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Proposal Essay Format

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Proposal Essay Format" can be both challenging and rewarding.
The difficulty arises from the need to strike a balance between creativity and adherence to a
structured format. The proposal essay format requires careful consideration of the introduction, body
paragraphs, and conclusion, while also presenting a compelling argument or proposal.

Firstly, one must invest time in researching and understanding the chosen topic thoroughly. This
involves delving into various perspectives, gathering relevant information, and critically evaluating
the data. The challenge lies in organizing this information coherently within the essay structure,
ensuring that each section flows logically into the next.

The introduction of the essay demands creativity and a captivating hook to grab the reader's
attention. Formulating a clear and concise thesis statement is essential, as it sets the tone for the
entire essay. Striking the right balance between providing background information and maintaining
brevity is another hurdle to overcome.

Moving on to the body paragraphs, each point must be supported by well-researched evidence and
presented in a structured manner. The challenge here is to maintain a logical flow between
paragraphs, ensuring a seamless transition from one idea to the next. Proper citation and integration
of sources are vital, adding an additional layer of complexity to the writing process.

Concluding the essay involves summarizing key points, reiterating the thesis, and leaving a lasting
impression on the reader. Crafting a conclusion that is both insightful and impactful can be a
daunting task.

In essence, the difficulty in writing an essay on the "Proposal Essay Format" lies in the intricate
balance between creativity, structure, and effective communication of ideas. It requires meticulous
research, thoughtful organization, and skillful writing to create a compelling and coherent piece.

For those facing challenges in essay writing or seeking assistance with similar tasks, various resources
are available. Professional writing services, like , offer a platform where
individuals can access expert help for a wide range of essays and academic writing tasks. Such
services can provide valuable support in navigating the complexities of essay writing, ensuring a well-
crafted and polished final product.
Proposal Essay Format Proposal Essay Format
Al-Anon Domestic Violence Research Paper
Programs for Victims of IPV
Programs that aid in the recovery of family members of addicts are also very different
from those that help with domestic violence. The 12 step program worked by family
members in Al Anon is almost identical to those worked by alcoholics in AA,
including acknowledging the fact that they are powerless over alcohol, placing a
reliance on a higher power to restore [them] to sanity, (Al Anon, 2008; p.44). This
approach can make a person who has been abused feel even less in control of their life.
This idea also serves to further reinforce the excuse of substance use that might be made
by their abuser.
Al Anon helps the families and loved ones who struggle with substance abuse cope with
the impact of this abuse in their lives. It offers support in a form similar to that of group
therapy. One of the books available on the topic, How Al Anon Works for Families
Friends of Alcoholics, shows how common physical abuse is in the substance abusing
relationship, offering 11 different entries in the index that relate to physical abuse, (p.
401). Those seeking advice in this venue have the potential to receive advice that
contradicts that of a domestic violence advocacy setting. Al Anon touches on several
different ways to address physical violence, including staying in the violent relationship
but setting up escape routes, ... Show more content on ...
Support groups for alcohol addiction place an emphasis on being powerless, further
reinforcing an excuse often made by abusers in family violence situations (Al Anon,
2008). This idea can also serve to increase the feelings of hopelessness experienced by
victims. When taught to victims of domestic violence, placing the blame of abuse on use
of the substance as opposed to the abuser serves to contradict the message of the abuser s
responsibility for the behaviors (Chartas Culbreth,
Personal Values In The Medical Field
Choose five character or personal values that you feel are the most important and write
a one page document. Explain why each one is important and make at least two strong
points for each. Our Character and personal valves comes from our moral valves,
which we learn from our family, friends, religion and influential groups. Integrity is
defined by our honest and trustworthy actions. It is our values, expectations, strong
moral principles and outcomes that we should use in daily. It is a concept that we
should include in our professional as well as our private lives. Policy and procedures are
set up to protect the Physician, employee and the patients. Ignoring these policies or
taking short cuts can lead to mistakes, causing noncompliance issues. An employer
expects his/her employee to work... Show more content on ...
We should all use respect as a building block when building relationships with our
peers, physicians and patients. To have a positive direction in life you need a
foundation of self respect. If we have a strong sense of self respect, we can develop
healthy relationships. Respecting the privacy of patient s medical record should be
our priority as a health care provider. When you are out of the office do not talk about
patients, because someone could hear you. By achieving your certification and
keeping up with continuous education shows respect for their profession.
Commitment is defined as having dedication to be your best self every day. We should
be committed, which obligates us to be our best for patients, physicians and our peers.
Because a commitment obligates you, before making a commitment, you should think
about the possible outcome of your decision. Don t tell a patient that you can get their
insurance to pay a claim when you have no power over what the insurance company
pays for. When you were asked to cover a shift and you agreed, then was a no show, is a
way to show your employer that you are not
Essay on Netw 240 course project
Linux Vendors Comparisons
DeVry University

