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Reducing Global Warming with Trees

Dr. S. Muralidhara Rao

Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan,
Former BARC ((Mumbai) and NASA (USA) Scientist,
Member Sri Sathya Sai Seva Dal, Mumbai

Internet Brochure
Released on June 12, 2020

First internet edition June 2020

All rights reserved.

Contact the author

Mobile: 8433782343

at the
Divine Lotus Feet of

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Who responded to mental prayr and lifted Grama Seva to Divine Worship by
singing the Bhajan
Graama Seva Bina Uddhara Nahin
Hari Nama Bina Ananda Nahin

Fighting Global Warming with Trees

1. What is Global Warming?

Everyone nowadays complains summer temperatures are increasing year after year; or
it is raining but it is not cooling; or it is winter still it is not cooling; or it is June end
but still it is not raining and so on. Experts attribute this condition we are facing to
Global Warming which in turn is a result of increasing environmental pollution. This
pollution is causing what in scientific terms is called “Greenhouse Effect”. What is
this Greenhouse effect ?
Our earth is enveloped by a layer of atmosphere consisting of various gases such as
Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbondioxide, etc. When sun’s light and heat passes
through this atmosphere it heats up and emits part of the heat towards earth and part to
the sky. In addtion, earth also heats up receiving sun’s radiation during day time, but
cools during at night. Gases like Carbon dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrous Oxide,
Methane etc, trap this heat and retain it and help the earth stay warm. This is similar
to the green houses made of glass used to grow vegitables and exotic flower in
winters and summers. They keep the plants as uniform temperatrue throught the day.
That is why these gases are called Green House Gases (GHGs). This process is
described in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Sun’s heat (shown in yellow) (1) is absorbed by the atmospheric gases and earths surface and
heat up (shown in red) (2), Part is emitted back (5), Part is reabsorbed and heat the atmospheric gases
further. Because of the excessive green house gases the heat absorbed is increasing and very little
emitted back (6). (courtesy : Marion Koshland Science Museum of the National Academy of Sciences,

The green house effect keeps our earth at hospitable temperatures. It is through this
earth temperature has been in balance. However, due to industrial, vehicle and other
human activities large amounts of Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrous Oxide,
Methane and othe such gases are released into the atmosphere. Most of them are
GHGs and trap heat (infrared rdiation) without allowing it to escape into space as
mentioned above. As the concentration of these Green House Gases increases in the
atmosphere, the atmospheric heat emitted into the sky or space is reduced and trapped

in this atmospheric layers. This results in an increase in the general temperature of the
earth as illustrated in the Fig. 1 above.
2. Scientific Solutions for Global Warming
Scientists are working on various soulutions and have not so far had any
breakthrough. However, recent research by Prof. J. Lehman of Cornell University,
USA and other scientists around the world have shown that the major constituent of
the GHGs, Carbon Dioxide can be removed from atmosphere with the help of trees.
Trees absorb CO2 from atmosphere and produce plant matter by photosynthesis which
in due course becomes leaves, branches and stem. In normal course these leaves and
branches dry off and fall down on earth and decay during rains and emitt CO2,
Methane, Nitrouc oxide and other gases leaving foliage which turns into soil carbon.
These scientists argue that instead of allowing this biomass to decay, it could be
pyrolysed at around 300-400 oC to release gases and tars that could be traped and
srored for use in generating energy. The Pyrolyis leaves behing a solid biochar which
could be put in soil as an amemdment. It also finds seval Industrial uses. Since
Carbon is removed from atmosphere, this is called Carbon Negative Approach in
scientific terms. Let me explaing this a bit.
There is a close connection between trees and humans. Trees absorb gases like CO2
and water vapour we exhale and give us oxygen. Trees take our rejects such as food
waste and excreta and give us food. And this same connection is coming to our rescue
2.1 Growing trees is Carbon Neutral and slightly Carbon Positive
Let us take a small dry tree branch and burn it. We see a lot of smoke coming out
along with flames. This smoke we see consists of Carbon dioxide, Carbon Monoxide,
Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Methane and others is in fact responsible for the flame we see.
In technical terms this is called wood gas. But due to insufficient burning part of the
smoke goes into the atmosphere. This represents Carbon Positive condition. Same is
the case with Coal, Oil and other Fossil fuel-based technologies which emit
greenhouse gases (GHGs) into atmosphere and are therefore Carbon Positive.
In the second situation let the same dry branch fall on the ground, when it rains, this
decays into the soil and emits gases as enumerated above, that are not visible to the
eyes and the solid matter is absorbed into the ground as soil carbon which provides
nutrients to the plant. The plant uses this soil carbon, takes Carbon Dioxide and other
gases from atmosphere and produce Chlorophyll through photosynthesis in the
presence of sunlight. Since no net carbon is released into the atmosphere during this
process it is termed Carbon Neutral. However, some additional gases such as
Methane and Nitrous oxide are emitted to atmosphere making it slightly Carbon
Positive. This process has been occurring for millions of years and the building up of
these gases in nature has been causing cyclic phenomenon such as mini ice ages.
However, trees are needed to provide oxygen and cooling much needed for our
survival on earth. Excessive tree growth could be a biological burden on water and
other resources in addition to inadvertent carbon positivity.

