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EARTH SCIENCE Hydrogen, helium, and lithium are the three

VOCABULARY most abundant elements.

1. BARYONIC MATTER - "ordinary matter
consisting of protons, electrons, and neutrons Stars are the building block of galaxies born out
that comprises atoms, planets, stars, galaxies, of clouds of gas and dust.
and other bodies.
2. DARK ENERGY - a source of anti-gravity; a Protostar - the core of a future star as
force that counteracts gravity and causes the thermonuclear reactions set in. It is the early
universe to land. stage of the star.
3. DARK MATTER - matter that has gravity but
does not emit light.
4. PROTOSTAR - an early stage in the formation The exact percentage of hydrogen and helium in
of a star resulting from the gravitational the observable universe is approximately as
collapse of gases. follows:
fusion reaction responsible for the energy • Hydrogen: About 74% (by mass)
produced by stars.
• Helium: About 24% (by mass)
6. MAIN SEQUENCE STARS - stars that fuse
hydrogen atoms to form helium atoms in their Other elements, such as oxygen, carbon,
cores. nitrogen, and heavier elements, make up the
7. HELIOCENTRIC MODEL - Sun is at the
remaining small fraction of the universe's
center and planets, including Earth, orbit
elemental composition.
around it.
8. GEOCENTRIC MODEL - Earth is the center of Building block –basic components
the Solar system
Milky way-100billion stars
Universe-100billion galaxies
UNIVERSE - derived from an old French word Hydrogen and Helium as the most abundant
“Univers” which comes from the Latin word elements in the universe. Having the lowest
UNIVERSUS which means to combined into one. mass, these are the first elements to be formed in
Any explanation of the origin of the Universe the Big Bang Model of the Origin of the Universe.
should be consistent with all information about its A star's energy comes from combining light
composition, structure, acceferating expansion,
elements into heavier elements by fusion, or
cosmic microwave background radiation among
“nucler burning” (nucleosynthesis).
• In small stars like the sun, H burning is the
fusion of 4 H nuclei (protons) into a He
nucleus (2 protons + 2 neutrons).
• Forming He from H gives off lots of
energy(i.e. a natural hydrogen bomb).
• Nucleosynthesis requires very high T. The
minimum T for H fusion is 5x106oC.
The universe as we currently know it comprises STARS
all space and time, and all matter & energy. It is
made of

 4.6% baryonic matter (“ordinary” matter

consisting of protons, electrons, and
neutrons: atoms, planets, stars, galaxies,
nebulae, and other bodies)
 24% cold dark matter (matter that has
gravity but does not emit light),
 71.4% dark energy (a source of anti-
Protostar: early stage of star (homogeneous) and similar in all directions
Main Sequence: Stars spend most of their lives
in this phase, including our Sun. Main sequence  Isotropic - having physical properties
stars are a well-defined group of stars that are in that are the same when measured in
the most stable and longest phase of their lives. different directions

Red Giant or Red Supergiant: When a main UNIVERSE

sequence star exhausts its hydrogen fuel, it starts Based on recent data, the universe is 13.8 billion
to evolve. For smaller stars like our Sun, this years old. The diameter of the universe is
means it will expand into a red giant. Larger stars, possibly infinite but should be at least 91 billion
several times the mass of the Sun, become red light-years.
supergiant. During this phase, they burn helium
Two ways by which astronomers estimate the age
and other heavier elements in their cores.
of the universe:
Planetary Nebula or Supernova: For stars like
1) By estimating the age of the looking oldest
our Sun, after the red giant phase, they shed their
stars; and
outer layers into space, creating a beautiful cloud
of gas and dust called a planetary nebula. If a star 2) By measuring the rate of expansion of the
is more massive, it may end its life in a universe and extrapolating back to the Big Bang.
catastrophic explosion called a supernova, which
disperses elements into space. A light-year is a unit of distance, not a unit of time.
It represents the distance that light travels in one
White Dwarf or Neutron Star or Black Hole: year in the vacuum of space, at a constant speed
The remaining core of a star depends on its of approximately 186,282 miles per second
mass. If the core is less than about 1.4 times the (299,792,458 meters per second).
mass of the Sun , it becomes a white dwarf,
which is a dense, Earth-sized remnant. If it's So, in one year, light travels a distance of about
between 1.4 and about 3 times the Sun's mass, it 5.88 trillion miles (9.46 trillion kilometers). This
may become a neutron star, which is incredibly is the equivalent of one light-year. It's important to
dense. note that a light-year is a measure of distance,
not time, and it helps us express vast cosmic
Stars more massive than about 3 solar masses distances in a more understandable way.
may collapse into a black hole, a region of space
where gravity is so strong that not even light can Universe is believed to be 91 billion light years
escape. in diameter

