paracortex;37; the follicles (B cell zones) provide specific areas for

B cell maturation.38,39. Activated APCs present antigens to naïve T cells viavia MHC molecules. Naïve T cells

differentiate into different types of effector T cells, including Th1, Th2, Th17, T-regulatory cells (Treg) and

cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL).40,41. The cytokines secreted by mature APCs are essential for effective antigen-

specific T cell responses; these include Iinterleukin (IL)-12 for the activation of Th1 cells, IL-4 for Th2

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activation, and IL-17 for Th17 activation. In turn, subsequent adaptive immunity is stimulated, including

triggering of antibody production by B cells, activation of cellular immunity and immune tolerance. At the same

time, memory T cells differentiate into the following three subtypes: central memory cells (TCM), effector

memory cells (TEM) and tissue-resident memory cells (TRM).42,43. The conditions under which memory T cells

differentiate are not only influenced by the host immune environment and the antigen (sustained low T cell

receptor signals, co-stimulation, and cytokines)43,44 The differentiation of memory B cells also results from many

factors, among which class-switch recombination (CSR) and somatic hypermutation (SHM) play a decisive role

in the differentiation bias towards plasma and memory B cells.45,46. The presence of memory B and T immune

cells is crucial for the permanent preventative or curative effects against a disease.47.

Induction of an efficacious specific immune response and maintenance of long-term immune memory with low

doses of antigen is area primary avenues of current vaccine research.

3. Composition of the vaccine delivery system

The effective introduction of delivery systems in novel vaccines plays a crucial role in enhancing and

optimizing vaccine efficacy. The relationship between the delivery system and adjuvant can be broadly

categorized into two groups: (1) the delivery systems with high immune stimulation can effectively

promote the host immune response of the loaded antigen. Although these delivery systems themselves

can act as adjuvants, further studies are required to evaluate their effectiveness, stability, repetitiveness,

and the long-term safety. (2) Vaccine delivery systems with low immune stimulation have excellent

ability to simultaneously deliver antigen and adjuvant into APCs in draining lymph nodes. These

delivery systems generally exhibit good biocompatibility with limited side effects. However, the

efficiencies of encapsulation and release of both antigens and adjuvants will impact the immune

system's vaccine response.

3.1. Delivery systems with high immune stimulation

Aluminum salts were first used as vaccine adjuvants since in 1926 48 and have been applicated in many licensed

human diseases vaccines for more than 90 years, such as diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, anthrax, and

influenza.16. The theory behind their use is that aluminum salts can provide a depot for antigen, resulting in

prolonging prolonged antigen release, promoting promoted the leakage of cytosolic “danger signals”, and

recruiting more inflammatory cells recruitment.49–51. Tremendous efforts were made to develop aluminum

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adjuvants from micron-sized aggregates, predominantly inducing humoral immune response, to nanoparticles,

including γ-phase aluminum oxyhydroxide (γ-AlOOH),52, aluminum oxide (α-Al2O3),53, to a chemically

modified aluminum nanoparticles, such as by polyethyleneimine (PEI),54, increasing cross-presentation and

cellular immune response. Using aluminum salts in conjunction with TLR agonists is a current vaccine adjuvant

strategy, AS04 adjuvant, used in the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Cervarix and the hepatitis B virus

(HBV) vaccine FENDrix, is a combination of aluminum salts and TLR4 agonists to rapidly activate local

immune responses and induce specific vaccine immunity.20,55. Similar inorganic materials, such as calcium

phosphate, mesoporous silica, and zinc oxide, have the potential for antigen delivery and adjuvant activity in

vaccines.56–60. Calcium phosphate has been used as an adjuvant in the diphtheria-–tetanus-–pertussis (DTP)–

polio vaccines.61. Other inorganic materials are still at the research stage and have not been used in a clinical


Emulsion systems have been developed as vaccine adjuvants and delivery systems since 1930, when

complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA), a water-in-oil emulsion, was found to be able to carry an antigen

payload and enhance innate and adaptive immune responses.62. Incomplete Freund’s adjuvant (IFA),

which is formed by the removal of heat-killed mycobacteria from CFA, can also enhance immune

responses and reduce side effects.63. CFA and IFA are now rarely used in human vaccines with the

development of novel adjuvants and delivery systems. MF59, another oil-in-water formulation, is

widely used in influenza vaccines as an adjuvant and delivery system.17,18,64. In recent years, MF59

combined with a TLR agonist can not only enhance the immune response but also alter the type of

immune response elicited. For example, MF59 in formulation with TLR9 or TLR4 agonists, was found

to induce a Th1-biased immune response.65,66.