3. Carbon Negative Approach a Revolutionary Method to reduce Global
In the third case if same dry branch is burnt in an enclosed environment in such a way
that smoke released (called wood gas) is captured and stored. This process is called
pyrolysis and leaves behind a charred mass called biochar which can be returned to
the soil as amendment. The biochar helps in retaining water and nutrients in the soil.
Plant nutrients and takes Carbon dioxide and other gases form atmosphere to produce
chlorophyll through photosynthesis. In this case no gases are emitted from the plant
matter into the atmosphere but the plant extracts GHGs from atmosphere for its
growth. There is a net carbon removal from atmosphere and the process is termed
Carbon Negative. It is argued that this is a unique solution with long lasting
implications and will provide sustainable living on earth. Is this not an amazing Gift
from God that we have, a Nature's Machine, that converts dangerous gases into
These three processes are illustrated in the Figure 2 given below.
In layman’s language, this means that the tree converts gaseous GHGs into dense
solid plant matter we call wood. It is estimated that 1 Kg of wood contains nearly 1.6
Kg of Carbon Dioxide. 1 Kg of carbon dioxide occupies nearly 590 liters of volume.
So, 1 Kg of wood is storing a near 1000 liters of Carbon Dioxide.

Fig. 2 Illustrates the three processes described above. (a) Human activity, Industry, transport, forest
fires all lead to Carbon emissions into atmosphere and are called Carbon Positive. (b) Trees take
Carbon from atmosphere and give out oxygen. But the decaying/burning plant matter releases Carbon
back into atmosphere. Whatever is removed is returned to atmosphere. So it is Carbon Neutral. (c)
The Carbon absorbed by tree is removed by storing the gases released during pyrolysis and putting the
biochar back to soil or further energy generation. Though a small part of the carbon is returned to
atmosphere, it helps in removing Carbon form atmosphere. Therefore, it is called Carbon Negative.
(Illustrations: Courtsey Nature publishing)

Amazing. What better machine can we operate more efficiently that this Nature’s Gift
to overcome our most pressing problem.
4. Global Warming and Atmospheric Carbon
Coming back to global warming, following the Industrial revolution, our carbon
positive lifestyle has been adding carbon dioxide and other gases as mentioned above,

leading to their accumulation in the atmosphere. As shown in Fig. 3, (a) Scientists
have found that the concentration of Carbon in atmosphere has gone up from 300
parts per million (ppm) in 1950s to 412 ppm in 2018. Parts per million is a measure
used in Chemistry to quantify the percentage of a minor constituent in a mixture. (For
example, we add sugar to water and say one spoon per glass. Or more specifically 1
gram per 100 grams of water we say the sugar is 1% by weight. But if we add 1gm of
sugar to say 1000 kg of water. This is 1 gram in one metric ton or a million grams of
water and is expressed as 1 part per million). It can be shown by simple calculation
that 1 ppm of Carbon amounts to 2.12 Gt (Giga ton = 1 Billion Mt or 1,000,000,000,
000 Kg) or 2.12 Billion Metric tons by weight. Meaning a staggering 237 Gt
accumulation over seven decades. No wonder the summer temperatures of 40 Celcius
in 1950s have gone up to 50+ C in recent years with such a thick green gas layer.

(a) (b)
Fig. 3 (a) Shows the increase in the atmospheric Carbon content in ppm from 1750 AD and projected
till 2050 (Original figure from has been modified to give approximate corresponding
summer temperatures). Black line is the actual CO2 in the atmosphere and the thick line based on
theoretical models extrapolated till 2050; and (b) gives CO2 measured in June from 1958 to 2018
recorded at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii (USA). It is seen that nearly 2 ppm of CO 2 is being added
annually. It took 60 years and 100 ppm of Carbon addition to go from 40 oC to 50 oC in summers.
Which means we will have the next 10 oC increase in the next 50 years, it is 2065 or even earlier.

Fig. 3 (a) presents the increase in the Carbon content in atmosphere since 1750. The
measured data is given by the solid black line up to 2004 and the red line is based on
theoretical models with extrapolation till 2050 from 1954. Two summer temperatures
are marked with arrows 40 oC at 1955 and 50 oC in 2017 indicating the increase in the
summer temperatures corresponding to the atmospheric Carbon increase. If this
collection of Carbon in atmosphere continues, we are sure to cross 60 oC in next 50
years. In fac,t the Carbon content reached 412 in 2018 itself instead of 2025 according
to this figure (marked by blue dot). This is indeed a dangerous trend. Fig 3 (b) shows
atmospheric CO2 measured in the months of June from 1958 to 2018 recorded at
Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii (USA). It is seen that nearly 2 ppm of CO2 is being
added annually in the last 3 years. It took 60 years and 100 ppm of C to go from 40 oC
to 50 oC in summers. Which means we will have the next 10 oC increase in less than
50 years it is 2065 or even earlier.

4.1 Keeling curves and hope for removing carbon dioxide using trees

Fig. 4 The graph depicting the CO2 in atmosphere measured in ppm since 1956 to
date at The Scrippsinstitute of Oceanography called the Keeling Curve.
Fig.4 gives the graph depicting the CO2 in atmosphere measured in ppm since 1956 to
date. At The Scripps Institute of Oceanography the CO2 program was initiated in
1956 by Charles David Keeling and operated under his direction until his death in
2005. And this curve is named after him. Keeling curve shows that CO2 content
increases and decreases periodically and not a straight line. An expanded view of
from 2016 to 2021 in the monthly mean is given in Fig 5 (A) (taken from . The curve shown that CO2 levels increase from October
till May represented by (x) and decrease again till October represented by (y)
Recent weekly mean curve provided by the Mouna Loa Laboratory is given in Fig. 5
(B) ( which gives the atmospheric CO2 in ppm from
October 2020 to October 2021. The data shown till October 2021. (x) measures nearly
10 ppm and y measures about 7 ppm. This curve clearly gives an idea that the trees
are removing nearly 7 ppm of CO2 from atmosphere. The immediate question that
follows is why can’t we use the same route to remove CO2 emitted into atmosphere
over the past century starting with the industrial revolution? The amount deposited in
atmosphere during this period is nearly 100 ppm with an annual increase of 3-4 ppm.

