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PRACTICE test 03

Liza, a 32-year-old woman, is admitted for treatment of partial and thickness burns on the lower half of
her body. Her superior lower extremity is affected her half abdomen and genitalia is also burned. Her
feet is unaffected.

1. Compute the burn percentage of Liza using the rule of nine.

4.5 abdomen
1 genitals
36 Whole circumference
41.5 - TOTAL

2. The nurse applies sulphamylon cream to Liza’s burns. This will..

a. relieve the pain
b. inhibit the bacterial growth
c. provide debridement
d. prevent scar tissue formation
3. Pig’s skin temporary grafts are used for Lisa’s burns. The grafts will:
a. relieve the pain
b. promote rapid epithelialization
c. provide a framework for granulation
d. all of the above

4. Liza suffers from periodic episodes of dyspnea. The BEST position for her is..
a. orthophneic c. semi-fowlers position
b. sims d. supine
Mrs. Salvador is 61 years old. She has a history of hypertension over past 15 years. She complains of
dyspnea and pedal edema.
5. the dyspnea is PROBABLY due to:
a. asthma
b. left ventricular failure
c. wheezing and coughing
d. none of the above
6. Mrs. Salvador has been prescribed hydrochlorothiazide. A COMMON side effect of this drug is…
a. insomnia
b. increased thirst
c. generalized weakness due to hypokalemia
d. increased muscle strength as a result of hypercalcemia
7. Mrs. Salvador is prescribed a potassium supplement because of the diuretic she is taking.
Potassium supplement:
a. are completely harmless
b. should not be taken on an empty stomach since it can cause GI ulceration and bleeding
c. posses no side effects at all
d. all of the above
Mr. Dela Cruz had a partial nephrectomy done and is admitted with a nephrostomy tube in place.
8. The MOST common life-threatening complication in the early post-operative period is:
a. Sepsis c. hemorrhage
b. Renal failure d. none of the above
9. Nurse Evelyn’s post-operative plan for Mr. Edwards should include:
a. turning him from back to operated site to facilitate drainage
b. keeping him on clear fluid for 24-48 hours
c. draining dressing frequently
d. all of the above
10. upon discharge, Mr. Dela Cruz, is discharged with nephrostomy tube in place. The nurse should
instruct the client to…
a. change dressings frequently
b. limit fluid intake
c. maintain bedrest at home
d. all of the above

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