Virus-like particles (VLPs), including virosomes, are usually based on the highly organized and unified capsid

of a virus. The protein structures of VLPs have the same or highly related overall structures to the corresponding

native virus. The structure of viruses, presenting epitopes in dense repetitive arrays, make them suitable for the

delivery of various antigens.19,67. Viral capsids can also be modified by functional agents, which successfully

enhance target cell uptake and prolong the circulation time. Based on norovirus capsid shell (S) and protruding

(P) domains, two subviral nanoparticles (60-valent S60 and 24-valent P24) have been designed for use in vaccine

formulations, which have high immunogenicity.68. Tan and colleagues69 developed an icosahedral S60

nanoparticle coated with rotavirus protein 8* (VP8*), the major rotavirus-neutralizing antigen. The S60-–VP8*

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nanoparticles significantly improved the humoral immune responses. This provided the theoretical basis for the

S60 nanoparticle as a functional platform for vaccine delivery loaded with other antigens. VLPs are highly

organized spheres, in which nucleic acid is packaged during their synthesis.70,71. VLP modifications can induce

immune responses at the cellular level. In an HPV-tumor mouse model, Hibma and colleagues72 discovered that

PADRE peptide-coated rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) VLPs could successfully enhance T cell

antitumor responses.

3.2. Delivery systems with low immune stimulation

Of these, the best known are liposomes, which have previously been approved for use as delivery systems for

the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine.73. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, liposome-based mRNA vaccines

have also been developed at an unprecedented pace. Traditional vaccines using the inactivated SARS-CoV-2

causal agent of COVID-19 significantly improved the protection from infection; however, the mutated delta

variant, which became the predominant COVID-19 variant during the pandemic, was thought to be 55% to 90%

more transmissible than previous virus variants.74. mRNA vaccines have the potential to react to the mutated

virus, and antigen-independent methods render this approach faster and more efficacious than other

technologies. mRNA/lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology is exemplified in this context by the Pfizer/BioNTech

BNT162b2 and Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine candidates, both encoding the SARS-CoV-2 pre-fusion

stabilized S2P protein, which both showed very high efficacy in Phase 3 clinical trials.74–77. LNP has therefore

become a novel vaccine delivery platform, particularly as a carrier of DNA/mRNA. LNPs are approximately

100 nm in diameter, comprising four compounds: an ionizable lipid, cholesterol, PEGylated lipid, and a helper

lipid such as 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glyceroglycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC) or 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glyceroglycero-3-

phosphoethanolamine (DOPE).78 The safety of LNP depends on the components of the biodegradable nontoxic

phospholipid bilayer shell, and the function can be adjusted by modifying the surface PEGylated lipid with

antibodies, small molecules, carbohydrates, peptides or protein; these modified LNPs are named ligand-targeted

liposomes. The PEGylated lipid component of LNPs consists of polyethylene glycol (PEG) conjugated to a

helper lipid, such as distearoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DSPE). The molecular weight of the PEG can affect

the circulation time of DDSs, and PEGylation can also prevent the clearance of DDSs by the mononuclear

phagocytic system (MPS) or reticuloendothelial system (RES).79.

Polymeric materials are widely used as drug delivery systems owing to their biosafety, biodegradability, nearly

nontoxic nature and controllable release. Using various methods of polymeric particle injection, antigens can

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successfully be presented to the APCs through prolonged release.80. Poly-D,L-lactate-co-glycolic acid (PLGA),

which hydrolyzes in vivo into biodegradable metabolite monomers, lactic acid, and glycolic acid, is a widely-

studied biodegradable delivery system that has been approved by the FDA, and acts as a copolymer in drug

delivery platforms. PLGA has also been studied as a vaccine delivery system for different pathogens, including

hepatitis B virus (HBV),81,82, Bacillus anthracis,83 and cancer.84.