(A) (B)
Fig. 5 (A) An expanded view of the Keeling curve between 2016 to 2021, (B) The
Keeling curve measurements for the year 2020-2021.

In the Fig. 5 (A) the keeling curve of Fig. 4 is shown expanded from 2016 to 2021.
Three parts are marked in this figure x, y and z. x is the rising part of the of the CO2
curve. y represents the decreasing part of the CO2 curve and z represents the
difference between two maxima of these curves.
Recent weekly mean curve provided by the Mouna Loa Laboratory is given in Fig. 5
(B) (, which gives the atmospheric CO2 in ppm
from October 2020 to October 2021. This plot clearly shows the CO2 level increases
from 411 ppm to 420.5 ppm between October 2020 and May 2021. And also
decreases to 413 ppm in September 2021. Meaning 9.5 ppm increase but decrease by
7.5 ppm in 12 months. If trees alone were involved in both the processes, the peaks
would have been nearly equal. Therefore, this difference of nearly 2 ppm is attributed
to human activity. In the 1950s the difference was very small, less than 1 ppm but in
the recent years it is going to 2-3 ppm and higher. This figure clearly gives an idea
that the trees are removing nearly 7 ppm of CO2 from atmosphere.
Before going further let us understand why the increase and decrease of CO2 given in
the Fig. 5(B) are happening. Starting with fall (in September/October), trees start
shedding leaves which combine with the already existing dead plant matter on the
ground and decompose. The microbes responsible for this decomposition respire
emitting CO2. With the bare trees in winter very little of the CO2 is absorbed thereby
increasing the atmospheric CO2 levels. Starting from Spring (April/May), leaves start
budding on trees and make leaves by absorbing atmospheric CO2 and combine with
water from roots to produce chlorophyll through photosynthesis. This growth of
leaves increases with the increasing CO2 absorption and growth of trees through
summer months. Thus, a sawtooth like pattern is formed. But the industrial revolution
has brought with it enormous pollution that adds to this curve and results in the shape
given in Fig. 4.
An important take form these curves is the decrease in the CO2 in atmosphere during
summer months through absorption by trees. Which gives us a window of opportunity
to work towards reducing global CO2 levels. That too about 6-7 ppm on a global
scale. Amounting to 12-14 Billion Metric tons of CO2. (1 ppm of CO2 = 2.12 Giga
Tons = 1,000,000,000,000 Kgs). Can the human activity based on trees for energy
remove CO2 from atmosphere thereby reducing global warming ? As a Physicist I
feel this is an experiment worth performing.

5. Collective working could lead to Global Cooling !!!

Yes, we have to make an action plan for the removal of about 112 ppm (422-310)
Carbon mentioned above (I call this Carbon Debt) + the yearly added Carbon. If we
divide this into a 10 year program, it will mean 11.2 ppm + 3 ppm (if we take the
2022 figure) equaling nearly 15 ppm. Expressed in weight this equals to (15X2.12
Gt= 31.80) 32 Gt. If we divide this equally among 7 billion people on earth, this will
work out to (32 Billion Mt / 7 Billion) 4.6 Mt per head annually. Meaning nearly 13
Kg biomass consumed per head daily. This is a manageable figure.
This can be divided into 3 major individual human activities involving energy i. e. 1)
heating or cooking, 2) electricity generation and 3) transportation. In addition,
Industrial utilization of biomass waste to produce electricity and other suitable
products could also contribute to this 13 Kg figure.
We may also divide this among the household animals like Cow, buffalo. Each cow
consumes around 8-10 Kg of fodder and gives milk or other energy in addition to 3-5
Kg of dung. Thus, each cow will account for 4-5 Kg of Carbon removed. If we use the
dung for producing biogas and use it for energy. Each cow could account for nearly 6-
8 Kg of Carbon and other GHGs removed every day and contribute to the 13 Kg per
head per day program detailed above.
The pyrolyzing of biomass used in cooking as well as electricity generation produces
biochar. Biochar has several applications such as soil amendment, soil cleaner by
absorbing heavy metals, water purification and several other industrial applications. It
has been demonstrated that the application of biochar in farming could increase the
farm output by 200-300 %. So, the biochar is a highly beneficial and attractive
Since most of the biomass is available in rural and forest areas, this activity may be
better implemented in rural areas. We may give Carbon Credit to villages which take
up this activity and impose a Carbon Debt on those living in Urban areas and who
cannot use biomass.
While this transition happens from the fossil to bio- fuels, existing emissions would
come down due to the reduction in the use of fossil fuels. This means the above
figures could be slightly less i.e. less than 13 Kg Carbon (wood) per head mentioned
above as the program progresses with time.
While Scientists are hopeful of addressing these global warming issues, need of the
hour is the Political and Social will needed to replace the fossil fuels with biofuels.
Whether the political will or not this should become a popular movement to whatever
extent possible so that there will be slight relief from summer heat in near future.
While Governments are working with programs in reducing these projected
temperatures by 2050 by a few degrees, there is not much in terms of an action plan to
bring down the real temperatures in summer, in other words the carbon content in
atmosphere. We must make efforts to bring back the summer temperatures to 40 oCs
over a period of time. As mentioned earlier we have made an action plan with
likeminded individuals and groups in implementing this program. It is underlined in
the following pages.

