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Good morning to my fellow Filipino.

So first in first this is for information, guidelines and

restrictions for covid 19. So what is covid 19 or also known as corona virus, Coronavirus

disease (COVID-19) is an infectious illness caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus that has killed

many people throughout the world. The majority of those infected with the virus will develop

mild to moderate respiratory disease and will recover without the need for specific

treatment. Some, though, will get very ill and require medical treatment. People over the age

of 65, as well as those with underlying medical diseases such as cardiovascular disease,

diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, or cancer, are at a higher risk of developing serious

illness. Anyone of any age can become very ill or die as a result of COVID-19.

So, how can we keep the Corona virus from spreading? (covid 19), first, you need to

cooperate at this year of pandemic, all of us still having a battle against disease that everyone

can’t even see. I just want to address the limitation so still we can avoid being infected of

contagious disease. I’m hoping for everyone attention to cooperate so this disease will end,

and we will back to normal.

I just want to call the attention of parents or guardian, you as a parent either a grandparent

you need to guide or regulate your child such as, maintain a safe distance from others at least

1 meter, wear facemask in public places specially indoors or when physical distancing is not

possible, clean their hands often use soap and water or alcohol-based and rub, get vaccinated

as soon as possible. Also, as advice, properly fitted masks can help prevent the spread of the

virus from the person wearing the mask to others. Masks alone do not protect against COVID-

19 and should be combined with physical distancing and hand hygiene. If you have a fever,

cough and difficulty of breathing, seek for medical attention. Call in advance so your

healthcare provider can direct you to the right health facility. This protects you and prevents
the spread of viruses and other infections.

Furthermore, to those who have any problem about family finances and those hit hardest of

covid-19 our fellow here in government will having a program called “ayuda” this program is

for those who affect the most of covid-19. so there is no worry about daily needs just chill

and relax we need to get back as soon as possible that everyone’s ambition.

To sum it up, corona virus prevention can be done easily. All of us must work together to

create a safe environment for everyone to live healthily. Also, make sure to follow the Covid-

19 guidelines and restrictions so all of us may return to normal like before.

Thank you for listening. :)

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