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Chairperson Pakistan People’s Party Benazir Bhutto gunned down in a terrorist attack.

The ‘only’ hope for the Christians and other minorities of Pakistan diminished.
Written by: Jawad Mazhar (ROD)

Rawal Pindi, Pakistan, Dec 30th (ROD): Chairperson of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and
former Prime Minister of ‘Islamic Democratic Republic of Pakistan’ Benazir Bhutto had been assassinated
in a terrorist attack, at Liaqat Baagh, Rawal Pindi, Pakistan, on Dec 27th.

She had started her election campaign in Punjab, from the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawal Pindi.
Shortly after addressing the public meeting, when she was on her way back, she emerged from the sun roof
of her Bullet Proof and Bomb Proof car to reply the slogans of the public and her party workers. In the
mean time a terrorist had managed to come close enough and aim at her head, in disguise of her Party

The shooter shot her three times and blew himself up with 4 Kg TNT explosive and 2.5 Kg of pellets and
iron nails. Benazir Bhutto sustained fatal head injuries as a bullet had penetrated from the rear side of her
skull. She was immediately rescued and taken to the Rawal Pindi General Hospital, where doctors strived
for 45 minutes to revive her but, in vain. At 6:16 PM Doctors announced that Benazir Bhutto had expired.

The government resources held Bait-ullah Mashood of Taliban responsible for this regrettable episode.
Whereas Taliban leaders have denied of having any involvement in this incident saying that Taliban do not
attack women.

Riots have erupted all across the Pakistan as the news of the martyrdom of Benazir spread. Till now the
angry people of Pakistan, who are demanding for the justice for the blood shed of their great beloved
leader, have turned 18 railway stations, 72 railway coaches, 370 vehicles, 34 gas stations, 174 banks, 158
offices in to heap of ashes, killed 38 innocent people and left 53 seriously injured. And situation is getting
even worse moment by moment.

Benazir Bhutto is buried at Kadhi Khuda Bukhsh, besides her father Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the founder of the
PPP and both brothers.

Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N), Qazi Hussain Ahmed of Muthida-Majlis-e-Amal have
visited the native town of deceased Ms Bhutto and condoled with the husband of Benazir Bhutto and other
members of the bereaved family. They also prayed for the comfort of soul of Great Leader.

The ill-timed death of Benazir Bhutto in a terrorist attack has disturbed the whole political scenario of the
Pakistan, especially before the forthcoming general elections.

The Chairman of Rays of Development, Organization (ROD) has expressed his sympathy with the
bereaved Bhutto family and condemned the attack. Chief of ROD Mr Ferhan Mazher said Benazir Bhutto
was the only hope for the Christians of Pakistan. He added that she had promised in the pronunciamento of
PPP, to repeal all discriminatory laws, including the controversial black Blasphemy Laws of the country.

The leadership of PPP is expected to announce the next chairperson in a short while. Sister of the deceased
Bhutto, Sanam Bhutto or her son Bilawal Zardari are the strongest names, who are likely to be selected as
next chief of PPP. The decision of the PPP leadership will affect the democracy and politics in Pakistan,
especially the upcoming general elections.

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