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(A) Modern Periodic Table

Modern Periodic Law

The physical and chemical properties of elements are the periodic function
of their atomic numbers.
Cause of periodicity – It is due to the repetition of same outer shell electronic
configuration at a certain regular interval.

1. Compare and contrast the arrangement of elements in Mendeleev’s

Periodic Table and the Modern Periodic Table.

Mendeleev’s Periodic Table Modern Periodic Table

Elements are arranged in the order of Elements are arranged in the order of
increasing atomic mass. increasing atomic number.

There are nine vertical columns There are eighteen vertical columns called
called groups. groups.

There is no place for noble gases. Noble gases are placed on the right hand side
of the table.

There is no place for isotopes. Isotope are kept at the same place because
their atomic number is same.

Transition elements are placed Transition elements are placed in the middle of
together in group VIII. the long period (Group 3 to 12).

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