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Asal sekolah MTs Muhammadiyah 1 way jepara

The honorable judges Begawi Fest MAN Insan Cendekia, the timekeepers, and my beloved
Assalamualaikum, warahmatullahi, wabarakatuh.
Let’s praise Allah, who has given us health and opportunity. Shalawat and salaam to our
prophet Muhammad SAW. He is the best person in the world.
Ladies and gentlemen
Do you know what the so-called youth generation is?
Yeah, the younger generation is Generation Z, born between 1995 and 2010.
Yeah, as Prof. Rhenald Kasali said, this is the strawberry generation. Those who have
creative ideas but are easy to give up and hurt.
So, who wants to be called the strawberry generation?
Do you know Jenderal Sudirman? Do you know Engineer Soekarno? Cut Nyak Dien? He was
a golden generation born before Indonesia's independence and fought for Indonesia's
Now Indonesia is in a demographic bonus, with more births than deaths. This phenomenon
can be an opportunity or an occasion for Indonesia.
President Joko Widodo's speech in RPJPN 2025 until 2045 or known as the ideal of realizing
the golden generation of 2045. He said, "This is our great strength. We must not only win in
terms of quantity but also the quality of the SDM," said the Head of State. Quoted from
So, on this beautiful day, I'm going to share a perspective on the gold generation of 2045. To
the golden generation, there are some things we must have. They are:
First, Morality
The basic thing that a generation of nations deserves is moral. But right now, there's been a
moral crisis. We often hear about the anarchist behavior of teenagers towards peers. This
story comes from a friend who became a victim of bullying by his classmate. He came from a
poor family, not even able to afford to buy a pencil. Realizing that, my friend was selling ice
cream at his school, he left school with his ice box and his school bag. But he came home
with no penny. Yeah, his money was stolen by his friend.
Naudzubillahimin dzaalik.
Empathy for friends no longer exists, not even rarely victims of bullying are teachers.
My friends, morality is a shame. Shame to break the rules, shame to shame on friends,
embarrassment to shoot parents and teachers. As the Prophet Muhammad saw.
“Idza lam tastahiyy, Fasna’ maa syi’ta”
If you're not ashamed, then do whatever you want. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
Second, mastering a foreign language.
Have you ever been to a tourist resort? You meet a stranger and bring a photo, but just say,
"Sir, do you want to 'chick-chick' with me?” hahaha
This is one of the important things to learn foreign languages, especially English as an
international language. To master a foreign language is a basic thing that a student must have.
You can access foreign-language literature, have friends from abroad, and get a decent job.
So what else? You're speaking a foreign language!
Third, digital abilities.
We live in an industry 5.0 era that allows humans to access information faster. The majority
of Indonesians are social media users. You must have a WhatsApp account that has replaced
SMS. Some of you also have Instagram, Twitter, Facebook accounts, and so on. That's right,
isn't it?
Okay, for that I want you to answer honestly, have you ever read negative comments on the
internet? Imagine when you're the one who gets that comment. It's something that can turn
depression into suicide. It's called cyberbullying.
The Internet is like a two-eyed knife. If we don't use it carefully, then we'll be killed by it.
This digital education is recognized by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of
Indonesia, so publishes “digital madrasah”.
Fourth, social and Environment Concerns
Do you know? Today the ice on the North Pole has melted. Based on this fact, the researchers
revealed that the sea level would rise 1 to 70 meters. Then guys, what's going to happen?
Yeah, what's going to happen is the sinking of so much land in the world, the change of
seasons, the extinction of animals and rare herbs, and other horrors. It's like the penguin's
All this is happening because of global warming. The causes are greenhouses, forest fires,
and the industrial revolution. Of course, this is a common problem, but not many people care.
For that, the role of young people is needed to save the earth. That's by planting trees and
environmental campaigns.
So are you ready for the 2045 gold generation? I'm sure I, you, and we can all be part of the
change. If not now, when? If it wasn't us, who else?
Like a song by Jannale Monae Fun- we are young, let’s sing together.
Tonight, we are young.
So let’s set the world on fire
We can burn brighter than the sun
Greetings from me, A Golden Generation 2045 from Al-Arqam. See you again.
Fastabiqul Khairat.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

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