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It was summer, nearly the end of classes, and like other

years we wanted to do a school trip. In spite of the high
heat, all my classmates decided to go. The leaving was
at half past eight and we were very excited about the
excursion to Monfragüe, because for some students it
was the first time we had slept in somewhere far from
our home. The bus arrived at lunch time, we ate some
sandwiches and our PE teacher said to start a long trek.
It was exhausting, so we arrived at the huts at night.
Some of us were a bit nervous, and suddenly a strange
noise sounded from a shrub. We looked at it fastly but
there wasn’t anything so we let it go. But that isn't all,
because the teacher told us he had made a treasure
hunt, but it was late and we were afraid.
After a long search around the near countryside, the
clues send us to a tin path. Obviously, my classmates
and I wanted to win, so we went through it, when
suddenly a deer appeared in the walk. Our reaction was
a scream, which disturbed it, and started running.
Hopely, anyone was hurt. When we arrived at the huts,
the teachers didn’t believe us, but we promised it was
real. It was a trip I’ll never forget.

Hugo García Redondo 4ºESO-1

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