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The Salamander Islands

• Ships still go through the isles because the thunder

and shattered seas are treacherous and goblinoid and
principalities area are dangerous.

• 50 years ago , These volcanic jungle islands were

battled over by nations seeking trade routes with the
now darkened isles.

• Janzoon darkblade was the first pirate that sailed

across the islands , he was the one responsible for
disturbing the trade routes of the various nations and
he looted a lot by that , making his lair the cursed
black crag.

• The people of Tanguna village came from the serpent

coils , existing with dinosaurs and serpentine
creatures who stalked their jungle homes , the elves
of the sunken city abducted those people and put them
through inhumane mutation experiments under the
supervision of Nara Thul.

• The Tanguna worship a serpentine entity that’s a

couatal called Moa which saved some of them from the
elves , yet most of the bizarre creatures the roam the
islands were once humans mutated by the terrible
magics of the elves who tried to splice human biology
with other life forms.

• The isles were the seat of power of the elvish city of

Zenith , built by the elven mage Gazkel the enchanter
after slaying the ancient red dragon Orichal by the
power of the Jade pulse.

• Bio Transference experiments were happening in the

city before its destruction , using the power of the
jade pulse to mutate and merge creatures.

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