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Driving test

Customer number 078020986

Class completed B
Decision Test failed
Date 29.1.2024
Examiner for driving test Jari Tuores

Rating scale:
1 Weak, clearly insufficient performance in the area being assessed

2 Passable, somewhat weaker-than-average performance in the area being assessed

3 Satisfactory, average performance in the area being assessed

4 Good, better-than-average performance in the area being assessed

5 Excellent, exemplary performance in the area being assessed

Handling and controlling the vehicle

Self-evaluation 3

Examiner's evaluation of driving test 1

To promote traffic safety, you need to improve the following aspects of your driving:
Using vehicle controls, driving assistance systems and safety equipment in such a way that it does not interfere
with the monitoring of other traffic and the driving itself is safe and smooth
Understanding the vehicle’s size, dimensions and measurements so that no accidents or near misses occur

Perceiving the vehicle’s direction of travel and space requirements in order to ensure safe driving

Economical driving to ensure driving safety and reduce fuel consumption

Feedback Unnecessary driving with low gears. Problems with the gears, clutch and
wipers. Examinator had to intervene when driver tried to change gear
without clutch.

Consideration for road users

Self-evaluation 3

Examiner's evaluation of driving test 1

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom; PO Box 320, FI-00059 TRAFICOM

Telephone +358 29 534 5000; Business ID 2924753-3

Driving test

To promote traffic safety, you need to improve the following aspects of your driving:
Paying attention to pedestrians and cyclists and taking their intentions into account
Regulation of your vehicle speed so that there is enough time to react and communicate as needed to maintain
safe driving

Feedback Car parked just in front of the pedestriancrossing, examinator intervened.

Anticipating and controlling traffic situations

Self-evaluation 3

Examiner's evaluation of driving test 1

To promote traffic safety, you need to improve the following aspects of your driving:
Situational awareness in changing traffic situations and traffic environments to ensure safe and smooth driving

Steering the course of the vehicle in different traffic situations to ensure safe and smooth driving

Focusing your attention correctly and actively directing the vehicle in different traffic situations

Predictability of your own driving so that other road users are aware of your intentions

Complying with traffic management so that your driving is safe and responsible

Feedback Overspeed, examinator intervened. Right from wrong lane. Problems with
the driving line on highway, examinator helped.

Controlled action by the candidate

Self-evaluation 3

Examiner's evaluation of driving test 2

To promote traffic safety, you need to improve the following aspects of your driving:
Focusing on your driving and your management of traffic situations in such a way that your driving is safe and
other road users are taken into account
Having the right attitude towards your own skills as a driver in order to ensure that your actions on the road
are independent and responsible

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom; PO Box 320, FI-00059 TRAFICOM

Telephone +358 29 534 5000; Business ID 2924753-3


How to make a claim for a revised decision

Authority considering the claim for a revised decision
If you are unhappy with the decision you received you may submit a claim for a revised decision to the Finnish
Transport and Communications Agency (hereafter the Agency). You may submit it by mail, electronic means or
The fee for processing claims for revised decisions is 50 euro and the fee is distrainable. The fee is determined by the
Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Time limit
The claim for a revised decision shall be submitted within 30 days of notice of the decision, the day of notice excluded.
If the final day is a public holiday, Saturday, Sunday, Independence Day, 1 May, Christmas Eve or Midsummer’s Eve, the
time limit is extended to the next working day.
The day of notice is calculated as follows:

• If the decision has been mailed as an ordinary letter, the service of the decision is considered effected within seven
days from the posting date, unless otherwise proven.
• If the decision has been sent by mail in return for an acknowledgement of receipt, the date of notice is shown in the
receipt. The acknowledgement of receipt must be enclosed with the documents submitted to the Agency.
• If the decision has been sent as a standard electronic message, the service is considered effected, unless otherwise
proven, on the third day after the message has been sent.
• If the decision has been sent as a verifiable electronic message, the service is considered effected once it has been
retrieved from the server designated by the Agency.
• If the decision has been sent by email under section 12 of the Act on Electronic Communication Services (917/2014),
the service is considered effected once you have sent a confirmation email to the Agency that the message has been
read. If, according to law, the document does not have to be served verifiably, service is considered effected on the
third day after the message has been sent, unless otherwise proven.
• If the decision has been sent as a general notification, service is considered effected on the seventh day after the
publication of the notification in the Official Gazette.
• If the decision has been sent using substitute service, service is considered effected on the third day after the day
indicated in the acknowledgment of receipt.
The claim shall be lodged in good time in order to arrive at the registry of the Agency before the end of office hours on
the last day of the time limit. It is always the responsibility of the claimant to lodge the claim in due time.

Form and contents of the claim

The claim for a revised decision shall be lodged in writing. The document shall indicate:
• your name and domicile, and your contact address and telephone number;
• the decision challenged;
• the parts of the decision that are challenged and the amendments demanded to it;
• the grounds on which the claim is based.
You may write the claim yourself or ask your legal representative to do so on your behalf. You or your legal
representative shall sign the document. If your legal representative exercises your right of action, his/her name and
domicile shall also be indicated on the claim. A claim submitted by electronic means need not be supplemented by a
signature, if the claim contains details on the sender and the authenticity and integrity of the document is not in doubt.
Provisions on electronic signatures are given in Act 617/2009.

Pursuant to section 9 in the Act on Electronic Services and Communication in the Public Sector (13/2003), the written
form required in the lodging of a matter is met by an electronic document delivered to the authorities.

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom; PO Box 320, FI-00059 TRAFICOM

Telephone +358 29 534 5000; Business ID 2924753-3


Appendices required
The following shall be appended to the claim:

• the decision challenged, in the original or as a copy;

• a certificate on the date of notice of the decision or other evidence on the date when the appeal period began to run;
• the documents on which you rely in support of your demand, unless already delivered to the Agency;
• your legal representative’s power of attorney, unless he/she is a lawyer, a public legal aid attorney or a licensed

If an electronic document sent to a public authority contains details of the legal representative’s entitlement, the legal
representative need not submit a power of attorney. Nevertheless, the authority may require a power of attorney to be
submitted, if there are grounds for questioning the entitlement or the extent of the entitlement.

Appeal fees

A fee will be charged for processing claims for a revised decision. Fees are based on the Decree of the Ministry of
Transport and Communications on transport-related services provided by the Transport and Communications Agency

Contact details of the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency

Postal address: PO Box 320, FI-00059 TRAFICOM

Visiting address: Opastinsilta 12 A, 00520 HELSINKI
Telephone: +358 29 534 5000 (switchboard)
Fax: +358 29 534 5095

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom; PO Box 320, FI-00059 TRAFICOM

Telephone +358 29 534 5000; Business ID 2924753-3

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