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Tikka Biryani

Chicken marinade:

5 leg quarters
1 tbsp Ginger garlic paste
1.5 cups yogurt
1 cup tomato purée
1 tbsp red chili powder
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp garam masala powder
1 tsp chaat masala
Salt to taste
2 tbsps Biryani masala (any)

🍗 Mix all the above ingredients and coat chicken pieces with it
🍗Let it sit for 30 minutes at least
🍗Take out chicken pieces and Grill/Pan fry or Bbq as desired
🍗Save the remaining marinade for masala

Other Ingredients:

3.5 cups Rice

Handful of chopped cilantro
2-3 chopped green chilies
1 sliced onion
1 chopped onion
1 tbsp lemon juice
Food color
A piece of coal
Oil as desired

🍚 Boil rice to 80% with cumin seeds, salt and some lemon juice
🍚Make gravy in the same pan you made the chicken, by adding chopped onion and
golden brown it
🍚Now add the remaining marinade and some water and let it cook on low for 5-6 mins
🍚Then start layering with rice, cilantro, chilies, sliced onions, food color and
🍚Pour some oil on top if needed and smoke the rice as shown in the video

Serve with Raita and Salad

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