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The Present Simple Tense

Exercise 1.1 Make the following sentences interrogative and

1. The children drink coffee in the evening. 2. Her sister dances very
well. 3. Our grandmother grows potatoes. 4. The pupils remember this
rule. 5. Nick goes to bed at ten. 6. They listen to the radio in the morning.
7. You meet him every day. 8. It often snows in November. 9. You
want to play chess with him. 10. His mother teaches geography at
school. 11. My cousin wants to become a doctor. 12. She takes a bus.
Exercise 1.2 Ask questions as in the models.
Models: Ask me if I work here. – Do you work here?
Ask me if my sister works her – Does your sister work here
Ask me:
1. if I remember my first teacher; 2. if my brother lives in Odessa;
3. if I spend my holidays in the Crimea; 4. if my pupils make many mistakes
in their dictations; 5. whether I speak French; 6. whether my daughter
speaks French; 7. whether my children speak French; 8. if I live in a new
Ask one of your classmates:
1. if he goes in for sports; 2. if he likes to play volley-ball; 3. if he
travels much; 4. if he collects stamps; 5. if he wants to become a tractor
driver; 6. if he wants to take a walk; 7. whether he plays tennis; 8. if he
comes home late; 9. if his mother comes home late; 10. if his parents
come home late; 11. if his friends like to dance; 12. if his father works at a
Exercise 1.3 Ask questions as in the models.
Models: Ask one of the boys where he lives. – Where do you live?
Ask one of the girls who lives in that house. – Who lives in that
Ask one of the boys:
1. when he gets up; 2. what he wants to become; 3. where he
keeps his books; 4. why he sometimes misses classes; 5. what he does
on Sundays; 6. at what time he goes to bed; 7. what his sister does in
the evening; 8. when his friends go to the cinema; 9. where his uncles
live; 10. why his brother doesn't go to school; 11. who makes his bed;
12. when he does his homework.
Ask one of the girls:
1. where she spends her summer holidays; 2. how she gets home
from school; 3. whom she invites to her birthday party; 4. when she
cleans her room; 5. what kinds of sports she goes in for; 6. at what time
her brother goes to bed; 7. what she does in the evening; 8. who helps
her with her studies; 9. who washes her dresses; 10. where her aunt
lives; 11. why she doesn't go to the theatre; 12. which of her friends
plays the piano best of all.
Exercise 1.4 Ask questions about the time of the action.
Models: They skate in winter .– When do they skate?
Nick gets up at six. – At what time does Nick get up?
1. The pupils plant trees in autumn. 2. The teacher corrects our
dictations in the evening. 3. Peter comes to school at eight. 4. Our
family go to the Crimea in July. 5. His father usually comes home at
five. 6. They discuss films after classes. 7. We listen to the news at ten
o'clock. 8. Her parents gather mushrooms in summer.
Exercise 1.5 Ask questions about the place of the action.
Model: His son works in Kiev. – Where does his son work?
1. Her brother studies in Rivne. 2. The wolf lives in the forest.
3. They spend their holidays in the country. 4. Her mother works at a
textile factory. 5. Many birds fly to the south in autumn. 6. Her parents
live in a village. 7. My school-mates go to the theatre in the evening.
8. They read newspapers in the reading-room.
Exercise 1.6. Put questions to the italicized words.
1. The children go to bed at ten o'clock. 2. His son knows English
well. 3. My father reads newspapers in the evening. 4. Her aunt lives in
Lutsk. 5. Our parents grow wheat. 6. This man works at a machine-
building plant. 7. It snows in winter. 8. We buy bread at this shop. 9. My
sister learns many poems by heart. 10. Ann helps her mother about the
house. 11. At the lessons we read and speak English. 12. Her mother
teaches Ukrainian.
Exercise 1.7 Answer the following questions.
1. At what time do you get up? 2. What do you do in the morning?
3. Do you do your morning exercises every morning? 4. Do you go to
school in the morning or in the afternoon? 5. At what time do classes
begin at your school? 6. At what time do you come home from school?
7. When do you usually do your homework? 8. When do you help your

mother about the house? 9. Do you go shopping every day? 10. What
do you do in the evening?
Exercise 1.8 Write questions to the sentences using the
question words in brackets.
1) Sandra sometimes cooks pizzas for her family. (Who? What?)
2). The Parkers often spend weekends in their cottage house in
summer. (Who? Where? When?) 3) His sister speaks two foreign
languages. (Whose? How many?) 4) You usually take a shower in the
morning. (Who? What? When?) 5) This story describes adventures of
children during their winter holidays. (What story? Whose adventures?)
6) The international conference starts at eight o'clock. (What? What
time?) 7) Her grandparents often phone their doctor because of their
health problems. (Whose grandparents? Why?)
Exercise 1.9 Open the brackets and use the proper tense.
1. Linda and I (work) for a company, which (produce) automobiles.
2. We both (work) at an office which (be) just in front of the factory
where cars (be) made. 3. I (start) work at ten o'clock, and Linda (come)
to the office at nine. 4. She (be) good at typing, she (write) letters and
reports every day. 5. She (not know) French very well, so she often (go)
to the sixth floor where I (work). 6. I sometimes (help) her translate
letters, as I (know) French rather well. 7. Linda also (answer) telephone
calls, sometimes she (show) visitors around the factory. 8. She (do)
common paperwork, she (write) memos, (file) reports, (answer) letters.
9. She often (arrange) meetings for her boss and other managers of the
company. 10. You (understand) what her job (be)? Yes, she (be) a
secretary. 11. But she (not like) her job and (want) to be a manager.
Exercise 1.10 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form
of the Present Simple Tense.
1) What time ... your uncle ... (to finish) his work? – I ... (not to
know) exactly, but he often ... (to stay) in the office till late in the
evening. 2) ... Brian and Henry ... (to study) economics? — No, they ....
Brian ... (to study) computer programming and Henry ... (to attend)
courses of bank marketing. 3) How much ... this T-shirt ... (to cost)? —
It ... (to cost) £5. ... you ... (to think) it ... (to be) a high price for this T-
shirt? – No, I ... (to think) this price is reasonable. 4) Who ... (usually to
help) your granny with the house chores? – My sister .... She always ...
(to do) the shopping and ... (to wash) the dishes after meals. 5. What

kind of dictionary ... Helen ... (to need)? – Well, it ... (to seam) to me
she ... (to need) a dictionary of phrasal verbs. 6. How long ... it ... (to
take) you to get to the supermarket? – As I ... (to live) not far from the
supermarket, it usually ... (to take) me ten minutes. 7) Who ... the
Newtons ... (usually to invite) to the New Year party? – They usually ...
(to invite) some of their relatives, but they never ... (to invite) their
neighbours. 8) How often ... Sally ... (to spend) her weekends in the
cottage house? – She ... (to go) there every Saturday in summer and in
autumn. Her aunt ... (to grow) a lot of fruits and Sally ... (to help) her in
the garden.

Exercise 1.11 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
Your body ... (to be) one powerful machine, capable of doing all
sorts of things by itself. But one thing it can't do is make vitamins. Your
body ... (to get) vitamins it ... (to need) from the foods you ... (to eat)
because different foods ... (to contain) different vitamins. Though some
people ... (to take) a daily vitamin, most of them ... (not to need) one if
they ... (to eat) a variety of healthy food.
Vitamins ... (to be) substances that your body ... (to need) to grow
and develop normally. There ... (to be) 13 vitamins your body ... (to
need). Each vitamin ... (to have) specific jobs. If you ... (to have) low
levels of certain vitamins, you ... (to develop) a deficiency disease. For
example, if you ... (not to get) enough vitamin D, you might develop
rickets. Some vitamins ... (to help) you to prevent medical problems.
Vitamin A... (to prevent) night blindness.
The best way to get enough vitamins is to have a balanced diet
with a variety of foods. In some cases you ... (to need) to take a daily
multivitamin for optimal health. However, high doses of some
vitamins ... (to lead) to health problems too.

2. The Past Simple Tense

Exercise 2.1 Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. The teacher repeated the question. 2. The boys played football
in the afternoon. 3. The girl caught cold. 4. Mother turned off the gas.
5. They slept in the open air. 6. The pupils answered at once. 7. The
boy broke the cup. 8. The woman bought a new car. 9. The tourists
reached the village before dark. 10. The clock struck five. 11. Our team
won the match. 12. The doctor allowed us to go out.
Exercise 2.2 Change the following into the Past Indefinite.
1. His father works at a plant. 2. I often see them in the park. 3. Do
your pupils read English books? 4. Her mother teaches chemistry at
school. 5. We don't know his address. 6. He gets up, washes, dresses,
has breakfast and goes to school. 7. Does the doctor speak English? 8.
We understand the rule. 9. My friend doesn't like such films. 10. In
summer we pick berries and mushrooms. 11. They don't change trains
there. 12. This worker repairs his car himself.
Exercise 2.3 Ask questions as in the model.
Model: Ask me if I got up at six. – Did you get up at six.
Ask me:
1. if I slept in the open air; 2. if I played chess that night; 3.
whether I studied chemistry at the institute; 4. if my friend called on me
last week; 5. whether my sister spent her holidays in the Caucasus; 6. if
I took a bus this morning; 7. if I enjoyed the performance; 8. whether I
saw you yesterday.
Exercise 2.4 Ask questions as in the models.
Models: Ask me when I saw him. – When did you see him?
Ask me who broke the cup. – Who broke the cup?
Ask me:
1. when I received the letter; 2. where I worked five years ago; 3.
what foreign language I studied at school; 4. at what time I got up this
morning; 5. what I did yesterday; 6. where my parents lived; 7. when I
finished the secondary school; 8. what my friends did last night; 9. how I
spent my summer holidays; 10. how I lost my way; 11. which of my
pupils made no mistake in the last dictation; 12. who gave me this
magazine; 13. which of my friends came to see me yesterday; 14. why I
decided to become a teacher; 15. who told me about it; 16. when they
told me about it.
Exercise 2.5 Put questions to the italicized words.
1. They started work at nine o'clock this morning. 2. Peter saw
them in the park. 3. The pupils understood the rule very well. 4. His
brother went to Kiev every year. 5. The boy ate an apple. 6. My aunt
grew beautiful roses. 7. She played tennis badly. 8. The children drank

milk in the morning. 9. My wife saw your cousin in Moscow. 10. They
lost their way because it was dark.
Exercise 2.6 Answer the following questions.
1. At what time do you usually get up? 2. At what time do you go
to bed? 3. At what time did you get up this morn ing? 4. At what time did
you go to bed last night? 5. What do you do in the evening? 6. What did
you do last week? 7. Where do you usually have dinner? 8. Where did
you have dinner yesterday? 9. What do you do on your days off?
10. What did you do on your last day off? 11. How do you spend your
winter holidays? 12. How did you spend your last winter holidays?
13. Where do you usually spend your summer holidays? 14. Where did
you spend your last summer holidays? 15. At what time do you usually
come home from school? 16. At what time did you come home from
school yesterday? 17. When do you go to the cinema? 18. When did
you go to the cinema last time? 19. What kind of films do you like?
20. Did you like the film you saw last?
Exercise 2.7 Open the brackets and give the proper forms of
the Past Simple Tense.
1. The building of the trade centre (begin) a month ago. 2. It (be)
bitterly cold yesterday. I (put) on my warm coat but I (catch) a cold still.
3. The postman (bring) the morning mail only at 10 o'clock. 4. 1 (see)
you the other day coming out of the library with a stack of books. Are
you preparing for the exams? 5. We (have) a picnic yesterday, but the
rain (spoil) the whole pleasure. 6. You (go) to the South when you (be)
a child? 7. As soon as I came up, they (get) into a taxi and (go) away. 8.
What sights you (see) when you (be) in Egypt? 9. Every winter Nick (go)
to the Swiss Alps to ski. 10. He (come) in, (take) off his hat, (move) a
chair to the table and (join) the conversation. 11. When he (arrive)? –
The plane was delayed and he (come) two hours later. 12. How much
your bag (cost)? – I (pay) $80 for it.
Exercise 2.8 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of
the Past Simple Tense.
1) Why... you ... (to leave) this magazine on my table, Henry? –
Because I ... (to want) you to have a look at one article there. 2)
Where ... Alison ... (to meet) Pete last Saturday? – She ... (to go) to the
new shopping centre to buy some clothes and ... (to meet) Pete there.
3) ... your brother ... (to win) the competition last Friday? – No, he ... .

