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If you will become a PM of the country what changes will you make in Indian

Education Sector
1. Education sector

 Comprehensive Curriculum Review:

Conduct a comprehensive review of the primary school curriculum to

ensure that it is relevant to the changing needs of society. Integrates
subjects with a focus on developing critical thinking, creativity and
practical problem-solving skills.

 Advancement of Early Childhood Education:

Increase funding and access to early childhood education programs to

build a strong foundation for learning. Develops and implements age-
appropriate curricula that focus on cognitive, emotional, and social

 Technology Integration:

Invest in age-appropriate early childhood education technology that

includes interactive and engaging learning tools.Provide training for
teachers to effectively integrate technology into their teaching methods.

 Professional Development for Teachers:

Implement a strong professional development program for elementary

teachers that focuses on modern teaching methods, classroom
management, and the use of technology. Create mentoring programs to
support new teachers and encourage the sharing of best practices.

 Inclusive Education Practices:

Develop and implement strategies that make basic education more

inclusive and that meet the needs of students of different abilities and
backgrounds.Provide teachers with resources and training to support
inclusive classrooms.
 Assessment Reform:

Abandon a purely exam-centric assessment system and adopt a variety

of assessment methods, including project-based assessments and
continuous assessment. Emphasize the importance of formative
assessments in guiding teaching and learning.

 Parental Involvement Programs:

Implement programs that increase parental involvement in their child

and education, including regular meetings, workshops and progress
reports. Use technology to facilitate communication between teachers
and parents.

 Flexible Curriculum Options:

Adds flexibility to the high school curriculum to meet the interests and
career paths of diverse students. Provide opportunities for academic and
vocational streams, allowing students to choose based on their abilities
and interests.

 Enhancing STEM Education:

Enhancing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)

education by combining hands-on learning experiences and real-world
applications. Collaborate with industry partners to develop STEM
programs that meet workforce needs.

 Carrer guidance and counselling: -

Expand career counselling services to enable students to make informed

decisions about their future path. Create partnerships with industry
professionals and educational institutions to provide students with
exposure to diverse career opportunities.
 Technology and Innovation Centres:

Establish technology and innovation centers in secondary schools to

promote creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Promotes
cooperation between schools, universities and the private sector in the
field of information exchange and mentoring.

 Global Citizenship:

Integrates global citizenship into the curriculum to promote cultural

awareness, inclusion and understanding. Facilitate exchange programs
and partnerships with international schools to expand student numbers

 Emphasis on Critical Thinking and Research Skills:

Develop programs to improve critical thinking, research and analytical

skills among high school students. Encourages participation in research
projects, science fairs and other academic competitions.

 Special subject teacher training:

Provide special training for teachers in subjects such as STEM,

informatics and vocational education to ensure quality teaching.
Establish partnerships with universities and industry to facilitate
continuing professional development for teachers.

 Digital Literacy Programs:

Implement comprehensive digital literacy programs that help students

acquire skills for the digital age. Ensuring the availability of modern
technology in classrooms and promoting the responsible and ethical use
of digital resources.
 Flexible Assessment Methods:

Explore alternative assessment methods such as competency-based

assessments and project portfolios to better engage students and; skills
and abilities. Assessments focus on the skills needed to succeed in higher
education and working life.

 Improvement of infrastructure and facilities:

Funds for improvement of school infrastructure including laboratories,

libraries and sports facilities. Ensure that all secondary schools have a
reliable internet connection. Implementing such changes would require
careful planning, collaboration with stakeholders, and a phased approach
to address the unique challenges at each level of education. In addition,
continuous monitoring and evaluation would be necessary to assess the
effectiveness of the reforms and adjust them if necessary.

2. Foreign policy

 Multilateral engagement:

Strengthen participation in international organizations and agreements

to jointly address global challenges. Prefer active participation in forums
such as the UN, G20 and regional organizations.

 Diplomatic Cooperation and Soft Power:I

increase diplomatic communication through cultural exchange, training

programs and people-to-people initiatives to improve understanding and
cooperation. Invest in public diplomacy to promote country and
reputation abroad.

 Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping:

Actively participate in diplomatic efforts to resolve regional conflicts
through dialogue and mediation. Participate in international
peacekeeping missions and conflict resolution initiatives.

 Protecting Human Rights:

Protects human rights worldwide and supports international efforts to

address human rights. Cooperate with like-minded people to promote
democratic values and the rule of law.

 Trade and economic partnerships:

Diversify and expand trade partnerships to reduce dependence on some

important markets. Negotiate and implement free trade agreements to
promote economic growth.

 Investment Promotion:

Create an attractive environment for foreign direct investment through

policy reforms, infrastructure development and regulatory improvement.
Strengthens financial ties with emerging markets and strategic partners.

 Technological and innovation cooperation:

Promotes international research and development cooperation,

technology transfer and innovations. Create partnerships with leading
science and technology nations to stay at the forefront of innovation.

 Cyber Security Cooperation:

Strengthens international cooperation in the field of cyber security to

address common threats and vulnerabilities. Work with allies to develop
and implement cybersecurity standards and best practices.
 Counterterrorism Cooperation:
Actively participate in international counterterrorism efforts through
intelligence sharing, coordinated law enforcement, and joint military
operations. Support and participate in global counter-terrorism

 Nuclear non-proliferation and arms control:

Strengthens commitment to non-proliferation of weapons of mass

destruction. Promoter of arms control treaties and disarmament goals.

 Climate Change Mitigation:

Show commitment to addressing climate change by setting ambitious

emission reduction targets. Collaborate with other countries in
renewable energy initiatives and sustainable development projects.

 Pandemic Preparedness and Response:

Strengthens global health security by supporting international

organizations and initiatives focused on pandemic preparedness and
response. Collaborate with other countries to improve vaccine
distribution and health infrastructure.

 Regional stability and cooperation:

Prioritize building strong relations with neighbouring countries to

promote regional stability and cooperation. Dealing with regional
conflicts through diplomatic means and cooperative initiatives.

 Immigration and Refugee Policy:

Develops a comprehensive policy in collaboration with regional and

international partners to respond to migration and refugees. Work
towards sustainable solutions for displaced populations.

 Promotion of Culture and Art:

Invest in the promotion of national culture, art and language throughout
the world. Support international events and festivals to showcase the
country and its rich cultural heritage.

 Educational and Scientific Exchange:

Expand educational exchange programs to build bridges between

countries. Encourages joint research initiatives and academic

3. Economic reforms

 Simple Tax Act:

Simplify tax rules and reduce complexity to make them easier to

understand and comply with for businesses and individuals.

 Progressive taxation:

Consider adjusting tax rates to ensure a fair distribution of the tax

burden so that people with higher incomes pay proportionally more.

 Expenditure Review:

Conduct a comprehensive review of public spending to identify

inefficiencies and prioritize spending on essential services and

 Debt management:

A sustainable plan for the management of government sector debt is

developed and, if necessary, options for debt restructuring are explored.
 Inflation target:

In order to achieve and maintain price stability, a clear inflation target is

set and monetary policy is implemented.

 Interest Rate Policy:

Use interest rates judiciously to balance inflationary concerns with the

need for economic growth and employment.

 Strengthen regulatory oversight:

Improve regulatory frameworks to ensure the stability and integrity of

the financial sector.
 Financial inclusion:

promoting policies that improve access to financial services for

disadvantaged populations.

 Trade Diversification:

Explore ways to diversify export markets to reduce dependence on a few

key partners.

 Investment climate:

improving the business environment to attract domestic and foreign

investment through regulatory reforms and incentives.

 Flexibility and skills development:

Introduce labor market reforms that balance flexibility for employers and
protection for workers. Invest in training programs to improve the

 Social Dialogue:
Facilitates dialogue between employers, workers and government to
address labor-related issues and create a cooperative environment.

 Projects of Critical Importance:

Identify and prioritize strategic infrastructure projects that have the

potential to promote economic growth. Public-Private Partnerships
(PPP): Explore partnerships with the private sector to effectively finance
and manage infrastructure projects.

 Regulatory Review:

Conduct a comprehensive review of regulations affecting businesses and

streamline processes to reduce burden.