Most stars such as the Sun belong to the so- (1 light-year = 9.4607 × 1012 km). Its density is
called “main sequence stars.” In the cores of such 4.5 x 10-31 g/cm3.
stars, hydrogen atoms are fused through ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE
thermonuclear reactions to make helium atoms
COSMOLOGY – the body of science that studies
Massive main sequence stars burn up their the origin, evolution and eventual fate of the
hydrogen faster than smaller stars. Stars like our universe.
Sun burnup hydrogen in about 10 billion years.
The remaining dust and gas may end up as they  Religious or mythological cosmology
are or as planets, asteroids, or other bodies in the explains the origin of universe and life
accompanying planetary system. based on religious beliefs of a specific
GALAXY tradition.
 The concept of creation ex nihilo
A galaxy is a cluster of billions of stars and  God creating the universe as written in the
clusters of galaxies form superclusters. In book of Genesis.
between the clusters is practically an empty
space. when we look at the universe on relatively  DIVINE CREATION THEORY
small scales, we see that matter is not evenly NON-SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT
distributed. Instead, it forms clumps or clusters of • Ancient Egyptians believed in many
galaxies, stars, and other structures. But at a
gods and myths which narrate that the
large scale, it appears to be uniform
world arose from an infinite sea at the first The Big Bang Theory has withstood the tests for
rising of the sun. expansion:
• The Kuba people of Central Africa tell
1) The redshift
the story of a creator god Mbombo (or
2) Abundance of hydrogen, helium, and
Bumba) who, alone in a dark and water-
lithium, and
covered Earth, felt an intense stomach
3) The uniformly pervasive cosmic
pain and then vomited the stars, sun, and
microwave background radiation-the
remnant heat from the bang.
• In India, there is the narrative that gods
sacrificed Purusha, the primal man whose EVOLUTION OF THE UNIVERSE ACCORDING TO
head, feet, eyes, and mind became the THE BIG BANG THEORY
sky, earth, sun, and moon respectively.
• From time zero (13.8 billion years ago) until
• The monotheistic religions of Judaism,
10^43 second later, all matter and energy in the
Christianity, and Islam claim that a
universe existed as a hot, dense, tiny state. It
supreme being created the universe,
then underwent extremely rapid, exponential
including man and other living organisms.
inflation until 10^-32 second later after which and
Unlike hypotheses in the sciences, religious until 10 seconds from time zero, conditions
beliefs cannot be subjected to tests using the allowed the existence of only quarks, hadrons,
scientific method. For this reason, they cannot and leptons.
be considered valid topic of scientific inquiry.
• Then, Big Bang nucleosynthesis took place and
PHYSICAL COSMOLOGY produced protons, neutrons, atomic nuclei, and
• Explains the origin of universe based on then hydrogen, helium, and lithium until 20
scientific insights, studies and minutes after time zero when sufficient cooling did
experiments. not allow further nucleosynthesis.
• Nicolaus Copernicus and the heliocentric
• From then on until 380,000 years, the cooling
nature of the universe.
universe entered a matter-dominated period when
• The expanding universe through Albert
photons decoupled from matter and light could
Einstein's theory of relativity, the big bang
travel freelyas still observed today in the form of
cosmic microwave background radiation.
• As the universe continued to cool down, matter
collected into clouds giving rise to only stars after
380,000 years and eventually galaxies would
form after 100 million years from time zero during
which, through nucleosynthesis in stars, carbon
and elements heavier than carbon were
• From 9.8 billion years until the present, the
universe became dark-energy dominated and
underwent accelerating expansion. At about 9.8
billion years after the big bang, the solar system
was formed.
• The universe began as a singularity or a
The Universe has always been the same since point containing all space, time, matter
the beginning and it remain that way forever! and energy
• It expanded rapidly in nothingness through
a rapid yet peaceful process called
As the currently accepted theory of the origin and
evolution of the universe, the Big Bang Theory
• The universe cooled down as it expanded
postulates that 13.8 billion years ago, the
• A soup of matter in the form of subatomic
universe expanded from a tiny, dense and hot
particles was formed and nuclei of light
mass to its present size and much cooler state.
atoms were created via nucleosynthesis
or nuclear fusion between protons and Earth from every direction with nearly
neutrons uniform intensity.
• Electrons interacted with these nuclei to • When this cosmic background light was
form actual, primordial atoms via the released, billions of years ago, it was as
process of recombination hot and bright as the surface of a star.
• Vesto Slipher and Carl Wilhelm Wirtz • The expansion of the universe, however,
(1910) - Measurement of redshift has stretched space by a factor of a
Observed that most spiral galaxies were thousand.
moving away from the earth • Since then the wavelength of the light has
• Georges Lemaître (1927) - Proposed stretched with it into the microwave part of
alternative idea that the universe is the electromagnetic spectrum.
• Edwin Hubble (1929) - Calculated
distances between the earth and several SOLAR SYSTEM
galaxies using redshift of light  SUN - The Sun is the star at the center of
