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Descriptive Essay Topics List

Writing an essay on the topic "Descriptive Essay Topics List" can present both challenges and
opportunities for the writer. The difficulty lies in the vast scope of descriptive topics available,
requiring the author to carefully select and narrow down their focus. The task involves not just
describing something but doing so in a way that captivates the reader's imagination and creates a
vivid mental image.

Firstly, the writer needs to brainstorm and choose a specific theme or subject from the extensive list
of descriptive essay topics. This process can be time-consuming as it demands careful consideration
of personal interests, the target audience, and the uniqueness of the chosen topic. Once a topic is
chosen, the challenge shifts to finding the right words and phrases to convey the sensory details

Crafting a compelling introduction is another hurdle. The opening should grab the reader's attention,
provide a clear thesis statement, and set the tone for the rest of the essay. The body paragraphs
require a delicate balance of vivid descriptions, sensory language, and coherent organization.
Transitioning smoothly between ideas and maintaining a logical flow can be demanding.

Moreover, selecting the appropriate descriptive techniques adds an extra layer of complexity. Striking
the right balance between showing and telling, using similes and metaphors, and appealing to various
senses requires a nuanced understanding of language. The writer must constantly evaluate whether
their descriptions evoke the intended emotions and create a memorable experience for the reader.

Concluding the essay effectively is equally challenging. Summarizing the key points while leaving a
lasting impression requires finesse. The challenge lies in avoiding clichés and finding a fresh,
thought-provoking way to conclude the essay.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Descriptive Essay Topics List" demands careful topic
selection, skillful language use, and a keen sense of organization. It's a task that requires creativity,
attention to detail, and the ability to connect with the reader on a sensory level.

For those seeking assistance, similar essays and much more can be ordered on ,
where experienced writers can help navigate the complexities of descriptive writing.
Descriptive Essay Topics ListDescriptive Essay Topics List
Satire In Wall-E
The world is in a state of emergency. Global warming and harmful actions by humans
have caused the Earth to face substantial effects. Many Hollywood producers and
directors are working together to use the movies as a stage to promote what is right.
Disney and Pixar are known partners and have worked together once more to create the
movie, WALL E. WALL E is a movie about a robot that is fighting to bring the humans
back to Earthso they can re civilize on the planet. WALL E is a heartfelt movie for
every age, and it also supports a positive message. A healthy Earth brings prosperity to
the human race. In WALL E you are able to see the change that occurs within our
environment. In the opening scene of the movie you are able to see the trash all over
the Earth. The surface has become a giant dump. No one is left to help but one lonely
robot. WALL E works his best to clean everything up but there is too much damage for
one robot to handle. As he is trying to clean up, WALL E finds a plant and he puts it in a
boot.... Show more content on ...
In the opening scene of the movie, happy music plays in the background. You expect a
pristine look, yet the Earth is covered in trash and pollution. It is a very ironic and
upsetting scene. Moments later, you see WALL E trying to clean up all of the trash.
WALL E rolls over a newspaper by the B N L president stating there is too much trash .
This is also irony because the newspaper itself, is trash. Soon after, EVE lands on Earth
and WALL E instantly visualizes her as a romantic interest. WALL E even takes EVE
on the stereotypical date. They went on a boat ride, inscribed their names on things,
and watched the sun set on a bench. The boat ride is on a bunch of tar water, WALL E
inscribed their name on a rusty light post instead of a tree, and they watch the sun set on
a rusty old bench surrounded by dirt and rubble. Satire is a very important aspect of
Candide, By Voltaire And Optimism
Candide or Optimism is one of the works of Voltaire. This novella mainly satirizes
philosophical optimism, which is a belief that everything in the world is done for a
reason, and this world was created by a perfect God therefore, it must be perfect. The
novel s protagonist, Candide and his tutor Dr. Pangloss, think everything is for the best
in this best of all possible worlds. Candidelooks to Dr. Pangloss in times of need and
question. In the novel when something tragic happens Candide looks to Pangloss to
explain why the tragedy has occurred. He proved incontestably that there is no effect
without cause, and that in this best of all possible worlds, his lordship s country seat
was the most beautiful of mansions and her ladyship the best of all possible ladyships
(Voltaire, 20). This idea was supported by many enlightenment thinkers but the
philosphys main influence came from the philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz.
Voltaire did not agree with this philosophy, hence, he created a brutal satire of optimism
in Candide. This is clearly demonstrated through Candide s suffering and Dr. Pangloss s
philosophical speeches throughout the novel; Voltaire also uses the true events... Show
more content on ...
Pangloss, an exaggerated allusion of the actual philosopher and the main supporter of
philosophical optimism. In serious situations Pangloss often unhelpfully analyzes the
situations. (SparkNotes, O.S.). For instance, when James the Anabaptist drowns,
Pangloss tries to find a way to analyze the situation and it isn t helpful When James the
Anabaptist drowns, tries to find a way to analyze the situation and it isn t helpful. He
wanted to throw himself in the sea after the Anabaptist, but the great philosopher,
Pangloss, stopped him by proving that Lisbon harbour was made on purpose for this
Anabaptist to drown there (Voltaire, 33). Pangloss s attempts clearly show Voltaire s
contempt for philosophical
The Expansion Of The World Economy
Companies with a strong desire for the growth, race to build a strong competitive
position in the market by taking advantage of the global market that is opened up to the
foreign companies closed previously. The rapid growth of the technology is shrinking the
geographical boundaries and the global economy is expanding faster than it can expand.
The expansion of the world economy is offering companies many attractive opportunities
that come with the domestic as well as global threats. Companies in industries that have a
higher competitive threats have a desire to come up with a strategy to enter the foreign
market and expand the business (MH Education, n, d) Companies expand into foreign
markets to achieve lower production cost and increase competitiveness, gain access to
new customers, access the and labor resources, mitigate the risk spreading across larger
markets and capitalize the core competencies. Companies gaining competitive advantage
are based on many of the complex factors such as location, risks of adverse shifts in
currency exchange rates, local business climate, local government policies, cultural
differences, demographic, and market conditions that influence the strategy options for
the global market. According to Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble and Strickland (2016), there
are many strategies available for competing in the global markets that include an existing
home country production base. The other options are to produce at the home country
base and export
Personal Narrative-Folded Flag
Folded flag

