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Answer all questions. Circle the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is not an example of length of the diagram is 5.0cm. What is the
heterotrophic mode of nutrition? magnification of the diagram?
a. symbiosis b. parasitism
c. holophytism d. saprophytism
2. An organism whose source of carbon is
inorganic is likely to be a /an
a. heterotrophic organism
b. autotrophic organism c. symbiotic organism
d. parasitic organism
a. X0.2 b. X0.5
3. A change in the environment of an organism c. X2.0 d. X50.0
is termed
a. sensitivity b. impulse c. response 12. The mode of nutrition which describes
d. stimulus feeding habit in animals is
a. autotrophic b. holozoic c. holophytic
4. The fine adjustment of the light microscope d. saprophytic e. photosynthesis
is used to
a. admit more light into the microscope 13. Which of the following groups consist of
b. focus the object under low power heterotrophs?
c. focus the object under high power a. mucor, chlamydomonas and euglena
d. raise the stage upwards b. spirogyra, mucor and mushroom
c. man, mucor, and mushroom
5. A prepared slide to be observed under the d. man, maize and cowpea
microscope must be on the
14. Temporary slides prepared to be examined
a. condenser b. stage
under microscope are always covered with a
c. diaphragm d. nose piece
cover slip in order to
6. Which of the following associations can a. avoid breaking
upset the balance of nature? b. make the object appear clearly
a. epiphytism b. parasitism c. prevent the object from falling
c. symbiosis d. saprophytism d. avoid wetting the objective lens
7. An organism is considered as heterotroph 15. A prepared slide to be observed under the
when it microscope must be on the
a. feeds on inorganic food a. condenser b. stage c. diaphragm
b. feeds on already manufactured food d. nose piece
c. fixes atmospheric nitrogen
16. Which of the following parts of a light
d. respires anaerobically
microscope contains a lens?
8. An example of autotrophic organisms include a. diaphragm b. eye piece
the following except c. fine adjustment d. nose piece
a. euglena b. chlamydomonas
17. The body symmetry of Hydra is
c. hydra d. spirogyra
a. radial b. bilateral
9. Which of the following organisms feeds both c. longitudinal d. transverse
autotrophically and heterotrophically?
a. hydra b. paramecium 18. Which of the following is not a constituent
c. mucor d. euglena of DNA?
a. purine b. phosphate c. cytosine
10. Autotrophs are also described as d. deoxyribose e. uracil
a. consumers b. decomposers c. carnivores
d. producers e. herbivores 19. The haploid number of chromosomes in
man is
11. The line XZ in the diagram below a. 48 b. 46 c. 42 d. 24 e. 23
represents an actual distance of 10.0cm and the
20. Species can be define as the group of a. chromatin b. chromosome c. chromatid
organisms that d. gene e. daughter chromosome
a. resemble each other and live in the same 28. Plants cells do not burst when placed in
habitat hypotonic solution because
b. are of common origin and are always found a. rigidity is provided by the cell wall
together b. the influx of solvent is the same in
c. resemble each other and can interbreed opposite direction
freely c. excess water is extruded by the membrane
d. resemble each other and occupy the same d. osmosis has no effects on plant cell
29. The protoplasm of the cell consists of the
21. Which of the following is not true about a. cytoplasm only b. nucleus only
gene mutation? It c. nucleus and cytoplasm
a. introduces new trait into a population d. nucleus, cytoplasm and membrane
b. causes changes in the DNA
c. may have unnoticeable effect on the 30. When red blood cells are placed in a
phenotype hypertonic solution, they will
d. always affects the chromosome number a. absorb ions b. become turgid
e. is a source of new gene c. become wrinkled d. undergo haemolysis

22. Four cells with osmotic potential equivalent 31. The term Diffusion refers to the movement
to that of 3% salt solution were immersed of particles
respectively in solutions of different a. across a semi –permeable membrane
concentrations labelled as followed: b. from one region to another
I = 4% salt solution II = 6% salt solution c. from a region of lower concentration to a
III = 1% salt solution IV = 10% salt solution region of higher concentration
V = 5% salt solution d. from a region of higher concentration to
the region of lower concentration
23. Which of the solutions will cause an 32. Protein synthesis occurs in the
increase in the osmotic pressure within the cell? a. Golgi bodies b. mitochondria
a. I b. II c. III d. IV e. V c. plasma membrane d. ribosome
24. Which of the following statements is not 33.. The shrinking of the cytoplasm away from
true of osmotic process? the cell wall is referred to as
a. there must be a selectively permeable a. active transport b. osmosis
membrane c. plasmolysis d. translocation
b. the two solutions must be of different
concentrations initially 34. Which of the following processes is
c. it involves the movement of only the water brought about by diffusion?