o Observed distant galaxies were the Solar System. It is a massive, hot ball
moving away from the Earth and of plasma, inflated and heated by nuclear
one another fusion reactions at its core. Part of this
• Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias (1965) internal energy is emitted from its surface
- Discovered cosmic microwave as light, ultraviolet, and infrared radiation,
background radiation (CMBR)-a low, providing most of the energy for life on
steady humming noise believed to be Earth.
energy remains  MERCURY - It is the closest to the Sun
• Modern astronomy (2014) - Universe is and also the smallest. It is a planet without
estimated to be 13.8 billion years old with satellites in its orbit. Its surface, covered
5% of its composition existing as ordinary with rock and craters, resembles that of
matter. the Moon
 VENUS - It is the one that most resembles
the Earth. It is covered with very thick
Expanding Universe
clouds that reflect sunlight, so that at night
• In 1929, Edwin Hubble announced his it looks bright and we can distinguish it
significant discovery of the "redshift" and its with the naked eye.
interpretation that galaxies are moving away from  EARTH - Earth is the third planet from the
each other, hence as evidence for an expanding Sun and the only astronomical object
universe, just as predicted by Einstein's Theory known to harbor life. This is enabled by
of General Relativity. Earth being a water world, the only one in
the Solar System sustaining liquid surface
• He observed that spectral lines of starlight made
to pass through a prism are shifted toward the red
 MARS - Mars is often called the 'Red
part of the electromagnetic spectrum, i.e., toward
Planet', logically because of its reddish
the band of lower frequency; thus, the inference
appearance. It has the largest volcano of
that the star or galaxy must be moving away from
the eight planets in the solar system. One
of the great scientific discoveries of recent
• Red shift as evidence for an expanding years has been the finding of subway
universe. The positions of the absorptions water on Mars. It has two satellites called
lines for helium for light coming from the Phobos and Deimos.
Sun are shifted towards the red end as  JUPITER - It is a gigantic planet: its size is
compared with those for a distant star. 1,300 times larger than the Earth. It has
This evidence for expansion contradicted many natural satellites, the most important
the previously held view of a static and of which are Io, Europa, Ganymede and
unchanging universe. Callisto. Galielo Galilei first observed the
satellites of Jupiter.
 SATURN - Saturn is a yellowish planet
• The Cosmic Microwave Background
and, next to Jupiter, the hottest planet.
radiation, or CMB for short, is a faint glow
The most special thing about Saturn is its
of light that fills the universe, falling on
famous rings composed of rocks and
water ice. Some of its natural satellites are disk-like path. This plane is often
Hyperion and Iapetus. referred to as the “ecliptic plane”.
 URANUS - Uranus is characterized by 4. The periods of revolution of the planets
being a very cold planet because it is far increase with increasing distance.
from the Sun. Its axis of rotation is very - This means that planets move faster in
tilted, and it looks bluish in color because their orbits when they are closer to the
of the gases that form its surface. Uranus Sun (perihelion) and slower when they
also has a ring system and a few natural are farther away (aphelion).
satellites including Titania, Oberon and
Miranda. 5. All planets are located at regular
 NEPTUNE - It is the farthest from the Sun intervals from the Sun.
and this makes it the coldest planet in the Small Scale Features of the Solar System
Solar System. Also, because of the gas in
its atmosphere, it appears blue. It has a "Small-scale features of the solar system" refer to
system of four rings formed by dust relatively minor or localized characteristics,
particles structures, or phenomena within our solar system
that are on a smaller or more detailed level
compared to the large-scale features. These
features are typically observable in closer
The term "large-scale features of the solar proximity or at finer spatial resolutions.
system" refers to significant and prominent
structures or characteristics that exist on a grand 1. Most planets rotate prograde.
scale within our solar system. These features are - Prograde rotation of planets refers to
typically observable across vast distances and their rotation in the same direction as
often define the overall structure and organization their orbit around the Sun, typically
of the solar system. Examples of large-scale from west to east. In our solar system,
features in the solar system include the majority of planets exhibit prograde
rotation, which means they rotate
Large-scale features of the solar system refer to counterclockwise when viewed from
prominent and sizable components or aspects of above their north poles. Prograde
the solar system that are easily observable and rotation is the norm for planets but,
play a significant role in its organization and interestingly, there are exceptions like
function. These features are often essential for Venus, which experiences retrograde
understanding the overall structure and behavior (east-to-west) rotation, rotating very
of our solar system. slowly and in the opposite direction to
most other planets. Understanding the
1. Much of the mass (99.85%) of the Solar
rotation of planets is essential for
System is concentrated at the center
studying their geology, climate, and
(Sun) while angular momentum is held