He ... (to fall) off the horse and ... (to Injure) his leg badly. The
ambulance ... (to take) him to hospital. 4) Who ... Den ... (to buy) the
flowers for yesterday? – He ... (to buy) them for Margaret. It... (to be)
her birthday yesterday and she ... (to have) a party. 5) ... Simon ... (to
have) a car accident yesterday? – Yes, he .... His car ... (to crash) into
a tree. And how ... you ... (to know) about it? Who ... (to tell) you? – My
neighbour. He ... (to be) at the bus stop at that time and ... (to see)
6) When Fred ... (to wake) up yesterday morning he ... (to find) out that
he ... (to be) alone in the house. He ... (to take) a shower and ... (to go)
to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. 7) Why ... you ... (not to let) me
know about the meeting? – Sorry, I ... (not to have) my notebook with
me and ... (not to remember) your phone number. 8) Who ... (to send)
you such a nice card, Polly? – Oh, I... (tо get) it from Lucy last month.
She ... (to be) in Paris on her holidays and ... (to decide) to write me
about her trip. 9) What time ... the shop assistants ... (to leave) the
department store yesterday? – Well, their working day ... (to finish) a bit
later yesterday so they ... (to leave) the store at about nine o'clock in
the evening. 10) What ... (to be) the weather like during your last trip to
Australia? – Oh, it ... (to be) terrible. It ... (to be) cold and rainy and
we ... (not to leave) the hotel for a few days. We even ... (to miss) some
excursions because of the weather.
Exercise 2.9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
used to and the verbs in brackets or the verbs in brackets in the
Past Simple Tense.
1) Andrew ... (to spend) his holidays in the village but now he goes
to the seaside for his holidays. 2) Ben and Ron ... (to spend) their last
holidays in Montenegro. 3) Max and his cousin ... (to go) cycling last
Saturday. 4) George ... (not to go) cycling when he was a schoolboy.
5) Nelly ... (to go) in for sport but now she doesn't have much time for it.
6) Emma ... (to spend) all her money for clothes last Friday. 7) Sue ...
(to spend) a lot of money but now she saves it because she wants to
buy a new car. 8) They ... (to go) for a picnic two days ago. 9) They ...
(to go) for picnics when they were younger. 10) Julia ... (to eat) meat
but now she is a vegetarian. 11) ... your brother ... (to go) to the
swimming pool every week when he was a child? 12) Sam ... (not to
have) a cat when he lived in a flat. 13) ... Pamela ... (to try) any national

dishes during her last visit to China? 14) Jim ... (to be) very polite when
he was a little boy, but now he is very rude. 15)... your parents ... (to
take) you for a walk in the park when you were little?
Exercise 2.10 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present
Simple or the Past Simple Tense.
1) Our Maths teacher usually ... (to give) us a lot of homework to
do, but yesterday we ... (to have) a test and he ... (not to give) us any
homework. 2) Vicky always ... (to have) tea with sandwiches for
breakfast but yesterday she ... (to decide) to eat some porridge. 3) ...
your brother often ... (to surf) the Internet in the evening? – Oh, yes,
he ... (to surf) the Net almost every evening. But yesterday he ... (to be)
busy preparing for the Biology exam and ... (not to switch on) the
computer, 4) You never ... (to miss) the lectures, Sheila. Why ... you ...
(not to come) to the lecture on Ancient History last Thursday? – You
see, Alison, I... (to oversleep) because my alarm clock ... (not to go) off.
5)... (to be) Den always so hungry after cycling? – Yes, he ... . When he
... (to return) from the ride last time, he ... (to eat) two bowls of soup,
three roast beefs, a plate of mashed potato, a bowl of vegetable salad
and two pieces of cake. 6) Your mother told me you ... (not to be) very
well yesterday, Jean. How ... (to be) you now? – I ... (to be) all right
now, thanks. I just ... (to have) a horrible headache yesterday and ... (to
go) to bed earlier than usual. I sometimes ... (to have) headaches.
7) Look! Your room ... (to be) a mess, Brian! When ... you ... (to tidy) it
last time? – Well, I ... (not to remember), Sue. Usually I ... (to clean) my
room once a week, but last week I... (to be) very busy preparing a
report for my boss. 8) There ... (to be) a good documentary on TV
yesterday. ... you ... (to see) it, Alice? – No, I.... I never ... (to watch)
documentary films. I ... (to think) they ... (to be) too boring. – I ... (not to
agree) with you. That film ... (to be) very interesting and educative.
9) Who ... Sam ... (to buy) the disc with the songs of «Back Street
Boys» for yesterday? Sam usually ... (to listen) to another kind of music.
— Perhaps he ... (to buy) it for his younger sister. She ... (to be) fond of
music of this kind. 10) Who ... (usually to organize) seminars for the
staff in your office? – The manager of the personnel department... (to
be) usually responsible for things like seminars and trainings. But last
month he ... (to be) ill so I ... (to arrange) one.

Exercise 2.11 Choose the correct form to complete the
Groundhog Day
Every year in the middle of cold winter a popular tradition 1) ...
people in the United States. On February 2 nd they 2) ... Groundhog Day,
one of the most well-known holidays in the country. It 3) ... in the 1700s
when German settlers 4) ... the tradition of Candlemas Day. According
to the Germans, on the 2 nd of February the groundhog always 5) ... out
of his winter quarters and if he sees his shadow he 6)... to his hole for
another six weeks' nap. But if the weather is cloudy he remains out, as
the weather is going to be moderate.
This tradition 7) ... especially popular in Punxsutawney,
Pennsylvania home of the world-known weather-forecasting groundhog
Phil. Pennsylvania's first official celebration of Groundhog Day 8) ... in
1886. There 9) ... many differences in the observance of this holiday
between now and then. For instance, many years ago people 10) ...
groundhogs in the woods but nowadays thousands of visitors 11) ... the
ceremony in the town of Punxsutawney.
1) a) excite; b) excites; c) excited.
2) a) celebrate; b) celebrates; c) celebrated.
3) a) begin; b) begins; c) began.
4) a) introduce; b) introduces; c) introduced.
5) a) peep; b) peeps; c) peeped.
6) a) don't return; b) return; c) returns.
7) a) becomes; b) became; c) didn't become.
8) a) start; b) starts; c) started.
9) a) are; b) was; c) were.
10) a) watch; b) did watch; c) used to watch.
11) a) witness; b) witnessed; c) used to witness.
Exercise 2.12 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present
Simple or the Past Simple Tense.
– ... you ... (tо enjoy) Tom's birthday party last Saturday, Jane?
– Oh, it... (to be) great!
– ... there (to be) many people?
– About twenty, but I ... (not to know) all of them.
– How surprising! As far as I know Tom ... (not to like) noisy parties with
crowds of people invited.
– But Tom ... (to be) sixteen! I ... (to be) sure such an event ... (to be)
worth inviting so many guests.
– You ... (to be) right. And what time ... the party ... (to start)?
– It... (to start) at six, but some guests ... (not to arrive) till eight.
– What... you ... (to do) at the party?
– We ... (to eat) great food and ... (to listen) to music, then we ... (to
dance) a lot.
– ... you ... (to meet) anyone interesting, Jane?
– Yeah. I... (to meet) some really interesting people. Tom (to have) got
wonderful friends!
– What time ... the party ... (to finish)?
– At about one o'clock in the morning. Such parties never (to finish)
early. Everyone ... (to be) tired but happy.
Exercise 2.13 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
used to and the verbs in brackets or the verbs in brackets in the
Past Simple or the Present Simple Tense.
– Who ... (to be) this young man in the photo, Sheila?
– Oh, it ... (to be) my cousin Simon.
– But your cousin ... (to have) got short hair and he always ... (to wear)
smart suits.
– Well, he ... (to have) long hair and he ... (to wear) ripped jeans and
T-shirts when he ... (to be) a student.
– Your cousin ... (to have) got a motorbike in the photo. ... he ...
(to ride) a motorbike?
– Yes, he ... . But he ... (not to have) it any more. Simon ... (to sell) his
motorbike some years ago and ... (to buy) a car.
– To my mind, he ... (to look) more attractive now.
– I ... (to agree) with you. Now Simon ... (to work) for a big corporation
and he ... (to be) a very respectable person.
– Yeah, life often ... (to change) people.
Exercise 2.14 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present
Simple or the Past Simple Tense.
1) Peter always ... (to drive) to the office but I ... (not to see) his
car at the parking yesterday. – Something ... (to be) wrong with his car
yesterday and Peter ... (to get) to the office by metro. 2)... you
always ... (to have) lunch so late? – No, we usually ... (to have) lunch at

one o'clock, but I... (tо be) very busy yesterday and ... (to have) lunch
only at three o'clock. 3) Why ... Frank ... (not to phone) me yesterday? –
Well, he ... (to go) to the village to visit his grandparents and ... (to
leave) his mobile phone at home. He sometimes ... (to forget) to take
his mobile phone and I can't get in touch with him. 4) Who usually ... (to
help) your mother with the house chores? – Well, we all ... (to help) her.
My sister usually ... (to do) the washing up and ... (to go) shopping and I
... (to tidy) my room. Last week our parents ... (to go) on a tour and
we ... (to do) all the house chores ourselves. 5) ... you ... (to listen) to
news an hour ago, Tony? – No, I .... Why? – Some men ... (to rob) a
bank in the morning and ... (to kill) the security guard. 6) What
magazine ... Pam ... (to buy) yesterday? – She ... (to buy) «Fashion».
She always ... (to buy) it to keep up with the latest fashionable trends.
7) Who ... you ... (to bring) this funny clown for from your last trip? –
Oh, I... (to bring) it for my niece. She ... (to collect) dolls and I always ...
(to bring) her some dolls from different countries. 8) How many
mistakes ... Jessica ... (to make) in her last test? – Two or three. She
usually ... (to write) tests well, but last time she ... (to be) a bit absent-
minded. 9) ... Roger ... (to book) the hotel for us yesterday? – No,
he ... . He ... (to ask) me to book the rooms but I ... (to forget) about it.
10) ... you ... (to find) your pass to the swimming pool last Friday? –
Yes, I .... It ... (to be) in the drawer of my desk under the papers.