During my research of Linux vendors, I have narrowed my options to three distinct

vendors. I have found Red Hat, Novell, and Ubuntu were three of the best companies
worldwide. Each vendor has their advantages and disadvantages. I will address the
positive and negative points of each vendor. The main differences between the three
vendors that I will discuss are cost, training support, performance reliability, and lastly
availability. The first thing I will discuss is cost. Cost is always an important issue that
must be addressed for a business. A product that does not have an equal or gain return
when compared to its cost would be considered a poor ... Show more content on ...
Each of the vendors offers to provide training to our staff as part of the purchase. They
also offer to continue to train our staff as long as we have an account with them.
Customer support is also a crucial part of our decision. We need excellent customer
support from the vendor. We also need quick response to our request for customer
support. Red Hat specifically states that it has 24/7 customer support. What that means is
that twenty four hours and day seven days a week, Red Hat customer support is ready to
provide their services. Ubuntu states that it offers profession support to its customers.
Novell also supports the use of Macs and their operation system (OS). Some of the
advantages of selecting each vendor s product are similar and still somewhat distinct.
Red Hat in (For sap business,) states, that is a responsive customer support, higher
performance standards, collaborative engineering for better products, and designed in
security. Customer support is a very important advantage. Higher performance
standards are also an important advantage. Higher performance means we will get
what we paid for or more in our return. According to (Stevens, 2011) there are several
pros and cons to using Red Hat. Some of the advantages are its scalability in the
processors and memory, ability for hot swapping of processors, and an integrated KVM
virtualization with Kernel Samepage Merging and SELinux sandbox options. Some of
the cons of Red Hat are its server
Girl From Darfur
More than 1,000,000 children died in the Holocaust. But a well known Jewish child
and diarist from this dreadful era was a young girl named Anne Frank. Born June 12,
1929, Anne Frank was living with her mother, father, and older sister Margot. When the
day of July 5th, 1942 came, she and her family went into hiding in Amsterdam with four
other Jews, after the Nazi s seized power. Anne was one of the last of her family to arrive
in Amsterdam after living with her grandparents in Aachen, Germany. They hid in a
secret attic apartment, referred to as the Secret Annex in the diary written by Anne. For
two years they lived in the Secret Annex until August 4th, 1944, when the Gestapo, or
German police, discovered the hiding place. Anne and her sister Margot... Show more
content on ...
Sometime in March, 1945, typhus took both Anne and her sister s life, just a few weeks
before British troops liberated the Bergen Belsen camp. The diary of Anne Frank,
published after the war, became one of the most read books in history. It is a reminder
of the horrific times the Holocaust brought to the European nations, and the rest of the
world. The historical poem I selected is called A Girl From Darfur , written by Carrie
Richards. And my original poem is called, Uncaptured Soul . Anne Frank has impacted
the lives of many and will never be forgotten.

The poem A Girl From Darfur written by Carrie Richards, brings you back to the
dreaded era of the Holocaust. In this poem a victim of the Holocaust, a young girl,
expresses her experiences of the horrible event. The author uses strong literary elements
throughout the poem and expresses her experience and opinion of the Holocaust. One
of the elements in the poem that caught my attention was an idiom; devils on horseback
. This literary feature is one of my favorites from the whole poem because the devils on
horseback refer to the soldiers on horses. I think this is meaningful because of the the
way the soldiers are described,
Net present value (NPV), payback period (PBP) and internal...


C38FN 2012 2013

This essay will discuss the net present value (NPV), payback period (PBP) and internal
rate of return (IRR) approaches for a project evaluation. It is often said that NPV is the
best approach investment appraisal, which I why I will compare the strengths and
weaknesses of NPV as well as the two others to se if the statement is actually true.

