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Study of airflow around wind turbine blades for performance




Figure 1 – Primitive aerogenerators..............................................................................3

Figure 2 – Graph of power and power coeficiente as a function of speed.......................7

Figure 3 – Graph of Cp as a function of λ.......................................................................8

Figure 4 - Share of direct and indirect jobs in total employment in the wind energy
sector by activity..........................................................................................................13

Figure 5 - Accumulated jobs-year between 2010 and 2020.........................................13

Figure 6 - Noise levels for various wind turbines available in 1995..............................15

Figure 7 - Sound pressure level over the monitoring period per collection point..........16

Figure 8 - Forces and loads on a blade in operation....................................................18

Figure 9 - Expansion of installed wind capacity............................................................20


Table 1 - CO2 emissions from different energy generation technologies.....................11


1. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................3
2. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS............................................................................4
2.1. Betz Law, Equation, and Performance Coefficient...................................5
2.2. Analytical and numerical analyses..........................................................9
3. STANDARDS RELATED TO THE TOPIC..........................................................9
4. SOCIOECONOMIC OR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT......................................10
5. CHALLENGES AND LIMITATIONS..................................................................17
6. FUTURE FORECASTS...................................................................................19
7. CONCLUSION.................................................................................................21
8. REFERENCES................................................................................................21


The use of wind for energy production dates back a long time. It is known, for
example, that the Chinese were already using windmills around 2000 years BC to
irrigate their plantations. Up to now, the use of windmills and other wind turbines is
widely employed around the world in both rural and urban areas for energy production
in its various forms.

Figure 1 - Primitive aerogenerators.

However, with the advent and popularization of electrical energy, as well as the
need for renewable means of its generation that would not harm the environment, there
arose the opportunity to convert the energy produced by wind turbines into electrical
energy for distribution and sale.

The first windmill used for this purpose that we have information about emerged
in the late 19th century with Charles F. Brush, an American inventor. This windmill was
capable of delivering 12 kW in direct current to a battery that stored this energy.

Today, wind turbines capable of generating thousands of kilowatts are used for
large-scale electrical energy generation, accounting for, for example, 11.3% of the
energy produced in Brazil.

Every engineering project should include a performance analysis aiming at the

optimization of its involved processes. Similarly, a thorough study of the airflow through
the blades of wind turbines is necessary to achieve the highest possible efficiency
within established prerequisites.

An important milestone in the study of blade geometry optimization came in

1919 with Alfred Betz, a German physicist born in 1885. He formulated Betz's Law,
which explains that less than 59% of the wind kinetic energy can be converted into
mechanical energy. His conclusions will be detailed in the following topic.

The importance of this study is evident in the fact that locations with sufficient
winds for the use of wind turbines are finite. Therefore, it is crucial to harness these
winds with the most possible efficiency.

In summary, wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical
energy for themselves, reducing the wind speed in the process. However, it is
impossible to convert all the kinetic energy taken from the wind into mechanical energy
because the air passing through and slowing down diverts some of the wind from the
direction of the blades.
As the air flow is incompressible, and based on the principle of conservation of
mass, we have that:
𝑚̇𝐼 = 𝑚̇𝑂 (1)
𝜌𝐼 𝑆𝐼 𝑉𝐼 = 𝜌𝑂 𝑆𝑂 𝑉𝑂 (2)
• 𝜌𝐼 and 𝜌𝑂 the air densities at the inlet and outlet,
• 𝑆𝐼 and 𝑆𝑂 the areas of the air stream at the inlet and outlet,
• 𝑉𝐼 and 𝑉𝑂 the air velocities at the inlet and outlet.

You can observe how the air flow behaves in the following animation:

Animation 1 - Air flow passing through the rotors.

As seen earlier, the wind decelerates after passing through the blades,
converting kinetic energy into mechanical energy for the turbine. As a result, the outlet
velocity is lower than the inlet velocity. Therefore, as the air density remains constant,
the area of the outgoing stream must be greater than that of the incoming stream,
based on equation 2. Despite this, the airflow occurs as shown in animation 1.

2.1. Betz Law, Equation, and Performance Coefficient

Betz created the global theory for wind turbines, which considers its ideal and
limiting case, meaning there is no greater real efficiency.

