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Essays On Abortion

Writing an essay on the topic of abortion can be a challenging task due to the complexity and
sensitivity of the subject matter. This topic often involves ethical, moral, religious, and political
dimensions, making it essential for the writer to approach it with care and empathy. Crafting a well-
reasoned and balanced essay requires thorough research, an understanding of diverse perspectives,
and the ability to present arguments in a clear and logical manner.

Addressing the various aspects of abortion, including its legal status, historical context, medical
implications, and societal attitudes, demands a nuanced exploration. It is crucial to acknowledge the
diversity of opinions surrounding the issue and to provide a comprehensive overview of the different
stances held by individuals and communities. This necessitates careful consideration of both pro-
choice and pro-life arguments, taking into account the cultural and philosophical underpinnings that
shape these perspectives.

Additionally, the emotional nature of the topic requires a writer to approach it with sensitivity,
avoiding language that may be inflammatory or disrespectful to differing viewpoints. Balancing the
need for empathy with the necessity of presenting a well-constructed argument can be a delicate task.

In conclusion, writing an essay on abortion is a demanding endeavor that requires not only research
and analytical skills but also a deep understanding of the ethical and moral dimensions surrounding
the topic. The ability to present a fair and comprehensive discussion, while navigating the sensitivity
of the subject matter, is essential for producing a thoughtful and impactful essay.

For assistance with essays on a variety of topics, including ones that may be challenging or sensitive,
individuals can explore resources like to find professional support and guidance in
crafting well-structured and well-researched pieces.
Essays On Abortion Essays On Abortion
Examples Of Biblical View On Ecumenism
IV.Biblical view on Ecumenism
According to Cloud, ...the Ecumenical philosophy is widespread, but it also patently
unscriptural for the following reasons:
First, ecumenical philosophy is refuted by the Bible s teaching on doctrine. 1Tim 1:3
states As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that
thou mightest charge some that they teach NO OTHER DOCTRINE. In other words,
there is only one true apostolic Christian faith and we have been given the Holy Spirit
so that we know that there is only one true faith we believe in and shall teach
Second, the ecumenical philosophy is refuted by the Bible s warning of false teachers
who preach heresies. This is manifested through Paul s warnings about false teachers. Not
only did Paul do this but so did John, Jude, and most importantly, Jesus Christ. Jesus had
warned ... Show more content on ...
John 17:21 that has been taken as one of the theme verses for modern ecumenism,
states, I pray that they may all be one Father! May they be in us, just as you are in me,
and I am in you. May they be one, so that the world will believe that you sent me. It
claims that unity which Christ prayed is an ecumenical unity of professing Christians
that disregards biblical doctrine. In John 17, the Lord plainly state that the unity for
which He was praying is a unity based on salvation and truth and separation from the
world. There is also nothing in Christ s prayer that man is to do anything whatsoever
to create the unity herein. John 17 is not a commandment addressed to men; it is a
High Priestly prayer that was addressed to God the Father, and the prayer answered. It
describes a spiritual reality that was created by God among genuine born again saints
who are committed to the Scriptures, not a possibility that must be organized by man. It
may also be seen that biblical unity is first of all a matter of having one mind in 1
Flood Risk Management Case Study
The flood risk reduction project involves construction of about 7,070 feet of levees,
3,585 feet of floodwalls, 2,640 feet of dune, and beach renourishment at 10 year intervals
along the Raritan Bay and Sandy Hook Bay in Port Monmouth Middletown Township,
Monmouth County, New Jersey. The project provides protection to low lying residential
and commercial structures, built upon and near the salt and fresh water marshes that are
experiencing flooding caused by coastal storm inundation. This problem has
progressively worsened in recent years due to loss of protective beaches and increased
urbanization in the area. This has made structures susceptible to flooding from rainfall
and coastal storm surges, erosion and attack, combined with... Show more content on ...
This project has two phases: Phase 1 begins with Beach Replenishment.
Approximately 400,000 cubic yards of sand is placed along the shoreline creating a
95 foot wide beach berm to absorb wave energy. This is to be renourished at 10 year
intervals. Dunes are another important part of phase 1 of this project. A 25 foot wide,
15 foot high dune spanning nearly 3,300 feet. Plantings are put in to hold sand in
place. Over time, this will increase dune height. To make up for this, pedestrian and
vehicle ramps are placed to provide access to the shoreline. A Pier Extension is one
more necessity for phase 1. They have lengthened an existing fishing pier
approximately 200 feet, including an Americans with Disability Act compliant ramp
for individuals with limited mobility. Identical decking and railing maintains a
uniform look along the shoreline. Finally, a groin or jetty like structure concludes
phase 1 of the project. The groin is needed to hold sand in place and reduce erosion.
Phase two involves wetland mitigations and eradicating invasive plants that overtake
vegetation that is vital to the wetlands. Pump stations will also be emplaced. This is
important for interior drainage and channeling excess water back into Raritan Bay.
During this phase the roads will raised aligning it with a system of levees. Floodwalls
and Levees will be installed on main coastline road access. Two 13 foot floodwalls and a
system of earthen and
How Unresolved Grief Can Negatively Influence People
Tyler Dilbeck
Mrs. Mahaffey
English 10
22 January 2018

