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Molecular kitchen

Gastronomy ranges from a fondness for good eating, to the set of knowledge and activities
related to food, conceived almost as an art. Similarly, gastronomy studies man, his diet and
his environment over time. Gastronomy is an art in constant evolution, and each era has
witnessed the emergence of very varied trends in this field. Some did not survive, but
others took hold and are part of the culinary traditions of each culture. Among the most
recent we can mention the “Nouvelle Cuisine”, Molecular gastronomy, links the art of food
together with the study of the chemical reactions it undergoes during its elaboration, in
order to be able to make new creations and play with the ingredients of original way.

The word Gastronomy comes from the Greek. From "gastér, gastrós", which means belly
and stomach, and "nomos", law. You can define the word, saying that It is a set of
provisions that regulate everything related to meals.
Gastronomy can be defined as the technique of preparing a good food, or simply as a
hobby of good eating. It is pointed out in the same way way of studying the relationship
between culture and food. The gastronomy is can understand as an interdisciplinary
activity, in which several fine arts to achieve an amazing result. Among the arts that link
can be mentioned, the social sciences, thus studying the different sociocultural patterns of
the different regions and their influence on is; natural sciences, in general development of
raw materials and its main foundations and even exact sciences around the system food of
the human being, taking into account nutritional factors as well as vital elements for the
complete development of a person. Gastronomy is not only related to food, but also to
different cultures. Due to this the world famous gastronomy is known French, Italian,
Chinese, Mexican, Peruvian, etc.
Gastronomy involves various areas, such as science, economics, and art. It is a part of
natural history, through the food classification of various substances. It is part of physics
because composition is examined and quality of each of these substances. It also involves
chemistry, for through the various analyzes to which it is subjected. In the kitchen since it
becomes an art to adapt the various elements and form a dish that at the same time has a
pleasant flavor for those who consume it. In the businesses since they are looking for
methods to optimize purchases and spend what less possible and in turn sell in the most
advantageous way what can produce with this raw material.
“The History of Gastronomy is, at the same time, the descriptive chronicle of the art of
Eating in the West and a lucid synthesis of the development of civilizations ” . The
Gastronomy and food, go hand in hand with the evolution of being Human in its different
cultures and environments through the years. It dates back to From the time of the
appearance of man on earth and his desire for get food, until the end of the Middle Ages,
the discovery of America and the introduction of different new ingredients for Europe, up to
the new current culinary trends.

I think the fusion cuisine is a food style that today has a lot of demand. COSTEA to
combine the typical style of a region or a type of gastronomy with a different one, combine
them or rather merging them to create something completely innovative and original. It
starts in the United States, with a mixture of the Oriente, around seventies; Although
serious historians could go back at least to Marco Polo, who could have introduced Italian
culinary art, the fusion of Chinese culinary art. You can also see other traces of the fusion
of gastronomies, going back to the time of Christopher Columbus, where it not only
managed to be adopted in the new world, techniques and Spanish ingredients, but also led
the old world ingredients and techniques
To conclude the merger is not something that today is given by chance, it has come to
evolve in an art, which requires prior knowledge of several cultures in order to achieve with
great creativity to combine flavors and techniques, which result in a high cuisine. The secret
of the preparation is in achieving a balance of colors, quantities and quality of the products.

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