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Essay Outline Online

Writing an essay on the topic of "Essay Outline Online" can be both challenging and rewarding. The
difficulty lies in navigating the intricate web of information available on the internet and selecting
the most relevant and credible sources for constructing a comprehensive outline. The topic itself
requires a nuanced understanding of the digital landscape and the various tools and platforms
available for creating essay outlines online.

Firstly, one must grapple with the abundance of online resources, ranging from educational websites
to forums and scholarly articles. The challenge is to sift through this vast sea of information and
identify reliable sources that contribute meaningfully to the understanding of creating essay outlines.
Moreover, the dynamic nature of the internet means that new tools and techniques may emerge,
adding an additional layer of complexity to the task.

The essay must delve into the advantages and disadvantages of using online platforms for creating
outlines. It should critically analyze the effectiveness of various online tools, considering factors
such as accessibility, user-friendliness, and collaborative features. Balancing the exploration of these
tools with a discussion of traditional outline methods can add further complexity to the essay.

Furthermore, addressing potential challenges and pitfalls in utilizing online resources for essay
outlining requires a careful examination of issues such as information accuracy, the credibility of
sources, and the risk of plagiarism. Crafting a well-structured and coherent argument while
presenting counterarguments is essential to provide a comprehensive view of the topic.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Essay Outline Online" demands a thorough exploration of the
digital landscape, the evaluation of online tools, and a critical analysis of their advantages and
disadvantages. The task requires a keen understanding of both traditional and digital methods of
essay outlining, making it a challenging yet intellectually stimulating endeavor.

For assistance with similar essays and more, comprehensive help can be sought at ,
where professional writers can provide support in crafting well-researched and thought-provoking
essays on a variety of topics.
Essay Outline Online Essay Outline Online
How Did Walter Vrba Help People
Officials Struggling To Condense Trump s Intelligence Briefing Down To One Word is
just one example of all the fake news websites on the internet today. Rudolf Vrba had the
hardship of many governments not taking his information about the Holocaust seriously
and he had the hardship of trying to get his ideas to save people s lives. The first
concrete facts about the Holocaust came from Rudolf Vrbaand he had the responsibility to
deliver his information to people. Rudolf Vrba made me realize that my experience of
events matter, and the lives of others truly matter.
Walter Rosenberg, who later changed his name to Rudolf Vrba, was 15 when he was
locked out his school because he was Jewish. Walter Rosenberg then went on to work in
a factory until 1942, where he was arrested and sent to the concentration camp of
Maidanek. He later was sent to Auschwitz. He managed to escape the camp by hiding
under a pile of wood until the ... Show more content on ...
Moral courage is the selfless act of putting others before yourself. Rudolf Vrba
demonstrated that idea wonderfully. Vrba risked being caught by the Germans again
by giving different governments diagrams of the gas chambers. He knew that the right
thing to do was to fight for the people of his religion and try to save as many people as
he could. He fought for his ideas to be known and brought out proof of the horrors of
the Holocaust. He used his experience as an example of how cruel the Germans truly
were and wanted countries to fight against them to set people free. Rudolf Vrba could
have escaped Auschwitz and just hid forever and never come out about what he went
through. Most importantly, he used his escape as a second chance. He used that second
chance to the fullest by fighting for what was right. I think this man showed the whole
world what courage really was and what it truly meant to stand up for what you believe
Muscle Myopathy Case Study
Actin Filaments
Actin mutations can cause dysfunctioning of actin filaments. These dysfunctions of actin
filaments are mostly affect the dynamicity of actin filaments rather than complete
disruption of actin filaments, and can lead to muscle myopathies and compromised
Muscle myopathy is a disease in which the skeletal muscle in human body weakens and
difficult to move (Carnell et al., 2012). This disease can also affect the smooth muscle
in respiratory tract that leads to shortage in oxygen and carbon dioxide accumulation in
blood. This disease is caused by the mutation of ATP binding activity of actin filaments.
Therefore, muscle contraction cannot occur, being that ATP is essential for the muscle
to contract. There is no effective cure for this disease (NINDS, 2015). However, some
treatments can be done to overcome the weakness of the muscle. Treatment for this
disease is based on the muscle condition of the patient. Some physical therapy and using
brace as a support of the muscle can help the patient who ... Show more content on ...
This disease is known as Wiskott Aldrich syndrome. This disease is caused by the
mutation of Wiskott Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) gene that results in the loss of
WASP and disruption of actin filaments. This will affect white blood cells motility and
can cause immunodeficiency. Some treatments and therapies can be effective to cure this
disease (Cooper et al., 2003). Hematopoietic stem cells transplantation from a matching
donor can restore white blood cells function. Hematopoietic stem cells include bone
narrow and peripheral blood cells. Gene therapy is also an effective way to treat
immunodeficiency. This therapy is done by engaging extracellular cytokine ligation to
the gene that will modify the transcription program of the white blood cells, resulting in
motile white blood
The Myth Of The Werewolf
The Myth Of The Werewolf
Assistant Insert Photo
The myths and lore of the werewolf (
werewolves.html) had caught the imagination of not only the German public, but the
whole of Europe during the medieval times. Such was the fear of this dreaded creature
that people were burned at stake on mere suspicion of being a werewolf, much like the
infamous witch hunts.