various physical characteristics, as it
by the other planets.
influences factors like day-night cycles
- Angular momentum is a fundamental
and the distribution of landforms and
physical quantity that describes the
atmospheric patterns.
rotational motion of an object.
2. Terrestrial planets have:
2. Orbits of the planets are on the same
 High densities
plane and elliptical.
 Thin or no atmospheres
- “Elliptical” refers to the shape of their
orbits. An elliptical orbit is an  Rotate slowly
elongated, oval-shaped path that a  Rocky materials such as silicates,
planet or other object follows as it iron, and nickel of high melting
revolves around a central body, such points
as a star like the Sun.  Poor in ices (H2O, NH3, CH4) and
3. All plants revolve around the sun. lower contents of H, He, and noble
- When we say that the orbits of the gases. (Water, Ammonia,
planets are on the same plane, we are Methane)
referring to the idea that the planets in  The terrestrial planets, also known
our solar system tend to move around as rocky planets, are the innermost
the Sun in roughly the same flat, planets in our solar system and
include Mercury, Venus, Earth,
and Mars. They are called
"terrestrial" because they share
some common characteristics with
Earth, primarily a solid, rocky
 These planets are characterized
by their relatively high densities,
composed mainly of rock and
metal, and they have distinct, well-
defined surfaces with features
such as mountains, valleys, and
impact craters. Unlike the gas
giants farther from the Sun,
 Terrestrial planets have thin or no
Proposed by Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel
atmospheres compared to their
Kant, and Pierre-Simon Laplace in 1700s.
size, making them fundamentally
different in terms of their - “A rotating cloud of gas and dust that
composition and environmental cools and contracts in the middle to
conditions. They are also the form the sun and the rest into a disc
planets most likely to support liquid that become the planets”
water, a key ingredient for the
development of life as we know it,
with Earth being the prime
 A planet with high density has a Evidence to support the nebular hypotheses:
relatively large amount of mass 1. Planets and moons revolve in a
packed into a relatively small counterclockwise direction
space. This is often an indication
that the planet is composed 2. Almost all planets and moons rotate on
primarily of heavy materials, such their axis in a counterclockwise direction
as rocks and metals, which have a
3. Planetary orbits are aligned along the
higher density compared to lighter
sun’s equatorial plane
materials like gases.
3. Jovian Worlds have: ENCOUNTER HYPOTHESIS
 Low densities Proposed by chamberlain and Moulton
 Thick atmospheres
- “The planets formed from debris torn off the sun
 Rotate rapidly
by a close encounter with another star”
 Many natural satellites
 Fluid interiors, rich in ices, H/He - “That our planets, moons, and sun all spun off
4. Most of outer Solar System objects are from a collision between stars”
- According to this hypothesis a collision
HYPOTHESIS ON THE ORIGIN OF THE SOLAR happened and huge amount of gas explode out of
SYSTEM it from the sun
The Sun is the main protagonist of this system, There are a lot of theories about encounter
which is why it is called the Solar System. It is hypothesis. These theories are the following:
located in the center and everything revolves
around it. The Sun is an immense star that emits 1. One of the earliest theory for the formation
light and heat. It is the closest star to the Earth of the planets
and on which all life on Earth depends
2. In this scenario, a rogue star passes close
Many theories have been proposed since about to the sun about 5 billion years ago
four centuries ago. Each has weaknesses in PLANETISMAL HYPOTHESIS (1904)
explaining all characteristics of the solar system.
T. C Chamberlain and F.R Moulton’s theory
A few are discussed below.
- Planetismal hypothesis involving a star much  Rotational speed of Earth and Mars are
bigger than the sun passing by the sun and draws very similar. Rotational speed of Venus is
gaseous filaments from both out which extremely slow.
planetisimals.  Abundance of liquid water on Earth, hence
the blue color.
 The Earth is a habitable planet.
A “near miss” encounter occurs between the sun
and a passing star  Venus, Earth, and Mars are part of the
inner terrestrial or "rocky" planets. Their
- Sun-comet encounter that sent matter to composition and densities are not too
form planet. different from each other.
 Venus is considered to be the Earth's twin
planet. It has a very similar size and mass
The sun passed through a dense interstellar
with the Earth.
cloud and emerged with a dusty, gaseous
 Mars is about half the Earth's size.
envelope that eventually became the planets.
 Orbital period and velocity are related to
- The time required to form the planets the planet's distance from the sun.
exceeds the age of the solar system.
A variation of James Jean’s near collision 1. Our Location is far from many hazards
- The solar system sits far from the
- A collision between proto-planets close to galactic core (almost 30,000 light
the sun produced the terrestrial planers; years between two major spiral
condensation in the filament produced the arms. More so, the solar system’s
giant planets and their satellites. circular orbit helps it avoid that
dangerous part of the galaxy. The
galactic core likely contains a
Developed by Carl von Weizsacker and Gerard massive black hole and releases
Kuiper consistent bursts of radiation.
“The solar system begins to form, as a rotating There are also relatively few stars