molecules a. shrinking of cell in hypertonic solution
d. equilibrium is reached when there is equal b. passage of water from the soil into the
distribution of water molecules root hair
e. the two solutions are of equal concentration c. bursting of the erythrocytes in hypotonic
at the beginning of the experiment solution
d. passage of digested food from the villi to
25. At which of the following stages of cell the blood
division can the cell be said to be resting?
35. One important function of the cell
a. anaphase b. telophase c. prophase
membrane is to
d. interphase e. metaphase
a. offer protection against mechanical injury
26. All hereditary characters in a cell are passed b. regulate the movement of substances to
on from parent – cell to daughter and from the cells
cell through the process of c. give a definite shape to the cell
a. mitosis, interphase b. meiosis, prophase d. provide a site for chemical processes
c. fertilization, metaphase d. implantation, 36. The movement of substances against
anaphase e. gestation, telophase concentration gradient in an organism is
27. What is the name given to the structure referred to as
labelled A at this stage of cell division? a. active transport b. diffusion
c. osmosis d. rapid translocation 45. The correct sequence of the levels in an
increasing order of complexity is
37. The cell membrane consists of a. I II III IV
a. carbohydrates and lipids b. III I IV II
b. vitamins and proteins c. III IV I II
c. lipids and proteins d. water and sugar d. IV III I II
38. Which of these organelles absorbs light
energy? 46. Which of the following is not true of
a. ribosome b. chloroplast nucleus of a living cell? It contains
c. mitochondria d. lysosome a. chromosomes b. nucleolus
c. nucleoplasm d. chromatids e. ribosomes
39. Which of the following organelles is the
site of energy production? 47. Which of the following is not likely to be
a. mitochondria b. endoplasmic reticulum found in the cell of a ripe tomato fruit?
c. nucleolus d. Golgi apparatus a. plastids b. chlorophyll
c. cellulose cell wall d. mitochondrion
40. Which of the following organelles are e. mineral salt
likely to be present in cells that are actively
respiring and Photosynthesizing? 48. Osmosis can be defined as diffusion of
a. nucleus and centrioles a. atoms and molecules through a membrane
b. lysosomes and ribosomes to an area of high concentration
c. endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies b. water molecules for a dilute solutions to a
d. chloroplast and mitochondria concentrated solution across permeable
e. food vacuoles and contractile vacuoles membrane
c. water molecules from an area of high
41. What is the function of ribosome in the cell? concentration to an area of low
a. manufacture of carbohydrates concentration
b. manufacture of proteins d. water molecules from a dilute solution to a
c. manufacture of lipids concentrated solution through a semi
d. excretion of waste products permeable membrane
42. Which of the following processes is not 49. Which of the following processes is
applicable to the reaction of a cell to the responsible for the increase in length and dry
concentration of a liquid medium? mass in a root tip?
a. osmosis b. haemolysis c. diffusion a. meiosis b. absorption c. mitosis
d. plasmolysis e. radiation d. conjugation e. fertilization
The diagram below represents a chromosome 50. How many chromosomes are found in the
yet to divide. Use it to answer questions 43 and human ovum?
44. a. 46 b. 23 c. 33 d. 13 e. 43
51. Which of the following is a similarity
between a typical animal cell and a typical
animal cell? The presence of
a. cellulose cell wall b. chlorophyll
c. centrally placed nucleus d. large vacuole
43. The part labelled I represents 52. The scientist who discovered the cell while
a. single chromatid b. chromosome examining a thin slides of cork under the
c. gene locus d. centromere e. chiasmata microscope was
44. What does the shaded portion represent? a. Theodor Schwann b. Felix Dujardin
a. allele b. chiasma c. chromatid c. Robert Hooke d. Charles Darwin
d. spindle e. centriole 53. In which of the following parts is the
Below is a list of levels of organization in chromosome found?