The power produced by the air passage can be approximated only as that
produced by the difference in kinetic energy, performing some mathematical


𝑃 = 𝑚̇(𝑉𝐼 2 − 𝑉𝑂 2 )

𝑃= 𝜌𝑆𝑉(𝑉𝐼 2 − 𝑉𝑂 2 ) (3)

As V is the average of the outlet and inlet velocities, we have:

𝑃 = 𝜌𝑆(𝑉𝐼 2 − 𝑉𝑂 2 )(𝑉𝐼 + 𝑉𝑂 ) (4)

Assuming b is the interference factor given by the ratio of the outlet velocity to
the inlet velocity, we have:
P = ρS𝑉𝐼3 (1 − b2 )(1 + b) (5)

The efficiency coefficient is given by the ratio of the power produced by the work
of the air flow that comes into contact with the rotor, given by:
W = ( ) ρS𝑉𝐼 3 (6)

𝐶𝑃 = (7)
4 ρS𝑉𝐼 3 (1 − b2 )(1 + b)
Cp =
2 𝜌𝑆𝑉𝐼
Cp = (1 − b2 )(1 + b)
In order to find the maximum efficiency coefficient, you differentiate 𝐶𝑃 and set
it equal to 0, using the chain rule, you have:
𝑑𝐶𝑃 1 𝑑
= [(1 − 𝑏2 )(1 + 𝑏)] = 0
𝑑𝑏 2 𝑑𝑏
(1 − 3𝑏)(1 + 𝑏) = 0
To avoid the trivial result, we have:
(1 − 3𝑏) = 0
As 𝑏 = , the maximum coefficient results in:

Substituting into the 𝐶𝑃 equation:
1 1 2 1
𝐶𝑃 = (1 − ( ) )(1 + )
2 3 3
𝐶𝑃 = = 59,259%
This value of 59.26% is the Betz limit, formulated in 1919 and applicable to all
wind turbines. It represents the ideal coefficient of performance,in other words, the

maximum and ideal percentage of energy that the turbine can extract from the wind.
However, for more modern wind turbines, a lower coefficient is used, around 40%,
which represents a value closer to the coefficient obtained under practical conditions.
This way, it is possible to obtain the maximum power using 𝑏 = 3 and

substituting it into the previously obtained power formula:

1 3 1 2 1
𝑃 = 𝜌𝑆𝑉𝐼 (1 − ( ) )(1 + )
4 3 3
But 𝑆 = :

16 𝜌 3 𝜋𝐷2
𝑃𝑚á𝑥 = 𝑉 [𝑊 ] (6)
27 2 𝐼 4

However, as mentioned earlier, the coefficient for real wind turbines is lower than
the ideal, and it can be calculated as:
𝐶𝑃 = (7)
1 3
2 𝜌𝐴𝑉𝐼

𝑃 = 𝜌𝐴𝑉𝐼 3 𝐶𝑃 (8)

It is noticeable that the coefficient varies depending on the speed and power, as
shown in figure 2.

Figure 2 – Graph of power and power coeficiente as a function of speed.


From Eq. 7, it is observed that when varying the speed, both \(C_p\) and power
vary. It is also noticeable, as shown in Figure 2, that beyond a certain point, an increase
in speed drastically reduces the power coefficient since the power has reached its
maximum value, remaining constant. Therefore, to maintain balance in Eq. 8, the
reduction in the power coefficient must follow the cube of the increase in speed. So,
the coefficient tends to decrease significantly beyond a certain speed. It is evident that
a wind turbine is designed to operate more effectively within a specific range of wind
speeds. Contrary to what one might imagine, beyond a certain speed, an increase in
wind speed does not increase power. This is because, according to Eq. 6, the
maximum possible power is reached, and it is impossible to exceed it due to Betz's
Another way to demonstrate that 𝐶𝑃 is not constant is to examine it as a function
of the tip-speed ratio λ, which is:
λ= (9)
• R is the radius of the blade
• ω is the angular velocity of the blades.

Below is a diagram that demonstrates the relationship between 𝐶𝑃 as a function

of λ and some examples of real blades that do not follow the idealized curve.

Figure 3 – Graph of Cp as a function of λ.


2.2. Analytical and numerical analyses

Since the wind speed envelope does not exceed Mach 0.3, the air can be
considered an incompressible fluid.