3. The Future Simple Tense

Exercise 3.1 Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. The meeting will begin at eight. 2. They will be in Moscow the
day after tomorrow. 3. She will cook breakfast for us. 4. We shall start
at dawn. 5. The boy will be seven next year. 6. The plane will take off in
five minutes. 7. We shall climb the mountain next week. 8. I shall see
you on Monday. 9. I'll buy a camera next month. 10. They'll tell us
about it.
Exercise 3.2 Put questions to the italicized words.
1. Our friends will come to see us today. 2. They will arrive in
some minutes. 3. His parents will be at home after six. 4. The peace
talks will be held next month in Vienna. 5. Jack won't go to the cinema
because he is busy. 6. We'll play chess this evening. 7. We'll get up at
seven tomorrow. 8. The plant will make agricultural machines.
Exercise 3.3 Complete the sentences with shall, will or won't.
1) – ... you take part in the festival next week, Cindy?
– No, I..., but Belinda ... .
– Unfortunately, I don't know her phone number.
– ... I give it to you?
– Yes, please.
2) – ... David be in the office tomorrow, Jack?
– No, he... .Why?
– I ... have the results of his survey tomorrow morning.
– That's good. He needs this information for his report.
– ... I send him the results via e-mail?
– It ... be great.
3) – ... you give me a lift, Nick?
– Of course, I I drive you to the office, Pam?
– No, I... work in the office today. I... have an appointment with an
estate agent. ... you stop the car opposite that building?
– OK.
4) – We are running out of food. ... you go shopping, Ben?
– OK. But I need a shopping list.
– I ... write a shopping list for you.
– ... you give me your discount card?
– Sorry, I .... Alice took my discount card yesterday and forgot to
return it.
– Well, I... buy all the food at the market then.
Exercise 3.4 Open the brackets and put the Future or the Present
Simple Tense.
1. I (accompany) you with pleasure as soon as I (finish) my report. 2.
The performance (be) a great success if he (play) the leading role. 3. If this
time (be) convenient for you, we (meet) tomorrow. 4. We (not complete) the
work this week in case he (get) ill. 5. We (not start) till he (arrive). 6. Provided
he (leave) now, he (miss) the rush hour. 7. We (not be able) to carry out the
experiment unless he (help) us. 8. You may take my dictionary as long as you
(give) it back on Friday. 9. As soon as he (return) from the beach, we (have)
dinner. 10. I (phone) you when she (come). 11. Providing that he (work) hard,
he will finish his work on Thursday. 12. She has two keys in her bag in case
she (lose) one. 13. Unless he (come), we (not go) to the country. 14. He

(remind) you of your promise in case you (forget) it. 15. As soon as the lake
(get frozen), she (go skating). 16. When you (turn) on the right, you (see) an
old oak. 17. If she (keep) her promise, they (be) rich. 18. Unless you (look) at
the picture at some distance, you (not see) the details. 19. Providing that
nothing (happen), I (return) in two weeks. 20. If the wind (blow) from the west,
it (rain). 21. If you (get) there before me, wait till I (come). 22. Provided all
(go) well, I (graduate) in June. 23. He (not go) for a walk until he (do) his
lessons. 24. He (not catch) the train unless he (leave) immediately. 25. We
(not wait) till he (make up his mind).
Exercise 3.5 Open the brackets and use the proper tense, either
the Future or the Present Simple, paying attention to when and if.
1. We'll go swimming if it (be) a nice day tomorrow. 2. I wonder if it
(rain) tomorrow. 3. You'll get wet if you (not take) an umbrella. 4. I don't know
when he (come back). 5. I doubt if he (join) us. He is very busy. 6. She will
serve the table when he (come). 7. I'll be grateful to you if you (lend) me this
sum of money. 8. I am not sure if he (follow) my advice. 9. I wonder if I (solve)
this problem without anybody's help. 10. He supposes that they will buy the
house if it (be) in good condition. 11.1 am sure that when he (come) he will
apologize for his rudeness. 12. I wonder if you (invite) the Browns if they (be)
here on Sunday? 13. It's hard to say if she (find out) everything. 14. I don't
know when she (go) to see them. 15. We will discuss the terms of the
contract when he (come). 16. I will not deal with him if he (be) so stubborn!

4. The Present Continuous Tense

Exercise 4.1 Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. The teacher is explaining a grammar rule. 2. The woman is
playing with a child. 3. The boys are skating. 4. I am waiting for them.
5. The children are having supper. 6. It is raining. 7. I am cleaning the
Exercise 4.2 Do as you are told and say what you are doing.
Model: Clean the blackboard. – / am cleaning the blackboard.
1. Go to the door. 2. Stand at the blackboard. 3. Write a sentence
on the blackboard. 4. Hold the duster in your left hand. 5. Sit at your
desk. 6. Put your books into your bag. 7. Take your note-books out of
your bags. 8. Count the words in the text. 9. Draw a house. 10. Carry
your friend's bag.
Exercise 4.3 Ask questions as you are told.
Ask me:
1. if I am going to school; 2. whether I am preparing for the
concert; 3. if my sister is working at a factory; 4. if the wind is blowing;
5. what I am thinking about; 6. whom I am waiting for; 7. what I am
going to do; 8. where I am standing; 9. if I am going to the theatre; 10. if
I often go to the theatre; 11. if I am speaking German; 12. if I speak
German; 13. if it is raining; 14. if it often rains in autumn; 15. where I am
going; 16. where I go in the morning. Ask your classmate: 1. if he is
having supper; 2. whether he is doing his home-work; 3. whether his
friends are playing volley-ball; 4. what he is writing; 5. what he is
listening to; 6. if he is skating; 7. if he skates well; 8. what he is doing;
9. what he does in the morning; 10. what languages he studies.
Exercise 4.4 Put questions to the italicized words.
1. The children are planting trees. 2. They are working in the
garden. 3. The girl is trying on a dress. 4. Nick is talking with his
friends. 5. The students are reading. 6. The man is sitting in the arm-
chair. 7. The girl is drawing. 8. The woman is wearing a blue dress. 9.
Peter's brother is riding a bicycle. 10. They are talking about the film.
11. He is speaking over the telephone. 12. The boy is running fast
because it is raining.
Exercise 4.5 Replace the infinitive in brackets by the Present
Indefinite or the Present Continuous.
1. We (to gather) mushrooms in summer. 2. The children are in the
forest now. They (to gather) mushrooms. 3. Where is Kate? She (to do)
her homework. She always (to do) her homework in the evening. 4. The
pupils (to write) compositions once a month. 5. Don't shout. The pupils
of the ninth form (to write) compositions. 6. Water (to boil) at 100 °C.
7. Turn off the gas. The milk (to boil). 8. Mary (to dance) all modern
dances very well. 9. Look! Peter (to dance) with Jane. 10. Where you
(to hurry)? 11. Helen usually gets up late. She always (to hurry) to
school. 12. As a rule Paul (to prepare) his reports in time. 13. Don't
disturb him. He (to prepare) for his examination. 14. Take along your
umbrella. It (to rain). 15. It often (to rain) in England.
Exercise 4.6 Open the brackets and put the verb into the
Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.

1. Be quiet, please. We (work) at the translation and you (make) a
lot of noise. 2. He always (go) for a walk in the evening. 3. Where is
Jack? – He (meet) his girlfriend at the station. She (come) at 12 o'clock.
4. She (cry). Is something wrong? 5. In the morning I (have) little time,
so I (take) a shower in the evening. 6. A decade (describe) a period of
ten years. 7. Her brother (work) in Canada at present. 8. She always
(dream) but (do) nothing to realize her dreams. 9. He (be) so suspicious
to me at the moment. I wonder why. 10. Hurry up, Jane! We all (wait)
for you. 11. Turn off the gas. Don't you see the kettle (boil)? 12. The
children are still ill but they (get) better gradually. 13. Don't bother her.
She (take) her French lesson: she always (take) it in the morning.
14. The living standards (change). Every month things (get) more
expensive. 15. Tom and Mary (leave) for the Netherlands tomorrow.
16. I have just started English courses. I (study) English grammar.
17. Mercury (boil) at 357°.25 degrees Centigrade. 18. We must buy new
plates. – It's useless. You always (break) plates. 19. It (surprise) me
that they can't sell their flat. 20. A woman who (look) after other
people's children is a nanny.
Exercise 4.7 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple
or the Present Continuous Tense.
1) John often ... (to send) e-mail letters to his friends abroad.
2) Paul ... (to write) an e-mail letter to his friend in Canada now.
3) Margaret ... (to look) for a better job at the moment. 4) We ... (to
attend) language courses three times a week. 5) The secretary ... (to
be) busy now. She ... (to prepare) the documents for the conference. 6)
My elder brother ... (always to make fun) of me! 7) The professor ... (not
to examine) patients now. He ... (to give) a lecture to the students at the
moment. He usually ... (to examine) the patients in the morning. 8) The
article... (to contain) the results of important researches in medicine.
9) You never ... (to tell) me about your problems at school. I'm a bit
surprised that you ... (to ask) me for a piece of advice now. 10) Most
oils ... (to boil) at 200 – 300°C. 11) ... the musicians ... (to have) lunch
now? – No, they ... . They ... (to rehearse) in the assembly hall. They ...
(to perform) some new songs at the concert tomorrow. 12) ... doctors ...
(to use) antibiotic drugs to fight viruses? – No, antibiotic drugs ... (not to
work) against viruses. Doctors usually ... (to prescribe) antibiotics
against bacterial infections. 13) Max ... (always to play) pranks on his

classmates! 14) ... you ... (to wait) for a ferry? — Yes, we ... . The
ferry ... (to arrive) at four o'clock. 15)... Peter and Tim... (to go) fishing
next Thursday? – Yes, .... They often ... (to go) fishing together. And
they always ... (to invite) me to join them.
Exercise 4.8 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple
or the Present Continuous Tense.
1) What ... you ... (to do) tonight, Ron? – Nick and I ... (to go) to
the stadium to watch a football match. We sometimes ... (to watch)
football matches together. – And what time ... the match ... (to start)? —
Well, it... (to start) at half past six. 2)... you ... (to look) for somebody,
Janet? – Oh, yes, I... (to look) for Daniel. We usually ... (to have) lunch
together. – I... (not often to see) him in the office at this time. – You
see, Tom, Daniel ... (to work) at a very important project these days, so
he usually ... (to work) in the laboratory. But he ... (not to work) there at
the moment. 3) ... Alan ... (to wait) for a bus? He ... (usually not to take)
a bus to get to the university. – You're right, usually his elder brother
Sam ... (to give) him a lift, but these days Sam ... (to repair) his car.
Something ... (to be) wrong with its engine. 4)... Sarah ... (often to
speak) that way? — Unfortunately! And she ... (always to complain) of
the lack of money! 5) Who ... our chief ... (to talk) to over there? – He ...
(to talk) to the new manager of the finance department. He always ... (to
instruct) new employees personally. 6) Who usually ... (to help) you to
choose clothes, Jess? You always ... (to look) so smart! – Well,
sometimes I ... (to choose) clothes myself and sometimes I ... (to ask)
my cousin Laura for a piece of advice. To my mind, clothes ... (to make)
the man. 7) Where ... David and Helen ... (to hurry) to? – They ... (to
go) to the railway station right now to meet a delegation from Spain.
They ... (to hurry) because the train ... (to arrive) at nine o'clock and
there ... (not to be) much time left. 8) Mr and Mrs Harris ... (to quarrel)
again! – Oh, they ... (always to quarrel) with each other! 9) Where ...
her parents ... (to work)? — Her father ... (to work) in a bank and her
mother ... (to look) for a job at the moment. 10) How often ... Matthew ...
(to train) in the tennis court? — He usually ... (to train) three times a
week. But this week he ... (to prepare) for an international competition
so he ... (to work) very hard.
Exercise 4.9 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple
or the Present Continuous Tense.