cloud, or nebula collapses. But instavilities near the sun, reducing risks to
develop in the nebula causing dust particles ton earth from gravitational tugs or
pull together. Then the dust particles merge into collapsing stars called supernova.
billions of planetesimals then collide and form 2. We are just the right distance from the
protoplanets. At the center of the nebular disk the sun
protosun increases in mass and becomes a star
by the process of hydrogen fusion - Earth is at an average distance of
93 million miles or 150 million km
EARTH AS A UNIQUE PLANET away from the sun. It orbits in the
Earth is the third planet from the sun and the fifth so-called Goldilocks Zone – where
largest planet with a radius of 3,959 miles. The planet receives enough energy to
name Earth is a Germanic word which means allow water to exist as a liquid o its
“the ground”. Earth revolves around the sun once surface. Earth is the only planet
every 365.25 days and rotates in its axis every 24 with huge bodies of water -70% of
hours. Among all these facts, one stands out. It is its surface are consists oceans,
the only planet that can support life which makes lakes and seas Water is unique
earth unique among all the planets in the solar because it absorbs large amounts
system. But what are these characteristics that of heat without much alteration in
made Earth capable of harboring life? its temperature. Its absorption
speed is extremely rapid- about
 Among the three planet, Venus is the ten times as fast as steel
nearest and Mars is the farthest from the
Sun. 3. We have the right stuff to host a
dynamic core
- The interstellar cloud of gas and methane are trace gases that
dust that gave rise to earth accounts for about tenth of one
contained enough radioactive percent of the atmosphere. These
elements(potassium, uranium and gases trap the suns heat to keep
thorium) to power a churning core the planet warm.
for billions of years. This creates a
6. We are just the right distance from the
magnetic field which is crucial to
life on our planet because it
protects the planet from dangers - Our sun is a yellow dwarf , a
like solar flares and solar wind. relatively rare type of star that is
The earths magnetic field serves to both small and stable. It also has a
deflect most of the solar wind, long life and probably would not
whose charged particles would start to fizzle out for another five
otherwise strip away the ozone billion years or so. Stars more
layer that protects the earth and massive than the sun burn hotter
the life on it from harmful ultraviolet and usually do not live long
radiation., enough for planets to develop life.
Less massive, younger stars are
4. We have a big moon to stabilize our
often unstable and are prone to
axial wobble
blasting their planets with bursts of
- The earth has a slight tilt and radiation.The sun radiated light
teeters like a top as it spins, which and heat , or solar energy , whch
can, cause drastic shifts in climate makes it possible for life to exist on
over the course of thousands of earth. The sun provides the earth
years. But because of the moon’s with energy estimated at over 239
stabilizing effect on our orbit, our trillion horsepower, about 35,000
climate is a lot steadier. horsepower for each current
resident. Plants need sunlight to
- the moon causes the tides, so if
grow. Animals need plants for food
the Moon were much nearer to the
and oxygen they produce.Without
earth it would exert a gravitational
heat from the sun, earth would
force 400 times greater than what
we are used to. It would result to
huge tides which would overflow UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS OF EARTH
onto the lowlands ,causing great EARTH’S FEATURES
1. Earth’s axis
5. We have an ozone layer to block
- The Earth's axis is tilted at an
harmful ray
angle of about 23.5 degrees
- Ozone (o3) is a gas in the relative to the plane of its orbit
atmosphere that protects around the sun.
everything living on the Earth from
- This tilt is responsible for the
harmful UV rays from the sun.
Earth's seasons and the variation
Without the layer of ozone in the
in daylight hours throughout the
atmosphere, it would be very
year in different parts of the world.
difficult for anything to survive on
the surface. The ozone layer acts 2. Orbital Plane
as a shield to absorbs the u rays
and keep them from doing damage - Earth's orbital plane is the flat path
at the earths surface. The mixture that it follows as it travels around
of gases found in the atmosphere the sun.
without man’s pollution is perfect 3. Equator
for life. Nitrogen accounts 78% of
the atmosphere , oxygen 21% and - The equator is an imaginary line
argon .9% Greenhouse gases like that circles the Earth at 0 degrees
carbon dioxide,nitrous oxide and
latitude, and it divides the planet - allows the occurrence of geologic events
into two hemispheres that shape the earth and generate
materials needed by living organisms
Earth’s Structure
- Earth's structure is made up of four
different layers. Each layer has its distinct - about 70% of the Earth is covered with
characteristics and composition. liquid water and 97% of it is in the form of
ocean water
The Earth’s Moon
- freshwater accounts for just 3% which
- Diameter: Approx. 3,476 kilometers includes those in lakes, rivers,
- Mass: Approx. 81 quintillion pounds groundwater ice and snow
- Distance (Earth): Approx. 384,400 kms. - heat is absorbed and redistributed on the
- Orbital Period: Approximately 27.3 Earth surface of the earth through ocean
days circulation
- Gravity: Approximately one-sixth of Earth's
gravity 3.BIOSPHERE