Graphene oxide (GO) is another inorganic material used as a vaccine carrier owing to its biocompatibility and

outstanding capacity for delivery. Development in an alternative means of changing the surface character of GO

vaccines is required to overcome side effects caused by GO, including oxidative stress after vaccine injection.

Wang and colleagues85 devised a novel delivery system using lentinan-functionalized GO for antigen transport,

which improved the uptake of antigen, adaptive immunity, and long-term immune memory. Cui and

colleagues86 revealed that carnosine-modified GO could also mitigate the oxidative stress and inflammatory

responses induced by nanomaterials, and enhanced antigen-induced splenocyte reactivity in mice. As a vaccine

carrier, functionalized GO has significant adjuvant activity, activating cellular and humoral immunity. In the

future, it is expected to be used to improve the efficacy of vaccines.87.

4. Effects of physical properties of delivery systems on their function

For materials to be delivered accurately and efficiently, several obstacles need to be overcome; the barriers are

partly related to the means of administration, but there are some other common obstacles, including high

interstitial pressure impeding the entry of particles into tissues;88,89; elimination by the MPS or RES, in which

endocytosis of materials may be categorized into phagocytosis, macropinocytosis, clathrin-mediated

endocytosis, caveolae-dependent endocytosis, and independent endocytosis;90–92 lysosome degradation;93; and

the presence of nucleases in the case of DNA or RNA vaccines.

Vaccine delivery systems prolong the antigen circulation time;, improve the bioaccumulation in lymphoid

organs;, effectively target immune cells through the regulation of tunable physical properties;, enhance immune

effects, especially the specific immune responses;, shape the type of immune responses;, and significantly

reduce side-effects. Various physical properties of materials have important influence on these processes. The

effects of size, morphology, charge and elasticity on the action and mechanism of the delivery system are

discussed in the following sections and summarized in Table 2.

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4.1. Size

Size is one of the most easily-controlled design parameters. Adjusting the size of materials can not only change

their pharmacokinetics and the circulation time of the vaccine payload but also have a significant impact on the

uptake of antigens by APCs, blood vessel transport, and the draining of lymph nodes and lymphoid organs, thus

changing the type of immune response elicited. Materials of different sizes are metabolized differently in vivo.

Smaller particles (<5 nm) can be excreted directly through the kidneys.94. Spherical particles 100–200 nm in

diameter have the potential to circulate for a long time in the blood.91. In addition, the route and retention time of

materials entering the draining lymph nodes also affect the efficacy of delivery systems. Optimizing the particle

size (<200 nm) can promote their entry into the draining lymph nodes.95. The interaction of Follicular dendritic

cells (FDC) with the materials determines their fate in the draining lymph node follicles to induce germinal

centers and long-term humoral immunity. Zhang96 previously indicated that small particles (5–15 nm) are

internalized and cleared by FDCs within 48 hours, and the fate of larger particles (50–100 nm) was quite

different, which aligned on the surface of FDC and retained for over 5 weeks (Figure Fig. 2A).

Different APCs have different selectivities for materials of different sizes. It is generally accepted that larger

particles (>500 nm) are preferentially taken up by macrophages, and smaller particles by DCs. The mode of

endocytosis also ultimately determines the fate of materials within cells,32, which is influenced by various

factors including cell type and particle characteristics.92. However, this section focuses only on the influence of

size on this process. Materials smaller than 30 nm generally cannot drive membrane wrapping and initiate

phagocytosis; caveolin-mediated endocytosis favors small materials less than 60 nm, and chathrinclathrin-

mediated endocytosis occurs with particles of approximately 120 nm. Macropinocytosis plays a major role in

endocytosis of materials larger than 1 μm.90,91,97. Jin and colleagues98 verified a deterministic kinetic model of

receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME) by using 130–660 nm DNA-wrapped single-walled carbon nanotubes

(DNA-SWNTs) and 14–100 nm Au nanoparticles (AuNPs), and found that both particle types had a maximum

endocytosis rate at a radius of approximately 25 nm when diffusion interactions were taken into account. They

also showed that exocytosis rate constants decreased with increasing nanoparticle or cluster size (Figure Fig.