– ... (to be) everything ready for the party, Jessica?
– Almost everything. Dolly and Alice ... (to set) the tables right now.
– I ... (to believe) they ... (to remember) to put the flowers on the tables.
– Of course, they ... .
– And what... Mike ... (to do)?
– He ... (to choose) the music. He ... (to want) everybody to feel relaxed
at the party.
– Good. ... Rosemary ... (still to cook)?
– Yes, she... (to cook) something very delicious and ... (to hope) to
surprise all the guests.
– Oh, her dishes ... (to smell) very tasty! By the way, ... you ... (to know)
Molly's phone number? I ... (to need) to remind her our address. I ...
(tо be) afraid she ... (not to remember) it.
– It... (to be) OK. I have just spoken to her. She ... (to go) to our place
right now.
– Jessica, dear, tell Mike to muffle the music. It... (to seem) to me it ...
(to play) too loudly. ... you ... (not to think) so?
– Oh, I ... (to agree) with you. I ... (not to hear) what you ... (to tell) me.
– Listen! Somebody ... (to ring) the doorbell! The guests ... (to come)!
Let's meet them!
Exercise 4.10 Choose the correct form to complete the
What Is the Solar System?
The Solar System is made up of all the planets that orbit the Sun.
In addition to the planets, the Solar System also 1) ... of moons,
comets, asteroids, minor planets, dust and gas.
Everything in the Solar System 2)... around the Sun. The Sun 3) ...
around 98% of all the material in the Solar System. The larger the
object is, the more gravity it has. Because the Sun is so large, its
powerful gravity 4) ... all the objects in the Solar System towards it. At
the same time, these objects, which 5) ... very rapidly, try to fly away
from the Sun into the emptiness of outer space and the Sun 6) ... to pull
them inward. So the objects 7)... trapped half-way in between.
Scientists 8) ... about the number of planets in the Solar System.
Some of them 9)... that there are nine planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Others 10)... that
Pluto can't be considered as a planet, it is just the largest member of a

distinct population called the Kuiper belt. There are a lot of other points
the scientists 11) ... about nowadays. Perhaps you'll find the answers to
these questions?
1) a) consist; b) consists; c) is consisting.
2) a) revolve; b) revolves; c) are revolving.
3) a) contain; b) contains; c) is containing.
4) a) attracts; b) is attracting; c) are attracting.
5) a) moves; b) is moving; c) are moving.
6) a) try; b) is trying; c) are trying.
7) a) become; b) becomes; c) are becoming.
8) a) still argue; b) still argues; c) are still arguing.
9) a) think; b) thinks; c) are thinking.
10) a) believe; b) is believing; c) are believing.
11) a) debate; b) is debating; c) are debating.
Exercise 4.11 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present
Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.
Dear Kate,
I ... (to write) from Spain to tell you about my holiday. We ... (to
stay) in a five-star hotel in the centre of Madrid. Madrid ... (to look)
fantastic at this time of the year and I ... (to enjoy) every minute of our
trip! At the moment my mother ... (to do) the shopping for souvenirs and
my father ... (to have) coffee on the balcony. You ... (to know) he ... (to
hate) shopping.
The weather ... (to be) rather cool these days and perfect for doing
the sightseeing. We ... (to spend) most of the days walking around the
city and taking photos. We ... (to think) about going to Barcelona
tomorrow. I ... (to hope) to see famous Catedral de Barcelona and my
parents ... (to want) to visit Gran Teatre del Liceu.
Food here ... (to be) very tasty. The Spanish ... (to eat) lots of
vegetables and fruit and they ... (to cook) delicious omelets and paella.
I ... (to be) afraid I've put on weight because I ... (to eat) so much here!
We ... (to leave) Spain next Friday. I... (to love) here so much that
I ... (not to want) to return home!
See you soon,

Exercise 4.12 Paraphrase the following sentences as in the
Model: / shall buy a car. – I am going to buy a car.
1. Ann will spend the summer holidays in the country. 2. The
pupils will visit the Art gallery. 3. We'll learn Spanish next year. 4. She
will take a taxi. 5. The pupils will decorate their school. 6. I'll take part in
the sports competition.
Exercise 4.13 Open the brackets using will or be going to.
1) – Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
– Yes, I... (to take) my little daughter to the zoo.
2) – Would you like vanilla ice cream or a piece of cherry cake?
– I think I ... (to have) a piece of cake.
3) – Why is Pam phoning an estate agency?
– She ... (to buy) a flat in this area.
4) – Don't you think it's too dark in the room?
– You're right. I... (tо switch) on the light.
5) – The lecture starts at ten tomorrow morning.
– Don't be afraid. I... (to be) in time.
6) – What are you doing?
– I'm reading a message from my friend. He ... (to spend) next week in
the mountains and invites me to join him.
7) – Your room is a mess!
–I know. I... (to tidy) it a bit later.
8) – I'm afraid I don't have enough money to buy this jacket.
– Never mind, I ... (to lend) you the sum you need.
9) – Is this your magazine, Kate?
–No, it's Molly's. She ... (to read) it in the plane.

Exercise 4.14 Open the brackets using will, shall or be going to.
Dear Sally,
I'm writing to tell you about my plans for the summer. Now I'm
studying hard as I ... (to have) exams to enter university. I hope I... (not
to fail) and soon ... (to become) a student of the economic department.
Then my friends and I ... (to travel) to Greece. We haven't decided
about the date of our departure yet but I think we ... (to go) there at the
end of July. We ... (to visit) Athens, Delphi and Olympia. Perhaps we ...
(to go) to Crete and spend some days there. ... I... (to bring) you a
special souvenir from Greece? I know you're fond of collecting dolls. I'm
sure I... (tо be able) to buy a nice doll in traditional Greek clothes for
you. We ... (to spend) two weeks in Greece and see as many sights as
In August I ... (to start) language courses because I want to know
English and German perfectly. I believe the knowledge of foreign
languages ... (to be) necessary for my future profession.
Oh, I nearly forgot! We ... (to have) a party to celebrate the end of
our school. We are planning to celebrate this event at I lie end of June
and hope you ... (to join) us. ... you ... (to send) me a message about
your decision or ... I... (to phone) you?
Well, that's all for now. Hope to see you soon.

Exercise 4.15 Open the brackets using will or be going to.

According to the survey conducted by the Department of
Employment and Training Administration new professions ... (to be) in
demand in the near future. Taking into consideration the results of the
survey, Montgomery Council... (to open) a new college to train
specialists for the spheres which are rapidly developing today and ... (to
be) dominant in future. The Council has already decided about the list
of professions young people ... (to be able) to get. This year the college
... (to enroll) students to study biometric identification. The Council
believes that the government and military forces ... (to require)
biometric identification specialists as they ... (to develop) the technology
to identify people based on an eye, palm or voice scan. The college ...
(also to open) the Department of Robotics Engineering to train
specialists for the National Robotics Engineering Research Institution
which creates robots for medical, military, agricultural and mining
purposes. The Council expects these departments ... (to be) extremely
popular and young people ... (not to miss) the opportunity to get
prestigious professions. The Mayor has already agreed the Programme
of the Development of the College with the Minister of Education and
next year the college ... (to open) the Department of Space Architecture
and the Department of Weather Modification.

Exercise 4.16 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present
Simple, the Future Simple or the Present Continuous Tense or be
going to.
– Do you have any plans for this summer, Dave?
– Of course, I do! First of all, my friends and I ... (to have) a party. You
see, we had to work hard this year and we need to relax a bit. Then
I ... (to go) to the seaside to visit my cousin. He has already invited
me to spend a fortnight at his cottage house.
– ... you ... (to go) there with your parents?
– No, my parents ... (to fly) to Italy at the end of June. They have
already booked the tickets and a room in a hotel. I hope they ... (to
have) a good time during their travel and I ... (to enjoy) my trip to the
– Lucky you!
– And what ... you ... (to do) this summer, James?
– I haven't got any plans by now.
– ... you ... (to join) me in my trip, then? My cousin's house is big
enough and I'm sure he ... (not to mind) our coming.
– Well, I don't know. I'm afraid it ... (not to be) easy to persuade my
parents to let me join you.
–Don't worry about it. I ... (to talk) to your parents. I'm sure they ... (to
agree) to my suggestion.
– Well, the problem is my parents aren't in the town now. They ... (to
come) back in three days.
– Good! ... they ... (to come) by train? Let's meet them at the station
together. In this case we ... (to tell) them about our plans and ... (tо
have) an opportunity to buy tickets for our trip. What time ... the
train ... (to arrive)?
– It ... (to arrive) at half past five in the evening.
– OK, I ... (to phone) you tomorrow and we ... (to arrange) the details

Exercise 4.17 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present

Simple, the Future Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.
l) The Robsons ... (tо buy) a new car next week. They have
already chosen the model. 2) I'm afraid Paul... (not to accept) our offer.
3) The conference ... (to finish) at two o'clock tomorrow. 4) It... (to be)
the 1 st of June in three days. 5) I'm cold. I ... (to ask) for an extra

blanket. 6) Monica and Nick ... (to fly) to Malta next Friday. They have
already bought the tickets. 7) Don't be late! The football match ... (to
start) at six o'clock tomorrow. 8) ... I ... (to print) this document for .you?
9) Alice ... (probably to send) us a message. 10) This ferry ... (to depart)
at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. 11) Julia hasn't cooked anything
because we ... (to go) out for dinner tonight. 12) It's getting late. ...
we ... (to call) a taxi for you? 13) We have arranged about a game of
tennis. We ... (to meet) on the tennis court later. 14) What time ... the
competition ... (to start) tomorrow? 15) I promise I ... (not to drive) the
car very fast.

5. The Past Continuous Tense

Exercise 5.1 Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. She was standing alone before the fire. 2. They were crossing
the street at the wrong place. 3. I was listening to their conversation. 4.
They were talking about our party. 5. George was preparing for his
examination the whole day. 6. She was playing the piano when you
came in. 7. The children were doing their homework at six. 8. Their son
was going to be a painter.
Exercise 5.2 Change the following into the Past Continuous.
1. The man is standing near the door. 2. Tom told a story. 3. The
children swam in the river. 4. Is Mary wearing a white dress? 5. She
went to the cinema. 6. They did not work in the garden. 7. We are not
sitting by the window. 8. The workers built a bridge. 9. The girl tried on
a dress. 10. The old man spoke in a low voice.
Exercise 5.3 Ask questions as you are told.
Ask me:
1. if I was having supper when you rang me up; 2. if Ann was
cooking when I came to her place; 3. if it was raining the whole day
yesterday; 4. if it was snowing when I got off the trolleybus; 5. what I
was doing at three o'clock yesterday; 6. what I was writing when you
entered the room; 7. what I was thinking about when you asked me this
question; 8. what my pupils were doing when I came into the classroom;
9. what I was doing the whole day yesterday; 10. what my son was
doing when I came home last night.
Exercise 5.4 Put questions to the italicized words.
1. The man was reading a magazine when somebody knocked at the
door. 2. He was waiting for a bus. 3. The boy was skating. 4. The students
were dancing when I opened the door. 5. The girl was eating ice-cream when
we came in. 6. She was looking after her little brother. 7. The pupils were
discussing a story. 8. The man was passing the theatre when the clock struck
ten. 9. It was snowing when we went out. 10. The boy was running very fast.
Exercise 5.5 Answer the following questions.
1. Were you watching television at ten o'clock last night? Did you like
the programme? 2. Did you do your homework yesterday? Were you doing it
the whole evening? 3. What were the pupils doing when the teacher came
into the classroom? 4. What was your mother doing when you came home
yesterday? 5. Did it rain yesterday? Was it raining when you went out?

Exercise 5.6 Match two parts of the sentences and join them with when
or while.

1) Susan was looking

through a magazine a) my secretary was typing letters.
2) I was speaking to my b) their teacher was explaining
business partner on the aim of the laboratory
the phone experiment.
3) The doctor was c) she found an article about her
examining a patient favourite pop singer.
4) The pupils were d) Colin went out of his friend's
listening carefully house and went to the bus stop.
5) Mike was talking to e) our parents were buying food
his friend in the supermarket.
6) It was getting colder f) a nurse was preparing
7) The children were a syringe for the injection.
walking towards the g) he saw Alison coming up to
lake him.
8) We were waiting in h) they saw a baby bird on the
the car path.

Exercise 5.7 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the
Past Continuous Tense.
Policeman: What ... you ... (to do) when the robbers ... (to break) into
the bank?
Cashier: I ... (to count) money for a client when I ... (to see) a gun
pointed into my face and ... (to understand) that it ... (to be) a robbery.
P: What... the robbers ... (to tell) you to do?
C: They ... (to tell) me to put all the money into their bag.
P: What... the other people ... (to do) at that time?
C: The robbers ... (to order) all the people to lie down and to keep
silent. So they ... (to lie) on the floor.
P: What... the robbers ... (to wear)?
C: They ... (to wear) dark shirts and black masks.
P: ... you ... (to notice) anything special in the behaviour of the robbers
or in their manner of speech?
C: Nothing special. They ... (not to speak).to each other and ... (not to
call) any names. Oh! I ... (to notice) a scar on the hand of one of the robbers.
The scar ... (to be) long and deep.
P: How long ... the robbers (to be) in the bank?
C: They... (to spend) here just a few minutes. They ... (to take) the bag
with the money and ... (to leave) through the front door. I think a car ... (to
wait) for them outside.
P: Thank you for your help.