organisms. Use it to answer questions a. Nucleus b. Golgi bodies
45. c. cytoplasm d. cell membrane
I. Tissue II. System III. Cell IV. Organ

54. Which of the following is a function of the c. large vacuoles are present, but absent in
chromosome? animals
a. transmission of hereditary trait d. plastids are absent, but present in animal
b. protein synthesis c. excretion d. energy cell
production e. manufacture of enzymes e. carbohydrates are stored, but as glycogen in
55. The two important physical processes
involved in the absorption and transport of 63. Higher organisms use a transport system and
materials in plants are not diffusion only to distribute nutrients because
a. diffusion and plasmolysis a. the ratio of their surface area to volume is
b. cohesion and adhesion small
c. flaccidity and turgidity b. metabolic waste products diffuse to the
d. osmosis and diffusion surface of the organisms
e. plasmolysis and capillarity c. the rate at which nutrients and other
substances diffuse increase
56. The process by which plants manufacture
d. substances to be transported move shorter
food from carbon dioxide and water using
distance to reach the numerous cells.
energy from the sun is termed
e. the internal structures of the organisms are
a. chemosynthesis b. photosynthesis
in the direct contact with the environment
c. autotrophism d. heterotrophism
64 The cell membrane of a cell is said to be
57. In which of the following is cellulose cell
semi – permeable because
wall present?
a. it allows only large molecular substances to
a. amoeba b. mammalian white blood
pass through it into the cell
corpuscle c. spirogyra d. paramecium
b. it is actively involved in energy production
The diagram below illustrates the structure of a in the cell
cell. Use it to answer questions 58 and 59. c. it actively allows all substances to pass
through it by diffusion
d. it is actively selective in allowing
substances to pass through it
65. Which of the following levels of
organization in living things is in the correct
sequence, starting from the most complex to the
a. tissue cell organ system
58. The structure that produces the energy b. system organ tissue cell
required by the cell is labelled c. cell tissue system organ
a. I b. II c. III d. IV e. IV d. cell tissue organ system
59. The structure labelled V is the
66 Which of the following is not a cell
a. mitochondrion b. ribosome
c. nucleus d. centriole e. nucleolus
a. Golgi body b. nucleus c. fat droplets
60. Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis are both d. ribosome e. endoplasmic reticulum
terms used to describe
a. mitosis b. meiosis 67. Movement of water across a semi –
c. mating d. implantation permeable membrane from a weaker solution to
stronger solution is known as
61. Which of the following is the carrier of a. transpiration b. diffusion
hereditary materials? c. active transport d. plasmolysis e. osmosis
a. centriole b. cytoplasm c. nucleolus
d. chromosome e. lysosome 68. In which of the following structures will cell
undergoing meiosis be seen?
62. One of the differences between plant and
a. at the apices of stem and root
animal cells is that in plants
b. in the cortex of the stem
a. cells have less distinct outline, but animal
c. in the palisade mesophyll of the leaf
cells have distinct outline
d. in the ovary of a flower
b. cell wall is made up of cellulose, but animal
cell is made up of chitin
Below is the drawing of the mammalian c. water moves into the cell and the cell
spermatozoon. Use it to answer questions 69 – becomes turgid
71 d. the cell becomes plasmolysed
77. The site for production of ATP in a cell is
a. ribosome b. cytoplasm
c. golgi body d. mitochondria
78. The living material of the cell consists of
a. nucleus and cytoplasm
69. Which of the labelled structures is the b. cytoplasm and vacuoles
nucleus? c. cytoplasm and cell membrane
a. I b. II c. III d. IV e. V d. nucleus and cell membrane
70. Which of the following labelled structures 79. The importance of the concentration of
secrets enzymes which facilitates penetration of chloroplast in the palisade layer of a leaf is for
the egg? maximum exposure to
a. I b. II c. III d. IV e. V a. carbon dioxide b. Light
71. Which of the following labelled structures is c. water d. oxygen
similar to the locomotory structure in Euglena? 80. Which of the following occurrences is not a
a. I b. II c. III d. IV e. V feature of meiosis?