It was the author, Johannes Fridericus Wolfeshusius (

/lccn n2012 186114/), a native of Leipzig, who broke the myth of werewolves by terming
it as a medical condition called Lycantrophy (
/lycanthropy) in his treatise De Lycanthropia: An vere illi, ut fama est, luporum aliarum
... Show more content on ...
The construction work was started in 1909 and the station was opened in 1915, but not
after its share of hiccups. Once the proposal of establishing a united German Imperial
Railway was shot down in 1898, due to the antagonism between two rival state railways
the Royal Saxon State Railways (
%20Saxon%20State%20Railways item_type=topic) and the Prussian State Railways
( /articles/guides/history of prussian railways.html), the
Leipzig city council organized an architectural competition for a design that would cater
to both the state railways.

The competition was won by architects William Lossow (http://saebi.

/William_Lossow_(1852 1914)) and Max Hans Kühne (
/Max_Hans_K%C3%BChne_(1874 1942)). The Central Train Station with its impressive
architecture was completed on December 4, 1915 and represented both the competing
state railways. Today, the building not only houses a total of 24 platforms, but also a
multistoried complex with shops and eateries. The Central Train Station remains an
indispensable part of Leipzig s glorious heritage.

The Legend Of The Leipzig Beer

Essay on Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBoise
Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBoise Booker T. Washington believed that
blacks should not push to attain equal civil and political rights with whites. That it was
best to concentrate on improving their economic skills and the quality of their
character. The burden of improvement resting squarely on the shoulders of the black
man. Eventually they would earn the respect and love of the white man, and civil and
political rights would be accrued as a matter of course. This was a very non threatening
and popular idea with a lot of whites. For two decades Washington established a
dominant tone of gradualism and accommodationism among blacks, only to find in the
latter half of this period that the leadership was passing to more... Show more content on ...
Others advocated struggle for civil rights, specifically the right to vote, on the theory that
economic and social rights would follow. Most agreed that solutions would come
gradually. Negro leadership near the turn of the century was divided between these two
tactics for racial equality, which may be termed the economic strategy and the political
strategy. The most heated controversy in Negro leadership at this time raged between
two remarkable black men Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBois. The major
spokesman for the gradualist economic strategy was Washington. DuBois was the
primary advocate of the gradualist political strategy. Washington learned the doctrine of
economic advancement combined with acceptance of disfranchisement and conciliation
with the white South from Armstrong. His rise to national prominence came in 1895
with a brief speech, which outlined his social philosophy and racial strategy. Washington
was invited to speak before an integrated audience at the opening of the Cotton States
and International Exposition held in Atlanta in September 1895. He was the first Negro
ever to address such a large group of southern whites Washington is remembered chiefly
for this Atlanta Compromise address. In this speech, he called on white America to
provide jobs and industrial agricultural education for Negroes. In exchange,
Motor Vehicle Collisions On Urban Roads
The purpose of this research is to minimize the deadly motor vehicle collisions on
urban highways and rural roads. Sometimes a car wreck is a tragedy. The death toll
globally was 41,059 in 2007 caused by traffic crashes. In 2005, motor vehicle
collisions were the leading cause of death from the ages of 3 to 34 years old. Almost
everyone in today s world utilizes some type of transportation to travel from one
destination to another. Therefore, this research will examine the root cause and