 Escape velocity is the minimum speed an - is the set of all life forms on Earth
object needs to escape a planet's pull of - it extends as far as 12,500 meters from
gravity the surface that includes the depths of the
 Surface pressure is the atmospheric ocean
pressure at a location on the surface of - It covers all the ecosystem- from the soils
the planet. It is proportional to the mass of to the rainforest, from mangroves to coral
air above the location reefs
 Temperature if no greenhouse gases are - the biosphere maintains the ecosystem
present’ indicates the temperature of the
planet without the warming effect of 4. ATMOSPHERE
greenhouse gases.
 A planet's temperature is a function of its - the thin gaseous layer
distance from the Sun. However, this - it contains water vapor and other gases
factor can be modified by the intensity of which help to moderate our daily
greenhouse warming. temperature
 Length of day is a function of rotational - the present atmosphere is composed of
speed. 78% nitrogen(N), 21% oxygen (O), 0.9%
EARTH’S SUBSYTEM - it also serves as our protection from
The EARTH SYSTEM is a set of all matter both meteors by burning it up before hitting the
living and non-living, energy and processes within Earth’s surface
Earth’s boundary. Is powered by energy from two
major sources: SUN & PLANETS INTERNAL
HEAT. 1. Troposphere: The troposphere is the lowest
layer of the atmosphere, where weather events,
This enables numerous processes and cycles to including clouds, rain, and winds, occur. It
take place. Scientists break down Earth’s major extends from the Earth's surface up to an average
system into four subsystems (also called spheres) altitude of about 8-15 kilometers (5-9 miles)
such as GEOSPHERE/LITOSPHERE(land), depending on the location. This layer contains
HYDROSPHERE(water), BIOSPHERE (life) and most of the Earth's air mass and is where humans
ATMOSPHERE(AIR). and other Earthly life forms exist.
1. GEOSPHERE 2.Stratosphere: Above the troposphere is the
- also know as LITOSPHERE stratosphere, which extends from the tropopause
- solid portion of the Earth (the boundary between the troposphere and
- Includes the rocks and minerals of the stratosphere) to approximately 50 kilometers (31
crust and mantle , the metallic liquid outer miles) above the Earth's surface. The
core and the solid metallic inner core stratosphere is where the ozone layer is located,
- includes the different landforms which absorbs and scatters the solar ultraviolet
(UV) radiation. Commercial jet aircraft generally Forest Fire- Forest fires may destroy all the
fly within the lower stratosphere. plants in the area and could lead to increase in
erosion. Increased amount of soil entering the
3.Mesosphere: Above the stratosphere is the
streams can lead to increased turbidity or
mesosphere, extending from about 50 to 85
muddiness of the water which will affect the
kilometers (31 to 53 miles) above the Earth's
plants and animals that live in it.
Meteors or "shooting stars" burn up in this layer
upon entering the Earth's Atmosphere. ROCKS
 It is a naturally occurring solid aggregate
4. Thermosphere: The thermosphere begins of one or more minerals.
around 85 kilometers (53 miles) above the Earth  The aggregate minerals forming the rocks
and extends to the exosphere. This layer
are held together by chemical bonds.
experiences a significant increase in temperature
with altitude due to the absorption of high-energy TYPES OF ROCKS
solar radiation. However, the density of particles 1.IGNEOUS - Form when magma or lava/ liquid
in the thermosphere is so low. The auroras rock cools and solidifies.
(Northern and Southern Lights) occur in the
thermosphere. 2.SEDIMENTARY - Rocks that form when
sediments (sand, silt etc.) are lithified.
5.Exosphere: The exosphere is the outermost
layer of the Earth's atmosphere, starting at the 3.METAMORPHIC - Rocks that are changed due
thermopause, which is located at an average to extreme heat and/or pressure.
altitude of about 700 kilometers (440 miles) above IGNEOUS ROCKS
the Earth's surface. In the exosphere, the few
particles that exist are so far apart that they can
travel hundreds of kilometers without colliding
with one another. This layer gradually transitions
into outer space.