72. Which of the following statements is not a. formation of four haploid cells
true about chromosomes? b. two successful nuclear cell division
a. each chromosome is made up of two c. pairing of homologous chromosomes at
chromatids prophase
b. body cells have diploid number of d. formation of two diploid cells
chromosomes 81. The cytoplasm of the cell is considered a
c. homologous chromosomes do not occur in very important component because it
pairs naturally a. regulates amount of energy in the cell
d. the sex cells have haploid number of b. suspends all cell organelles
chromosomes c. is the outermost part of the cell
73. Which of the following organelles helps to d. is solely responsible for cell division
remove excess water from cells? Use the diagram below to answer questions 82
a. mitochondria b. ribosome and 83.
c. contractile vacuoles d. golgi body
74. Which of the following processes occurs by
a. re - absorption of water in kidney tubules
b. entry of water into the cytoplasm of
unicellular animals
c. absorption of water in the large intestine
d. exchange of nutrients between a mother and
the foetus
e. movement of water in and out of living cell
75. The organelle involved in the transport of 82. After an hour, the level of water in the
substances within a cell is thistle funnel will
a. golgi body b. endoplasmic reticulum a. rise b. fall
c. ribosome d. mitochondrion c. remain the same d. double
76. Which of the following processes takes 83. The experiment above is used to
place when a plant cell is put in a hypotonic demonstrate the process of
solution? a. transpiration b. water culture
a. water moves into the cell and the cell bursts c. diffusion d. osmosis
b. water leaves the cell and the cell becomes
84. In plant cells, the role of the membrane is a. cell membrane b. organelles
played by c. small size d. cytoplasm
a. nucleolus b. cell wall
93. The organelle which eliminates water from
c. cytoplasm d. mitochondrion
the body of a protozoan is the
85. Red blood cells were found to have burst a. plasma membrane b. contractile vacuole
open after being placed in distilled water for an c. nucleus d. cell wall
hour. This phenomenon is known as
94. Which of the following cell types has the
a. plasmolysis b. diffusion
least number of mitochondria?
c. haemolysis d. wilting
a. cardiac cells of the heart
b. cells of the cornified layer
86. Two organelles directly involved in mitotic
c. muscle cells of the bladder
cell division are
d. muscle cells of the diaphragm
a. nucleus and mitochondrion
b. ribosome and nucleus 95. A typical plant cell is mainly distinguished
c. centriole and golgi bodies from an animal cell by the possession of
d. nucleus and centriole a. chloroplast and nucleus
b. cell wall and cytoplasm
87. The following statements about mitotic cell
c. chloroplast and cell wall
division are correct except that
d. cell wall and mitochondrion
a. it occurs only in young cells
b. it occurs in somatic cells 96. Which of the following processes involves
c. the genetic composition of the daughter cell diffusion?
is the same as that of the parent a. opening and closure of the stomatal pores
d. the genetic composition of the mother cell b. turgidity of herbaceous plants
is the same as that of the daughter cell c. absorption of water through the root hairs
88. The immediate product of meiosis in d. absorption of digested food into the villi
flowering plants is the 97. Which of the following statements is
a. sporophyte b. gametophyte correct about the structure of chromosome? A
c. zygote d. pollen grains chromosome consist of
89. DNA in eukaryotic cells contained in the a. two chromatids joined at the centromere
a. central vacuole b. nucleus b. two chromatids joined at the spindle
c. lysosome d. golgi body c. two chromatin threads joined at the
90. Cytokinesis of mitosis is the process that d. thread – like structures not joined together
ensures that
a. each daughter cell gets the necessary 98. Which of the following is not an organ?
organelles a. hair b. tongue c. rhizome d. corm
b. there is distribution of a complete set of 99. One major difference between osmosis and
genes into each daughter cells diffusion is that diffusion
c. daughter cells inherit new genetic a. does not need a semi –permeable membrane
combination b. does not take place in living tissue
d. worn out organelles are excluded from c. takes place only in a liquid medium
daughter cells d. takes place only in a gaseous medium
91. A dairy farmer allowed only his best milk 100. Which of the following is a difference
producing cow to mate. In succeeding between mitosis and meiosis?
generations of cow, milk production increased. a. alignment of the chromosomes along the
This outcome is an example of equatorial plane
a. artificial selection b. natural selection b. replication of the chromosomes and the cell
c. competition d. cross fertilisation organelles
92. An organism that operates at the cellular c. pairing of homologous chromosomes
level of organization, carries out its d. formation of spindle fibre
physiological activities by using its

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