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NAMA: Rizky Rafy Mahendra


NO : 30

Horatory exposition (A. Covid 19 makes people in danger )

Social Distancing to Protect Ourselves

The term social distancing is familiar in our ears since it is often mentioned nowadays. Is social
distancing really important? Yes, it is important for us to protect ourselves amid the pandemic.
According to CDC, social distancing is “keeping a safe space between yourself and people who are not
from your household”.

The government urges us to do social distancing in the midst of pandemic to inhibit or break the chain of
the spread of the corona virus. Many of companies and schools are closed and people are working and
studying at home. Events involving a large number of people are also prohibited. These are the ways to
prevent us from the exposure of the virus. Some might argue that as long as we wash our hands and
wear masks, it is okay to go outside or even go on vacation.

However, social distancing can help us in combating coronavirus. CDC also says that social distancing
“helps limit opportunities to come in contact with contaminated surfaces and infected people outside
the home”. This can remind us that social distancing is not a trivial thing which people can ignore.

Finally, we must always keep a distance whenever we go outside to do something urgent. Always wear
mask and keep a distance with people. We should avoid attending any event that involve many people
and most importantly, stay at home.

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