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Research activities are aimed at studying current problems and prospects for economic
growth in the agricultural sector, taking into account integration processes in the economy.
The key areas of scientific research of the department are:
 Sustainable development of the agricultural sector of Kyrgyzstan
 Resource potential for sustainable development
 Issues of competitiveness of agricultural enterprises
 Export potential of the agricultural sector of the republic
 Cooperation between universities and business in the field of innovative development
 Digitalization of agriculture
 Investment strategy in the agro-industrial sector
These areas reflect a wide range of interests in the research activities of the department, aimed at
solving current problems of the agro-industrial complex of the Kyrgyz Republic , promoting
sustainable development and innovative progress.
The department's research work is actively developing through publications in authoritative
scientific publications, indexed in international databases such as Scopus and RSCI . These
publications reflect the department's contribution to the development of science and research in
the field of economics, agro-industrial sector, ecology and agriculture.
Scopus databases for the 2023 calendar year:
1. Kozhogulova V.S., Kozhomkulova A.K., Sheralieva Zh.A. _ “Sustainable development of the
agricultural sector of Kyrgyzstan in an integrated environment” // Third International Scientific
Conference on Construction Mechanics, Hydraulics and Water Maintenance. 2023 Web of
Science . _ _ _
2. Resource potential for sustainable development of agriculture in the Kyrgyz Republic /
Nurzhamal Parpieva , Matikeeva Nazgul , Sheralieva Zhanyl , Adylbekova Nurzat , Amatova
Urmatkan - Text: direct // International conference “Scientific and technological development of
the agro-industrial complex for sustainable development”. - E3S Conference Network 380 ,
01022. - 2023.
3. Nurzat Totubaeva , Ainura Batykova , Tamas Karses , Akylbek Osmonaliev , Victoria
Sultanalieva "Ecological aspects of the use of soil enzymes as indicators of anthropogenic soil
pollution." Scientific journal: "Scientific Horizons" number -12, 2023 . Q-3 quartile 3, in the
Scopus database . _ _ _ _

- articles in journals included in the RSCI for the 2023 calendar year:
1. Sheralieva D J.A. _ "Cooperation between Universities and Business" // Materials of the
XII International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Scientific School “Economics
and Management of Industries and Complexes Based on an Innovative Approach.” = 53823646 _ _ _
2. Sheralieva Zh.A. , Akhmedzhanov M. Increasing the economic efficiency of dairy cattle
breeding // Bulletin of the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after. K.I. _
Scriabin. 2023. P.278 -290 = 54174923 _ _ _
3. Parpieva N.R. , Osmonaliev A.Sh. _ Digital transformation in the Kyrgyz Republic:
trends and prospects // Vector of Economics, 2023. No. 12.
4. Parpieva N.R. , Oganova G.O. , Abdurazak uulu B. State measures to support
agribusiness as a factor in increasing competitiveness in the context of digitalization //
“Modern strategies and digital transformations of sustainable development of society,
education and science” November 13, (2023, Moscow). Sat. materials of the XIII
International Scientific and Practical Conference, Publishing House "ALEF", 2023. p.
5. Parpieva, N. R. Ways to increase the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises / N. R.
Parpieva, N. Berdikozhoev . — COMMUNICATIONS. SOCIETY.
SPIRITUALITY - 2023 Materials of the XXIII International Scientific and Practical
Conference - Ukhta: Ukhta State Technical University, 2023. - P. 348-351. = 54201322 _ _ _
6. Parpieva N.R. _ Nurmamatov R., Tursunbaeva M. Development of peasant farms in the
Kyrgyz Republic // Bulletin of the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after. K.I.