How Unresolved Grief Can Negatively Influence People Spiritually, Physically, and

The effects of grief are abundant and in many categories. They mostly influence
people in three ways physically, psychologically, and spiritually. It affects them greatly
and it is hard to hide it. Some people try to deal with it on their own, some talk to a
psychologist, and some simply turn to their loved ones. They all deal with it in different
ways, but it is agreed that it shows. They may show a variety of different reactions like
denial, anger, depression, or even acceptance. Getting over loss takes time. For some, it
may take years. For some, maybe just a couple months. The ... Show more content on ...
Some people don t take showers, put on deodorant, or benefit their hygiene because
they feel like they re not worth as much, or the world doesn t care about them. They
lower their self esteem because they feel like if something that bad could happen to
them, they re just a normal person and they re not worth anything. Some people
become anti social and keep to themselves, only going out when it s necessary. They
try to deal with it themselves and often that is not a successful attempt. Some don t eat
as much, or they eat too much. They try to cope by eating lots of food, and normally,
they don t choose healthy foods. Sometimes they get dizzy or nauseous. If they have a
weak stomach, they vomit sometimes. People who have had severe loss are
scientifically proven to have a weaker immune system. White blood cells are less capable
of fighting disease in grieving people, especially in bereaved spouses. If their husband or
wife has died, many people die within a year or two of their spouse dying. Grief will find
its way into their life, for example, while eating or sleeping. Lots of people claim to be
sleep deprived when they are experiencing grief. Sleep deprivation is one of the most
common symptoms of grief. Some people have high blood pressure when they go
through grief; their hearts beat too fast, which makes them prone to heart attacks. Some
people get muscle pains and digestive problems. Grief effects the body physically and
mentally, and sometimes they coincide. Their physical state can affect their mental
Cushing s Syndrome Thesis
Cushing s Syndrome

Cushing s syndrome (also known as Cushing s disease) is a disorder of the endocrine

system. The disease is caused by the excess production, or in some cases excess
consumption, of the hormone cortisol. The disease can be caused by tumors on the
pituitary gland, adrenal gland complications, and the usage of corticosteroids. Cushing s
syndrome is difficult to diagnose due to its rarity, and there is no specific test to diagnose
it. Symptoms of Cushing s syndrome include obesity, moon face , slow growth rate, skin
changes, and muscle and bone changes. Cushing s syndrome is treatable. Some of the
treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

Hypothesis Cushing s syndrome is more prevalent in individuals with ... Show more
content on ...
The disease most commonly affects individuals that are twenty to fifty years of age.
Females make up about seventy percent of all cases. It is still unclear as to what the
genetic cause of Cushing s syndrome is. In only a few cases have mutations in certain
genes led to Cushing s disease. These types of changes are called somatic mutations.
These genes play a role in regulating hormonal activity. Most cases of Cushing s
syndrome, however, occur sporadically. Even though it has been reported to run in
families, the disease has no apparent pattern of inheritance. The various causes that can
ultimately lead to Cushing s syndrome can have different inheritance patterns. For
example, some people may inherit the tendency to cultivate tumors or have adrenal gland

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