For the analytical study of the airflow around wind turbine blades, the
conservative form of the Navier-Stokes equation is used. However, analytical models
require many simplifications, and therefore, numerical models (CFDs), such as the k-
ω, k-ω SST, and k-ε models, are more commonly used for detailed analyses of the
airflow around wind turbine blades. These models allow for a better geometric choice
of the blades, as well as the search for ideal conditions of wind speed, outlet velocity,
application location, and so on.

Based on the aforementioned facts in this topic and the experimental data
obtained, it becomes possible to conduct a detailed study of the airflow around turbine
blades, aiming to achieve the best conditions and aerodynamic efficiency. Thus, the
highest possible performance is obtained.


There are collective standards covering a variety of engineering projects in the

industry, containing technical knowledge expressed through rules, recommendations,
or features intended for common use and approved by recognized bodies. These
standards are essential to ensure the production of professional and reliable
engineering projects.

In the context of wind energy, the International Energy Agency (IEA) is one of
the main organizations recognized for setting standards. These standards date back
to the 1980s and have played a crucial role in defining specific industry standards
worldwide. Among the main recommendations of the IEA for the wind industry are:

• Power Performance, 1990

• Cost of Energy from WECS, 1994
• Fatigue Loads, 1990
• Measuremente of Noise Emission, 1994
• Electromagnetic Interference, 1986

• Structural Safety, 1988

• Quality of Power, 1984
• Glossary of Terms, 1993
• Lightning Protection, 1997
• Measurement of Noise Immision, 1997
• Wind Speed Measurement, 1999

Currently, international technical guidelines for wind energy encompass safety

criteria, measurement methods, and testing procedures for equipment. These
standards are developed by the Technical Committee 88 of the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). This committee consists of representatives from
25 nations, with the additional participation of 13 countries as observers. Brazil plays
the role of an observing country in the IEC, represented by COBEI (Comitê Brasileiro
de Eletricidade, Eletrônica, Iluminação e Telecomunicações) through an agreement
with ABNT. Currently, the standards and Technical Specifications (TS) under the
responsibility of TC 88 are numerous, with one notable example being for the study on
the optimization of airflow around wind turbine blades:

• IEC 61400-12-1 Power performance measurements of electricity

producing wind turbines – 1.0 edition (2005)

This international standard provides a procedure that explains how to

characterize the energy performance of a wind turbine based on the measured power
curve and the estimated annual energy using a anemometer to measure wind speed.
Additionally, it explains and details the analysis techniques involved, as well as
characterizing the preparation of reports.


With the rise of environmental awareness, directly fueled by the nuclear

accidents at Three Mile Island in 1979 in the USA and Chernobyl in the former Soviet
Union in 1986, there was a global movement towards renewable energies, especially
wind energy, to meet the demand for electricity.

In recent decades, countries such as Germany, Denmark, and the United States
have been dedicated to technological advancement and industrial expansion of
renewable energies. Through incentives and subsidies, they have encouraged market
growth and technological improvement, solidifying wind energy as a crucial option for
the supply of clean energy in major nations.

Although wind energy generation has environmental drawbacks such as visual

impact, noise, electromagnetic interference, and potential harm to wildlife, these
effects can be significantly reduced or eliminated through careful planning and
technological innovations.

The technology currently employed in wind energy production exhibits

remarkable energy efficiency, and the CO 2 emissions associated with the
manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of wind turbines are offset within a period
of three to six months after production. For instance, a 600 kW turbine installed in an
area with favorable wind conditions can prevent the release of 20 to 36 kilotons of CO2,
taking into account wind conditions.

The positive impacts on reducing carbon dioxide emissions in a country's energy

landscape vary depending on the form of energy generation that wind energy will
replace. Studies conducted by the World Energy Council in 1993, presented in the
table below, compare emissions between different electricity generation technologies.

Table 1 - CO2 emissions from different energy generation technologies.

Considering that coal and natural gas will continue to be the main sources of
electricity generation in the next 20 years, it is possible to estimate an average

reduction of 600 tons of carbon dioxide per gigawatt-hour (GWh) through the use of
wind power.