_ Scriabin. 2023. No. 1 (64). pp. 212-218. = 53814531 _ _
7. Oganova G.O. , Asanakunova A. Current state of the food market of the Kyrgyz Republic
// Materials of the XII International scientific and practical conference of the scientific
school “Economics and management of industries, complexes based on an innovative
approach” = 53814531
8. Oganova G.O. , Bektemir K. Main directions of formation and development of the
system of state regulation and support of entrepreneurship in the Kyrgyz Republic //
Materials of the XII International scientific and practical conference of the scientific
school “Economics and management of industries, complexes based on an innovative
approach” https :// elibrary .ru / item.asp?id =53823629
9. Oganova G.O. , Darbishbek U. Sh . “ Agro - industrial cluster : problems and prospects
for development in Kyrgyzstan” // Bulletin of KNAU 2023, pp. 336 -340 = 54201319
10. Adiyaeva Ch.K. _ , Osmonov E. A. Digitalization as the main direction of agricultural
development./ News of the Issyk-Kul Forum of Accountants and Auditors of Central
Asian Countries. 2023. 1(40). pp. 4-11\
11. Adylbekova BUT . Investment strategy in increasing the competitiveness of the agro-
industrial sector of the economy. / BUT . Adylbekova . – Text: Direct // SCIENCE, NEW
153. DOI:10.26104 / NNTIK.2023.49.19.034
12. Adylbekova N.O., Mudarysov D.R. Ways to increase the economic efficiency of
livestock production in the Kyrgyz Republic. / BUT . Adylbekova ., D.R. Mudarysov. –
International Scientific and Practical Conference - Elista: Kalmyk State University
named after B.B. Gorodovikova , 2023. – pp. 108-111. =
53823612 _ _ _
Some teachers at scientific conferences demonstrate their active involvement in the academic
community and contribution to the development of science and education in various fields,
especially in agricultural science, economics and management.
J.A. _ Sheralieva took part in the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference of the
scientific school “Economics and management of industries and complexes based on an
innovative approach.” The topic of her report covered cooperation between universities and
business in the context of economics and management, which emphasizes the importance of
innovative approaches in the development of educational and industrial spheres. N.R. _ Parpieva
conducted a study on increasing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises, which was
presented at the XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Communications.
Society. Spirituality". Ch.K. _ Adiyaeva considered digitalization in the context of agricultural
development, which reflects the relevance of technological innovation in the agricultural sector.
Her work was presented at the conference of the Issyk-Kul Forum of Accountants and Auditors.
BUT . Adylbekova and etc . Mudarysov focused on the economic efficiency of livestock
production. Their report at the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference highlights
the importance of innovative approaches in increasing the productivity and sustainability of the
agricultural sector.
The scientific activity of students is an important part of the educational process, contributing to
the development of scientific potential and professional growth of future specialists. In the
context of this activity, it is worth noting the significant achievement of a 1st-year student of the
specialty “Economics and Enterprise Management,” Madina Tursunbaeva. She took part in the
Republican student scientific and practical conference on the topic: “Innovative development of
modern science: state of current problems,” which was dedicated to the 95th anniversary of
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic Grigory
Balyan Aikazovich and the 70th anniversary of the Honored Economist of the Kyrgyz Republic,
Ph.D., Honorary Professor of KNAU named after. K.I. _ Scriabin Balyan Genrikh Grigorievich.
In the competition, among numerous participants representing various educational institutions
and specialties, Madina took third place.
Bringing qualified professionals for classes and guest lectures enriches the educational process,
providing students with a unique opportunity to learn from recognized professionals in their
fields, which contributes to the formation of a quality and competent graduate.
October 18, 2023, senior lecturers of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship of the
Faculty of Economics and Management of the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after
Scriabin, G.O. Oganov and A.Sh. _ Osmonaliev , conducted practical classes for students of
various specialties on the topics “National Economy”, “Green Economy” and “Agrarian
Economics”. The classes were organized with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the
Kyrgyz Republic , which emphasizes the importance of interaction between educational
institutions and government agencies.
On March 30, 2023, the Faculty of Economics and Management hosted a guest lecture by
Dmitry Mihailovich Parmakli , Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor and laureate of the
national award of the Republic of Moldova . The topic of the lecture is “Methods of comparative
analysis in enterprises: examples of updating.” The lecture aroused great interest among
students, which confirms the importance of practical knowledge and experience for future
specialists. As part of cooperation with Comrat State University (Moldova), a series of guest
lectures on current topics is planned.
On October 11, 2023, a guest lecture was held on the topic “Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - the
final result of economic activity,” which was given by the head of the department of the system
of national accounts and economic balances of the Department of Economic Statistics and
National Accounts, Ryskeldi Sovetovich Fmuraliev . This lecture demonstrates the desire of
educational institutions to provide students with a deep understanding of fundamental economic
processes important for their future professional activities.

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