 Digital Transformation:

Embrace digital technology to modernize regulatory processes and

increase transparency.

 Research and Development (RandD):

Increase investment in RandD to promote innovation and technological

development. Technical Education: Improve educational programs to
promote digital literacy and technology-related skills.

 Green Initiatives:

Implement policies that support environmental sustainability, including

incentives for green technologies and practices.

 Social Impact Assessment:

Consider the social impacts of economic policies to ensure inclusive and

sustainable development.
 Purpose:

To design and implement social welfare programs that are primarily

targeted at vulnerable population groups. Apprenticeship Programs:
Introduce programs that provide skills training and support for labor
market participants.

 Diplomatic and Business Alliances:

Strengthen diplomatic relations and seek new business partnerships to

expand economic opportunities worldwide.

 International Cooperation:

Collaborate with other countries on research, development and global


 Education reforms:

Strengthen the education system to meet the needs of the modern

economy, including science, technology, engineering and mathematics
(STEM) education.

 Lifelong learning:

Promoting a culture of continuous learning to adapt to changing

technological and economic trends.

 Investments in health infrastructure:

Improving health infrastructure and access to quality health services.

 Public Health Preparedness:

Strengthens public health systems and preparedness to respond to

pandemics and health emergencies.
 Information-based decision making:

Establish mechanisms for continuous monitoring and evaluation of

economic reforms using data approaches.

 Practice Flexibility:

Be open to adapting practices based on real-time feedback and changing

economic conditions.

 Programs for poverty alleviation:

Targeted programs are implemented to alleviate poverty and reduce

income differences.

 Gender Equality:

Promotes gender equality in the workforce and ensures equal access to

economic opportunities. It is important to note that the success of
economic reforms depends on effective communication, cooperation
with various stakeholders and a commitment to adapt and refine policies
based on real results. In addition, seeking input from experts, businesses
and the public can contribute to the development of informed and
effective economic reforms.

4. Ease of doing business

Fostering an environment conducive to business growth is pivotal for

economic development. Recognizing the significance of ease of doing
business, my administration is committed to implementing a set of
comprehensive and detailed reforms. These reforms are designed to
address the challenges faced by businesses, streamline processes, and
create an ecosystem that encourages entrepreneurship. This proposal
outlines specific changes across various sectors to enhance the ease of
doing business.
 Simplification of Regulatory Framework:

A thorough review of existing regulations will be conducted with the aim

of simplifying and rationalizing the regulatory framework. Cumbersome
and outdated regulations will be identified and repealed, reducing the
bureaucratic burden on businesses. Additionally, a periodic review
mechanism will be established to ensure that regulations remain
relevant and responsive to the evolving business landscape.

 Digital Transformation of Government Services:

Harnessing technology is key to reducing administrative bottlenecks. An

ambitious plan for the digital transformation of government services will
be initiated. This includes the development of user-friendly online
portals for business registration, licensing, and permit applications.
Automation of routine processes will expedite approvals, reduce
paperwork, and enhance the overall efficiency of government services.

 Single Window Clearance:

A centralized, online platform for obtaining clearances and approvals will

be established. The single window clearance system will integrate
various regulatory authorities, allowing businesses to submit
applications through a unified portal. This one-stop-shop approach aims
to eliminate the need for businesses to navigate multiple departments,
streamlining the approval process and minimizing delays.

 Tax Reforms:

Simplifying the tax system is imperative for businesses of all sizes. The
tax code will undergo a comprehensive review to identify complexities
and ambiguities. The aim is to create a clear and concise tax structure
that minimizes compliance burdens. Additionally, the introduction of an
online tax filing system will simplify the process for businesses, reducing
the time and resources spent on tax-related activities.
 Infrastructure Development:

A robust infrastructure is fundamental for the smooth functioning of

businesses. The government will prioritize strategic infrastructure
projects, including transportation, logistics, and digital connectivity.
Investments in road networks, ports, and broadband connectivity will
not only improve overall business operations but also reduce
transportation costs, contributing to the ease of doing business.

 Access to Finance:

Ensuring easy access to finance, particularly for small and medium

enterprises (SMEs), is crucial. Collaborative efforts with financial
institutions will be made to streamline loan application processes.
Incentives for banks to provide credit to SMEs will be introduced, along
with measures to enhance financial literacy and promote alternative
financing options, fostering entrepreneurship and job creation.

 Skills Development Programs:

A skilled workforce is vital for business productivity and innovation. The

government will invest in targeted skills development programs,
collaborating with industry stakeholders to identify and address specific
skill gaps. Vocational training initiatives will be designed to align with the
evolving needs of businesses, ensuring that the workforce remains
competitive in the global market.

 Investor-Friendly Policies:

To attract both domestic and foreign investment, a set of investor-

friendly policies will be implemented. This includes providing tax
incentives, ensuring legal protections, and simplifying procedures for
setting up and operating businesses. A dedicated investment promotion
agency will be established to assist investors, offering a one-point
contact for information and support.


In conclusion, the proposed reforms aim to create a holistic and

business-friendly environment by addressing regulatory complexities,
embracing technology, and fostering infrastructure development. These
changes are not only geared towards existing businesses but also aim to
attract new investments and startups. By simplifying processes, ensuring
access to finance, and investing in human capital, the government
aspires to unleash the full potential of businesses, contributing to
sustained economic growth and job creation. The success of these
initiatives will depend on a collaborative approach involving the
government, private sector, and other stakeholders to ensure the
sustained success of the business ecosystem.

5. Technology reforms

In a time where innovation serves as a linchpin for advance, my

organization is devoted to actualizing a transformative motivation for
innovation changes. Recognizing the urgent part of innovation in forming
economies and social orders, this proposition traces a comprehensive set
of changes pointed at cultivating advancement, advanced consideration,
and feasible mechanical advancement. The objective is to position our
country at the bleeding edge of the worldwide innovative scene whereas
guaranteeing that the benefits of innovation are impartially conveyed.

 Investment in Research and Development

A vigorous establishment for mechanical headway starts with

considerable ventures in inquire about and improvement (R&D). The
government will increment subsidizing for R&D activities, cultivating
collaboration between the scholarly community, investigate educate, and
industry. Motivations for private division association in R&D ventures will
be presented to goad advancement and drive innovative breakthroughs.

 Digital Infrastructure Enhancement:

A strong and high-speed computerized framework is the spine of a

innovatively progressed society. The government will set out on a across
the nation activity to upgrade broadband network, guaranteeing high-
speed web get to in urban and provincial ranges alike. Speculations in 5G
innovation and the extension of fiber-optic systems will make a strong
computerized establishment, advancing consistent communication and
encouraging the development of rising advances.

 Cybersecurity Framework Strengthening:

As innovation progresses, so do the challenges related with

cybersecurity. A comprehensive audit and fortifying of the cybersecurity
system will be conducted. This incorporates the advancement of strong
controls, the foundation of a national cybersecurity procedure, and
ventures in preparing programs to construct a gifted workforce
competent of shielding basic computerized framework.

 Promotion of Emerging Technologies

To remain at the bleeding edge of mechanical development, the

government will effectively advance the appropriation and advancement
of rising innovations. This incorporates fake insights (AI), blockchain,
quantum computing, and the Web of Things (IoT). Motivation programs
for businesses and new businesses locked in in these advances will be
presented, cultivating a dynamic environment of development.

 Digital Literacy Programs:

Bridging the computerized partition is fundamental for guaranteeing that

the benefits of innovation reach all sections of society. The government
will dispatch broad advanced education programs, focusing on schools,
communities, and businesses. Extraordinary accentuation will be put on
enabling marginalized bunches and country communities to saddle the
complete potential of advanced instruments for instruction, work, and
civic engagement.

 E-Government Administrations:

Leveraging innovation to upgrade government administrations could be

a foundation of cutting edge administration. An driven e-government
activity will be propelled to digitize open administrations, making them
more available and productive. This incorporates online entries for
government exchanges, electronic record accommodation, and the
integration of information over different government divisions to
streamline forms.