Notably, micro-particles have some unique advantages in vaccine preparations. Biodegradable micro-particles

loaded with antigens can be used to create biomimetic artificial APCs, which have the advantage of flexibley

assembling assembly of the antigen, immune enhancers, molecular recognition elements and can inducing

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induce potential specific immune responses.99. Liu and colleagues100 prepared poly(lactic acid) microparticles

(PLA-MPs) of uniform size, and verified their high antigen loading efficiency and ability to promote the

internalization of antigens by macrophages, which has have potential to improve vaccine delivery and adjuvants.

Hydrogels have hydrophilic and water-absorbing properties, and can thus expand in water and generate cross-

linking and mesh networks from hydrophilic polymers, forming micro- or nano-size polymer hydrogel

structures.101,102. Hydrogels have the advantage of high drug loading capacities and durable controlled release.103.

Meng and colleagues104 designed an ultrasound-responsive, self-healing hydrogel system, allowing the

controllable release of multiple nanovaccines in a single injection. Under ultrasonic treatment, the hydrogel and

solution state could be transformed. Accompanied with by the releasing of nanoparticles, DCs were stimulated

by antigens to initiate subsequent immune responses. In vivo, established tumors could be inhibited in

combination with an immune checkpoint blockade, with dramatically increasing in the percentages of tumor-

infiltrating CD8 + CTLs and NK1.1 cells. In contrast with to other synthetic materials, hydrogels have a three-

dimensional structure formed by porous and hydrated molecular networks, allowing them to provide space for a

variety of immune cells, a property that is similar to the natural tissue microenvironment. Mooney and

colleagues105 used alginate hydrogels to provide an immune niche for immune cell infiltration, which controlled

the release of granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF). The polymer allowed the

spontaneous and continuous release of GM-SCF, and subsequently induced DC recruitment but did not induce

DC maturation and activation. Yang and colleagues106 developed a vaccine nodule, comprising anti-programmed

cell death protein 1 (anti-PD1) in a self-assembled peptide-based nanofibrous hydrogel (RADA16), resulting in

enhanced T cell immunity, thus holding promise for immunotherapy against cancer and infection.

4.2. Morphology

Morphology is another important controllable parameter of materials. Understanding the relationship between

materials morphology and cellular responses (in both immune and non-immune cells) is essential to developing

effective immune adjuvants and vaccine delivery systems.24. The morphology of materials modulates not only

the efficiency but also the means of uptake by immune and non-immune cells. Under the same diameter, the

efficiency of endocytosis for cylindrical morphologies is higher than spherical.107. Some studies have shown that

long-rod materials are more rapidly internalized and have a stronger activation effect on mouse bone marrow-

derived dendritic cell (BMDC) maturation (CD86/CD80 expression) and the production of cytokines (IL-1β and

IL-6) than short-rod and spherical morphologies (Figure Fig. 3A, and B).108,109. However, other studies have

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shown that spherical materials are more readily ingested than rods by non-phagocyte cells.110,111. It has been

indicated that the membrane encapsulation efficiency is related to the contact area between materials and cells,

and the competition between the diffusion kinetics of the receptor and the thermodynamic driving force.112. The

receptor-mediated membrane wrapping process of elastic NPs with different sizes and shapes has been

systematically investigated using a coarse-grained molecular dynamic (CGMD) simulation. The results showed

that under the same bending constant, the wrapping efficiency of oblate NPs was better than spherical and

prolate NPs (Figure Fig. 3C and, D). In terms of the means of uptake by cells, clathrin-mediated endocytosis is

the most common form of nonspecific uptake;92; rods activate caveolae-dependent endocytosis,113, and triangle

morphologies may enter cells viavia macropinocytosis and phagocytosis.114. Different cells have different

responses to the material morphology; for example, epithelial cells show different interaction efficiencies to

gold rods with different aspect ratios, while the uptake efficiency of macrophages is not affected by this


