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Write your opinion on some of the themes below.

Explain in at least 300 words for each


1. Challenges of Globalization in the Digital Age: In the context of globalization and the

digital era, explain how the development of information technology has influenced cross-

cultural communication and international relations. Provide specific examples that support

your viewpoint.

2. The Influence of Literature in Understanding Social Realities: How does literature

influence our perception of social and cultural realities? Choose relevant literary works to

support your argument and explain how these works reflect or respond to real-world issues.

3. Positive and Negative Impacts of Social Media. Analyze the positive and negative of social

media in daily life. Discuss how social media affects communication, social relationships,

as well as political and cultural dynamics.

4. The significance of English Language Skills in a Global Career. Why have English

language skills become crucial in today’s global job market? Explain how proficiency in

English can open career opportunities and provide a competitive edge in the global arena.


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