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Class: Introduction to Astrophysics Date: February 15, 2024

Topic: The Life Cycle of Stars

1. Stellar Birth:

 Welcome to Introduction to Astrophysics! Today, we explore the mesmerizing journey of

stars, beginning with their formation from vast clouds of gas and dust known as nebulae.
We'll delve into the gravitational collapse and the formation of protostars within these
nebular regions.

2. Main Sequence Stars:

 Main sequence stars, like our Sun, undergo nuclear fusion reactions in their cores,
converting hydrogen into helium. We'll discuss the equilibrium between inward
gravitational forces and outward radiation pressure that sustains these stars for billions
of years.

3. Stellar Evolution:

 As stars exhaust their hydrogen fuel, they undergo profound changes in structure and
luminosity. We'll examine the evolutionary paths of stars, including the formation of red
giants, white dwarfs, supernovae, neutron stars, and black holes.

4. Nuclear Fusion Processes:

 Nuclear fusion powers the radiant energy emitted by stars, driving their luminosity and
heat. We'll explore the fusion processes occurring within stellar cores, from hydrogen
burning to the synthesis of heavier elements in later stages of stellar evolution.

5. Cosmic Recycling:

 The death of massive stars through supernova explosions disperses heavy elements into
space, enriching the interstellar medium and providing the building blocks for future
generations of stars and planetary systems. We'll discuss how this cosmic recycling
sustains the cycle of stellar birth and death in the universe.

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