Of the four technologies mentioned in the previous table that demonstrate lower
CO2 emissions than wind energy, only large hydropower plants are currently
competitive from a commercial perspective. However, the feasibility of large
hydropower plants has been questioned in countries such as Canada and Brazil,
where large reservoirs are being built in distant locations from consumption centers,
leading to the decomposition of submerged vegetation and significant greenhouse gas
production. Methane, one of the main gases resulting from this decomposition, is fifty
times more potent than CO2 in terms of greenhouse effect.

In addition to this factor, the ability to utilize land is another beneficial aspect
associated with this renewable energy. Implementing renewable energy projects in
rural areas, especially in regions with economic development deficiencies, can bring
various benefits to the community. Common socio-economic characteristics in various
areas, such as high unemployment rates, a scarcity of options for economic growth,
and high rates of population migration, make investment in these technologies
attractive. Renewable energy generating plants are often smaller in scale and more
widely distributed than traditional power plants, which frequently situates them in rural
areas with lower population density. A survey conducted by Bergmann and colleagues
(2006) in Scotland revealed that the population living in rural areas has a broader
perception of the positive social impacts of renewable energies compared to the urban
population, especially concerning job opportunities.

A study aimed to measure the number of jobs generated by the wind energy
industry in Brazil. To estimate indirect jobs, the main materials used in the
manufacturing of equipment and in the construction of wind farms were considered,
calculating the ratio for each 1 MW produced and installed. Multipliers were then used
to determine the total number of jobs. The figure below illustrates the contribution of
direct and indirect jobs to the total employment in the wind industry, divided by activity.

Figure 4 - Share of direct and indirect jobs in total employment in the wind energy sector by

The same study also revealed that the installation and operation of wind farms
generated more than 195 thousand jobs between 2010 and 2020, with the majority in
construction, as shown in the graph below.

Figure 5 - Accumulated jobs-year between 2010 and 2020.

The discrepancy in job creation between the production of steel and concrete
towers is somewhat smaller; however, if there is an increase in the importation of steel

plates for tower manufacturing in the country, this difference becomes much larger.
This happens due to the reduction in indirect jobs in the production of these towers, as
the majority of these secondary jobs are in the steel industry.

Wind energy has the potential to drive regional development by creating local
job opportunities. The construction phase accounts for the majority of direct jobs,
offering chances for temporary employment in communities near wind farms. During
this phase, there are also additional benefits, such as an increase in the consumption
of products and services like food and accommodation, due to the higher number of
workers in the region. These benefits are even more pronounced when the plant is
installed in areas with low economic development, as is the case with the wind farms
under construction in the municipalities of Parazinho and João Câmara in the interior
of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. These regions will jointly host 45 wind farms with an
installed capacity of 1.25 GW.

While wind energy generation has advantages and benefits that make it one of
the measures adopted to minimize the effects of hydroelectric power and establish a
complementary relationship, there are environmental disadvantages, such as impacts
on the fauna and flora of the explored territories. The primary concern regarding wildlife
is focused on birds, which can collide with various structures (such as power towers,
masts, and even building windows) and with wind turbines, mainly due to visibility
challenges. Other factors, such as highway traffic and hunting activities, also contribute
to bird fatalities. However, bird behavior and mortality rates vary depending on the
species and specific location.

Another factor that has a negative impact is noise, which is directly related to
the wind speed interacting with the blades generated in wind energy production. During
the 1980s and early 1990s, the sound impact caused by the rotating blades of wind
turbines was a crucial issue and a hindrance to the expansion of wind energy.

The noise generated by wind turbines has two main sources: mechanical and
aerodynamic. Mechanical noise, primarily originating in the gearbox responsible for
amplifying the rotation of the blades for the generator, operates in the range of 1,000
to 1,500 rpm, generating vibrations transmitted to the nacelle, where they are fixed.
Additionally, the contact between the tower and the nacelle can be another source of
mechanical noise. With advancements in the study of this type of noise, it is possible

to construct turbines with lower levels, representing technological progress. Another

technological approach is the use of multipolar electric generators directly connected
to the blade axis, eliminating the need for a gear system to multiply the speed, resulting
in turbines considerably quieter than conventional systems.