 Startup Biological system Bolster:

Sustaining a flourishing startup environment is imperative for cultivating

development and business. The government will present approaches
that rearrange administrative forms for new companies, give get to to
financing through wander capital activities, and build up hatching
centers and advancement center points. This environment will serve as a
breeding ground for troublesome advances and unused trade models.

 Information Security and Assurance Laws:

In an time of data-driven innovations, ensuring individuals' protection is

fundamental. Exacting information protection and security laws will be
presented, adjusting with universal best hones. The enactment will
enable people with control over their individual information while
providing a secure environment for businesses to function dependably
within the advanced space.

In conclusion, the proposed mechanical changes point to move our
country into a future characterized by development, inclusivity, and
feasible advancement. By investing in research and improvement,
reinforcing advanced framework, advancing developing innovations, and
guaranteeing computerized proficiency, we look for to make an
ecosystem where innovation could be a drive for great. The victory of
these changes pivots on collaboration between government, industry,
the scholarly world, and respectful society to collectively explore the
challenges and openings displayed by the quickly advancing innovative
scene. Through these activities, we try to construct a mechanically
engaged society that benefits all citizens and positions our country as a
worldwide pioneer within the computerized age.

6. Reforms related to ethics

In a quickly advancing world, where innovative headways and societal

changes are forming the scene, the require for moral administration has
never been more basic. My organization is committed to foundation a
comprehensive set of changes pointed at cultivating a culture of morals
over different divisions. These changes include administration, trade
hones, innovation, and instruction, with the overarching objective of
building a society that prioritizes judgment, straightforwardness, and

 Morals in Administration:

To fortify moral values in administration, straightforwardness and

responsibility will be the bedrock of regulatory hones. The government
will build up an free morals commission to supervise the conduct of
open authorities. This commission will be dependable for exploring
charges of debasement, clashes of intrigued, and moral breaches,
guaranteeing a reasonable and unbiased handle.

 Whistleblower Security:

A strong component for ensuring whistleblowers is basic to reveal and

address unscrupulous hones. The government will sanction
comprehensive whistleblower assurance laws, protecting people who
report wrongdoing from countering. Private announcing channels will be
set up, empowering a culture where people feel secure in uncovering
wrongdoing without fear of retaliations.

 Reinforcing Anti-Corruption Measures:

A multifaceted approach will be received to combat debasement at all

levels. The government will upgrade anti-corruption enactment, present
measures to rearrange bureaucratic forms, and actualize computerized
arrangements to play down openings for debasement.
Straightforwardness in open obtainment forms will be a need, and strict
punishments for debasement offenses will be upheld.

 Moral Trade Hones:

Cultivating moral conduct within the commerce division is vital for

economical financial advancement. The government will collaborate with
industry partners to create a code of morals for businesses. This code
will emphasize reasonable competition, capable environmental
practices, and the impartial treatment of workers. Companies following
to these moral guidelines may be qualified for motivating forces and

 Corporate Social Duty (CSR):

Encouraging businesses to contribute to societal well-being may be a key

viewpoint of moral administration. The government will command and
incentivize companies to apportion a parcel of their benefits to CSR
activities. This may incorporate community improvement ventures,
natural preservation endeavors, and instructive programs, guaranteeing
that businesses actively participate in building a socially mindful society.

 Moral Utilize of Innovation:

Within the time of quick innovative headway, the moral utilize of

innovation is fundamental. The government will build up a system for
mindful and moral AI, guaranteeing that rising innovations follow to
moral rules. Strict directions will be actualized to protect individuals'
security, avoid abuse of information, and address moral concerns related
to counterfeit insights, biotechnology, and other cutting-edge areas.

 Morals Instruction in Schools:

Ingrains moral values from a young age is imperative for forming mindful
citizens. The instruction framework will join morals instruction at
different levels, centering on ethical thinking, sympathy, and astuteness.
The educational programs will emphasize basic considering and moral
decision-making, planning understudies to explore complex moral
predicaments in their individual and proficient lives.

 Open Mindfulness Campaigns:

Making mindfulness and cultivating a collective commitment to moral

values may be a persistent exertion. The government will dispatch open
mindfulness campaigns, utilizing different media channels to teach
citizens almost the significance of moral conduct. These campaigns will
highlight real-world illustrations of moral behavior and grandstand the
positive affect of moral hones on society.


In conclusion, the proposed reforms emphasize the government's

commitment to cultivating a culture of morals and astuteness in all
aspects of society. By reinforcing administration hones, ensuring
whistleblowers, combatting debasement, advancing moral commerce
conduct, controlling innovation utilize, presenting morals instruction, and
raising open mindfulness, we point to create a society where moral
values are not fair empowered but imbued within the texture of our
communities. The victory of these changes depends on the collaborative
endeavours of government, businesses, instructive educate, and the
open to collectively winner the cause of morals, guaranteeing a brighter
and more principled future for our country.
7. Development in sports

The taking after proposition traces a nitty gritty and comprehensive set
of changes pointed at elevating the sports segment. Recognizing the
multifaceted benefits of sports, extending from physical wellbeing to
national pride, these changes envelop grassroots advancement,
foundation improvement, competitor welfare, and key activities to
broaden and advance different sports. The objective is to make a
energetic and comprehensive sports environment that not as it were
produces tip top competitors but moreover energizes broad cooperation,
cultivating a more beneficial and more dynamic society.

 Grassroots Sports Advancement:

a. Community Sports Centers:

Set up community sports centers prepared with fundamental offices

such as playing areas, courts, and preparing spaces in urban and rustic

b. School Associations:

Manufacture organizations with schools to coordinated sports into the

educational modules and give proficient coaching for different

c. Ability Distinguishing proof Programs:

Dispatch ability distinguishing proof programs to scout and sustain

youthful ability through organizations with schools, community centers,
and sports clubs.

 School Sports Programs:

a. Required Physical Instruction:

Command normal and organized physical instruction classes in schools,

emphasizing the significance of sports and physical action.

b. Inter-School Associations:

Empower and incentivize inter-school sports competitions, cultivating a

competitive soul and cooperation among understudies.
c. Sports Grants:

Present sports grants to recognize and bolster skilled student-athletes,

giving monetary help for their instruction and preparing.

 Foundation Overhaul:

a. National Sports Framework Support:

Build up a devoted fund for the development and redesign of sports

foundation, counting stadiums, preparing centers, and community sports

b. Public-Private Organizations:

Encourage associations with private substances for the advancement and

support of sports foundation, guaranteeing supportability and

c. Open Offices:

Prioritize the creation of available offices for differently-abled

competitors to advance inclusivity.

 Competitor Welfare and Bolster Programs:

a. Wellbeing Protections for Competitors:

Give comprehensive wellbeing protections scope for competitors to
guarantee their well-being and get to to quality healthcare.

b. Monetary Help Programs:

Present monetary help programs for competitors at different levels,

counting stipends, travel remittances, and performance-based rewards.

c. Post-Retirement Back:

Build up a post-retirement back framework, advertising career move

help, instructive openings, and healthcare benefits for resigned

 Expansion of Sports:

a. National Sports Differences Activity:

Dispatch an activity to expand sports by giving back and assets for

developing sports disciplines.

b. Specialized Preparing Centers:

Build up specialized preparing centers for specialty sports, advertising

world-class coaching and offices for competitors in disciplines with tall

c. Motivating forces for Niche Sports:

Present monetary motivating forces and acknowledgment for

competitors and organizations exceeding expectations in less standard

 Ladies in Sports Activity:

a. Rise to Prize Cash:

Advocate for break even with prize cash in national and universal sports
occasions to advance sexual orientation uniformity.

b. Women's Sports Institutes:

Set up institutes committed to women's sports, giving specialized

preparing, coaching, and back programs.

c. Mindfulness Campaigns:

Dispatch mindfulness campaigns to highlight and celebrate

accomplishments of female competitors, rousing more prominent
interest and bolster.