Exercise 5.8 Open the brackets and use either Past Simple or Past
1. We (walk) in silence when he suddenly (ask) me to help him. 2. I just
(have) breakfast when the telephone (ring). When I came back to my coffee,
it (be) cold. 3. When I (finish) my letter in the hall, a tall beautiful woman with
red hair (enter). A dog (follow) her. 4. Ann (drop) two cups while she (wash
up) last night, but neither of the cups (break). 5. I (walk) along the street
watching what (go on) around me. Fast cars (rush) in both directions and it
(be) impossible to cross the street. 6. The old man who (sit) on the bench
beside me (keep) silence. Then suddenly he (turn round) to me and (begin) to
speak. 7. I (stand) near the fence when suddenly I (hear) the voices. 8. He
well (remember) the day when he first (go) to school. 9. We (talk) about Jim
when he (run) into the room. 10. The day was marvelous: the sun (shine), the
birds (sing) so we (decide) to go for a walk. 11. Miss Brown's telephone (ring)
when she (dress). 12. I (light) my pipe and (nod) to him to show that I (listen).

13. When he (come) into the office the secretary (do) a crosswords puzzle.
14. Why you (not listen) to me while I (speak)? 15. He (wait) for her, but she
never (come).

6. The Future Continuous Tense

Exercise 6.1 Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. John will be coming soon. 2. We shall be flying to Baku at this time
tomorrow. 3. You will be meeting him every day. 4. We shall be packing our
things when you come. 5. He'll be going to school soon.
Exercise 6.2 Turn the following into the Future Continuous.
1. They were having dinner at three. 3. I am doing my morning
exercises. 3. The children will ski in the afternoon. 4. The girl was reciting a
poem. 5. I shall wait for you at the metro station. 6. The boys will play hockey.
7. The workers will discuss it at the production meeting.
Exercise 6.3 Answer the following questions.
1. What will you be doing at four o'clock tomorrow? 2. What will you be
doing at this time tomorrow? 3. What will you be doing at this time on
Sunday? 4. What will your mother be doing at this time on Sunday?
5. Suppose I come to your place at nine this evening. What will you be doing?
6. Will you be learning German next year?
Exercise 6.4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the
Future Continuous Tense.
1) We ... (to have) a picnic at 4 o'clock tomorrow. 2) Nick ... (not to
work) at the agency at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening. 3) Where ... you ... (to
drive) to at 3 o'clock next Monday? – I... (to drive) to Bristol. 4) What ...
Pam ... (to do) from 4 to 5 tomorrow evening? – She ... (to visit) her
hairdresser. 5) ... the doctor ... (to examine) patients from 9 till 12 o'clock
tomorrow? -- Yes, he .... 6) What time ... Ted ... (to jog) in the park tomorrow?
– He ... (to jog) at 6 o'clock in the morning. 7) I can't join you for the barbecue
next Friday because I ... (to prepare) for the seminar. 8) ... you ... (to sleep) at
10 o'clock tomorrow evening? Can I phone you? – Certainly you can. I ... (not
to sleep) at that time tomorrow. 9) Let's meet in front of the cinema tomorrow.
I ... (to wait) for you at 6 o'clock. – OK. I'll come. 10) At what stadium ... our
football team ... (to play) at 5 o'clock next Tuesday? – They ... (to play) at the
central stadium.

7. The Present Perfect Tense

Exercise 7.1 Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. Mary has switched on the light. 2. My relatives have received the
parcel. 3. Our grandfather has travelled much. 4. The boy has passed all his
exams. 5. The little girl has broken the cup. 6. The director has signed the
order. They have seen "Swan Lake" at the Bolshoi Theatre. You have paid for
the stamps. 9. The pupils have solved the problem. 10. Robert has come
Exercise 7.2 Do as you are told and say what you have done.
Model: Open your book.– I have opened my book.
1. Clean the blackboard. 2. Close your book. 3. Put your pen on the
table. 4. Bring your daybook. 5. Open the door. 6. Write the word "table" on
the blackboard. 7. Show me your note-book. 8. Put your pencil into your bag.
9. Take your English book out of your bag. 10. Come up to the table.
Exercise 7.3 Use the affirmative form of the Present Perfect
instead of the negative form of the Present Continuous.
Model: I am not reading the book. – I have read the book.
1. The teacher is not explaining the rule. 2. Mother is not cooking
dinner. 3. I am not doing my homework. 4. The boy is not washing his hands.
5. We are not having breakfast. 6. Tom is not painting the fence. 7. I am not
cleaning my teeth. 8. The girl is not learning the poem. 9. I am not mending
my socks. 10. The children are not drinking milk.
Exercise 7.4 Answer the following questions.
1. Have you ever been to London? When were you there last? 2. Have
you read anything by Dostoyevsky? Which of his novels did you read last
year? 3. Have you ever travelled by air? When did you fly for the first time?
4. Have you had any dictations this month? When did you have them?
5. Have you read Captain's Daughter by Pushkin? When did you read it?
6. How many trees have you planted this year? Did you plant them in autumn
or in spring? 7. Have you had your dinner already? At what time did you have
Exercise 7.5 A Give news about yourself and other people to a
friend of yours. Use the words given to make sentences in the Present
Perfect Tense.
Example: My sister/get married. – My sister has got married.
1. I /find/ a new job. 2. My father/retire. 3. Jane and Mike/go to work/to
Australia. 4. I /buy/a new motorcycle. 5. My niece/start to walk. 6. The
Browns/move/ to another town. 7. Jack's Grandpa/die. 8. I /join/another
football club. 9. Nick and Rita/divorce. 10. John/receive/ a fortune,
he/become/a millionaire.
B Ask your friend who is in the USA questions about what he or
his relatives have seen or done (use the Present Perfect Tense).
Example: You/have/a good journey? — Have you had a good journey?
1. You/already/see/the Great American Lakes? 2. You/be/to Broadway?
3. Mike/manage to see/the Statue of Liberty? 4. What/new places/your
brother/show to you? 5. Ann/visit/the White House? 6. Your father/get/
promotion? 7. You/receive/your driving license? 8. Your brother/change/a
car? 9. What kind of house/you/buy?
C Say what you or your friends have not done yet (this year,
month, etc.).
Example: I /not be /to the theatre /this month. – I have not been to the theatre
this month.
1. Sue /not read /Gone with the Wind /yet. 2. Jill /not enter /London
University /this year. 3. Larry /not produce /a new film /yet. 4. Peggy and Paul
/not move /to another flat this month. 5. Pete /not finish /his project yet. 6. My
cousin /not get married /this month. 7. Mrs. Brown /not recover /yet. 8.
They /not go /on business /this week.
Exercise 7.6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1) ... the secretary ... (to print) information leaflets for the staff? – Yes,
she ... . We ... (already to distribute) them. 2) How many people ... you ... (to
invite) to your anniversary? – I ... (to send) twenty invitation cards by now, but
I ... (to plan) to invite more people. 3) ... the archaeologists ... (to find)
anything interesting in the valley? – Yes, they .... They ... (recently to
discover) the remains of an ancient church and a settlement. We ... (already
to send) them all the necessary equipment for digging them out. 4) ... you ...
(to see) Jill this week? – No, I.... I... (not to meet) her since last month. 5)...
Margaret... (yet to choose) a dress for the party? — No, she .... She ...
(already to try) on some dresses, but she ... (yet not to decide) which one to
put on. 6) How long ... Gordon ... (to work) as a computer programmer? –
He ... (to work) as a computer programmer for twelve years. 7) Do you
remember where you ... (to leave) your driving licence? -- Perhaps I ... (to
leave) it in the office. 8) Who ... (to tell) you about the accident? – Amanda.
She ... (just to witness) the car crashing into a traffic light. 9) ... you ... (to

hear) the news? – No, I …anything ... (to happen)? – Yes, Jerry ... (just to fall)
down from the roof of his house. I'm afraid he ... (to break) his leg. Mrs
Grey ... (already to call) an ambulance. 10) Who ... you ... (to buy) these
flowers for, Henry? – They are for my girlfriend. – I ... (never to see) such
beautiful flowers!
Exercise 7.7 Complete the text with the given verbs, using them in
the Present Prefect Tense

To give to adapt to ride to improve

To use to become to change

... you ever ... a bicycle? Certainly you have! Bicycles ... a part of
modern life, the means of transportation which ... us an opportunity to move
around and avoid traffic jams in big cities. People ... bicycles since the 19 th
century. Although the basic shape and configuration of a typical upright
bicycle ... a little since the first chain-driven model was developed around
1885, people ... bicycles for such uses as children's toys, adult fitness,
military and police applications, courier services and bicycle racing. Since the
19th century engineers ... many details to make the process of cycling more
comfortable and fast. As the bicycle is an environmentally-friendly means of
transport, cycling can contribute to the solution of the problem of air pollution
in megalopolises.
Exercise 7.8 Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct
tense, either Present Indefinite, Present Continuous or Present Perfect.
1. As a rule, I (have) porridge for breakfast, but this morning I (order) an
omelette. 2. This is the house where I (live). I (live) here since childhood.
3. Stop smoking! The room (be) full of smoke which (come) from your pipe.
Usually nobody (smoke) here as Mother (not let) it. 4. I (write) letters home
once a week, but I (not write) one this week, so my next letter must be rather
long. 5. No wonder she (look) tired after the strain under which she (be) for a
month. 6. Why you (not shave) this morning? – I (shave) every other day.
7. Research (show) that lots of people (absorb) new information more
efficiently at some times of day than at others. A biological rhythm (affect)
different people in different ways. 8. I just (look) at the barometer and (see)
that it (fall) very quickly. 9. Don't shout so loudly. Father (not finish) work and
he hates if anybody (make a noise) while he (work). 10. I regularly (see) him

at the tram stop, but I (not see) him these two or three days.
Exercise 7.9 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present
Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous
1) Ann and Jane can't play with you, Ted. They ... (to clean) the house
at the moment. Ann ... (to dust) the furniture for half an hour now, and Jane ...
(just to finish) vacuuming the carpets. 2) The boss is in his study. He ... (to
read) a report of the manager. He ... (to read) it since morning and ... (not to
finish) yet. 3) ... you ... (to see) Pam today, Jack? – Yes, she ... (to have)
lunch with her friend in the cafeteria now. They... (to sit) there for twenty
minutes now. 4) How long ... Elizabeth ... (to attend) design courses? –
She ... (to attend) them since last month. She ... (already to learn) a lot. 5)
Where ... Simon (to be)? – He ... (to make) photocopies of some articles in
the library now – For what? – Simon ... (to take) part in a conference next
week. He ... (to prepare) a speech for it for a week already. 6) ... you ... (to
be) to the new restaurant yet, Cindy? – Well, we ... (to go) there tonight.
Mike ... (already to book) a table. 7) Who ... (to be) in the bathroom? – It... (to
be) Alice. She ... (to dry) her hair. – She ... (to dry) her hair for twenty minutes
now and I ... (not to wash) my hair yet. 8) How long ... you ... (to live) in this
house? – We ... (to live) here for eleven years now. We ... (just to finish)
repairing it. 9)... Pam ... (to find) her gloves yet? – No, she .... She ... (to look)
for them for fifty minutes now. 10) What ... Greg and Den ... (to do) now? –
They ... (to fix) a washing machine. They ... (to work) since 9 o'clock.
Exercise 7.10 Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct
tense, either the Past Simple or the Present Perfect.
1. You (find) the money which you (lose) yesterday? – Yes, I (find) it in
the pocket of my coat when I (come) home. 2. The rain (stop) but a strong
wind is still blowing. You (see) Nick today? — Yes, but he already (leave).
4. We never (see) him. We don't even know what he looks like. 5. She (meet)
them in the Globus theatre last afternoon. 6. How long you (know) him? – We
(meet) in 1996, but we (not see) each other since last autumn. 7. He (live) in
Odessa for two years and then (go) to Siberia. 8. When he (arrive)? – He
(arrive) at 2 o'clock. 9.1 (read) this book when I was at school. 10. I can't go
with you because I (not finish) my lessons yet. 11. The clock is slow. – It isn't
slow, it (stop). 12. He (leave) for Canada two years ago and I (not see) him
since. 13. This is the fifth cup of coffee you (have) today! 14. It is the most
beautiful place I ever (visit). 15. I (not see) Nick lately. Anything (happen) to