Aerodynamic noise is directly influenced by the wind speed incident on the wind
turbine. A study conducted by the German Wind Energy Institute (Deutsches
Windenergie-Institut - DEWI) in 1995, presented in the figure below, showed the noise
levels of various wind turbines available on the market at that time, ranging between
90 and 100 dB. In Germany, regulations regarding noise levels recommended a
distance of 200 meters from residences for noise levels of 45 dB (DEWI, 1996). These
regulations impacted the installation of wind farms in densely populated urban areas.

Figure 6 - Noise levels for various wind turbines available in 1995.

Since 1995, there has been a significant effort to improve the wind turbines
available in the current market. In the last decade, significant advancements in
technologies focused on the aerodynamics of the blades and critical mechanical
components, especially the gearbox, have enabled a considerable reduction in the
noise levels of the most modern turbines.

The figure below presents the monitoring of noise levels from September 2013
to March 2015, allowing for the analysis of the variation in acoustic quality in the
collection points area concerning various activities throughout the implementation

phase of the Asa Branca II Wind Farm, as published in a study conducted by the
Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte –

Figure 7 - Sound pressure level over the monitoring period per collection point.

Additionally, electromagnetic interference (EMI) also has an impact. Research

conducted by the EWEA has demonstrated that careful planning of wind farms can
prevent interference with telecommunication systems, where radio waves and
microwaves are crucial for various communication purposes. However, accurately
determining these issues is challenging, as any significant moving structure can cause
electromagnetic interference (EMI). Wind turbines can be sources of EMI by reflecting
signals from the blades, resulting in a nearby receiver picking up both the direct and
reflected signals. This interference occurs due to the time difference between the
reflected and direct signals, influenced by the movement of the blades and the
wavelength. The presence of metallic materials increases EMI, as they act as
reflectors, while wooden blades, through absorption, minimize this effect. Modern
blades made of fiberglass reinforced with epoxy have partial transparency to
electromagnetic waves, reducing the impact of EMI.

Civil and military communication systems, such as TV and radio transmissions,

microwave and cellular radio communications, naval communication, and air traffic
control systems, can be affected by EMI. Wind turbine planners seek advice from civil
and military authorities to avoid issues that may impact microwave links and air
communication systems. Interference with some domestic television receivers is a

localized problem, typically resolved with cost-effective solutions such as installing

repeaters and/or additional receivers. In Europe, it is common for wind turbines and
telecommunication systems to coexist in various locations.

As a result, it is evident that wind energy is one of the most advantageous

renewable sources for electricity production. Worldwide, its application as a
complementary resource in electricity generation is continually expanding, with
projections indicating even more significant growth in the coming years.

The future outlook for wind energy is very promising due to the increasing public
awareness of its advantages as a renewable energy source and its growing economic
competitiveness. Rising environmental concerns have driven the integration of
environmentally friendly practices into all processes.

In the energy context, this trend is notable. Many global environmental issues,
such as acid rain and the greenhouse effect, originate from the energy sector. The
search for environmentally less aggressive energy solutions has elevated wind energy
as a crucial option in designing more ecologically balanced energy models.

Despite presenting, like any other form of energy generation, some unfavorable
environmental characteristics, as discussed in this study, harnessing wind energy for
electricity production should be encouraged. Moreover, it is possible to significantly
mitigate or even eliminate these characteristics through careful planning and
technological advances.


At first, a legal uncertainty regarding these ventures relates to the environmental

issue. Resolution Conama No. 462/2014 establishes procedures for the environmental
licensing of wind power generation projects only on land. There are already more than
twenty wind farm projects, totaling 46 GW, under environmental licensing at the
Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Ibama), whose
competence is determined by Federal Decree No. 8,437/2015, which granted the
agency the authority to license offshore wind farms and those in the transition zone
between land and sea. To ensure greater legal certainty for the installation of offshore
wind farms in Brazil, it would be valid to consider specific environmental regulations

based on Resolution Conama 462/2014, establishing objective criteria to define which

environmental impact studies should be conducted for the installation of offshore wind
farms. In this case, a primary limitation of this energy source is the location where it
will be installed to avoid environmental damage, considering that it must be in areas
free of trees that allow the flow of air and prevent bird fatalities. In terms of economics,
these ventures involve million-dollar investments for the installation of a wind power
generation plant, adding another barrier to these projects.