 Sports Science and Innovation Integration:

a. Sports Science Investigate Awards:

Give awards for sports science investigate ventures, empowering

collaboration between analysts and sports experts.

b. Sports Biomechanics Labs:

Set up state-of-the-art biomechanics research facilities to analyze and

optimize competitor execution, anticipating wounds and moving forward
preparing procedures.

c. Data-Driven Preparing:

Empower the utilize of information analytics and innovation in preparing

programs to improve execution, screen competitor wellbeing, and tailor
preparing regimens.

 Community Engagement and Wearing Occasions:

a. Neighborhood Sports Celebrations:

Organize nearby sports celebrations and occasions to energize

community engagement and participation.

b. Celebrity Supports:

Collaborate with sports celebrities to advance and take part in

community sports occasions, making fervor and motivating trying

c. Community Sports Clubs:

Set up and bolster community sports clubs, empowering normal support

in sports exercises and making a sense of community through sports.


These nitty gritty changes are planned to revitalize the sports segment,
tending to challenges at different levels and leveraging openings for
development and inclusivity. The victory of these activities depends on
supported commitment, collaboration among partners, and continuous
assessment to guarantee the persistent change of the sports biological
system. Through these changes, we try to make a donning culture that
not as it were produces world-class competitors but too improves the
lives of citizens and contributes to the in general well-being of our

8. Infrastructure development

Infrastructure development is a critical driver of economic growth, societal

progress, and environmental sustainability. To bring about meaningful
changes in infrastructure development, a multifaceted approach is required,
encompassing strategic planning, public-private partnerships, regulatory
reforms, innovative financing mechanisms, technological integration,
sustainable practices, capacity building, community engagement, resilience
planning, and robust monitoring and evaluation. Here's a comprehensive
exploration of these aspects, illustrating how each contributes to enhancing
infrastructure development.
 Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is the foundation of effective infrastructure

development. Governments must formulate long-term, comprehensive
plans that address current needs and anticipate future demands.
Prioritizing projects based on economic impact, social benefits, and
environmental sustainability is crucial. Integrating smart technologies
and sustainable practices into the planning process ensures that
infrastructure is not only efficient but also future-proof.

 Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)

Encouraging private sector participation through PPPs is vital for attracting

investment and leveraging expertise. Governments should establish
transparent procurement processes, sharing risks and rewards to foster
effective collaboration. By engaging the private sector, infrastructure
projects can benefit from innovation, efficiency, and timely execution.

 Regulatory Reforms

Streamlining and simplifying regulatory processes expedite project

approvals. Clear guidelines for private sector involvement and
investment create a conducive environment for infrastructure
development. Dynamic regulatory frameworks that support innovation
and emerging technologies are essential for keeping pace with the
evolving landscape.

 Financing Mechanisms

Diversifying funding sources is crucial for sustainable infrastructure

development. Governments should explore options such as international
loans, bonds, and collaboration with sovereign wealth funds. Innovative
financing models like green bonds can be instrumental in funding
environmentally friendly and sustainable projects.

 Technology Integration

 Embracing smart infrastructure solutions enhances efficiency and

connectivity. Investment in digital infrastructure, such as broadband
networks and data centers, supports technological advancements.
Intelligent transportation systems and smart grids optimize resource
management, paving the way for a more interconnected and efficient
infrastructure network.

 Sustainable Development

Prioritizing sustainability in infrastructure projects involves integrating

environmentally friendly and resilient practices. Incorporating renewable
energy sources, green building practices, and conducting thorough
environmental and social impact assessments ensure that infrastructure
projects align with sustainable development goals.

 Capacity Building

Investing in training programs is essential to develop a skilled workforce

for construction, operation, and maintenance of infrastructure.
Partnerships between educational institutions and industry address skill
gaps, fostering innovation and expertise within the workforce. Research
and development initiatives further contribute to advancements in
infrastructure technologies.

 Community Engagement

Involving local communities in decision-making processes ensures that

infrastructure projects align with their needs and concerns. Transparent
communication about project benefits and impacts builds public
support. By incorporating local perspectives, infrastructure development
becomes a collaborative effort that enhances societal well-being.
 Resilience Planning

Designing infrastructure with climate change resilience in mind is crucial

for long-term viability. Conducting comprehensive risk assessments and
incorporating resilient features in critical infrastructure ensures
adaptability to changing environmental conditions. Planning for adaptive
infrastructure enhances its ability to withstand unforeseen challenges
and disruptions, ensuring continuity in service delivery.

 Monitoring and Evaluation

Establishing robust mechanisms for ongoing monitoring and evaluation is

necessary to ensure the success of infrastructure projects. Regular
reviews and updates to project plans allow for adaptation to changing
circumstances. Learning from both successes and failures contributes to
continuous improvement in future infrastructure endeavors and informs
decision-making processes.

In conclusion, the transformation of infrastructure development requires

a holistic and collaborative approach. By addressing these key areas—
strategic planning, public-private partnerships, regulatory reforms,
financing mechanisms, technology integration, sustainable development,
capacity building, community engagement, resilience planning, and
monitoring and evaluation—governments and stakeholders can
contribute to building resilient, efficient, and future-ready infrastructure
that fosters economic growth and improves the quality of life for citizens.
This integrated approach ensures that infrastructure development aligns
with the principles of sustainability, innovation, and inclusivity, ultimately
creating a lasting positive impact on societies and the environment.
9. Health sector reforms

The wellbeing division could be a basic component of any society, playing

a urgent part in guaranteeing the well-being of people and communities.
Executing changes within the wellbeing division is fundamental for
tending to developing challenges, progressing get to to quality care,
improving efficiency, and advancing generally wellbeing and wellness. In
this comprehensive talk, we'll investigate key zones where
transformative changes can be brought approximately within the
wellbeing segment.

 Healthcare Foundation

Ventures in healthcare framework are significant for giving available and

quality healthcare administrations. Governments ought to prioritize the
advancement and upkeep of healthcare offices, counting healing centers,
clinics, and essential wellbeing centers. Utilizing innovation, such as
telemedicine and computerized wellbeing records, can move forward
network and streamline quiet care. Furthermore, guaranteeing a
adequate and well-distributed healthcare workforce is imperative to
meet the different needs of the populace.

 Preventive Healthcare

Moving center towards preventive healthcare is basic for decreasing the

burden of maladies. Open wellbeing campaigns and instruction programs
ought to be executed to raise mindfulness almost the significance of
solid ways of life, immunization, and standard screenings. Empowering
physical action, advancing solid sustenance, and disheartening hurtful
propensities contribute to a more advantageous populace and reduce
the strain on healthcare assets.

 Advanced Wellbeing Arrangements

Integration of advanced wellbeing arrangements can revolutionize

healthcare conveyance. Actualizing electronic wellbeing records (EHRs)
upgrades information administration, encourages facilitated care, and
diminishes blunders. Telemedicine administrations empower
inaccessible meetings and increment get to to medical expertise,
especially in underserved regions. Versatile wellbeing applications can
engage people to actively oversee their wellbeing, cultivating a more
patient-centered approach.

 Healthcare Financing
Changing healthcare financing components is fundamental for
guaranteeing impartial get to. Governments ought to investigate
inventive financing models, such as social wellbeing protections, to
convey the monetary burden more reasonably. Empowering public-
private associations can too mobilize extra assets and ability.
Straightforward estimating structures and cost-effective healthcare
conveyance models contribute to budgetary supportability.

 Wellbeing Data Frameworks

Setting up vigorous wellbeing data frameworks upgrades information

collection, examination, and decision-making. Real-time checking of
infection episodes, healthcare utilization designs, and statistic patterns
empowers proactive open wellbeing mediations. Contributing in
wellbeing informatics and analytics capabilities makes strides the
effectiveness of healthcare conveyance and bolsters evidence-based

 Wellbeing Workforce Advancement

Investing in the instruction and preparing of healthcare experts is

significant. Governments ought to address workforce deficiencies by
making motivating forces for healthcare professionals, implementing
imaginative preparing programs, and cultivating worldwide
collaboration. Ceaseless proficient advancement guarantees that
healthcare suppliers remain side by side of the most recent therapeutic
headways and best hones.