6. Action Plan for Combating Global Warming

We have discussed in detail and identified the cause of global warming to be the
accumulation of Carbon in the atmosphere. This accumulation triggered by the
Industrial revolution has reached 422 ppm in 2022 from 310 ppm in 1950. It was
pointed out that if each individual on the planet uses 13 Kg of biomass in daily
activities such as cooking and heating, electricity generation and transportation it may
be possible to reduce the temperatures to 1950 levels in a period of 10 years.
In the following we will discuss in detail the various simple technologies available for
each of the items detailed above namely heating, electricity generation and transport.
6.1 Cooking and heating
Several options are available for cooking and heating purposes. Starting from a simple
smokeless choola to centrally distributed syngas system.
6.1.1 Smokeless Choola
There are several designs and models of smokeless choolas available on the internet
and in market. Most of these use updraft gasification of biomass. The principle of
operation is illustrated in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4 The principle of operation of the Smokeless Choola.

Fig. 4 shows the principle of operation of the Smokeless Choola. It consists of two
containers. The inner container has holes for admitting air at the sides and bottom as
shown and is fully open on top. The outer shell is totally open at the bottom and has
holes in the bottom side to admit primary air into the inner container. It has a bigger
hole on top to allow the burning gases to mix with secondary air and to go up and
burn further in the burning chamber above. The working of the choola is divided in 4
different parts:
1 Drying of the biomass 2. Pyrolising the biomass, 3. Oxidation of the biomass and 4.
Reduction of carbonous gases and moisture.

All happening in the regions marked 2 and 3 in the figure. When all these processes
are completed fully we get pure CO:H2 fuel gas. In most of the smokeless choolas this
does not happen, and we get tarry flames which leave black sooth on the vessels. This
is due to incomplete reduction of the tars. We have designed different types of
smokeless choolas from metal, mud and construction bricks. Mud and brick choolas
could be made in rural areas easily and used. It will also create jobs in rural areas.
The sheet metal choolas are meant for use in semi-urban and urban households. The
mud choolas are entirely developed by us with our designing. The same designs are
employed for some of the metal choolas particularly the bottom loading designs.
Some of the metal choola designs are based on the internet models. Various models
are given in Figures below.
We have developed the mud and brick choolas to encourage their manufacture by
potters in rural areas. Particular emphasis has been made for the use in the remote
villages where availability of metal parts is difficult and some of the residents may not
be able to afford. Bharat Vikas Sangam has been promoting the use of these choolas
in Adivasi areas near Mumbai. Some pictures of the distribution are given in the

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f)
Fig. 5 Smokeless choolas made of mud (a) top loading (b) bottom loading, (c) shows a choola
made of construction bricks (bottom loading) and (d) metal choola with sticks being added
from top. (e) shows a scale model for a large volume smokeless incineration of street waste.
(f) Mud choolas being distributed in an Adivashi village near Mumbai.

Fig. 5 gives smokeless choolas (wood stoves) made of different materials and
methods. Made of mud by a potter (a) top loading (b) bottom loading, (c) shows a
choola made of construction bricks (bottom loading) and (d) metal choola with sticks
being added from top. Both the types of choolas are found to deposit little or no black
sooth. The flame in the case of the choola (b) rises about 12 to 15 inches height due to
the design that creates a venture effect. Bigger variation of this choola, a biomass
incinerator shown in Fig. 5(e), a model for large volume smokeless incineration for
street waste. It is made by assembling bricks in the form of a wall with 4 sides with
small openings at the bottom for air to enter. In the present case it is made of 4 brick
layers with 2 bricks overlapped in the corners. The incinerator measures 18” x 18” x
15” on the outside. The picture shows as assembled choola. When plastered with mud
from all sides it will function more efficiently. It will be beneficial in burning the left
over stubs generally called parali in the wheat and rice fields. If this is covered from
bottom and top it might help recovering nearly 90% burnt biomass in the form of
biochar. After the burning is complete the cinders could also be doused with water
and char coal recovered. It is seen that the flame burns without smoke and black
charcoal is left behind. (f) Mud choolas being distributed in an Adivashi village near

6.2 Electricity generation by Biomass Gasification

6.2.1 Principle and operation of the Biomass gasifier machine
Gasification is a process by which the gases evolving during pyrolysis are collected
and stored. This gas has been used to run automobiles during Second World War.
Georges Imbert a German engineer invented the gasifier. The gasifier is named after
him as Imbert gasifier. A schematic of the operation of the Imbert gasifier is given in
the Figure below.

Fig. 6 (A) showing the principle of operation of the imbert (down draught) gasifier.

In the schematic of the gasifier given in Fig 6 (A), the biomass is introduced in the
form of wood chips or chopped stalks of maize and othe food grain crops at the top of
the gasifier unit called the fuel hopper. The fuel is dried by the heat produced from

Fig. 6 (B) Schematic of the operation of the gasifier, gas cooling and filtering system before it
enters the carburetor of the motor engine which was running earlier on petrol or CNG.

