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... Fed up of all the deceptive “get rich quick” rubbish out there?

Wish you could find just a

single legitimate way to make money right from your kitchen table - starting today?

Let Me Show You How I Went From £0 To £10,234

Per Month With My Amazon Business (And How
You Can ​ Replicate My Success)
Thursday, 2:14 PM, Nottingham UK
FROM: Amelia Hendricks, 6-Figure Amazon Seller & Creator of ​
Your Amazon Empire

Dear Friend,

If you’ve been searching for a way to quickly build an online business you can be proud of, that
will allow you to quit your boring day job and live the life you’ve always dreamed of living, this
might be the most important letter you ever read (seriously).

Here’s why...

Your Amazon Empire​

In my new course, ​ , I reveal the exact steps that have taken me from
earning nothing online, to earning an income that dwarfs that of most CEO’s...

I cut through the B.S. about building a business online and show you how you can start earning
money quickly on Amazon, without any previous business experience, and without needing to be
a “tech-wizard”...

... In fact, after showing my sister-in-law what I’m about to show you, she was easily able to
replicate my success and is now also earning five-figures per month.

[insert earnings screenshot here]

Imagine how earning that much per month could impact your life? You’ll be able to work
stress-free from home, not have to worry about bills, spend more time with your family, go on
more holidays...

... (Or, in my case, go on mega shopping sprees without having to “watch what I spend”)

Your Amazon Empire​

Here’s just a taste of what you’ll be getting in the ​ course:

● Why using FBA (Fulfilment by Amazon) is the most lucrative business model out there
right now, and how you’ll be using it to create a business without actually ever touching
any stock (all you need is an internet connection and the drive to succeed)...
● How to pick the perfect product so that you know, with near 100% certainty, that it will
make you money when you sell it on Amazon...

● A secret “back door” way to rank your product on the 1st page of Amazon within 48 of
listing it...

● My guide to finding the most affordable, but highly talented designers, so you can have a
custom logo, packaging, and branding created all for less than £50 (this usually costs
£250+, but using my guide, you’ll be able to get it for much, much less)...

● The #1 WORST mistake people make when dealing with overseas factories (even if you
do everything else right, you’ll end up paying more than you should if you make this
common mistake nobody talks about)...

● My ten-step checklist that guarantees a successful product launch. Miss just one of these
steps, and when you come to list your product on Amazon i​ t will flop​

● How to inexpensively get hordes of traffic to your listing. This will ensure your product
has a regular stream of new customers, keeping your product in demand and earning you
money like clockwork...

● My Amazon Product Listing Template. This is the exact template I use to write my
Amazon listings. Use this and your product will sell like hotcakes...

● ... And much, much more.

Here’s What Others Are Saying About ​

Your Amazon

By The End Of The Month I Was Already Earning Money

The course paid for itself and then some in 30 days. Following the steps Amelia has put together,
I was able to get my Amazon FBA business up and running within weeks, and by the end of the
month I was already earning money. Go through this course, take action, and you will get

Claire Godwin, Manchester, ENG

I’m Earning More Than My Day Job Working Only A Couple Of Hours Per Day
Let me start by saying I had zero experience with Amazon! I didn’t even know what FBA was
until I took the course but that didn’t stop me. The course is very newbie friendly and laid out in
a manner that anyone can follow. I thought earning money from home was a scam but now I’m
earning more than my day job while working only a couple of hours per day.

Susan Gardener, Cardiff, WAL

A Real Shortcut To Running A Successful Business

Amelia is the best teacher in the world, FACT. Throughout the course and her videos she comes
across as genuine and trustworthy, showing you behind the scenes in her own Amazon business.
This course is a real shortcut to running a successful business that has no limit. I’m in a position
now where I work for myself and can spend lots more time with my children, and it’s all thanks
Your Amazon Empire​
to ​ . Thank you Amelia!

Kathryn Saunders, Newcastle, ENG

Your Amazon Empire​

Those are just three of the dozens of testimonials I’ve received praising ​ .
Normal everyday people are now running successful, six-figure Amazon businesses, and
experiencing what it’s like to live life on ​ terms...

... Will you be next?

My 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

I understand you’re likely sceptical which is why I want you to “test drive” my course for 60 full

If you don’t think the course is for you after those 60 days, simply contact me and I’ll give a full
refund, no questions asked, and we’ll still be friends.

Your Amazon Empire​

For just £297, ​ can be yours. You’ll get instant access to the videos and
.PDFs, all organized in a step-by-step process that’s designed to get your Amazon business up,
running, and making you money within mere weeks.

And remember, you literally can’t lose with my 60 day guarantee...

... Go through the course, discover the techniques I personally use to make £10,234 per month
on Amazon, see how easy it really is to own and run a business from the comfort of your own
home. Then, after 60 days, if you’re not happy (for ​ reason), simply contact me for a
complete refund of your investment.

So act now.
Here’s How To Order
Click below to order, right now, and start building your Amazon empire.

And remember, you don’t risk a penny.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity. Start living life on your terms. Imagine waking up whenever
you please without an alarm, only to find out you’ve made £350 while you’ve been sleeping (an
average day for me).

Imagine working only a few hours a day but earning 10x the amount you’re currently making at
your day job.

Imagine being able to spend more time with your family, travelling, sightseeing, without having
to worry about booking time off work.

This could be your new reality. And you can begin right now.

Speak soon,

Amelia Hendricks

P.S. ​Order now, and not only will you get immediate access to ​Your Amazon Empire​ but you’ll
also receive an invite to my private Facebook group. I’m there around the clock, helping students
of my course every step of the way.

Your Amazon Empire,​

This group was created exclusively for members of ​ allowing you to
connect you with other budding entrepreneurs on the same path as you and get your questions
answered by myself and other experts–but you’ll only receive access ​
if you order now.

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