 Mental Wellbeing Integration

Recognizing the significance of mental wellbeing and joining mental

wellbeing administrations into the broader healthcare framework is
basic. This includes decreasing the disgrace related with mental
wellbeing issues, expanding get to to mental wellbeing experts, and
consolidating mental wellbeing evaluations into schedule healthcare
visits. Comprehensive mental wellbeing back contributes to by and large
well-being and anticipates the worsening of mental wellbeing conditions.

 Community Engagement

Locks in communities in healthcare decision-making advances inclusivity

and responsiveness to nearby needs. Setting up community wellbeing
centers, including community wellbeing laborers, and conducting
wellbeing instruction programs guarantee that healthcare activities are
socially delicate and address particular community concerns. Enabling
communities to require an dynamic part in their wellbeing cultivates a
sense of proprietorship and duty.

 Pharmaceutical Segment Changes

Transforming the pharmaceutical sector is crucial for guaranteeing get to

to reasonable and high-quality medicines. Governments ought to
actualize approaches to advance bland medicate accessibility, control
sedate pricing, and incentivize investigate and improvement of
fundamental drugs. Reinforcing administrative systems guarantees the
security and adequacy of pharmaceutical items, contributing to moved
forward healthcare results.

 Global Wellbeing Collaboration

Collaborating on a worldwide scale is fundamental for tending to cross-

border wellbeing challenges. Governments ought to effectively take an
interest in worldwide wellbeing organizations, share best hones, and
contribute to worldwide wellbeing activities. This incorporates tending to
pandemics, sharing assets, and collectively working towards
accomplishing worldwide wellbeing objectives, such as those sketched
out within the Feasible Improvement Objectives (SDGs).

In conclusion, transformative changes within the wellbeing division

require a all-encompassing and multifaceted approach. By tending to
these key areas—healthcare foundation, preventive healthcare,
computerized wellbeing arrangements, healthcare financing, wellbeing
data frameworks, wellbeing workforce advancement, mental wellbeing
integration, community engagement, pharmaceutical division changes,
and worldwide wellbeing collaboration—governments and stakeholders
can contribute to building a flexible, patient-centered, and maintainable
wellbeing framework. These changes will not as it were progress
healthcare get to and results but moreover lay the establishment for a
more advantageous and more profitable society.

10.Welfare activities reforms

Welfare exercises include a wide run of programs and activities planned

to upgrade the well-being and quality of life for people and communities.
Executing changes in welfare exercises is pivotal for tending to societal
needs, lessening disparity, and advancing inclusivity. In this nitty gritty
dialog, we are going investigate key ranges where transformative
changes can be presented to upgrade the viability and affect of welfare

 Comprehensive Social Security Nets

Executing comprehensive social security nets is essential to tending to

essential needs and giving a security net for defenseless populaces.
Governments ought to center on planning and extending programs that
address destitution, unemployment, and nourishment uncertainty. This
incorporates cash exchange programs, unemployment benefits, and
subsidized nourishment dissemination frameworks to guarantee that
essential needs are met, particularly amid times of financial hardship.

 Instruction and Aptitude Improvement

Contributing in instruction and ability improvement programs is

fundamental for enabling people and communities. Governments ought
to prioritize get to to quality instruction, counting professional preparing
and grown-up instruction activities. By preparing people with pertinent
abilities, they gotten to be more employable and are superior situated to
contribute to financial development. Moreover, advancing long lasting
learning and computerized education plans people for the advancing
work showcase.

 Healthcare Get to

Guaranteeing get tos2bvc reasonable and quality healthcare may be a

foundation of welfare exercises. Governments ought to center on
strengthening healthcare infrastructure, growing scope, and executing
preventive healthcare measures. Activities that give budgetary back for
therapeutic costs, especially for low-income people and families,
contribute to progressed wellbeing results and diminish the budgetary
burden related with healthcare.

 Reasonable Lodging Programs

Tending to lodging reasonableness is significant for advancing steady and

secure living conditions. Governments ought to create and execute
reasonable lodging programs, giving money related help and motivating
forces for both tenants and property holders. This incorporates activities
such as low-interest advances, endowments, and public-private
organizations to extend the accessibility of reasonable lodging

 Work Era

Cultivating work creation is key to advancing financial well-being.

Governments ought to execute arrangements that fortify enterprise,
bolster little and medium-sized endeavors (SMEs), and draw in ventures.
Preparing and arrangement programs, particularly for marginalized
communities, upgrade employability and make pathways to financial

 Comprehensive Money related Administrations

Advancing monetary consideration is crucial for engaging people
financially. Governments ought to work towards giving get to to
reasonable money related administrations, such as managing an account
and microfinance. Money related proficiency programs can help people
make educated choices, whereas imaginative monetary items, like
microloans and reserve funds plans, enable individuals to break the cycle
of destitution.

 Sex Balance Activities

Guaranteeing sexual orientation balance in welfare exercises is basic for

tending to systemic imbalances. Governments ought to execute
approaches and programs that advance break even with openings for all
sexes. This incorporates activities to bridge the sexual orientation pay
hole, combat gender-based viciousness, and improve get to to
instruction and healthcare for ladies and young ladies.

 Community Advancement Ventures

Contributing in community advancement ventures reinforces the social

fabric and cultivates a sense of having a place. Governments ought to
back activities that progress nearby framework, such as streets, water
supply, and community centers. Locks in communities in decision-making
forms guarantees that welfare exercises are custom-made to meet
nearby needs, cultivating a sense of proprietorship and maintainability.

 Mental Wellbeing Back

Recognizing the significance of mental wellbeing and coordination

mental wellbeing bolster into welfare programs is vital. Governments
ought to apportion assets for mental wellbeing administrations, raise
mindfulness, and decrease the shame related with mental wellbeing
issues. Open counseling administrations and community support
programs contribute to the by and large well-being of people and
 Innovation for Social Impact

Saddling innovation for social affect can increase the reach and
productivity of welfare exercises. Governments ought to use advanced
stages for the conveyance of social administrations, such as online
application forms, virtual counseling, and computerized education
activities. Moreover, utilizing information analytics and counterfeit
insights can upgrade program adequacy and guarantee assets are
designated where they are required most.

In conclusion, transformative changes in welfare exercises require a

comprehensive and coordinates approach. By tending to these key areas
—comprehensive social security nets, instruction and ability
improvement, healthcare get to, reasonable lodging programs, business
era, comprehensive money related administrations, sex uniformity
activities, community improvement ventures, mental wellbeing bolster,
and innovation for social impact—governments and partners can
contribute to building a more impartial, strong, and comprehensive
society. These changes will not as it were progress the well-being of
people but moreover advance maintainable improvement and social

11.Political reforms

Political changes are fundamental for cultivating equitable

administration, guaranteeing straightforwardness, and advancing the
viable working of political teach. Actualizing changes in political
frameworks can lead to expanded open believe, superior representation,
and the improvement of vigorous law based forms. In this
comprehensive discourse, we'll investigate key regions where
transformative changes can be presented to improve political changes.

 Discretionary Framework Changes

Actualizing changes within the discretionary framework is vital for

guaranteeing reasonable representation and empowering political
differing qualities. Governments ought to consider corresponding
representation frameworks, mixed-member corresponding frameworks,
or ranked-choice voting to way better reflect the differences of open
supposition. Moreover, tending to gerrymandering and building up free
constituent commissions can contribute to more impartial and
straightforward races.

 Campaign Fund Changes

Handling the impact of cash in legislative issues is crucial for keeping up

the astuteness of the equitable prepare. Governments ought to execute
campaign fund changes, counting strict commitment limits,
straightforward revelation prerequisites, and open subsidizing
instruments. This makes a difference to level the playing field, reduce
corruption dangers, and guarantee that political decisions are made
within the intrigued of the open instead of contract extraordinary

 Reinforcing Political Responsibility

Upgrading political responsibility requires engaging citizens to hold

chosen authorities and teach dependable. Governments ought to
advance straightforwardness by giving get to to data, reinforcing
whistleblower security, and executing instruments for open investigation.
Moreover, building up autonomous morals commissions and oversight
bodies makes a difference guarantee that chosen authorities follow to
moral guidelines and are responsible for their activities.