him? – Yes, he (get) into an accident three weeks ago. Since that time he
(be) in hospital. 16. Why you (switch on) the light? It isn't dark yet.
17. He (do) everything already? – Yes, he (do) his part of work long ago.
18. The last post (come)? – Yes, it (come) half an hour ago. 19. When you
(meet) him last? 20. You ever (be) to Japan? – Yes, I (be) there the year
when there was an earthquake. 21. The discussion already (begin). Why are
you always late? 22. Why you (take) my pen while I was out? You (break) it.
23. You never (tell) me why you're called Tony when your name is John.
24. Her father (die) when she was a small girl. 25. They (not meet) since they
(leave) school. 26. The rain (stop). Come out, I want to speak with you.
Exercise 7.11 Choose the right variant using the Present Perfect,
the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous Tense.
1. While I (was waiting/waited/have waited) for him to call up, he
(had/was having/have had) a good time in the bar. 2. She (has
written/wrote/was writing) this exercise yesterday at 8 o'clock. 3. He (has
invited/was inviting/ invited) me to the party yesterday. 4. I (passed/have
passed/ was passing) my exam in history today. 5. He (read/has read/was
reading) a book two days ago. 6. They (have seen/ saw/were seeing) this film
last week. 7. She (painted/has painted/was painting) the picture when I came.
8. I (made/ have made/was making) my report when you entered the hall.
9. They (learnt/were learning/have learnt) the new words yesterday from
three till seven. 10. It (rained/has rained/was raining) this week. 11. She (was
having/had/ has had) a bath at seven o'clock last night. 12. She (was
washing/washed/has washed) dishes already. 13. They (had/have had/were
having) supper when the telephone rang. 14. I (didn't meet/haven't met/was
not meeting) you for ages. 15. Last summer he (has gone/was going/ went) to
the Caucasus. 16. She was thoughtfully looking at him while he (read/was
reading/has read) a newspaper. 17. While I (swept/was sweeping/has swept)
the floor, Mrs. Parker began cooking. 18. I just (had/have had/was having) a
telegram to say that my poor friend is badly ill again. 19. We (sat/were
sitting/have sat) in silence for a few minutes. He (spoke/was speaking/has
spoken) at last. 20. While she (washed/was washing/has washed up), she
(was hearing/heard/has heard) the doorbell, then voices. 21 “She (was
making/made/has made) tea, let's go to the dining room".
22. Only two stars (shone/were shining/ has shone) in the dark blue sky.
23. On glancing at the address, he observed that it (contained/was
containing/ has contained) no name. 24. He just (left/was leaving/has left) the

hall when a stranger (entered/was entering/has entered). 25. I (met/was
meeting/have met) Ann at her father's house twenty years ago and
(knew/have known/ was knowing) her ever since.
Exercise 7.12 Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present
Perfect or the Past Simple.
1. The children (to do) their homework. Now they can go to the skating-
rink. 2. You ever (to be) to Warsaw? -Yes, I (to be) there last year. 3. I
already (to send) the telegram. 4. I (to send) the telegram yesterday. 5. I (not
to see) him in January. 6. I (not to see) him since January. 7. We (not to
receive) any letters from her lately. 8. They (to go) to the camp three days
ago. 9. I just (to see) him. 10. I (to see) him in 1973. 11. You (to have
breakfast) already? 12. When you (to have breakfast)'? 13. When you (to
arrive) in Kiev? 14. He (to fall asleep) at half past seven. 15. I (to know) this
engineer since I began to work at the plant. 16. At last I (to write) the
composition; now I'll go for a walk.
Exercise 7.13 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the
Present Perfect Tense.
1) ... you ... (already to try) your new T-shirt on, Liz? – Yes, I... (to try) it
on some minutes ago. I ... (never to have) such a nice T-shirt. 2) The police ...
(just to arrest) Tony. – Really? What... he ... (to do)? – They say he ... (to
steal) somebody's credit card three days ago. 3) Imagine how much we ... (to
do) since Frank ... (to offer) us his help. 4) I don't think Alice ... (to change) a
lot since we ... (to graduate) from university. 5) Sue ... (to come) up to the
front door and ... (to push) the doorbell, but nobody ... (to answer). 6) Why ...
Kate ... (to take) all the food away? – I'm not hungry. I... (to have) a snack just
an hour ago. 7) Where ... you... (to be) since morning, Bob? Henry ... (to
phone) you several times today. – When ... he ... (to phone) me last time? —
Half an hour ago. 8) Why... Dolly... (to choose) this hotel? — Her friend ... (to
stay) in this hotel last year and she strongly ... (to recommend) Dolly to spend
her holidays here. 9)... you ... (to travel) by ferry before, Tim? – Yes, I .... But I
... (to travel) when I ... (to be) a little boy and I don't remember that voyage
very well.ДО) Why ... you ... (not to unpack) your suitcase yet, Ron? – I... (to
come) only half an hour ago and ... (to decide) to take a shower first.

Exercise 7.14 Choose the correct form to complete the sentences.

From the History of Clocks
Time 1) ... one of the most important measurements of modern life. It is

impossible to imagine our working day without a clock or a watch. The history
of clocks is very long and there 2) ... many different types of clocks over the
centuries. The word «clock» 3) ... from the Latin «clocca». People 4) ... to use
this word in the 14th century. The first clocks in the history of mankind 5) ...
sundials or sun clocks. Sundials 6) ... about 5.500 years ago and about 3.400
years ago water clocks were invented. Since somebody 7) ... dividing day and
night into hours and minutes, the inventors 8)... numerous types of clocks like
pendulum clocks, cuckoo clocks, mechanical clocks and watches and quartz
crystal clocks and watches. Jost Burgi 9)... the first clock with a minute hand
in 1577. Perhaps the most significant step forward in the history of time
measurement ... the introduction of the mechanical clock with wheels. It ... in
the 12th century and people 12) ... to set the clocks on the towers of churches.
Quartz crystal clocks 13) ... in 1920.

1. a) became; b) has become.

2. a) were; b) have been.
3. a) came; b) has come.
4. a) started; b) have started.
5. a) were; b) have been.
6. a) appeared; b) have appeared.
7. a) suggested; b) has suggested.
8. a) created; b) have created.
9. a) invented; b) has invented.
10. a) was; b) has been.
11. a) happened; b) has happened.
12. a) began; b) have begun.
13. a) appeared; b) have appeared.

Exercise 7.15 Choose the correct item.

1) Where is Wendy? – She ... to the swimming pool
a) went; b) has been; c) has gone.
2) Alex has studied in our school... six years already
a) for; b) since; c) last.
3) Have you written the report...?
a) yesterday; b) just; c) yet.
4) I don't know about this town. I have … been there.
a) ever; b) never; c) yet.
5) You can put this shirt on. Mother has … ironed it.
a) just; b) recently; c) before
6) We haven't received any messages from Mike … last month.
a) for; b) since; c) from,
7) My brother … to Thailand twice already
a) was; b) has gone; c) has been.
8) Have you ... played cricket?
a) ever; b) never; c)today.
9) Who ... you this disc?
a) have given; b) has given; c) is given.
10) Jack has never ridden a horse ....
a) just; b) already; c) before.

8. The Past Perfect Tense

Exercise 8.1 Make the following interrogative and negative.

1. The pupils had translated the text before the bell rang. 2. Kate had
done her lessons by eight o'clock. 3. Peter had studied English before he
entered the institute. 4. The girls had cleaned the room by the time their
mother came back. 5. We had reached the village before the sun set.
Exercise 8.2 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect Tense.
1) Ella ... (to type) six letters by lunchtime. 2) After we ... (to buy) the
tickets, we went to the platform. 3) When our delegation arrived at the
university, the conference ... (already to begin). 4) There were no oranges left
because Jane and Max ... (to eat) them all. 5) Mary ... (to give) me a warm
blanket before I went to bed. 6) The lawyer ... (to prepare) all the documents
by 4 o'clock yesterday. 7) The workers ... (to finish) the reconstruction of the
bridge by the beginning of June. 8) I ... (to see) that man somewhere before I
met him at the presentation. 9) By the time the police arrived, the burglars ...
(to escape). 10) The rain started after we ... (to catch) a taxi.
Exercise 8.3 Open the brackets paying attention to the use of the
Past Perfect Tense.
1. He already (go) by the time I (come) to the party. 2. Mother (cook)
dinner before he (come). 3. When I (reach) the front door, I realized that I
(lose) the key. 4. The shop (close) by the time I (get) there. 5. The scientists
(carry) out many experiments before they (achieve) satisfactory results.
6. When I (arrive), he (stay) in the same hotel where we first (meet). 7. By the
end of the year he (finish) research. 8. He told me that he (not see) much of
her since she (move) to another town. 9. When I (enter), he already (come)
and (sit) near the fireplace looking through a magazine. 10. She said that they
(meet) in 1990 for the first time.
Exercise 8.4 Change from direct into indirect speech.
Model: Paul said, "I met her at the department store,"
Paul said that he had met her at the department store.
1. The woman said, "I studied German at school." 2. The teacher said,
"I saw them in Kiev." 3. The girl said, "I have already spoken to them." 4. The
pupils said, "We have done the exercises." 5. The man said, "I lived in Kaniv
at that time." 6. He said, "I did not recognize your handwriting." 7. His aunt
said, "I was at home at that time." 8. The girl said, "I spent my holidays in the
Exercise 8.5 Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Past Simple
or the Past Perfect.
1. Yesterday we (to discuss) the film which we (to see) some days
before. 2. When my sister (to go) to the theatre, I (to begin) to write the letter.
3. The children (to fall asleep) by ten o'clock. 4. He (to tell us) many
interesting things he (to see) in Lutsk. 5. Peter (to show) us the bicycle his
father (to buy) for him. 6. Mother (to cook) supper by the time they (to come)
Exercise 8.6 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the
Past Perfect Tense.
1) Julia ... (to stop) and ... (to turn) around to see who ... (to call) her
name. 2) Mr Brooks ... (to take) the documents which the secretary ... (to
prepare) for him the day before. 3) I ... (not to phone) you because I ... (to
leave) my mobile phone at home. 4) Vicky ... (to show) us her new skirt which
she ... (to buy) at a sale a week before. 5) We ... (to be) hungry and ... (to
decide) to go to a cafe for a snack. 6) The rescue team ... (to arrive) before
the fire ... (to destroy) all the building. 7) What car ...I your father ... (to have)
before he ... (to buy) the Opel? 8) I ... (not to see) Jack yesterday because he
... (to fly) to Leeds for the conference three days before. 9) When I ... (to
return) from the swimming pool yesterday, my mother ... (to tell) me that
she ...! (to make) my favourite cake. 10) The woman ... (to be) sure that the
boy ... (to tell) her the truth.
Exercise 8.7 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the
Past Perfect Tense.

1) We ... (already to pack) our suitcases when the receptionist ... (to
inform) us about the delay of our bus. 2) In the evening Jane ... (to
remember) that she ... (not to send) a message to the accountant of their firm.
3) Before the boys ... (to leave) the house, Nick ... (to feed) the dog. 4)
Brian ... (to meet) me after he ... (to return) from his business trip. 5) Mr
Samuel ... (to agree) to help us after we ... (to explain) everything. 6) Julia ...
(not to know) that Henry ... (already to find) a new job in a big corporation. 7)
Where ... Mark ... (to go) after he ... (to leave) the bank? 8) Who ... Clara ...
(to talk) it over with before she ... (to decide) to sell her flat? 9) After the
patient ... (to come) to, the doctor ... (to allow) his relatives to visit him. 10)
When Sandra ... (to see) Mr Thompson, she ... (to remember) that she ... (to
meet) him before.

