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Standard Lesson Plan

Subject: English B1 Time: 20 min

Aim: Students will be able to… make correct use of –ing form and infinitive with to # of students: 25

Stage Activity Materials Time Skills Problems

Warm up The teacher starts None 2 minutes Listening and Students arriving
up the class by speaking late.
talking about a Students showing
movie, then asks 3 no interest.
students about
their favorite ways
of watching a film
(at the theater, at
home, with
popcorn, etc).
Presentation The teacher starts Whiteboard 6 minutes Listening, Students may feel
writing examples Markers grammar and confused about the
of sentences with - Computer vocabulary differences
ing form and Projector between the two
infinitive with to Canva forms.
on the board: Students getting
David likes distracted.
watching movies
at home.
If a movie is on,
Valeria expects to
eat popcorn.
recommends going
to the cinema for a
better experience.
Then, the teacher
shows the
students a colorful
grammar rules
while explaining
them briefly to the
Practice The teacher Whiteboard 5 minutes Grammar Students may take
projects a fill in the Markers Vocabulary longer than 5
blanks activity for Projector Writing minutes to
the class to see Notebook complete the
and answer in Pencil activity.
their notebooks. Students might not
After a short time feel interested in
the teacher asks participating.
for volunteers to
write the answers
on the board.
1. I didn’t
expect ____
(enjoy) the
film so
2. I want ____
(see) the
new James
Bond film.
3. I’m
thinking of
____ (take)
4. We’re
thinking of
_____ (go)
see a film.
5. My friend
insisted on
____ (pay)
for the
Production For this activity, Flashcards 7 minutes Grammar Students may not
the teacher Timer Vocabulary understand the
prepares a few Speaking rules of the game
flashcards with the Listening at first.
poster/title of very Students might not
popular movies. want to
The teacher asks participate.
two students to Students may not
pass to the front, use the wanted
one of them has to vocabulary or
blindly choose a grammar as
card which their indicated.
partner can’t see –
and then student 1
has to describe
something about
the movie applying
the grammar
recently discussed
in class in order to
help student 2
guess the movie in
40 seconds or less.
-Everyone likes
watching this on
-Home Alone!
Assessment The teacher Kahoot Grammar Some students
prepares a Kahoot Cellphone Vocabulary may not have
for the students Internet Reading access to the
about the use of – activity (no
ing form and cellphone/data).
infinitive with to.
Assignment The teacher asks Notebook Listening Students might not
the students to Pencil Writing get the homework
write a summary Grammar done.
of the plot of their Students may not
favorite movie for pay attention to
the upcoming the instructions.

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