 Decentralization and Nearby Administration

Advancing decentralization and engaging nearby administration

structures can lead to more responsive and compelling government.
Governments ought to appoint specialist to nearby governments,
permitting them to form choices that straightforwardly affect their
communities. This cultivates citizen engagement, tailors approaches to
nearby needs, and fortifies the by and large equitable framework by
empowering political support at the grassroots level.
 Political Party Changes

Changing political parties is pivotal for guaranteeing their inside popular

government, straightforwardness, and responsibility. Governments ought
to set up controls that advance comprehensive party structures,
reasonable candidate choice forms, and budgetary straightforwardness.
Empowering the support of ladies and minority bunches inside party
leadership and candidate records contributes to a more agent and
different political scene.

 Reinforcing Run the show of Law

Reinforcing the run the show of law is principal for guaranteeing that
political frameworks work inside built up legitimate systems.
Governments ought to contribute in free judiciaries, lawful changes, and
anti-corruption measures. This guarantees that everybody, counting
political pioneers, is subject to the same laws, cultivating a framework
where equity wins and educate work with astuteness.

 Civic Instruction and Engagement

Advancing civic education and engagement is basic for building an

educated and dynamic citizenry. Governments ought to contribute in
instructive programs that educate citizens almost equitable values, the
political process, and their rights and duties. Empowering civic interest
through community gatherings, town lobby gatherings, and advanced
stages upgrades the association between citizens and their agents.

 Computerized Popular government and E-Governance

Leveraging innovation for political changes can upgrade

straightforwardness and citizen engagement. Governments ought to
contribute in e-governance activities, giving online stages for civic
interest, government administrations, and data dispersal. Computerized
devices can streamline authoritative forms, diminish debasement
dangers, and encourage coordinate communication between citizens and

 Protecting Press Flexibility

Guaranteeing a free and free media is significant for holding political

teach responsible. Governments ought to fortify press flexibility by
ensuring writers from badgering, guaranteeing media majority, and
abstaining from undue censorship. A dynamic and free press plays a
basic part in illuminating the open, revealing debasement, and providing
diverse points of view on political issues.

 Protected Changes

Returning to and overhauling constitutions can contribute to

modernizing political frameworks. Governments ought to consider
constitutional changes that address rising challenges, guarantee the
security of person rights, and advance equitable standards. This may
include re-evaluating the adjust of powers, overhauling electoral
provisions, and consolidating components for protected alterations in
reaction to advancing societal needs.

In conclusion, political changes are fundamental for the proceeded

advancement and reinforcing of majority rule administration. By tending
to these key areas—electoral framework changes, campaign back
changes, fortifying political responsibility, decentralization and
neighborhood administration, political party changes, fortifying the run
the show of law, civic instruction and engagement, advanced majority
rule government and e-governance, ensuring press flexibility, and
protected reforms—governments and partners can contribute to
building more straightforward, comprehensive, and responsive political
frameworks. These changes will not as it was cultivate open believe in
political educate but moreover guarantee that administration structures
are versatile and strong within the confront of advancing challenges.

12.Law and order policy reforms

Law and arrange approaches are principal to keeping up open security,
maintaining equity, and guaranteeing the generally well-being of
communities. Actualizing changes in law and arrange arrangements
requires a all encompassing approach, enveloping zones such as policing
procedures, criminal equity changes, community engagement, and the
utilize of innovation. In this comprehensive talk, we are going investigate
key regions where transformative changes can be presented to upgrade
law and arrange approaches.

 Community Policing and Trust-Building

Advancing community policing is fundamental for building believe

between law requirement offices and the communities they serve.
Governments ought to empower police officers to lock in with
communities proactively, cultivating positive connections and tending to
concerns collaboratively. Community policing emphasizes problem-
solving, wrongdoing anticipation, and community inclusion, making a
more comprehensive and responsive approach to keeping up law and

 Police Responsibility and Oversight

Guaranteeing police responsibility is basic for keeping up open believe

and avoiding manhandle of control. Governments ought to set up
autonomous oversight bodies with the specialist to explore and address
charges of unfortunate behavior. Straightforward announcing
components, body-worn cameras, and standard preparing on moral
conduct contribute to a culture of responsibility inside law authorization

 Criminal Equity Changes

Changing the criminal equity framework is basic for guaranteeing

reasonable and effective results. Governments ought to investigate
choices to imprisonment, such as preoccupation programs and helpful
equity hones. Executing evidence-based sentencing approaches and
tending to systemic disparities inside the criminal equity framework
contribute to a more fair and rehabilitative approach.

 Savvy Policing Innovations

Leveraging innovation for law requirement can upgrade productivity and

viability. Governments ought to contribute in shrewd policing
innovations, counting prescient analytics, observation frameworks, and
data-driven devices. Actualizing these advances can offer assistance law
requirement organizations designate assets more deliberately,
distinguish designs of criminal action, and react to episodes in a
convenient way.

 Mental Wellbeing Emergency Intercession

Tending to mental wellbeing emergencies requires a specialized

approach by law authorization. Governments ought to contribute in
preparing programs for police officers to handle mental wellbeing crises
with compassion and skill. Collaborating with mental wellbeing experts,
building up emergency mediation groups, and making redirection
programs for people with mental sicknesses can avoid superfluous
imprisonment and advance way better results for those in emergency.

 De-escalation Preparing

Giving de-escalation preparing for law requirement officers is vital for

avoiding the superfluous utilize of constrain. Governments ought to
contribute in preparing programs that educate officers successful
communication, struggle determination, and de-escalation strategies.
This proactive approach guarantees that law authorization reactions
prioritize non-violent resolutions, minimizing the chance of harm to both
officers and the open.

 Helpful Equity Programs

Actualizing helpful equity programs emphasizes restoration and

compromise over reformatory measures. Governments ought to set up
and grow programs that bring wrongdoers, casualties, and the
community together to address hurt, repair connections, and advance
responsibility. Remedial equity approaches contribute to a more
compassionate and community-oriented framework of dealing with

 Improving Cybersecurity Measures

As innovation advances, law and arrange approaches must adjust to

address rising cyber dangers. Governments ought to reinforce
cybersecurity measures to secure against cybercrime, counting character
burglary, extortion, and cyberattacks on basic foundation. Contributing in
innovation framework and giving law authorization with the vital devices
to examine and react to cybercrimes is basic for keeping up advanced

 Bias-Free Policing Arrangements

Combatting inclination in policing is pivotal for advancing break even

with treatment and building believe inside assorted communities.
Governments ought to actualize arrangements and preparing programs
that address verifiable predisposition and unfair hones. Standard
appraisals and reviews of law requirement exercises can offer assistance
distinguish and correct occasions of inclination, cultivating a more
impartial and fair approach to law enforcement.

 Collaborative Equity Activities

Empowering collaboration between law requirement, community

organizations, and other partners is fundamental for comprehensive
equity activities. Governments ought to encourage associations that
address the root causes of wrongdoing, such as destitution, instruction
abberations, and substance manhandle. Collaborative equity activities
advance a all encompassing approach to law and arrange, centering on
avoidance, mediation, and recovery.
In conclusion, transformative changes in law and arrange approaches
require a multifaceted and forward-thinking approach. By tending to
these key areas—community policing and trust-building, police
responsibility and oversight, criminal equity changes, savvy policing
innovations, mental wellbeing emergency intercession, de-escalation
preparing, helpful equity programs, upgrading cybersecurity measures,
bias-free policing arrangements, and collaborative equity initiatives—
governments and law requirement offices can contribute to building a
more secure, more fair, and versatile society. These changes not as it
were improve open security but moreover cultivate believe,
reasonableness, and community engagement inside the criminal equity
26th January 2024 – Republic Day parade

India is celebrating its 75th Republic Day today (26 January, Friday),
marking the adoption of the constitution on this day in 1950.
The constituent assembly held its first session in December 1946 and
the last session in November 1949, following which the constitution was
enacted a year later with Dr BR Ambedkar as the head of the drafting
The theme of this year's Republic Day is 'Viksit Bharat' and 'Bharat:
Loktantra ki Matruka', which symbolise the country's aspirations and its
role as the nurturer of democracy.