Exercise 8.8 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form and
read the joke.
The Absent-Minded Professor
Richard Rudd was a man whose memory was very bad. He was so
absent-minded that he sometimes forgot what he was talking about in the
middle of the sentence. As a rule his wife had to remind him about his
appointments, lectures and even meals.
One hot summer day Professor Rudd decided to take his children to the
beach. The seaside town he ... (to plan) to visit was about a three-hour train
ride away. To make the trip more interesting for his young children he kept
the name of the town in secret. Unfortunately, by the time the Rudds ... (to
arrive) at the train station, the poor professor ... (to forget) the name of his
destination himself. Fortunately, a friend of his happened to be in the station.
He offered to take care of the children while Rudd went back home to find out
where he was going.
The professor's wife was surprised to see her husband again so soon,
but she guessed what... (to happen). The woman wrote the name of the town
on a piece of paper and gave it to her husband. Satisfied that she ... (to solve)
the problem, the woman sent husband off again. Some minutes later she was
surprised to see that her husband ... (not to leave) for the station yet.
Professor was standing in front of the gates thinking about something. The
woman asked why he ... (not to go yet) and the professor said that he ... (to
forget) where he ... (to leave) the children.

Exercise 8.9 When Mr Jones returned from his business trip, his
secretary showed him a brief report about what the staff of the office
had done and hadn't done by his arrival. Use this report to ask the
questions and answer them as in the example. Give your explanation if
something hadn’t been done.
Example: Had Roger prepared the report about the expenses for the
equipment before Mr Jones's arrival? – Yes, he had.

Roger – to prepare the report about the expenses for the equipment +
Jane – to send the advertisement to the major newspaper +
Steve – to set up industry standard computer software –
Alice and Dolly – to type the invitations to the presentations +
Bob – to buy new computer desks –
Tom – to consult the lawyer about the trade agreement with the partners –
Nelly – to design the brochure to the clients +
Stuart – to discuss the sum of the credit with a bank manager –
Tina – to rent a show room for the presentation –
Angela – to book hotel rooms for the business partners +

9. The Future Perfect Tense

Exercise 9.1 Turn the following into the Future Perfect.

Model: I had done my homework by 9 o'clock. – I shall have done my
homework by 9 o'clock.
1. They had built the new school by the first of September. 2. The
teacher had looked through our exercise-books by that time. 3. We had
discussed the report by four o'clock in the afternoon. 4. The pupils had read
three English books by the end of the year. 5. I had written the composition
by 9 o'clock.
Exercise 9.2 Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Future
Indefinite or the Future Perfect.
1. You (to receive) the agenda tomorrow. 2. you (to receive) the agenda
by tomorrow. 3. I (to do) the exercises by seven o'clock. 4. I (to do) the
exercises in the afternoon. 5. By this time you (to take your examination). 6.
You (to take) your examination next week. 7. The teacher (to correct) our
dictations in the evening. 8. The teacher (to correct) our dictations by the next

Exercise 9.3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect
1) Mike ... (to prepare) all the calculations by the end of his working day
tomorrow. 2) I ... (tо learn) some phrases in Japanese by the time the
participants of the Japanese delegation arrive. 3) The chef ... (to cook) all the
dishes by the time the banquet begins. 4) The secretary ... (to arrange) all the
papers by the time the boss comes to the office tomorrow. 5) The ferry ... (to
reach) the port by 4 o'clock tomorrow. 6) They ... (to deliver) our pizza by the
beginning of the party tomorrow. 7) Jack and Monica ... (to send) all the
invitations by next Tuesday. 8) I ... (to read) your report by tomorrow morning.
9) The workers ... (to unload) the lorries by the end of their working day.
10) We ... (to analyse) the results of the experiment by next Friday.

Exercise 9.4 This is a list of things that the students must do for
the conference next Friday. Make up questions as in the example and
answer them, using the notes.
Cathy — type the invitations by Monday
Ella — send the invitations by 4 o'clock on Monday
Alan and Nelly — prepare the reports by Tuesday
Fred — to set up the video equipment by Thursday morning
James — to paint the posters by Wednesday
Chris — to prepare the photos by 11 o'clock on Tuesday
Clara — to design the leaflets by 6 o'clock on Tuesday
Gordon — to print the leaflets by Thursday morning
Ron and Sam — to put the posters on the walls of the hall by Thursday
Eddy and Sarah — to organize the exhibition by 5 o'clock on Thursday
Alice and Vicky — to decorate the hall by Thursday evening

Example: What/Cathy/to do/by Monday?

What will Cathy have done by Monday? – She will have typed the
1) What/Ella/to do/by 4 o'clock/on Monday? 2) By what time/ Alan and
Nelly/to prepare the reports? 3) Who/to set up the video equipment/by
Thursday morning? 4) What/James/to paint/by Wednesday? 5) What/Chris/to

do/by 11 o'clock on Tuesday? 6) By what time/Clara/to design/the leaflets?
7) Who/to print the leaflets/by Thursday morning? 8) Where/Ron and Sam/to
put the posters/ by Thursday evening? 9) Who/to organize the exhibition/by
5 o'clock on Thursday? 10) By what time/Alice and Vicky/to decorate the hall?

10. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Exercise 10.1 Make the following interrogative.

1. The film has been running for a month. 2. They have been waiting for
the director since two o'clock. 3. The boy has been keeping the book for a
month already. 4. The pupils have been translating the text for an hour and a
half. 5. It has been raining since the morning.

Exercise 10.2 Express the same idea in one sentence instead of two
by using the Present Perfect Continuous.
Model: I began to do this exercise a quarter of an hour ago. I am still doing
it. – I have been doing this exercise for a quarter of an hour.
1. My sister began to learn French two years ago. She is still learning it.
2. Our teacher began to teach English fifteen years ago. He is still teaching it.
3. I began to look for this magazine half an hour ago. I am still looking for it.
4. His father began to work at the railway station in 2012. He is still working
there. 5. The boy fell asleep at ten o'clock. He is still sleeping.
Exercise 10.3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1) Is Richard still in the gym? – He... (to train) since 8 o'clock in the
morning! – Yes, he ... (to prepare) for the championship for seven months
already. 2) Does your brother work for Mitsubishi Corporation? -- Yes, he ...
(to work) there for thirteen years. 3) Haven't you finished your article yet? –
No, I haven't. I ... (to write) it for three days now. 4) What ... Diana ... (to cook)
since 4 o'clock? – She ... (to prepare) curry chicken. 5) Is that serial so
interesting? You ... (to watch) it for three weeks already. – No, I ... (not to
watch) it for three weeks. I .... (just to watch) it for a week. And it is really
exciting. 6) How long ... Jimmie ... (to play) the guitar in your rock group? –
He ... (to play) in our rock group since last year. 7) What ... Pete ... (to do) in
the kitchen since 3 o'clock? – He ... (to fix) a dishwasher. 8) You shouldn't
drive to work today. It... (to snow) heavily since yesterday evening and the
roads are blocked up. 9) Mary is shocked with the news. She ... (to sit)
without saying a word for hours! 10) Stuart should have a rest. He ... (not to
sleep) since yesterday.

Exercise 10.4 Ask your classmate:

1. if he learns English; 2. when he began to study English; 3. since
when he has been learning English; 4. how long he has been studying
English; 5. where his father works; 6. how long his father has been working
there; 7. if it is snowing now; 8. if it snowed yesterday; 9. if it has been
snowing since the morning.
Exercise 10.5 Put questions to the italicized words.
1. He has been playing chess since the childhood. 2. His younger
brother has been skating for an hour. 3. Mary has been looking after the baby
since her mother went to the market. 4. We have been looking for you for half
an hour. 5. Ann has been speaking over the telephone for the last ten
Exercise 10.6 Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present
Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or the Present Perfect
1. Where are the pupils? — They (to plant) trees. They (to plant) them
since the morning. They always (to plant) trees in October. They already (to
plant) several hundred trees this year. 2. Ann (to have) her music lesson now.
She (to have) her music lessons twice a week. 3. I am going to take a walk. I
(to do) all my home exercises already. I (to do) them for three hours. 4. Since
when they (to build) this house? 5. At last I (to find) the book I need. I (to look
for) it for a quarter of an hour. 6. Don't shout. Helen (to read) an English book.
She (to work) at her English every day. She (to learn) this language for three
years. She (to read) many English stories this year. 7. What you (to do) in the
morning? 8. What you (to do) since the morning?
Exercise 10.7 Answer the following questions.
1. What is your favourite subject? How long have you been studying it?
2. When did you begin to learn English? How long have you been learning it?
3. When did you go to the library last time? What books did you take there?
How long have you been keeping them? 4. Do you play chess? Since when
have you been playing it? 5. Where did you buy your coat? Since when have
you been wearing it? Where do you live? How long have you been living
there? I have been reading a book for five days. Today is the twenty-first of
September. When did I begin to read it? 8. I began to do my homework at
6 o'clock. I'm still doing it. It is 8 o'clock now. How long have I been doing my

home work? 9. We began to discuss this question at two o'clock. We have
been discussing it for an hour and a half. What time is it now? 10. The
children have been watching television for 45 minutes. It is 7 o'clock now. At
what time did they begin to watch television?
Exercise 10.8 Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Present
Perfect Continuous Tense or the Present Perfect Tense.
1. I (try) to get into contact with them for a long time, but now I (give) it
up as hopeless. 2. My shortsighted uncle (lose) his spectacles. We (look) for
them everywhere but we can't find them. 3. She (be) of great help to us since
she (live) for such a long time with us. 4. You ever (work) as interpreter? –
Yes, that is what I (do) for the last five months. 5. They (make up) their
quarrel? – I don't know. I only know that they (not be) on speaking terms
since September. 6. Our pilot (ask) for permission to take off for ten minutes
already, but he (get) no answer yet. 7. A skilful photographer (help) me with
the development of summer films for two weeks, but we (develop) only half of
them. 8. I (know) them since we met at Ann's party. 9. You (open) the door at
last. I (ring) for an hour at least, it seems to me. 10. Look, the typist (talk) all
the time, she already (miss) several words.
Exercise 10.9 Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper
tense, either the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Continuous
1. Don't come in. He (take) an exam. He (take) his exam for half an
hour already. 2. Where are the children? – They (play volleyball). They (play
volleyball) since two o'clock. 3.1 (learn) to type for a month and can say that
my typing (improve). 4. Nick (come) round to see us tonight. 5. He (stay) at
his sister's for six weeks. He (try) to find a flat to live in. 6. We can't dance as
my father (work) in the study. He (prepare) a report. He (write) it for the whole
day. 7. Do you see what the child (do) with your hat? Take it from him. 8.
They still (discuss) the article? But they (do) it since twelve o'clock! 9. The
prices (go up). They (rise) since 2014. 10. What a strong wind (blow)! It
(blow) since yesterday.
Exercise 10.10 Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper
tense (the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Present
Perfect Continuous or the Present Perfect Tense).
1. It (snow) steadily the whole week and it still (snow). 2. We (climb) for
six hours already, but we (not reach) the top of the mountain yet. 3. The pain
already (go) but the child still (cry). 4. The workers (work) very hard these two

weeks, they (be) busy with the interior decoration of the house. 5. He (solve)
the crossword puzzle for an hour and he (say) he (be) about to solve it as he
(think) over the last word. 6. He (work) at the language all the time and
(make) great progress. His pronunciation (be) rather good, only a slight
accent (remain). 7. He (finish) the first part of his book and now he (write) the
second. He (work) at his book for two years. 8. Dustin Hoffman, who (play)
the hero, (give) a fine performance. 9. Why your hair (be) wet? You (swim)?
10. Doctors and scientists (show) recently the benefit of fish in the diet.