The details of the gasifieer with different papprts is given in Fig 6(B). The heating of
wood (fuel) in the hopper releasing gases which is called pyroysis. The gases burn in
the lower oxydation zone. As the gases pass lower due to the suction, their
temperature increases and the oxidation of the coal takes place. During oxidation and
reduction much of the tarry gases and moisture react to give gas rich in CO and H2.
The hot gas is sucked into a cooling unit where the liquid components such a water
and tars are removed, The cooled gas is further purified for fine dust and other
particles before it is fed into the engine.
Modern gasifiers are much more efficient. They are capable of producing electricity
in Mega Watt range.
6.2.2 Biomass Electricity Generating Machine
We have designed simple gasifier that could run between 1-10 KW gnerators.
Commercial gasifiers are also available now that could produce medium range powers
upto 35-40 KW. One advantage of running this biomass electricity generators is
localized power generation. This will help small farmers and villages with low cost
power. We know of the use of a commercial 20 KW electricity generating gasifier on
a large farm in Rajasthan. The machine manufactured by a company in Jaipur runs 20
HP borewells for the agriculture. This machine is mounted on a trolly thus making it
movable to different palces on the farm or villages. This biomass electricity
generating machine is shown in the figure. The economics of this machine are given
in the figure. It works out that 1-1.5 Kg of biomass produces 1 KW of Electricity and
approximately 0.5 Kg of biochar or char coal. Thus biomass gasification is thus
beneficial in cleaning environment by prventing pollution through petrification or
burning. It is helpful in producing wealth out of waste. The biochar produced could be
used to produce smokeless or non polluting heat or directly added to soil to improve
its health. The benefits of biochar in agricultutre is shown in Figures below.

Fig. 8 A picture of the biomass electricity genertaion machine, the byproduct, Char
Coal obtained from it and the econimics.

6.2.4 Environmental impact of electricity generation from Biomass

The amount of Carbon dioxide either emitted or saved from the use of different fuels
is given in the table of Fig. 9. Let us take a little time to understand this table In the
column 1 is the type of fuel used; 2 gives the calorific value or in comon language
amount of heat given out; 3 gives the amount of carbon present, 4 gives amount of
CO2 generated during the plant growth till it is consumed and 5 gives amount of CO2
emission saved in Kg per year compared to the use of oil.

Fig. 9 Table in this figure shows the amount of carbon dioxide that can be saved by the use of
different fuels. These have been compiled by United Kingdom environmental organization.

The use of oil may be approximated to the use of a Generator at home to gnerate
similar amount of power. Since this will be small it is taken as zero. In this column
negative sign indicated emission and positive or no sign indicates saving. It is see that
hard coal emits 2000 Kg and grid connected electric power 5,520 Kg. Natural gas and
LPG help save 1,700 and 1,100 Kg respectively. On the other hand naturally occuring
renewable biomass makes a big savings. Wood chips saves 4,460 Kg where as
grass/sraw nearly 6,000 Kg. This gives an idea of the advantage of using grass and
straw which saves nearly 1.4 times that of the wood pellets. In addition, the biochar
generated as a byproduct will help in removing CO2 from atmosphere at the rate of
nearly 1 Kg CO2 per Kg of wood consmed.
From this we may say that an efficient way to remove CO2 may be to grow grass
and straw that take much shorted time than tree to grow and can be handled
easily. So one would be better off by growing short range energy forests with
plants and trees that grow faster. With about 35 tons of biomass per hectare, use
of biomass as energy alternative seems to be very attractive. Biggest advantage is
consumption close to the point of production. Grass could be used as feed for animals.
As mentioned above, each Kg grass swallowed by animal removes nearly 60 %
carbon. If the dung is digested using bacteria, it will be a source of energy and help
remove methane a dangerous green house gas. Open decay of animal dung genertes
large quantities of Methane. If this methane is captured and used for trnasportation
like CNG, the benefits will be enormous. In addition, istallation of systems to remove
CO2 and moisture, this gas could be concentrated to 90-95%.

I wold like to make a perosnal coment of the use of electric cars. Eelctric cars that are
run through rechargable batteries are not environmently unfriendly. I say this because
of two reasons. They consume more energy. Second they produce more pollution at
source. While the emissions from these cars are very minimal at point of use namely
cities, the extra energy drawn from the source gas/coal or any other power plants will
contribute higher level of global pollution. Third, the disposal of used btteries will be
another environmental disaster in the making.
6.3 Biochar, the Black Gold and its Benefits
Several of the benefits of Biochar for soil have been tried by us and are presented in
the following.
We have seen above that biochar is left out after the biomass is burnt and the gases
evolving are utilised for different purposes such as heating, electricity generation. In
this section we will discuss the additional methods to prepare biochar and use it.
Biochar can be uses as a secondary fuel for smoke free heating as char coal or
briquettes. It is a good soil amendment. It improves the health of the soil by absorbing
bacteria, poisons and heavy metals. It stores water and the neutrients in the soil
without running off into the ground and makes them available to the plant. This has
benificial effects such as healthy crops and higher yields of the grains and vegitables,
flowers, fruits. In fact preparation and use of biochar was prevalent both in India and
particularly in South America. Ancient South Americans have called the soils
containing biochar as Terra Peta meaning black soil. In fact in some areas these terra
peta are so rich in bacteria that they grow a few millimeters every year. Some of the
examples are givien in the pictures below.

Fig. 10 Describing the benefits of Biochar (A) Atmospheric and (B) Soil The Atmospheric
benefits include (1) Carbon captrure, (2) reduced NO2 emissions from soil (3) reduced
Methane emissions from soil (4) Carbon negative energy and (5) reduced odour. The Soil
benefits include (a) decreased nutrient run off, (b) increased soil carbon (c) improved soil
fertility and (d) improved soil health. (Courtsey: RED Garner)

Fig. 11 gives the details of preparation and applicatio of biochar at home. Fig. 11 (A)
gives the apparatus used in making biochar without emitting CO2 (B) gives the
biochar made (C) gives the Karela obtained from the plant before applying biochar
and (D) the Karela after applyring biochar to the palnt. It is clearly seen that the
addition of biochar made the yield healthy and beter. This has been found throught the
research of scientists tha the biochar halps in killing pathogenic bacteria that attack
the root of plants. This has also been the experience of Shri K. K. Jhakkar ji with fruit
trees like Kino, Anjeer, Guawa and others. The yield of Wheat increased from 15
quintals to 30 quintals. This is caught in thepictures shown in Fig 12 where
experimental fields of 1 acre each (1) without biochar added and (2) after biochar

Fig. 11 Shows (A) the machine developped for converting biomass into biochar without
emissions, (B) biochar produced, (C) the karela botained before and after applying biochar to
the palnt and (D) the vegitable on the plant.