The Republic Day 2024 ceremony will start with the visit of Prime
Minister Narendra Modi to the National War Memorial, where he will
lead the nation in paying solemn tributes to the fallen heroes by laying
a wreath. Thereafter, the Prime Minister and other dignitaries will head
to the saluting dais at Kartavya Path to witness the parade.

Republic Day is celebrated with the President unfurling the national

flag, followed by spectacular military and cultural pageantry. President
Droupadi Murmu will hoist the national flag at 8 am at Kartavya Path

The Republic Day parade will commence at 10:30 am at Delhi's

Kartavya Path today. The parade will continue for around 90 minutes.

French President Emmanuel Macron is the chief guest at this year's

Republic Day Parade.For the first time, the parade will be heralded by
100 women artists playing Indian musical instruments. The parade
would commence with the music of Sankh, Naadswaram, Nagada,
etc. to be played by women artists. It will also witness the maiden
participation of an all-women Tri-Service contingent marching down
the Kartavya Path.

A 95-member marching contingent and a 33-member band contingent

from France will also take part in the parade. Around 13,000 special
guests have also been invited to witness the parade this year.A total
of 25 tableaux--16 states/UTs and nine ministries/departments--will
roll down the Kartavya Path during the parade. The States/UTs are--
Arunachal Pradesh, Haryana, Manipur, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha,
Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Ladakh,
Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Meghalaya, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and
Telangana. The ministries are-- Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of
External Affairs, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology,
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Ministry of Culture, Indian
Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Centre for Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR), Election Commission of India, and Central
Public Works Department (CPWD).

On 29 January, the Beating Retreat ceremony will be held at Vijay

Chowk. It is held annually on January 29 at Vijay Chowk and is a
centuries-old tradition that dates back to the early 1950s, when Major
Roberts of the Indian Army indigenously developed the unique
ceremony of display by the massed bands. It marks a centuries-old
military tradition when the troops ceased fighting, sheathed their arms,
withdrew from the battlefield, and returned to the camps at sunset at
the sound of the retreat.

On the evening of the Republic Day, the President of India confers

prestigious Padma Awards and Gallantry Awards to the respective
awardees. The Beating Retreat Ceremony is held on 29th January
and marks the conclusion of the Republic Day Celebrations.
(Article 246)

List I—Union List

1. Naval, military and air forces; any other armed forces of the Union.
2. Naval, military and air force works.
3. Arms, firearms, ammunition and explosives.
4. Atomic energy and mineral resources necessary for its production.
5. Central Bureau of Intelligence and Investigation.
6. Foreign affairs; all matters which bring the Union into relation withany
foreign country.
7. Diplomatic, consular and trade representation.
8. United Nations Organisation.
9. Participation in international conferences, associations and otherbodies
and implementing of decisions made thereat.
10.War and peace.
11.Foreign jurisdiction.
12.Citizenship, naturalisation and aliens.
14.Pilgrimages to places outside India.
16.Shipping and navigation on inland waterways, declared by Parliamentby
law to be national waterways, as regards mechanically propelled vessels;
the rule of the road on such waterways.
17.Lighthouses, including lightships, beacons and other provision forthe
safety of shipping and aircraft.
18.Ports declared by or under law made by Parliament or existing lawto be
major ports, including their delimitation, and the constitution and
powers of port authorities therein.
19.Airways; aircraft and air navigation; provision of aerodromes;regulation
and organisation of air traffic and of aerodromes; provision for
aeronautical education and training and regulation of such education
and training provided by States and other agencies.
20.Carriage of passengers and goods by railway, sea or air, or by
nationalwaterways in mechanically propelled vessels.
21.Posts and telegraphs; telephones, wireless, broadcasting and otherlike
forms of communication.
22.Courts of wards for the estates of Rulers of Indian States.
23.Public debt of the Union.
24.Currency, coinage and legal tender; foreign exchange.
25.Foreign loans.
26.Reserve Bank of India.
27.Post Office Savings Bank.
28.Lotteries organised by the Government of India or the Government ofa
29.Trade and commerce with foreign countries; import and export
acrosscustoms frontiers; definition of customs frontiers.
30.Inter-State trade and commerce.
32.Bills of exchange, cheques, promissory notes and other like instruments.
34.Stock exchanges and futures markets.
35.Patents, inventions and designs; copyright; trade-marks andmerchandise
36.Establishment of standards of weight and measure.
37.Regulation of mines and mineral development to the extent to
whichsuch regulation and development under the control of the Union is
declared by Parliament by law to be expedient in the public interest.
38.Regulation of labour and safety in mines and oilfields.
39.Regulation and development of inter-State rivers and river valleys tothe
extent to which such regulation and development under the control of
the Union is declared by Parliament by law to be expedient in the public
40.Fishing and fisheries beyond territorial waters.
41.Cultivation, manufacture, and sale for export, of opium.
42.Sanctioning of cinematograph films for exhibition.
43.Industrial disputes concerning Union employees.
44.Co-ordination and determination of standards in institutions for
highereducation or research and scientific and technical institutions.
45.Ancient and historical monuments and records, and archaeologicalsites
and remains, 1[declared by or under law made by Parliament] to be of
national importance.
46.The Survey of India, the Geological, Botanical, Zoological
andAnthropological Surveys of India; Meteorological organisations.
48.Union Public Service; All-India Services; Union Public ServiceCommission.
49.Union pensions, that is to say, pensions payable by the Governmentof
India or out of the Consolidated Fund of India.
50.Elections to Parliament, to the Legislatures of States and to the officesof
President and Vice-President; the Election Commission.
51.Salaries and allowances of members of Parliament, the Chairman
andDeputy Chairman of the Council of States and the Speaker and
Deputy Speaker of the House of the People.
52.Emoluments, allowances, privileges, and rights in respect of leave
ofabsence, of the President and Governors; salaries and allowances of
the Ministers for the Union; the salaries, allowances, and rights in
respect of leave of absence and other conditions of service of the
Comptroller and AuditorGeneral.
53.Audit of the accounts of the Union and of the States.
54.Extension of the powers and jurisdiction of members of a police
forcebelonging to any State to any area outside that State, but not so as
to enable the police of one State to exercise powers and jurisdiction in
any area outside that State without the consent of the Government of

1 Subs. by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956, s. 27, for “declared by Parliament by law”.
the State in which such area is situated; extension of the powers and
jurisdiction of members of a police force belonging to any State to
railway areas outside that State.
55.Inter-State migration; inter-State quarantine.
56.Taxes on income other than agricultural income.
57.Duties of customs including export duties.
58.Duties of excise on tobacco and other goods manufactured or
producedin India except—
a. alcoholic liquors for human consumption;
b. opium, Indian hemp and other narcotic drugs and narcotics,
59. Corporation tax.
60.Taxes on the capital value of the assets, exclusive of agricultural land,of
individuals and companies; taxes on the capital of companies.
61.Estate duty in respect of property other than agricultural land.
62.Duties in respect of succession to property other than agriculturalland.
63.Terminal taxes on goods or passengers, carried by railway, sea or
air;taxes on railway fares and freights.
64.Taxes other than stamp duties on transactions in stock exchangesand
futures markets.
65.Rates of stamp duty in respect of bills of exchange, cheques,promissory
notes, bills of lading, letters of credit, policies of insurance, transfer of
shares, debentures, proxies and receipts.
66.Taxes on the sale or purchase of newspapers and on
advertisementspublished therein.
67.2[92A. Taxes on the sale or purchase of goods other than newspapers,
where such sale or purchase takes place in the course of inter-State trade
or commerce.]
68.34[92B. Taxes on the consignments of goods (whether the consignment is
to the person making it or to any other person), where such
consignment takes place in the course of inter-State trade or commerce.]
69.*[92C. Taxes on services.]