In a technical sense, it is necessary to analyze the airflow in the region to

achieve success in generating energy through the power extracted from the winds.

As discussed in section 2, we can conclude that, noting the influence of speed

on energy generation, it is necessary to impose a power limitation, representing
another limiting factor in this endeavor.

Another point is that during their operation, the blades of wind turbines are
subjected to various forces, particularly shear stresses that can cause horizontal
cracks as well as other structural damage to the laminate. The direct action of the wind
also causes erosion on the leading edges, as schematically shown in figure 9 below:

Figure 8 - Forces and loads on a blade in operation.

These deformations result in curvatures in the area where the trailing edge of
the blade is connected to the thick cylindrical section of the blade root. In any case,
these are scenarios of very complex loads to be analyzed. Thus, maintenance
becomes another highly relevant challenge in wind energy production.


In the national electrical matrix, wind energy has taken the third position, behind
only hydraulic sources, with wind farms present in 12 states of the Federation. This is
a significant growth, derived from two vectors. The first is the global process of energy
transition in search of cleaner sources that ensure greater energy independence,
considering that wind is a genuinely national resource. The second is directly
associated with the fact that the contracting model, through planning and auctions,
offers solid guarantees to investors.

Faced with this consistent and promising scenario, the 10th Brazil Windpower
(BWP) was held on May 28, 29, and 30, 2019, in São Paulo, promoted by Grupo
CanalEnergia. The event marked the 10th anniversary of the first contracting of wind
energy in new energy auctions (2009) and brought together key figures from the
institutional framework, the production chain, financiers, investors, consumers, and
experts. The goal was to analyze the trajectory of the national wind sector, its pressing
challenges, and future prospects.

The opening of the event featured the statement from the Minister of Mines and
Energy (MME), Bento Albuquerque, indicating that the energy policy reaffirms the
commitment to initiatives for expanding renewable sources. In this regard, the MME
presented the investment outlook for the Setor Elétrico Brasileiro (SEB) in the next 10
years, estimated at around R$ 400 billion, with R$ 226 billion allocated to centralized
power generation.

BNDES is considering the possibility of assisting the national production chain

for exportation, given the rapid development, consolidation, and increased
competitiveness resulting from the scale-up associated with servicing the domestic
market over the last decade. Much of the progress observed in the industry has been
a result of the local content policy adopted by BNDES, linked to the provision of
financing in line with the objectives of industrial policy. In this direction, the stakeholders
present at the event indicated that, to make the wind energy chain competitive for
export, several measures need to be taken, with the main ones being:

i. Update of BNDES's local content policy in light of the new technological

reality of wind turbines. According to the stakeholders, this issue can be

easily addressed, as they interpret that BNDES is very transparent with

the market; and

ii. i Improvement of logistical and port infrastructure to ensure the

transportation of machinery and equipment to the port.

According to a study conducted by FGV, the expansion of installed wind capacity

in the Sistema Interligado Nacional (SIN) will reach the level of 39,842 MW by 2029,
as depicted in the graph:

Figure 9 - Expansion of installed wind capacity.

However, wind project developers have been observing with caution the impacts
of the new challenges imposed by the modernization proposed by the PL. They are
seeking to assess whether the competitiveness gains achieved through policies
implemented in recent decades will be sufficient to maintain the attractiveness of


Based on the studies conducted, we can conclude that wind power plants are a
more environmentally friendly source of energy compared to other types. However, it
was possible to observe that this matrix is not fully implemented and matured.

In light of the challenges and limitations observed regarding the expansion of

wind energy plants, we can conclude that there is an initial barrier related to legal
processes for implementation in a specific location, coupled with a high-value financial
investment. Beyond this context, we can observe the importance of having a well-
designed project to optimize the wind power generation process, along with a
challenge related to the maintenance of the wind turbines that make up the plant, due
to constant stress.

However, it is noteworthy that there is a growing interest in obtaining more and

more clean energy, replacing sources of petroleum. This stimulates entrepreneurs to
venture into the wind energy sector, allowing for a constant growth in this field of energy
generation. Considering the graph presented in studies by FGV, we can conclude that
the growth of wind farms in Brazil will be of utmost importance for both national energy
supply and exportation.


Hansen, Thomas. (2010). Wind Turbine Simulations Using Navier-Stokes CFD.



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