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1. Permission
“Can” is most often used to ask for or giver permission but “may” and “could” are also possible even
though they are not used as often as “can”.
2. Prohibitions
“Can’t” and “mustn’t” are used to show that something is prohibited.
3. Obligation
“Have to” and “must” are both used to express obligation. There is a slight difference in the way that
they are both used.

Have to/ don’t have to Strong obligation
Must/ mustn’t Strong obligation (possibly based on the speaker’s
Should/ shouldn.t Mild obligation or advice


1. Print Advertising – printed on paper that would be considered a portable medium, then it comes under the
banner of print advertising.
Examples: Newspaper, Fliers, Brochures
2. Outdoor Advertising – advertising on billboards or signboards, outside of a building and often by the roadside.
3. Broadcast Advertising – very popular advertising medium that constitutes of several branches like tv, radio, or
the internet
4. Covert advertising – unique kind of advertising in which a product or a particular branch is incorporated in some
entertainment and media channels
5. Surrogate Advertising – prominently seen in cases where advertising a particular product is banned by law.
6. Public Service Advertising – a technique that makes use of advertising as an effective communication medium to
convey socially relevant messaged about important matter
Example: Political integrity, deforestation
7. Celebrity Advertising – uses celebrity to advertise their products.
8. Transit Advertising – outdoor media placed in or on any mode of public transportation
9. Direct email advertising – an email campaign that is sent directly to subscribers
10. Retail Advertisement – emphasizes the specific retail outlet as the place to buy a specific range of brand
11. Brand Advertising – with a strong emphasis on the company logo
12. Non-product advertisement – advertised from political parties trade fraternal and social group for the purposes
of safeguard, ideologies, social betterment, and institution.
13. Reminder Advertisement – consist of brief messages sent with the objective of reminding a target group about a
product or services or of introducing new theme into an existing marketing program.
14. Defensive advertisement – initiated for the purpose of combating a potentially damaging or negative effect of a
competitors ads

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