Fig. 12 Shown the Oat crop standing in the field before cutting. (1) without biochar addition
and (2) after adding biochar to soil. The straw was 1.5 times taller and the yield of oats
increased 1.5 times too.

6.4 Cowdung Usage for energy and fertilizer

As mentioned above animals could also be effectively used to remove carbon from
atmosphere. However, the dung given out could lead to emission of GHGs, Methane
in particular that evolves during its decompositon. If we could trap this gas it could be
used for energy generation. The biogas produced from cowdung is rich in Methane
(CH4) 60-80 % and containse CO2 and Water vapour. We have designed equipment
to generate CH4 from Cowdung as shown in the figure below.
The work on this Modular biodigester given in Fig 13 is based on the design and
working of the biotoilets installed in the Indian Railways trains. One of the team

members Dr. Vichitra Ganghwar is associated with this design and operation of the
equipment being developped presently. The initial operation of the system is
encoiraging and shows that the generation of the

Fig. 13. Gobar digenster consists of three plastic tanks 1, 2 and 3 which are connected with
tubes 4 and 5. The cowdung water mixture is poured at the inlet 7. After the tank 1 is filled
the digested slurry goes into tank 2. The slurry7 further digested in Tank 2 goes int the third
tank 3. The Slurry digested in this tank is taken out of the outlet at 6. The dung digestion
process also created Methane and Carbon Dioxide. The three tanks are connected through
tubes 8.

gas is occuring due to digesting of dung by anaerobic bacteria is taking place. This
has been concluded judging from the clear water coming out of the last chamber.
The gas produced in this system could be readily used for coocking. It sould be also
concentrated for Methane by removing CO2 and moisture and compressed and filled
into cylinders four use in transportation vehicles in the same manner as the CNG is
used in the vehicles.

7. Global Warming impact on Water on the planet

Recently there has been much talk about drying up water resources and conservation
of water. One Social media activist went so far as to advise people to drink less water.
If we drink too much water he argued that we have to urinate frequently. That calls
for additional flushing, washing hands and so on. I started feeling guilty that I am still
alive. Leaders have embarked on save water missions. I respect all these. But the
physicist in me asks a question? Where is this water going? Out into space to be lost
forever? Or into the deep recesses of the planet to be held trapped for eons? My
answer is no. Just as matter cannot be created or destroyed water on earth cannot be
created or destroyed. It will simply change forms. Ice, water and vapour. I have not
come across any other form. So why are the wise so much worried ?
We have discussed in section 4 above that the global heating is due to the increase in
the concentration of CO2 and other green-house gases. And this was explained
through the Fig. 3 above. For the sake of comparison, it is reproduced in fig 14 below.
The corresponding variation of saturated vapour pressure of water with temperature is

given in Fig 14. It is seen that the Saturated Vapour pressure at 40 oC is 75 mb and
135 mb at 50 oC. For the sake of simplicity and easy understanding of the discussion
the saturated vapour pressure till 40 oC is represented as water tumbler and at 50 oC is
also shown as another water tumbler. That means the vapour pressure at 50 oC is
equivaent to 2 tumblers of water. Whatever rains used to happen in 1950s used to fall
on earth and fill waterbodies and some times overflow. But as the second water
tumbler started filling the rain fall has been increasing. But the water bodies are same.
So they cause increased seasonal flooding. With the water filled to their brim, the
water bodies are breaking bounds and causing enormous flooding. Since the two
tumblers of water have to be emptied into the same volume of water bodies during a
compressed monsoon season i.e. July to September (instead of April to September),
we see enormous cloud bursts, heavy rains and Long spells of rains.