The way in which material morphology influences the type of immune response remains controversial. Rashad

and colleagues116 suggested that nanofibers enhanced uptake into DCs and the Th1 immune response,

accompanied by the high production of interferon (IFN)-γ, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and antigen-specific

immunoglobulin G (IgG), while nanospheres tend to induce Th2 immune responses. However, Sunny and

colleagues117 came to the opposite conclusion. In vivo small spherical carboxylated polystyrene materials (193

nm) generated Th1 and Th2 immune responses, whereas rod-shaped ones (1530 nm) produced stronger Th2-

biased immunity. Therefore, the morphology does not act alone to determine the efficiency and the means of

uptake, but is complementary to other physical properties, cell types in contact with the materials, and biological

factors such as the surrounding environment, which jointly determine the properties and functions of vaccine

delivery systems.

4.3. Surface charge

The surface charge of materials affects their internalization by immune and non-immune cells, and their

biodistribution. In terms of surface charge alone, cationic materials are thought to easily endocytose in

comparison to anionic and neutral particles.90,118–121. For vaccines, the tendency to be internalized is conducive to

uptake by APCs and thus immune function; however, this is also a primary reason for shorter circulatory

timeframes. There are many factors affecting the surface charge of materials, including the biomolecules being

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carried and the biological environment. When particles aggregate in vivo, especially in blood circulation, a

‘protein corona’ forms on the surface. Nanoparticles are rapidly covered by selected biomolecules, such as

coagulation, immunoglobulin, apolipoprotein, and complement.122,123. The composition of ‘protein corona’ is not

only affected by the material, size, and surface modification of nanoparticles, but also by the complex biological

environment.124. The surface charge usually decides the inner protein corona also called hard protein corona,

which changing the surface properties and cellular uptake of the material in vivo.125–127 Changes in the biological

microenvironment also alter the properties of materials affected by surface charge, such as the presence of a

dense extracellular matrix and abnormal lymphatic vessels in the tumor microenvironment, leading to reduced

permeability of the material, especially for cationic particles.128. Sun and colleagues129 constructed poly(ethylene

glycol)-block-poly(D,L-lactide) (PEG-b-PLA) nanoparticles coated with different lipids to yield materials with

positive, neutral or negative charges; the cationic nanoparticles had an inferior blood circulation time compared

with the anionic and neutral particles, but outperformed both in terms of tumor penetration and tumor growth

suppression (Figure Fig. 4A–C). To develop targeted and effective vaccines, the design of materials with

conditional responsive charge conversion may overcome the obstacles presented in this section. This kind of

delivery system is required to ‘switch off’ internalized antigens until the target organ is reached, also known as

controlled release.130. Using charge properties, a mannosylated zwitterionic-based cationic liposome system

(man-ZCL) was constructed by Qian and colleagues131 based on the endosomal/lysosomal escape ability of

zwitterionic lipid distearoyl phosphoethanol-amine-polycarboxybetaine (DSPE-PCB). This system was able to

compound DNA antigens, forming a tight structure to protect it from ribozyme degradation in vivo, which

significantly enhanced anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) immune responses with low toxicity, and

induced Th1/Th2 mixed immunity (Figure Fig. 4D, and E).

4.4. Elasticity

Apart from the size, morphology and surface charge of materials, elasticity has recently become a major focus

as a parameter affecting internalization in APCs, especially macrophages and DCs. Elasticity can be also

explained as softness, which is mainly calculated by a using Young’s modulus. Soft particles (100 kPa) have

been found to interact with macrophages only briefly, and rigid materials (10 MPa) yield up to five times more

efficient cellular uptake by bone marrow derived monocytes (BMDMs) compared with soft nanomaterials.

Softness acts in conjunction with morphologies and size to determine the internalization of particles.132.