I thought to myself this is the day that I join. I have filled out all the papers and I just
got dropped off at the bus station. My mom had said to me,¨Stay safe and I love you
Brandon. The bus took about 45 minutes to get at the bus depot. As more and more
people came seeking either adventure or to serve their country, I was there for a
different reason and that was to get somewhere in life and to someday be a somebody.
As the bus came around the corner to a screeching halt, we all boarded the bus. I found
a seat in the back of the bus next to a tall attractive girl or so to become soldier. She
had silky blonde hair that glistened when light hit it, she also had pearly white teeth. I
could barely keep calm she was the perfect girl and I got to sit next to her. I just could not
believe it. ... Show more content on ...
The bus ride took most of the afternoon 6 hours to be exact. Me and Jessica just talked
about how we are going to miss home for the next nine months. She also talked about
how her father had passed away from pancreatic cancer. She said,¨I just wanna make
daddy proud.¨ Her mother had divorced her father when she was only 3 years old and
that she only remembers the face her mother made when she walked out the door. It
was a depressing story and i ve never heard anything like that. I teared up a little
listening to the story. As we approached the Marine base and as I exited the crisp cold
air hit me like a blizzard. Then we went inside and we sat a little, for registration and
again I sat right next to Jessica. After registration we prepared our clothes and our bunks
and went to
Analysis Of The Book Revelation Of The Bible
Since the beginning of time there has been a concept as old as thought itself: how will
it all end? Not just how will life end but how will the world end. Some cultures are
molded by the way that specific groups believe the end times will come to fruition.
Eschatological concepts are those that concern themselves with the end of the world,
as we know it and how it will come about. One thing that is for certain is across the
ages there is a consensus that this will occur, though there may not be a consensus on
how. This concept has infiltrated almost all aspects of life from entertainment to daily
practices. There are numerous pieces of literature that addresses how the world will end
and of them one of the most well know is the Book of... Show more content on ...
Jesus later goes on to explain that the seven stars that were in his hand represent the
angels of seven churches and the seven gold lamp stands represent the seven churches.
Once he states this he begins to address each church individually. The letters poses
similarities while at the same time also possessing differences. The overall structures of
the letters are the same and follow these guidelines: address, commendation/complaint,
advice, appeal for others to listen, and then a promised reward for heading the words of
the Lord. The differences arise in the content of the addresses, how the problems should
be corrected and the reward that will come.
The seven letters serve as a connection between the Old Testament and the Book of
Revelation. Though the Book of Revelation lacks any direct Old Testament connection,
the views and connection between the two are seen throughout the Book of Revelation.
The authorship by John took place during the Greco Roman era but the structure of
writing that the letters poses is more appropriate for the prophetic lawsuit of the Old
Testament. The difference between the styles lies in the fact that the letters contain
commendations and accusations along with the customary features judgment and
salvation, which makes them in concordance with prophetic lawsuit speech (Bandy 186).
Bandy stated, specifically, it resembles the covenant lawsuit whereby Christ scrutinizes
the new
Biography of Thomas A. Becket
A Saracen princess followed a wealthy crusader from the Holy Land to London. In 1118
Thomas Becket was born on St. Thomas day. Thomas Becket came from a loving family
and was very educated. Thomas Becket attended the canons regular a Merton Priority in
Sussex, and then attended the University of Paris. When Becket returned home from
college his parents had passed away. Thomas Becketwas then urged to make his way
through life with no aid from anyone and a better future. Anyone that knows Thomas
Becket knows him as a strongly built and very spirited young man. Becket also loved to
play field sports which he spent most of his spare time hawking and hunting. At the age
of twenty four Thomas Becket was given a post in the house hold Theobald, archbishop
of Canterbury. While working there Thomas took minor orders he resolved on a career
in the church. For further learning Becket received permission to study canon law at the
University of Bologna, then continuing his studies at Auxerre, France. When Thomas
Becket returned to England he became provost of Beverly, and canon at Lincoln and St.
Paul s cathedrals. In 1154 Becket ordination as deacon occurred, Theobald appointed him
archdeacon of Canterbury. Becket was appointed the highest religious in office after a
bishopric or an abbacy. He then was appointed with more complex affairs; he was sent
on several important missions to Rome. Also later on in 1154 Henry II became king.
Around the same time Thomas Becket received a big

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