Fig. 14 (A) shows the increase in atmospheric CO2 content since 1750. Sharp increase
is seen from 1950s when the use of fossil oils lead to use of personal and transport
vehicles. (B) Variation of Saturation Vapour pressure in mb with Temperature. It is
seen that it increases from 75 at 40 oC to 125 at 50 oC.
My simple thinking leads me to a commonsense observation. In my childhood or
around to 1955-1960, the summer temperatures were maximum of around 40 oC. This
has reached to 50-52 oC in the recent times. I think that these higher temperatures are
evaporating more water form earth’s surface and storing in the atmosphere as seen
from the Fig. 14 increasing from 75 mb at 40 oC in summer of 1950 to 125 mb at 50
C in summer of 2018. If this is so, how does it matter for us on earth ? Excessive
moisture leads to higher heat index in summers making us feel hotter that want it is. If
we see our mobile apps we read 35 oC/ Feels like 45 oC. The same in winters causes
wind chill factor. Even a small wind makes the temperature feels cooler. And the App
shows 3 oC/feels like -4 oC. There are many more demonic occurrences resulting from
these. Delayed rains. Cloud bursts. Winter storms dumping enormous snow or
freezing water or sleet in cold regions such are the northern United States.
Why? I will try to provide some commonsense explanation again.
7.1 Atmospheric Temperature and Rains
With higher summer temperatures, rains don’t happen till the temperature falls to a
level that causes precipitation. Again going back to my childhood, the first showers
used to take place towards the end of May. And the rains used to last till nearly
September end. October used to be sultry and warm before the onset of winter around
end of October. Now the rains are delayed till June end and last till even December.
Thereby affecting crops and vegetation. Why this shift can be understood from an
understanding of the conditions needed for rains to occur.
Due to evaporation of water from different bodies, moisture in the atmosphere
increases and rises into the sky or upper heights in the atmosphere. When the
temperature is sufficiently low the water molecules tend to coagulate and grow in
size. These very minute droplets float in the air and scatter light form sun and appear
white when they are far apart and very tiny to be afloat and will fall down due to
earth’s gravitational pull when they become larger in size. Water molecules could
grow into larger molecules by attaching to each other even up to 25H2O. When the
weight of this molecule is sufficient to be pulled down by the gravity of earth it tends
to descend. It is general believed that the rain drop temperatures vary between 0 oC to
27 oC. I. e. this is the range of temperatures needed for the moisture in the clouds to
precipitate. As the rain drop falls to earth, it will cool further due to evaporative
cooling. As the rain drop enters drier air it cools the air and raises its dew point. As
the air continues to cool from higher atmosphere to the surface of earth, it will create
a path for the moisture to precipitate and it starts to rain on earth. The longer time this
evaporative cooling takes place the higher the part it creates for precipitation and we
see dark appearing clouds. The rain bearing clouds are called nimbus clouds.
Meteorologists classify clouds as layered (stratus) or heaped (cumulus). Nimbus is an
ancient Latin word meaning “rain storm.” Rain or nimbus clouds tend to appear dark
gray because their depth and/or density of large water droplets obscures sunlight.
Depending on temperature, nimbus clouds may also precipitate hail or snow instead
of liquid rain. Low-altitude clouds include stratus, cumulus and stratocumulus clouds.
Mid-level clouds are designated with a prefix “alto-” and include altocumulus and
altostratus clouds. The highest altitude clouds, which appear wispy and feathery, are
called cirrus clouds and include cirrocumulus, cirrostratus and cirrus clouds.
As mentioned above, clouds form when moist air parcels cool enough for their water
vapor to condense into droplets, which may occur when heated air rises into the
atmosphere, for example, when an air mass shoves up over a mountain. If the
temperature is cold enough, a cloud may also create ice crystals. If these droplets
and/or crystals grow large enough in size – by merging with one another, they may
become too heavy to remain aloft and fall as precipitation: rain, snow, hail or graupel.
The Latin word nimbus means “dark cloud” or “rain storm,” and meteorologists use it
to classify two of the major types of rain-bearing clouds: nimbostratus, layered rain
clouds that don’t produce lightning, and cumulonimbus, deep cumulus clouds
generating lightning, thunder and heavy downpours.

7.2 Atmospheric Temperature impact of Seasonal Rains
To summarize, the moisture in the atmosphere at high altitudes forms large molecules
of up to 20-25H2O due to cooling of the air forming clouds. These sparsely distributed
molecules scatter sunlight and appear white in colour. As the accumulation of the
particles increases, they further coagulate to form larger drops. As the thickness of the
clouds increases, these water drops absorb sunlight and appear dark when we see it
form ground.
If the temperature is high, it will evaporate back and go higher levels in atmosphere.
When the earth temperatures are high such as 45-50 oC during day and upper 30s
during nights, the precipitation of clouds in upper atmosphere becomes difficult. Even
though clouds may form, unless the temperature at lower altitudes close to earth
surface is right rain may not happen. This is a complex process and with so many
parameters one can only say that higher summer temperatures are responsible for the
delayed rains.
Due its rotation around sun the earth temperatures fall due the seasonal change. This
may not be happening as earier because the CO2 cover which does not allow the
exchange of heat between earth and sky until the winter progresses to cooler
temperatures. Progress towards winter allows the natural cooling to occur and the
result is cooling of the atmospheric vapour. A number of complex processes lead to
the cloud burts and flooding and unseasonal snow and other phenomenon we are
It is not my idea to discuss meteorological problems here which is not my
specialization. But draw the attention to the enormous climate impact caused by the
increase in the concentration of CO2 and other gases in the atmosphere that are
causing havock with human lives. This is again wrought by the follies of human in
using unnatural energy sources for their daily activities. The solution for this lies in
return natural energy source, the tree that have been sustaining life on earth for eons.
Efficient use of this energy is possible through several new technologies. By a careful
balance of growing trees, their trimming for energy harvesting, it may be possible to
bring a balance between ecology and Human comfort.
In conclusion, the solution for the present water shortage crisis lies in reducing global
(Indian to be specific) summer temperatures from the current 50s to high 30s by
reducing the CO2 levels form the current 422+ ppm to 300 ppm and less. This can be
achieved using trees as a major energy source to bring the CO2 levels lower as
discussed above. Various alternatives have been described for the utilization of
wood/biomass for energy required for heating, transportation and electricity
generation. It is shown that if each individual on the planet consumes 13-15 Kg of
biomass per day the above target could be achieved in a period of 15-20 years.