Elasticity not only affects the interaction of particles with phagocytes such as macrophages but also has an effect

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on uptake by cancer cells. Hui133 showed that the elasticity of particles affects the type of interactions between

particles and cells, in turn affecting the efficiency of particle internalization by the cells. The receptor-–ligand

reaction and membrane encapsulation that occur during particle uptake can also deform softer particles,

affecting the endocytosis of softer particles (Figure Fig. 5A–C). However, this does not necessarily mean that

rigid nanomaterials have a superior uptake efficiency. In another study, Xia and colleagues134 created a PLGA

nanoparticle-stabilized Pickering emulsion adjuvant system (PPAS), indicating a high antigen-loading capacity

and an amplified mechanosensory ability. The pliability and lateral mobility of this antigen-loaded Pickering

emulsion were important factors in enhancing the efficacy of vaccination especially in protection against B16-

mucin 1 peptide (B16-MUC1) and influenza virus compared with aluminum salts (Figure Fig. 5D and, E).

5. Perspectives

The development of vaccinations has occurred over a long time, during which different components of vaccines,

including antigens, adjuvants and delivery systems, have been developed. The introduction of novel delivery

systems has further optimized vaccine development. At present, research into vaccine delivery systems can be

usefully divided into two parts. First, the mechanism of action of the existing delivery system of the vaccine

should be further clarified and optimized. An in-depth understanding of the mechanism, optimizing the means of

administration, and reducing toxic and side effects are important for the application of the vaccines in the

general population. Second, the development of novel vaccine delivery technologies is based on a full

understanding and analysis of current unmet needs, and the impact of the physical properties of materials on

their mechanism, the interactions between materials and the host immune system. When we pursue the

efficiency and specificity, adequate safety is still a primary requirement of human vaccines. For example, the a

high oil content does not meet the safety or quality standards for human vaccine. The ideal vaccines should be

simple in composition, provide adequate immune protection and long-term efficacy against the diseases they

aim to protect against, provide protection against mutant variants of the causal agent, and be administered in a

non-invasive way. To achieve this goal, concerted efforts and cooperation among various industries are still


Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts to declare.


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This work was supported by grants from the National Key Research and Development Program of

China (2017YFA0208100), NSFC (32171379, 91642208, 81871478, and 81422026), Jilin Scientific

and Technological Development Program (20190201094JC, and 20200301007RQ), Interdisciplinary

Innovation Project of the First Hospital of Jilin University (JDYYJCHX001), and the Fundamental

Research Funds for the Central Universities, JLU.


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Fig.Figure 1 Mechanism of vaccines. Tissue damage and depot formation occurs at the injection site after

vaccine administration viavia different routes, resulting in the recruitment of cells of the innate immune system.

In draining lymph nodes (dLNs), the activated antigen-presenting cells (APCs) present antigens to naïve T and

B cells, initiating adaptive immunity and leading to the generation of mature and memory immune cells with

various executive functions. (IFN: interferon, TNF: tumor necrosis factor, IL: interleukin).

Fig.Figure 2 The interaction of antigen presenting cells (APCs) with nanoparticles (NPs) of different sizes. (A)

Small particles (5–15 nm in size) are internalized and cleared by follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) within 48

hours; the fate of larger particles (50–100 nm) is quite different, with retention for over 5 weeks (aligned on the

surface of FDCs.96. (B) Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) have a

maximum endocytotic rate at a radius of approximately 25 nm, verified by the deterministic kinetic model of

receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME).98. Reprinted from ref. 96 with the permission from American Chemical

Society, copyright 2019; Reprinted from ref. 98 with the permission from American Chemical Society,

copyright 2009.

Fig.Figure 3 The effect of nanoparticle (NP) morphology on NP–cell interaction. (A) Representative TEM

images of AlOOH nanorods obtained after a synthesis period of 2 h (Rod 1), 3 h (Rod 2) and 24 h (Rod 5). (B)

Long rod particles had a stronger activating effect on bone marrow derived cell (BMDC) maturation and

production of cytokines than short rod and spherical particles.109. (C, and D) Under the same bending constant,

the NP morphology plays a significant role. Membrane wrapping efficiency for the different morphologies of

NP is ranked as follows: oblate > spherical > prolate.112. Reprinted from ref. 109 with the permission from

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American Chemical Society, copyright 2013; reprinted from ref. 112 with the permission from American

Chemical Society, copyright 2019.