To start of, the essay will attempt to explain the theoretical rationale of the net present
value approach to investment appraisal as well as its strengths and weaknesses. From
there, introduce the payback period method and then internal rate ... Show more content
on ...
The positive aspect of it using cash flows is that it determines when the project will
earn its incomes, how soon they will come as well as how sizable they are going to be.
What is meant when he states that it uses all the cash flows is that it acknowledges
every single cash flow, regardless of the date or the size. The advantage for the
shareholders of the firm is that it shows how much they can expect to get back from an
investment as it takes into account the riskiness of the project and doesn t ignore the
time value of money. However, the NPV approach those have some disadvantages as

The main disadvantage to the net present value approach is that it is sensitive to
discount rates. The computations of NPV are a summary of multiple discounted cash
flows that are converted into present value terms for the same point in time. This could
affect the result both positively and negatively, and as said earlier, it is almost
impossible to predict what the future brings. Let s use the example given in the article
Uses, abuses and alternatives to NPV by Ross (1995). If the current interest rate leads to
a negative NPV, but in the future the interest rate decreases and leads to a positive NPV.
The management or analyzers may miss out on a good investment opportunity if they sell
the project early because with the current interest rate it is considered not profitable.

Another example, let s call it project a, could be if we were

A Raisin Of The Sun By Lorraine Hansberry
A Raisin in the sun by Lorraine Hansberry there are three major female characters
represent three different spectrums of their lives. A Raisin in the Sun a number of social
issues are both explicitly and subtly exemplified through out the characters experiences
and relationships. First, Hansberry introduce Beneatha who is twenty year old college
student with dreams of becoming a doctor in her life. Second, the author mention Ruth as
a soft character in the story that wants to become wealthy and have a happy family.
Lastly, Mama is the strong motivating character in the play, who dream of a big house .
Therefore, In a Raisin in the sun these three main characters live in the same house with
all different dreams. In Addition,Beneatha... Show more content on ...
Also,Walter thinks beneatha shouldn t be doctor because being a doctor is meddle the
boundaries of her gender as an African American women. As well as Walter is
apprehensive that if the women in his family are able to take care of themselves
financially he has to depend on them. Furthermore, Ruth is Walter s wife. Her dream is
to have a happy family but she also wants to be wealthy. Her marriage to Walter has
problems, but she hopes to revitalize their lives. Ruth is typical housewife with the
same dreams as Mama s. Since she has no money she can not help her family as much
as she would like to. Ruth disclose the adversity of being a working middle class mother.
Besides, later on the play she finds out she is two month pergrent.At the Act II, MAMA
When the world gets ugly enough a woman will do anything for her family. The part that
s already ving.
WALTER.You don t know Ruth, Mama, if you think she would do that,
RUTH. Yes I would too, Walter. (Pause) I gave her a five dollar down
payment.(Hansberry 74)
To enumerate, Mama thinks that family can t afford another child because the house is
already overcrowded and it will get worst. Added to the they don t have enough money
to spend on an another baby now. To specifics,Ruth is in and gives reasoning for why
she is seeing an abortion. For Instance, according to t.a. Hind N. Hussein, in
Computer Engineering Career Paper
As a computer scientist you earn a good amount of money annually if you are in a
professional state you earn $59.95 an hour and by the end of the year you make about
$124,900 per year. Another professional career that involves computers is being a
computer engineer ; of course depending on what profession of a computerengineer you
are you will get paid a little less or a bit more for example a professional hardware
engineer gets paid $55.73 an hour and earn about $130,980 a year. A computer analyst
earns about $47.93 per hour and around $122,090 per year. A network security
specialist earn about $43.85 and hour and $135,600 a year. A network administrator as
mentioned before earns really good perfessionaslly around $33.25 per hour and $115,180
... Show more content on ...
MIT is a very good known University and has had a really interesting robotics club
confrontation with Carl Hayden high school and was even made a movie about the
historical event. The next university ids the one and only Stanford University located in
Stanford California and has a Physics engineer major class for those interested in science
and engineering. The third school is also located in California and it is the university of
California Berkeley. The next universities that provide science and engineering at their
best are Carnegie Mellon University located in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania (PA), California
institute of technology located in Pasadena California (CA). Those are the top five
universities in the USA that have the best science and engineering education now the
next five are also good since they are in the top ten. The 6th university is Georgia
Institute of Technology which is located in Atlanta Georgia (GA), Purdue University
which is located in Indiana. Next we have the University of Illinois. Next is the
University of Michigan which is located in an arbor Michigan. And last but not least is
the University of Southern California located in Los Angeles

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