7. Summary
The reason for global warming has been reasoned out. The origin of this problem is
identified. How carbon dioxide could be removed from atmosphere using trees is

scientifically presented. The correlation between increasing summer temperatures and
Carbon Dioxide is given. From this it has been argued that by removing carbon
dioxide from atmosphere we may be able to reduce global temperatures. From this we
have deduced that if each person on the globe cousumes 13 Kg of wood per day we
will be able to bring the tempertures back to 1950 levels. This utilization of wood has
been divided into cooking, electricity generation and transportation. The role of Cow
and other animals in this endavour is also described. While one cow can consume 10-
15 Kg of grass, meaning nearly 10 Kg of CO2, the dung it generates gives our 3-5 Kg
of GHGs. To over come this problem, we have directed out attention to the digention
of the gobar, to extract gases and fertilizer, thus avoiding the ensuing GHG emissions.
We have also described how the biochar gnerated could be used as a soil amendment
in improving soil fertility and crop yield. In a similar manner the utilization of the
byproducts of Gobar diection is discussed. We have also discussed and shown how
carbon dioxide and other green house gases are responsible for the water shortages on
the one hand and floods on the other. Reducing the CO2 levels in the atmosphere are
argued to be the only solutoin for this.
I feel very Blessed to be Guided by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the efforts on
Science to Village activity since 1978. This has given me a first hand knowledge of
the Rural Problems. I am thankful to a large number of individuls who have helped
me in the present endaevour. I wish to thank Shri C. K. Shah and hid brother Nitin
Shah for their early help in setting up some of the Choolas. I thank Shri K. K. Jhakkar
for using the Electricity producing gasifier made by Shri Rai Singh of Jaipur on his
farm which gave me the confidence in the use of this machine for popular appliation
as well as the use of biocar in Farming. I was encourged by Shri H. Vaish in the initial
working on the Carbon Negative Process by submitting a proposal to USADA. Shri
Sanjay Patel’s invitation to a remote Aadivashi village triggered my work on the
smokeless choolas made by potters. Shri Shailesh Dabkar’s help in identifying a
potter Shri Sadabhau in a far flung village and making several trips to that village to
explain the modifications to improve the performance of the choola. Shri Patel’s
spreading of the choola distribution through social service groups and organizations
and Bharat Vikas Sangam helped further in understanding the problems. Attending
the Bharat Vikas Samgam meetings on several ocassions introduced me to number
individuals carrying out excellent impact making social service work in the fields of
environment, agriculture, water management, etc. The fist meeting I attended at
Siddhagiri Mutt in Maharashra brought me in contact with several Sanths working on
environment. Meeting the Head of the Mutt Kad Siddheswar Swamiji and the Sanths
there was an eye opener for me. Swamji himself was engaged in developing Natural
farming and how a family could live comfortably on 1 acre of land and make
profitable living. The number of natural products made in the Mutt aswell as by other
specialists humbled me enormously. Shri Shyam helped me in expanding my vision
beyond the Choola. Talking to Prof. Johennes Lehmann, USA gave me confidence in
the biomass pyrolysis and the application of biochar. Shri Arvind Khushwah, a
dedicated Gandhian, took me to eductional institutions run by his family as well as
several Ashrams where the Spiritual leaders spread community Seva along with

practice of Sanatana Dharma. I profusely thank him from the bottom of my heart. Shri
Ameren Mohan, Shri Suresh Agnihotri, Prof. Ganesh Bagadia. Shri Lavkush. I was
indeed fortunate to meet Swami Vijnananda, a personification of spirituality in action.
He has been responsible for a number of community ills such as idol immersion in
rivers and throwing dead bodies of humans as well as animals in rivers. I am also
indebted to several individuals who have been helping me in this difficult activity of
spreading awareness among villagers.

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About the Author

Dr. S. Muralidhara Rao, born on 3rd August 1944 obtained his M. Sc. from Osmania University
in 1965 and Ph. D. from Bombay University in 1976. He worked as a Scientist at different
levels in Bhabha Atomicc Research Center (BARC), Mumbaai from 1966 to1992. He worked
on a NASA project to grow crystals in Space between 1987-92. He has been working as a
Visiting Specialist at Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica from 1992 on High Temperature
Superconductivity. He worked on a Government of India, Department of Science and
Technology project to grow Silicon in the form of sheets for Solar Cell applications from 2009-
2012. But took up working on working on Carbon Negative approach for reducing global
warming. The present booklet is the result of his work since 2014. During this period, he has
developed a number of gadgets for cooking, electricity generation and transportation using
biomass in order to remove atmospheric Carbon dioxide and reduce Global Warming. He
believes that water shortages being seen now a days are also caused by these increased
temperatures and will cease when the global cooling occurs for the use of trees in generating
energy for human activities.

Researchers are also teasing apart how biochars influence microbial activity in soil. Microbes
typically act as a community; for example, many pathogenic bacteria attack a plant’s roots
only when they have sufficient numbers to overwhelm the host’s immune response. Caroline
Masiello, a biogeochemist at Rice University in Houston, Texas, and her co-workers have
found3 that biochar can inhibit this by binding to the signalling molecules that bacterial cells
secrete to coordinate their activity. “They all think they’re alone, because the telephone wires
have been cut,” says Masiello. With further research, she says, it might be possible to fine-
tune this function of biochar to reduce plant infections. Other researchers are exploring how
biochars can cut emissions of nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas, from agricultural fields. Last
year, Xiaoyu Liu, a soil scientist at Nanjing Agricultural University in China, and his colleagues

reported4 that after biochar had been applied to maize (corn) and wheat fields once, nitrous
oxide emissions declined over the following five crop seasons, a period of three years. Other
studies have shown reductions as well, but researchers have not yet been able to determine
what exactly causes this effect. Applying biochar “can also improve some soil properties, like
it can increase the potassium availability, and the soil organic-matter content”, says Liu, who
has obtained some funding from biochar producers. But not all studies show biochar to be a
wonder material. In some cases it has reduced crop yields5 , and one study6 suggests that it
lowers the activity of plant genes that help to defend against insect and pathogen attacks. BY
RACHEL CERNANSKY, 258 | NATURE | VOL 517 | 15 JANUARY 2015; Masiello, C. A. et al.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 47, 11496–11503 (2013)


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