Fig.Figure 4 Application of cationic nanoparticle (NP) systems in vaccines. (A) Poly(ethylene glycol)-block-

poly(D,L-lactide) (PEG-b-PLA) can be tuned by various lipids to yield three groups of nanoparticles with

positive, neutral or negative charges. Cationic PEGylated nanoparticles had better tumor penetration (B) and

suppressed tumor growth (C).129. (D) Using the particle charge properties, a mannosylated zwitterionic-based

cationic liposome system (man-ZCL) was constructed. (E) Man-ZCL0.4/5 enhanced human immunodeficiency

virus (HIV) DNA Env-specific T cell proportion and all groups treated with man-ZCL lipoplexes exhibited a T

helper type (Th) 1/Th2 mixed immune responses (1 < Th1/Th2 < 2).131. Reprinted from ref. 129 with the

permission from Elsevier, copyright 2016; reprinted from ref. 131 with the permission from Elsevier, copyright


Fig.Figure 5 Effects of nanoparticle (NP) elasticity on cellular interactions. (A) Cellular uptake and binding of

silica nanocapsules (SNCs) were measured at 4 °C℃ and 37 °C℃. Both the uptake and binding of SNCs by

macrophages and SKOV3 (human ovarian adenocarcinoma cells) increased with SNC elasticity. During uptake,

stiff SNCs remained spherical (B, top) and soft SNCs were deformed (B, bottom). SNC morphological changes

played an important role in modulating cellular uptake (C).133. A poly-(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA)

nanoparticle-stabilized Pickering emulsion adjuvant system (PPAS) with an amplified mechanosensory ability

enhanced antigen uptake (D) and functioned as a potent adjuvant for an intranasal lethal dose of influenza

(A/FM/1/47, H1N1) and mucin 1 peptide (MUC1) anti-tumor vaccines (E).134. Reprinted from ref. 133 with the

permission from American Association for the Advancement of Science, copyright 2020; reprinted from ref.

134 with the permission from Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, copyright 2018.

Table 1 Summary of common types of vaccines

Vaccine type Description Strength of Limitations Example

immune response vaccinations

Inactivated Inactivated Inactivated People may need Hepatitis A, Fflu,

vaccines use a vaccines do not several doses over Ppolio, Rrabies

killed version of usually provide time (booster

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Vaccine type Description Strength of Limitations Example

immune response vaccinations

the causal immune vaccines) in order to

pathogen as an protection that is obtain ongoing

antigen as strong as live immunity against the

vaccines disease

Live-attenuated Live vaccines This kind of Not suitable for Measles,

use a weakened vaccine creates a immunocompromised Mmumps,

(or attenuated) strong and long- patients Rrubella,

form of the lasting immune Rrotavirus,

This vaccine must be
causal pathogen response Ssmallpox,
stored at low
as an antigen Cchickenpox,
Yyellow fever

mRNA mRNA vaccines mRNA itself has This vaccine must be COVID-19

stimulate the limited stored at low

production of immunogenicity; temperatures

proteins by the the protein

recipient in translated by the

order to trigger recipient may

an immune elicit a very

response strong immune


Subunit, Subunit, These vaccines People may need Hib (Hhemophilus

recombinant, recombinant, generally several doses over influenzae type B)

polysaccharide, polysaccharide, produce a very time (booster disease, Hhepatitis

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Vaccine type Description Strength of Limitations Example

immune response vaccinations

and conjugate and conjugate strong immune vaccines) in order to B, Hhuman

vaccines use response that is obtain ongoing papilloma virus

specific pieces targeted to key immunity against the (HPV),

of the pathogen, parts of the disease Ppneumococcal

such as protein, pathogen disease,

sugar, or capsid Mmeningitis,

(casing) Sshingles

Toxoid Toxoid vaccines Toxoid vaccines People may need Diphtheria;

use a toxin do not usually several doses over Ttetanus

(harmful provide time (booster

product) made immunity vaccines) in order to

by the pathogen (protection) that obtain ongoing

that causes a is as strong as immunity against the

disease live vaccines disease

Viral vector Viral vector Viral vaccines This type of vaccine COVID-19, Zzika,

vaccines use a are easily raises concerns about Fflu, Hhuman

modified recognized by the virus integration with immunodeficiency

version of a host immune the genome of the virus (HIV)

different virus system and elicit recipient

as a vector to a strong immune

deliver response


Table 2 Summary of the effects of materials physical properties on their functions