common cause of car crashes that occur on the traveling roads in Minnesota since 2005
(DHS, 2016). It is crucial to examine the contributing factors that leads to the motor
vehicle crash such as failure of the brake system or speeding. Because some drivers
Alternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources
What are alternative energy sources ? Alternative energy sources are forms of energy
that use natural resources to produce energy. There are three main alternative energy
sources that can be used in the place of fossil fuels, which are Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and
Hydroelectric. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are decreasing and eventually will
run out. Usage of fossil fuels cause harm to the environment by producing greenhouse
gasses. Alternative energysources are not harmful to the environment. Some countries are
trying out alternative energy sources to reduce the dependence of fossil fuels, but its still
not enough. If more alternative sources are used we could turn this planet into a much a
much safer place. Its important that we make use of alternative sources everywhere
before its to late.

Why are they termed non renewable ? Similar to fossil fuels, Nuclear energy has also
been termed as a non renewable energy source. This is because it can not be recreated
after being used. Unlike Nuclear energy, Wind, Solar, and Hydroelectric are known as
renewable sources. These three are considered renewable because they can be
replenished over time from the Earth s natural processes. This is vital because these
sources would never run out, as long as the Earth s environmental cycle is still intact.
Even though the damage caused by the usage of non renewable energy can t be deleted;
if more alternative energy sources are used we can help earth environmental cycle can
The Observation Of Elephants
What species performs burials, has the ability to cry, and form many complex
relationships throughout their lives? Elephants. Since many individuals might have
guessed humans or primates first, this one question shows the complexity of this species.
Transition This paper tries to answer one main question: How does elephantbehavior,
both in captive and wild settings, provide data that can lead to evidence based practices
for building captive enclosures, daily activities, and help with conservation practices,
both in captivity and in the wild. For this discussion, I am going to focus on the family,
Elephantidae, as a whole. Though some might argue that the genus Loxodonta (African)
and Maximus (Asian) should be analyzed separately, I find the... Show more content on ...
It is hard to create and provide hard evidence to support this ideal when there is not a
linguistic way to communicate between humans and other species. For the purposes of
this discussion I will use Breed and Moore s definition: Cognition is the ability of an
animal to separate itself from the moment in which it is living and to contemplate the
past, predict the future, and act accordingly (2016). Cognition experiments on elephants
did not begin until the late 1950 s, starting with Rensch s study on memory. Since than
scientist s have tested/ studied problem solving, rituals, emotions, deception, casual
reasoning, tool making, and tool use within elephants with many having positive results
(Plotnik et al., 2010). One aspect of cognition that has been tested in many primates in
the recent years is the mirror self recognition test; this is considered the basic level of
cognition. Plotnik and colleagues completed this test with three female elephants at the
Bronx Zoo (2010). This test involves three stages, where each shows a level of
recognition. Though none of the elephants passed the mark part of the test, they showed
many other characteristics that indicated self recognition (that was in other species like
chimpanzees and bottle nose dolphins). However, the discrepancy could be due to the
way elephants identify one another: through touch, sounds, and smell, which a mirror
cannot replicate (Plotnik et

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