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Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. I am Angel Chloe U.

Pineda, in front of you to explain and broaden your

knowledge about the COVID-19 pandemic that we are experiencing nowadays. As we all experienced or
should I say experiencing still, the COVID-19 pandemic surprised a lot of people. It just happened
suddenly, which made many people suffer. So to start off our discussion, let us know first what is COVID-
19 and what causes it. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2
virus. The majority of virus-infected individuals will experience a mild to severe respiratory disease and
will recover without the need for special care. However, some people will get serious illnesses and need
to see a doctor. Serious sickness is more likely to strike older persons and those with underlying medical
illnesses including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or chronic respiratory diseases. COVID-19 can
cause anyone to become very ill or pass away at any age. The COVID-19 epidemic has caused a shocking
loss of life on a global scale and poses an unprecedented threat to food systems, public health, and the
workplace. The pandemic's terrible economic and social disruption is a tragedy. Numerous businesses
are in danger of dying out. The livelihoods of over half of the 3.3 billion workers worldwide are in
jeopardy. Workers in the informal economy are particularly vulnerable because the majority do not have
access to social safety, high-quality healthcare, or productive assets. Many people are unable to provide
for themselves and their family during lockdowns because they lack the means of earning a living. For
the majority, going without food means eating less unhealthily or, at best, not eating at all. Particularly
vulnerable to the consequences of COVID-19 are those that are currently dealing with humanitarian
crises or emergencies. It is crucial to react to the pandemic quickly while making sure that relief and
rehabilitation aid reaches those who need it the most. The globe needs to unite in solidarity and support
those who are most in need, especially in the growing and developing world. Only by working together
will we be able to combat the pandemic's interconnected health, social, and economic effects and stop it
from worsening into a protracted humanitarian and food security crisis that could undo development
progress that has already been made. So, moving on to our main goal, to discuss how we can prevent the
spread of COVID-19 pandemic. There are many ways your actions can help protect you, your household,
and your community from severe illness from COVID-19. First is simply wear your masks everywhere,
and anywhere. Masks are designed to catch the droplets and debris when you cough, sneeze, and inhale.
Masks come in many different varieties. Different masks offer varying degrees of protection.Respirators,
like the N95, are designed to fit snugly against the face and filter out particles, including the virus that
causes COVID-19, in order to protect you. In order to prevent spreading germs to others, they can also
stop the droplets and particles you breathe in, cough, or sneeze out. Compared to masks, respirators
(such the N95) offer a better level of protection.It's crucial to pick a mask or respirator (like the N95) that
you can wear properly, that fits snugly over your mouth and nose, and that offers effective protection.
Second, is to keep distance to other people as far as possible. Virus particles can be present in the tiny
particles that humans breathe out. You are more likely to be exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19
the more persons you are in close proximity to. You might wish to stay away from busy settings or
maintain a safe distance from other people in order to prevent this potential exposure. Additionally, in
environments where there are numerous risks for exposure, these measures safeguard those who are
highly susceptible to developing severe COVID-19-related illness. Third, is to avoid contact with people
who have suspected or tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Whether or not they appear ill, avoiding
contact with COVID-19 carriers can lower your risk of contracting the virus from them. If at all possible,
stay away from COVID-19 patients until they can safely come out of home isolation. In some cases, you
might not be able to avoid a person with COVID-19 or you might want to assist in their treatment. Use as
many preventive measures as you can in certain circumstances, such as washing your hands frequently,
donning a high-quality mask as directed, enhancing ventilation, and avoiding close contact with anyone
who is ill or who has tested positive. Fourth on the list is to seek treatment if you have COVID-19 or if
you have a very high risk of getting it. Stay at home when you are suspected to be infected of it so no
other people will be infected as well. Effective treatments are now widely available and free, and you
may be eligible. Lastly, is to get yourself vaccinated. The COVID-19 vaccine aids in the body's
development of defenses against the COVID-19 virus. Even though the virus that causes COVID-19 can
occasionally infect vaccinated individuals, staying up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations significantly
reduces the risk of developing severe illness, requiring hospitalization, or passing away from COVID-19.
Everyone who is eligible should obtain a booster shot and continue to receive COVID-19 vaccinations,
especially those with compromised immune systems, according to the CDC. We all know that to follow
all of these guidelines and protocols is not easy. They are definitely disruptive and challenging but they
do have evidence to show that they work when implemented broadly, widely, and followed by everyone.
We don’t want this pandemic to stay for a longer period of time that is why as long as possible, we must
follow these safety guidelines not only for ourselves but also for other people around us. Your simple
kind action will definitely have a great impact to out world, so let us all help each other to end this
pandemic. Thank you for listening hope you learned a lot!

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