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Materials Model Immunological effects

Effects of size

CdSe/ZnS Renal filtration threshold Hydrodynamic diameter smaller

than 5.5 nm results in rapid and

efficient urinary excretion94

AuNPs Lymph node follicles Follicular dendritic cells clear

small particles (5–15 nm) within

48 h, and retain larger ones (50–

100 nm) for over five weeks96

DNA-SWNTs, AuNPs, PLGAs Deterministic kinetic model Both SWNT and AuNP have a

maximum endocytotic rate at a

radius of approximately 25 nm


PLGAs, PVAs Melanoma Biodegradable microparticles

loaded with antigens can be

used to make biomimetic

artificial antigen-presenting


PLA-MPs RAW264.7 PLA-MPs have a high antigen

loading efficiency and an ability

to promote the internalization of

antigens by macrophages100

Nanocomposites Melanoma Ultrasound-mediated gels

provide controllable and durable

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Materials Model Immunological effects

vaccine delivery104

Alginate gels — Alginate gels provide a

spontaneous and continuous

release of GM-SCF and induce

dendritic cell recruitment105

Nanofibrous gels Lymphoma Self-assembled nanofibrous gels

enhance T cell immunity106


Mesoporous silica nanoparticles A375 cell MSNs with larger aspect ratios

(MSNs) were taken up in larger amounts

and had faster internalization


AlOOH nanorods THP-1 cell Long rods stimulate greater

NLRP3 inflammasome
activation and IL-1β


Polystyrene (PS) NPs HelaHeLa cell The cellular uptake of spherical

PS NPs is greater than rod-

shaped particles110

AuNPs HelaHeLa cell Spheres have a higher

probability of entering the cell

compared with rods111

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Materials Model Immunological effects

MSNs Caco-2 cell More efficient cellular uptake is

observed with rods than


AuNPs RAW264.7 A higher cellular uptake is

observed with triangles than

rods or stars114

Gold nanorods (GNRs) A549 cell Epithelial cells have different

interaction efficiencies with

HelaHeLa cell
gold rods with different aspect
J774A.1 cell ratios, while the uptake

efficiency of macrophages is not

affected by the aspect ratio115

Peptide amphiphile (PA)/ODNs Balb/c mice Nanofibrous morphologies

enhance Th1 immune responses,

while nanospheres tend to

induce Th2 immune responses116

Carboxylated polystyrene Balb/c mice Spherical particles (193 nm)

particles generate Th1 and Th2 immune

responses, while rods (1530 nm)

stimulate stronger Th2-biased



Hydroxyapatite (HAP) NPs MC3T3-E1 cell HAP NPs with positive surface

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Materials Model Immunological effects

charges have superior

biocompatibility and higher

cellular uptake in osteoblast cell

line compared with those with

negative charges118

Amine-containing hydrogels Alveolar macrophages (AM) Cationic particles increase AM

association and promote lung

dendritic cell (DC) maturation119

AuNPs HelaHeLa cell When particles aggregate in

vivo, a ‘protein corona’ changes

the surface properties and
bEnd.3 cell cellular uptake of the


Silica and polystyrene NPs Quantitative proteomic data When NPs enter the

physiological environment,

protein coronas rapidly establish

and modulate the

pathobiological effects127

PEG-b-PLA NPs Tumor model Cationic PEGylated

nanoparticles revealed better

tumor penetration and

suppressed tumor growth

compared with others129

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Materials Model Immunological effects


Discoidal polymeric RAW264.7 Rigid materials promote more

nanoconstructs (DPNs) efficient cellular uptake by bone

marrow derived macrophages

compared with soft materials132

SNCs RAW264.7 The elasticity of particles affects

the types of interactions

SKOV3 cell
between particles and cells, and

thus the efficiency of their

internalization by those cells133

Pickering emulsion Lymphoma Pliability and lateral mobility of

antigen-loaded Pickering
emulsion are important factors
Influenza in enhancing vaccination134

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