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Social distance to safeguard ourselves. The term social distance is familiar with our ears since
it’s typically mentioned these days. Is social distancing extremely important? Yes, it’s vital for
the United States to safeguard ourselves amid the pandemic. In step with federal agency, social
distancing is “keeping a secure area between yourself and other people.

The United Nations agency doesn’t seem to be from your household. The government urges the
United States to try to do social distancing within the thick of pandemic to inhibit or break the
chain of the unfolding of the coronavirus. Several firms and colleges area units closed and other
people area unit operating and learning reception.

Events involving an outsized variety of individuals also are prohibited. These areas unite the
ways in which to forestall the United States from the exposure of the virus. Some may argue that
as long as we tend to wash our hands and wear masks, it’s okay to travel outside or perhaps go
on vacation.

However, social distancing will facilitate the United States in combating coronavirus. The
federal agency additionally says that social distancing “helps limit opportunities to come back
in reality with contaminated surfaces and infected folks outside the home. This may cue the
United States that social distancing isn’t a trivial factor which individuals can ignore.

Finally, we should always keep a distance whenever we tend to go outside to try to do one
imperative thing. Continually wear masks and keep a distance with folks. We must always avoid
attending any event that involve many folks and most significantly, occupy home.


1. What is hortatory exposition text?
2. What is the generic structure of the text?
3. What information can we get from the thesis?
4. What information can we get from the recommendations?
5. What information can we get from the recommendation?
6. What is the topic of the text above?
7. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
8. How many arguments are there in the text? What are they?
9. What recommendations given by the writer?
10. Do you agree with the opinion of the writer? Explain your answer!

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