Although the four systems have their unique

identities, they are closely connected. For
example, many birds (biosphere) fly through the
air (atmosphere), while water (hydrosphere) flows
through the soil (geosphere). These close
connections cause changes to take place in
Earth’s spheres. These changes are called
EVENTS. This two-way relationship between
event and sphere is called INTERACTIONS.
Igneous rocks form from the cooling and
SOME EXAMPLES OF EVENTS AND THE hardening of molten magna. These rocks can
form by slowly cooling beneath the surface or
Volcano- volcanoes in the geosphere may cause more quickly at the surface.
profound direct and indirect effects on the
hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. This Two Types of Igneous Rocks:
happens when volcanoes emit large amount of
1.Extrusive/Volcanic Rock - forms when magma
particulate matter into the air.
makes its way to Earth’s surface as lava and then
Acid Rain- Acid rain is any form of liquid cools. The crystals are very small (fine-grained)
precipitation that contains high level of nitric and since the cooling process is fast.
sulfuric acid. Rain brings these acids to the Earth,
acidifying soil, lakes and rivers. Acidic water
leaches nutrients from the soil into the water table
making the soil less fertile for the plants and the
subterranean water not potable for humans.
2. Intrusive/Plutonic Rock - It cools slowly  Sandstone is a sedimentary rock
beneath the Earth surface and are created by composed of sand-sized grains of
magma. The intrusive igneous rocks have very minerals rock or organic material
large crystals (coarse grained).
 Limestone is formed when seashells and
the skeletons of marine animals were
compressed into the sea floors along with
other sediment

 Sedimentary rocks can contain valuable

information about Earth's history.
Geologists study the layers of sedimentary
rocks to understand past environments
and events.

