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• Red roger Rathbone is the defacto ruler of port fortune , his son Thomas

has gone missing after going on a voyage towards Tanguna Island

• A few days ago, in the heart of the isles a column of smoke was seen from
the harbor of Port Fortune and for an entire day, the sun blazed green. The
Black Crag has risen once again!
• A green dragon called Morgawra demands tribute of sailing ships , the party
explored an elven tomb to bring her riches from within.
Morgawra the green dragon helped the people of the isles in pushing back
the goblinoid plague and that’s why the offer her tribute
The tomb was populated by apes led by a large four armed white furred
gorilla called Capa whose family live in zenith , capa and his family are a
result of the elves of zenith conducting experiments on people before the
Gazkel the enchanter , the founder of zenith was in cryo sleep within his
tomb but the party awakened him to roam the world once more.
• The tanguna people and other tribes came from the serpentine isles , they
were kidnapped by the elves of zenith and put into terrible experiments that
spliced their biology with that of other creatures.
They were rescued from the elves by a serpentine creature with rainbow
wings and teal scales called Moa who was sent by the tribes’ spirit gods
called the orinaxo.
• The city of zenith used a source of energy called the jade pulse which they
stored in small pyramid batteries , the current remains of the city are
within the black crag that swallowed the city after the shattering
• Ever since the black crag rose The tanguna people have contacted some sort
of curse or disease that makes their veins bulge and glow green , a similar
curse hit them when they welcomed the riches Janzoon darkblade brought
from piracy and exploring the ruins of zenith within the black crag years
Their guardian Moa abandoned them for their greed and forbade them from
ever entering his temple in the mountains
• Moa kept a record of sorts about relics from the city of zenith scattered
across the isles to safe guard them against ill intentions that could harm his
• A cure for their disease consists of 3 plants , the village currently have one
with two more that the party promised to bring
• The party rescued Thomas Rathbone from the clutches of an underwater
cult to the incandescent one , a fey creature that gives its followers
amphibious capabilities .
The party reached the cave dwelling of these cultists by a large mechanical
fish that runs on the pyramid batteries made by the elves of Zenith.

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