Exercise 10.11 Choose the correct form to complete the

Daniel Stevens is a wildlife cameraman. He 1)... wild animals for
documentary programmes for seventeen years now. He 2)... the world's
jungles and rainforests. His wife Alison always 3)... him and helps in his work.
They 4)... together for fifteen years and want to keep filming until they get too
old. At the moment they 5) ... to go to the Arctic to film white bears. Although
Daniel 6)... how dangerous his work is, he 7)... to be face to face with the
animals he is filming. «I love being in an environment that 8) ... for years», he
says. Next year Daniel 9) ... to publish his book about filming. He 10) ... it for
more than four years and 11) ... it. Daniel 12) ... this book will be a great
support for the cameramen who 13) ... much experience yet.

1) a) films; b) is filming;
c) has filmed; d) has been filming.
2) a) already explores; b) is already exploring;
c) has already explored; d) has been exploring.
3) a) accompanies; b) is accompanying;
c) has accompanied; d) has been accompanying.
4) a) work; b) are working;
c) have worked; d) have been working.
5) a) prepare; b) are preparing;
c) have prepared; d) have been preparing.
6) a) understands; b) is understanding;
c) has understood; d) has been understanding.
7) a) prefers; b) is preferring;
c) has preferred; d) has been preferring.
8) a) doesn't change; b) isn't changing;

c) hasn't changed; d) hasn't been changing.
9) a) plans; b) is planning;
c) has planned; d) has been planning.
10) a) writes; b) is writing;
с) has written; d) has been writing.
11) a) almost finishes; b) is almost finishing;
c) has almost finished; d) has almost been finishing.
12) a) hopes; b) is hoping;
c) has hoped; d) has been hoping.
13) a) don't have; b) aren't having;
c) haven't had; d) haven't been having.

Exercise 10.12 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple,
the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect
Continuous Tense.
1) ... you ... (to go) to the concert next Sunday, Julia? -- Yes. Actually
I ... (already to buy) a ticket. I never ... (to miss) an opportunity to visit
concerts of famous singers and music bands. 2) ... Alan ... (to check) his e-
mail yet? — Yes, he .... He always ... (to read) his mail in the morning. 3) ...
you ... (to wait) for a bus? How long ... you ... (to wait) for it? – I ... (to wait) for
half an hour already. – How strange. It usually ... (to arrive) on time. 4) ...
Jessica still ... (to be) in the fitting room? She ... (to try) clothes on for hours! –
Well, she seldom ... (to go) shopping for clothes, but if she does, she ... (to
spend) hours choosing dresses and blouses. Look! She ... (finally to choose)
what to buy. 5) ... you still ... (to work) on the computer, Mark? You ... (to
work) since 8 o'clock.– I... (tо look) for some information for my Biology
project for three hours already but I can't find anything interesting. It always ...
(to take) a lot of time to find necessary information on the Net. 6) ... Mr Peters
still ... (to work) at school? – Yes, he ... (to teach) Maths for twenty years.
He ... (to be) a very good teacher, you know. 7) What ... Tina ... (usually to
do) in the evenings? I never ... (to see) her walking with her friends. – She ...
(to prepare) for her final tests these days. She ... (to want) to enter university
and she really ... (to study) hard since the beginning of the school year. 8)
Where ... you ... (to hurry) now, Sue? – I ... (tо have) a seminar at the
university today. It ... (to start) in half an hour. 9) Why ... Gordon ... (to read)
the newspapers since morning? – He ... (to want) to find a part-time job for
summer. You know, he ... (already to decide) to buy a new computer and

he ... (to need) money for it. 10) ... you already ... (to plan) your trip to
France? – Yes, we .... We ... (to fly) to Paris tomorrow morning. Richard ...
(already to buy) tickets and Helen ... (to pack) suitcases since 10 o'clock.

11. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Exercise 11.1 Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

1)Brian had been trying to find a better job for three weeks. Little Johnny had
been riding his new bike all day yesterday. Robert and Frank had been fixing
that computer for two hours yesterday. 4) Julia had been typing the report
all the morning yesterday. 5) It had been raining all night last Tuesday. 6) The
Smiths had been building their house for four years. 7) We had been skating
for three hours yesterday. 8) You had been decorating the classroom for
more than two hours last Saturday. 9) The twins had been fighting in the
backyard when their mother saw them. 10) Molly had been speaking on the
phone for an hour and a half yesterday evening.

Exercise 11.2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the
Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
1) It ... (to snow) for five hours before the weather changed. 2) Betty
and Jane ... (to argue) for half an hour when their parents returned home.
3) Why did Ed miss his training yesterday? – He couldn't come because
he ... (to prepare) his project all day yesterday. 4) ... Isabel ... (to work) as a
secretary for four years before she moved to another town? -- No, she .... She
... (to work) as a secretary just for two years. 5) ... Pete ... (to play) computer
games all the evening last Friday? — No, he ... . He ... (to write) an essay for
two hours and then he went for a walk. 6) Jean ... (not to wait) for our boss all
the morning yesterday. She ... (to speak) to some clients for about an hour
and then she went to the bank. 7) Kevin was exhausted because he ... (to
unload) the lorry for three hours. 8) I was really happy that Ron won that
competition because he ... (to prepare) for it for half a year. 9)... you ... (to
save) money for a new computer for a long time? — Yes, I ... . I ... (not to
spend) a penny for six months before I got a sufficient sum. 10) Cathy and
Sue ... (to tidy) our cottage house for two days after that birthday party.
Exercise 11.3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the
Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
1) Where ... Robert... (to work) since 4 o'clock yesterday? – Hi ... (to fix)
a fence in the garden. 2) What... Wendy ... (to do) in the studio for three hours
last Monday? – She ... (to prepare) some of her pictures for the exhibition. 3)
Why ... you ... (to hurry) when I met you last Friday, James? – I... (to go) to
the railway station to meet my uncle. I was afraid to be late. 4) It... (to rain)
heavily when Mr Scott stopped his car in front of a cafe. He wanted to have
lunch because he ... (not to eat) since early morning. 5) What ... the
students ... (to write) since 9 o'clock yesterday morning? – They ... (to write) a
test on Psychology. 6) How long ... Janet ... (to work) in the office before she
went home yesterday? – She ... (to make) photocopies of some documents
for the boss for about an hour and then she ... (to type) some letters for two
hours before her working day was over. 7) The government ... (to carry) on
negotiations with the terrorists for three days before they reached some
agreement. 8) Stuart ... (to try) to call you for a quarter of an hour before you
finally answered the phone. 9) Emily felt horrible yesterday because she ...
(not to sleep) all night. 10) Why was Janet so angry last Friday? – Because
she ... (to argue) with her parents for an hour.
Exercise 11.4 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the
Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
I) Mike ... (to cycle) for two hours before he ... (to stop) for a rest. 2)
We ... (to walk) about for half a day before we ... (to find) your house. 3)
They ... (to wait) for an hour already when I ho taxi... (to arrive). 4) Victor ...
(to feel) tired because he ... (to dig) out the bushes in the garden all day. 5)
Before Alice ... (to prepare) all the dishes, she ... (to cook) for four hours. 6)
It... (to snow) for two days before the weather ... (to change). 7) Simon ... (to
surf) the Internet for six hours before he ... (to find) the necessary information.
8) The scientists of our institute ... (to conduct) the research for many years
before they ... (to discover) и new source of energy. 9) Jack ... (to wonder)
how long he ... (to wait) for Sandra. 10) Betty ... (to stare) at me for a few
minutes before she ... (to understand) the meaning of my words.
Exercise 11.5 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, the
Past Continuous, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous
1) Rachel ... (to meet) Den in front of the library five minutes ago. He ...
(to speak) to Alex about some project. 2) Sam and Monica ... (to skate)
together for four years before they ... (to enter) the competition. 3) When
Victor ... (to get) off the bus, he ... (to decide) to phone his mother but
suddenly ... (to realize) that he ... (to forget) his mobile phone in the hotel

room. 4) The driver ... (to speed) down the road when suddenly an old
woman ... (to step) in front of the car. 5) Two men ... (to walk) through the
forest for five hours before they ... (to see) the house of the forest guard. The
two men ... (tо be) hungry because they ... (not to eat) anything since last
evening. 6) Maggie ... (to look) for her gloves when the door ... (to open) and
her mother ... (to come) in. 7) Phil... (to wait) for twenty-five minutes before
Pamela ... (to send) a telegram and ... (to return) to the car. 8) By the time
Steve ... (to reach) the airport, Andrew and Nora ... (already to receive) their
luggage and ... (to have) coffee in a cafeteria outside. 9) Linda ... (to phone)
her dentist yesterday because one of her teeth ... (to ache) for weeks. 10)
When Tony ... (to arrive) at Tina's place yesterday, she ... (to read) a
detective story which she ... (to buy) some days before.

12. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Exercise 12.1 Open the brackets using the verbs in the Future
Perfect Continuous Tense.
Model: By the end of this year Andrew (paint) this portrait for three years. –
By the end of this year Andrew will have been painting this portrait
for three years.
1. By the end of next week our team (work) on this project for three
years already. 2. By September,1 Mrs. Michaels (teach) at this college for
thirty years. 3. By the beginning of next month the Parliament (debate) this is
sue for two years. 4. By the end of this year Harrison (act) for thirty years.
5. By the end of the month James (train) horses for exactly twenty-five years.
6. Do you remember that by next week we (live) in this house for fifteen
years? 7. By his next birthday Dorothy (collect) teddy bears for ten years. We
aren't going to have any problems with choosing a present. 8. By next Friday
Emily (sing) in our choir for ten years. 9. Do you realize that by next month I
(wear) this fur coat for ten years? Isn't it time to buy a new one? 10. By next
month Mr. Bruster (run) this department for five years.
Exercise 12.2 Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the proper
words from the box in the form of the Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

smoke explore sell advertise fly

anchor sponsor knit wear attend
1. In fifteen minutes' time we … over the Atlantic Ocean for six hours.
2. By the end of this week the scientists … this area for exactly a year. 3. By
next week I … Professor Jones's seminars for a year. I must say, it's getting
more and more interesting. 4. By the end of this week Mrs. Clark … this
sweater for half a year. 5. By the end of this year Annie … this shampoo on
TV for three years. 6. By the beginning of next year Emily … for twenty years.
She isn't even thinking of giving it up. 7. By the end of this month Jeremy
Connoly … this talk show for five years already. 8. By this December you …
this brown suit for ten years! Isn't it time to change your image a little? 9. By
March our company … this fund for ten years. 10. By next April we … these
designer bags for five years and they are still in great demand.
Exercise 12.3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Future
Continuous, the Future Perfect or the Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
1) Peter ... (to fix) the TV set by next Tuesday. 2) At this time next
Friday we ... (to lie) on the beach in Malta. 3) By next Monday Linda ... (to
work) as a secretary for three years. 4) ... you ... (to use) your computer
tonight? Can I play my favourite computer game? 5) By the end of the year
Roger and Monica ... (to live) in our district for five years. 6) The boss ... (to
read) all the documents by the end of his working day. 7) Don't phone me
tonight. I ... (to write) an article for a scientific journal. 8) By the end of the day
we ... (to reach) that settlement. 9) What ... you ... (to do) at 4 o'clock
tomorrow? — I... (to help) my parents in the garden. 10) By the 13th of
January he ... (to work) on his novel for ten months.
Exercise 12.4 Put the verbs in brackets into the Future
Continuous, the Future Perfect or the Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
1) They ... (to publish) our advertisement by next Monday. 2) At this
time tomorrow we ... (to drive) to the mountains. 3) Jack ... (to become) a
chief manager by the beginning of October. 4) By next month Ron ... (to play)
football in our football club for 3 years. 5) I didn't remind Den about the picnic!
— Don't worry. I... (to meet) him at the university tomorrow morning. 6)
What ... your sister ... (to do) at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning? — She ... (to
help) mother with the house chores. 7) By 2 p.m. the boys ... (to fish) for five
hours. 8)... you ... (to use) your car tonight? Can I borrow it? 9) Don't phone
me before 11 o'clock tomorrow. I ... (tо sleep).


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