 Relative Dating: Relative dating involves

determining the chronological order of
events without assigning a specific age.
GRANITE- makes up most of the continentals Geologists use principles like
crust- intrusive METAMORPHIC ROCKS
BASALT- makes up most of the ocean floors- Metamorphic rocks form when minerals in an
extrusive existing rock are changed by heat and pressure
below the surface.
- Can come from igneous rocks,
sedimentary rocks or even from other
metamorphic rocks.
- META means CHANGE while, MORPHE
 are developed from sediments
Metamorphic rocks become:
 Sediments are tiny grains of dirt, sand,
mud, and clay weathered or worn off  Harder
rocks. these are then washed into  More dense
streams, rivers, lakes and oceans and  Distorted
they settle in the bottom of these bodies of
water DO NOT MELT! (They Recrystallize)
 Sedimentary rocks form by the ROCK CYCLE
compaction and cementing together of Natural processes like erosion change rocks from
sediments. These rocks can be formed one type to another all the time. This process
from erosion and weathering of other typically occurs very slowly. The rock cycle has
rocks. no beginning or end.
 Provide information about surface
conditions that existed in the Earth’s past - is a group of changes that occurs in rocks.
 Sedimentary rocks can contain valuable Igneous rocks can change into sedimentary rock
information about Earth's history. or into metamorphic rock. Sedimentary rock can
Geologists study the layers of sedimentary change into metamorphic rock or into igneous
rocks to understand past environments rock. Metamorphic rock can change into igneous
and events. or sedimentary rock
• Weathering- wears down rocks on
Earth's surface into smaller
pieces .The resulting bits and
pieces are called sediment.
• Erosion – sediment is then
transported by wind and water,
often ending up in new locations
far from where it started .The 3. All minerals are solid- all solids have definite
transport due to exposure to the shape and volume
environment is called erosion
4. Structure- atoms in the mineral are arranged in
• Deposition-when the transporting a pattern
medium loses its energy,
5. Chemical composition- every mineral is an
sediments settle and accumulate
element or compound with a chemical
in layers on the Earth’s surface.
composition. All minerals has chemical
• Compacting and Cementing - compositions unique to that mineral.
Overtime sediment accumulates in
oceans, lakes, valleys eventually
building up in layers and weighing 1.COLOR - It is the result of the reflection of
down the material underneath. The visible light and the various elements composing
weight of the sediments presses the mineral.
the sediment particles together , If a mineral is composed of elements that reflect
compacting them. Water passing violet light, then a mineral will appear violet.
through the spaces in between the
particles helps to cement them  Color maybe a unique identifying property
together even more. Common of certain minerals (e.g. malachite –
cementing minerals include calcite, green, azurite – blue).
silica and clay minerals.  There are also lots of minerals that share
similar or the same color/s. In addition,
• Metamorphism - a rock that is some minerals can exhibit a range of
exposed to extreme heat and colors.
pressure but does not melt
becomes a metamorphic rock. 2. LUSTER - refers to the way light bounces off
the surface of a mineral.
Minerals dissolved in the pore water begin to
precipitate out of the water and crystallize around - It is the quality and intensity of reflected lights
the sediment particles. Common cementing exhibited by the mineral.
minerals include calcite, silica (in the form of
Minerals may be metallic and non- metallic
quartz), iron oxides, and clay minerals.
Metallic - generally opaque and exhibit a
These minerals act like natural glues, binding the
resplendent shine similar to a polished metal.
sediment particles together.
Nonmetallic -
The elements that make up the rocks are never
destroyed, instead they are constantly being  vitreous – shiny like glass
recycled.  adamantine- sparkly, brilliant diamond
 resinous- like a resin or tree sap
Nonliving, natural substances that make up rocks  silky - fibrous and soft looking
are called MINERALS.  Pearly- milky or like a pearl
Minerals - it is naturally occurring, usually organic  dull – earthy or clay-like
solid with distinct chemical composition and an  greasy – oily
orderly crystalline structure.
3. STREAK - is the color of a mineral in
There are more than 3,000 kinds of minerals with powdered form. Note that the color of a mineral
different properties. A property is a characteristic could be different from the streak. Streak is a
that describes something. better diagnostic property as compared to color.
Minerals can be identified by their properties. Streak is inherent to almost every mineral. Color
maybe unreliable for identification as impurities
CHARACTERISTICS OF MINERALS within the minerals may give the minerals a
1. Naturally occurring because they are formed by different color.
natural processes.
2. Inorganic-they aren’t alive. Never were alive 4.HARDNESS -it is a measure of the resistance of
a mineral to Abrasion. mHardness refers to a
mineral’s ability to scratch another mineral or be fundamental building block of silicate
scratched by another mineral. Each mineral is minerals
numbered one to ten.
2. Oxide - minerals containing Oxygen anion
(O2-) combined with one or more metal
5.CLEAVAGE - it is a property of some mineral to ions
break along parallel repetitively planet of
weakness to form, smooth, flat surface 3. Sulfite - minerals containing Sulfur and
Oxygen anion (SO4)- combined with other
6.FRACTURE - it is refers to the capacity of
minerals to break along curve surface 4. Sulfide - minerals containing sulfur anion
(S2)- combined with one or more ions.
Some sulfides are sources of
7.CRYSTAL/FORM HABIT - the external shape economically important metals such as
of crystal group of crystal is displayed as these copper, lead and zinc.
crystal grow in an open space
5. Carbonates - minerals containing the
carbonate anion (CO3)2- combined with
8.FLOURESCENE - it is the ability of a mineral to other elements
glow when bombarded with ultraviolet light 6. Halides - minerals containing halogen
elements combined with one or more
9.PHOSPHORESCENCE - it is th ability of a elements
mineral to continuously glow even after ultraviolet 7. Native elements - minerals that form as
light has been turned on. individual elements

10.SPECIFIC GRAVITY - Density describes the

amount of matter present in a certain amount of
space or volume. To get mineral density, the 1. Metals and Inter-metals – minerals with high
mass of a sample is taken using a scale and the thermal and electrical conductivity, typically
volume is determined through the water with metallic luster, low hardness (gold,
displacement method. The density is then lead)b.
calculated by dividing the mass by the volume of
2. Semi-metals – minerals that are more fragile
water displaced. Specific is a measure of a
than metals and have lower conductivity
mineral’s density as compared to water. It is (arsenic, bismuth)c.
calculated by dividing the density of a mineral by
the density of water. A mineral with a specific 3. Nonmetals – nonconductive (sulfur,
gravity of 2 is twice as dense as water. diamond)


There are almost 5000 known mineral species,

yet the vast majority of rocks are formed from
combinations of a few common minerals, referred
to as “rock-forming minerals”. The rock-forming
minerals are: feldspars, quartz, amphiboles,
micas, olivine, garnet, calcite, pyroxenes.
Minerals occurring within a rock in small
quantities are referred to as “accessory minerals”.
1. Silicate - minerals containing 2 of the
most abundant elements in the Earth’s
crust, namely, silicon and oxygen. When
linked together, these two elements form
the silicon oxygen tetrahedron - the

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