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Quiz 1 on MLA Format for Section 15, Studies in Genre (7.

Due Date: by 12:30 PM on February 15 on, in the folder named “Quiz 1 (7.5%)”.
Submission Requirements: Answer the following questions in a separate Word document with
your name written at the top and save the file as a Word document. Double space the document,
use size 12 font in Times New Roman, and use 1-inch margins. Format the entire document in
MLA (include page numbers with your surname on the top right corner and include identifying
information on the left-hand corner of the first page, for example). Do not change the sequence
of the questions. You may decide whether or not you wish to keep the author’s surname in the
citations. The responses must be in MLA format, must be grammatically correct, and must follow
conventional spelling rules. Each error will generally result in -0.5.*
1. SHORT QUOTE (2 marks): Select a short passage from “The Jade Pendant” (3 lines of
length or less). Write a lead to precede the quote and integrate the sentence coherently in
MLA format.

2. LONG QUOTE (2 marks): Select a long passage from “The Jade Pendant” (4 lines of
length or more). Write a lead to precede the quote and integrate the sentence coherently in
MLA format.

3. QUOTE IS DIALOGUE ONLY (2 marks): Select a quote that is dialogue only from “The
Jade Pendant.” Write a lead to precede the quote and integrate the sentence coherently in
MLA format.

4. QUOTE INCLUDES DIALOGUE AND NARRATION (2 marks): Select a passage from

“The Jade Pendant” that includes dialogue and narration. Write a lead to precede the
quote and integrate the sentence coherently in MLA format.

5. REMOVE WORDS FROM A QUOTE (1 mark): Using MLA formatting rules, continue
the lead below by removing the words “dinner and celebration” from this quote on page
19 of “The Jade Pendant”: The wedding dinner and celebration was on a scale as to merit
talk for at least the next three days.

Continue this lead with the quote from page 19: Indeed,

6. CHANGE A WORD WITHIN A QUOTE (1 mark): Using MLA formatting rules,

continue the lead below by integrating this quote from page 15 of “The Jade Pendant,”
while changing the words “Jade Pendant” to “necklace”: The bride would wear the Jade
Pendant at the wedding dinner, for every one of the guests to see.
Continue this lead with the quote from page 15: The reader is informed that

7. A QUOTE THAT ENDS WITH A QUESTION MARK (1 mark): Using MLA formatting
rules, continue the lead below by integrating this quote with a question mark from page
17 of “The Jade Pendant”: What, degrade herself by seeking help from a relative who
was no better than a servant?
Continue this lead with the quote from page 17: Mrs. Khoo wonders,
*Note: Here are some examples of how students may lose marks (however, keep in mind that
this list is not exhaustive):
- Forgetting to write your name, forgetting to double space, using the wrong font, etc. (-0.5
per error)
- Saving the file as a PDF or any format other than Word (-0.5)
- Spelling errors, typos, grammatical errors, spacing errors like forgetting to place a space
between the word “Mrs.” and “Khoo” or adding a space between an opening quotation
mark and the first word in the quote (-0.5 per error)
- Punctuation errors/omissions (-0.5 per error)
- Missing citations (-0.5 per error)
- Improper citations (-0.5 per error)
- Not following assignment instructions (for example, if you use the wrong font size or
forget to double space the assignment)
- Late submission (10% per day late unless it is 3 (-0.5 per error) days late or later, in
which case the grade will be 0)
- Submitting the wrong document once the deadline has passed (results in a 10% penalty)

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