2 Ins. by the Constitution (Sixth Amendment) Act, 1956, s. 2.

3 Ins. by the Constitution (Forty-sixth Amendment) Act, 1982, s. 5.
4 Ins. by the Constitution (Eighty-eighth Amendment) Act, 2003, s. 4 (which is yet not in force, date to be notified later on).
70.Offences against laws with respect to any of the matters in this List.
71.Inquiries, surveys and statistics for the purpose of any of the mattersin
this List.
72.Jurisdiction and powers of all courts, except the Supreme Court,
withrespect to any of the matters in this List; admiralty jurisdiction.
73.Fees in respect of any of the matters in this List, but not including
feestaken in any court.
74.Any other matter not enumerated in List II or List III including anytax not
mentioned in either of those Lists.

List II—State List

1. Public order (but not including 5[the use of any naval, military or air force
or any other armed force of the Union or of any other force subject to
the control of the Union or of any contingent or unit thereof] in aid of
the civil power).
1. [2. Police (including railway and village police) subject to the provisions
of entry 2A of List I.]
2. 7***Officers and servants of the High Court; procedure in rent and
revenue courts; fees taken in all courts except the Supreme Court.
3. Prisons, reformatories, Borstal institutions and other institutions of alike
nature, and persons detained therein; arrangements with other States
for the use of prisons and other institutions.
4. Local government, that is to say, the constitution and powers
ofmunicipal corporations, improvement trusts, districts boards, mining
settlement authorities and other local authorities for the purpose of
local selfgovernment or village administration.
5. Public health and sanitation; hospitals and dispensaries.
6. Pilgrimages, other than pilgrimages to places outside India.
7. Intoxicating liquors, that is to say, the production,
manufacture,possession, transport, purchase and sale of intoxicating
8. Relief of the disabled and unemployable.
9. Burials and burial grounds; cremations and cremation grounds.
5 Subs. by the Constitution (Forty-second Amendment) Act, 1976, s. 57, for certain words (w.e.f. 3-1-1977).
6 Subs. by the Constitution (Forty-second Amendment) Act, 1976, s. 57, for entry 2 (w.e.f. 3-1-1977).
7 Certain words omitted by s. 57, ibid. (w.e.f. 3-1-1977).
10.Libraries, museums and other similar institutions controlled orfinanced
by the State; ancient and historical monuments and records other than
those 8[declared by or under law made by Parliament] to be of national
11.Communications, that is to say, roads, bridges, ferries, and othermeans
of communication not specified in List I; municipal tramways; ropeways;
inland waterways and traffic thereon subject to the provisions of List I
and List III with regard to such waterways; vehicles other than
mechanically propelled vehicles.
12.Agriculture, including agricultural education and research,
protectionagainst pests and prevention of plant diseases.
13.Preservation, protection and improvement of stock and prevention
ofanimal diseases; veterinary training and practice.
14.Pounds and the prevention of cattle trespass.; land improvement and agricultural loans; colonization.
17.Industries subject to the provisions of 9[entries 7 and 52] of List I.
18.Gas and gas-works.
19.Trade and commerce within the State subject to the provisions ofentry
33 of List III.
20.Production, supply and distribution of goods subject to the provisionsof
entry 33 of List III.
21.Markets and fairs.
22.1* * * * *
23.Money-lending and money-lenders; relief of agricultural indebtedness.
24.Inns and inn-keepers.
25.Theatres and dramatic performances; cinemas subject to the
provisionsof entry 60 of List I; sports, entertainments and amusements.
26.Betting and gambling.

8 Subs. by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956, s. 27, for “declared by Parliament by law”.
9 Subs. by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956, s. 28, for “entry 52”.
27.Salaries and allowances of members of the Legislature of the State, ofthe
Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and, if there is a
Legislative Council, of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman thereof.
28.Powers, privileges and immunities of the Legislative Assembly andof the
members and the committees thereof, and, if there is a Legislative
Council, of that Council and of the members and the committees
thereof; enforcement of attendance of persons for giving evidence or
producing documents before committees of the Legislature of the State.
29.Salaries and allowances of Ministers for the State.
30.State public services; State Public Service Commission.
31.State pensions, that is to say, pensions payable by the State or out ofthe
Consolidated Fund of the State.
32.Public debt of the State.
33.Treasure trove.
34.Land revenue, including the assessment and collection of revenue,the
maintenance of land records, survey for revenue purposes and records
of rights, and alienation of revenues.
35.Taxes on agricultural income.
36.Duties in respect of succession to agricultural land.
37.Estate duty in respect of agricultural land.
38.Taxes on lands and buildings.
39.Taxes on mineral rights subject to any limitations imposed byParliament
by law relating to mineral development.
40.Taxes on the entry of goods into a local area for consumption, use orsale
41.Taxes on the consumption or sale of electricity.
42.Taxes on advertisements other than advertisements published in
thenewspapers 10[and advertisements broadcast by radio or television].
43.Taxes on goods and passengers carried by road or on inlandwaterways.
44.Taxes on vehicles, whether mechanically propelled or not, suitable foruse
on roads, including tramcars subject to the provisions of entry 35 of
45.List III.
10 Ins. by the Constitution (Forty–second Amendment) Act, 1976, s. 57 (w.e.f. 3-1-1977).
46.Taxes on animals and boats.
48.Taxes on professions, trades, callings and employments.
49.Capitation taxes.
50.Taxes on luxuries, including taxes on entertainments,
amusements,betting and gambling.
51.Rates of stamp duty in respect of documents other than those
specifiedin the provisions of List I with regard to rates of stamp duty.
52.Offences against laws with respect to any of the matters in this List.
53.Jurisdiction and powers of all courts, except the Supreme Court,
withrespect to any of the matters in this List.
54.Fees in respect of any of the matters in this List, but not including
feestaken in any court.

List III—Concurrent List

1. Criminal law, including all matters included in the Indian Penal Codeat
the commencement of this Constitution but excluding offences against
laws with respect to any of the matters specified in List I or List II and
excluding the use of naval, military or air forces or any other armed
forces of the Union in aid of the civil power.
2. Criminal procedure, including all matters included in the Code ofCriminal
Procedure at the commencement of this Constitution.
3. Marriage and divorce; infants and minors; adoption; wills, intestacyand
succession; joint family and partition; all matters in respect of which
parties in judicial proceedings were immediately before the
commencement of this Constitution subject to their personal law.
4. Transfer of property other than agricultural land; registration of
deedsand documents.
5. Contracts, including partnership, agency, contracts of carriage, andother
special forms of contracts, but not including contracts relating to
agricultural land.
6. Actionable wrongs.
7. Bankruptcy and insolvency.
8. Trust and Trustees.
9. Administrators-general and official trustees.
10.Evidence and oaths; recognition of laws, public acts and records,
andjudicial proceedings.
11.Civil procedure, including all matters included in the Code of
CivilProcedure at the commencement of this Constitution, limitation and
12.Contempt of court, but not including contempt of the Supreme Court.
13.Vagrancy; nomadic and migratory tribes.
14.Lunacy and mental deficiency, including places for the reception
ortreatment of lunatics and mental deficients.
15.Prevention of cruelty to animals.
16.1[17A. Forests.
17.17B. Protection of wild animals and birds.]
18.Adulteration of foodstuffs and other goods.
19.Drugs and poisons, subject to the provisions of entry 59 of List I
withrespect to opium.
20.Economic and social planning.
21.1[20A. Population control and family planning.]
22.Commercial and industrial monopolies, combines and trusts.
23.Trade unions; industrial and labour disputes.
24.Social security and social insurance; employment and unemployment.
25.Legal, medical and other professions.
26.Vital statistics including registration of births and deaths.
27.Ports other than those declared by or under law made by Parliamentor
existing law to be major ports.
28.Shipping and navigation on inland waterways as regardsmechanically
propelled vessels, and the rule of the road on such waterways, and the
carriage of passengers and goods on inland waterways subject to the
provisions of List I with respect to national waterways.
29.Price control.
30.Mechanically propelled vehicles including the principles on whichtaxes
on such vehicles are to be levied.
34.Newspapers, books and printing presses.
35.Archaeological sites and remains other than those 11[declared by or
under law made by Parliament] to be of national importance.
36.12[42. Acquisition and requisitioning of property.]
37.Recovery in a State of claims in respect of taxes and other
publicdemands, including arrears of land-revenue and sums recoverable
as such arrears, arising outside that State.
38.Stamp duties other than duties or fees collected by means of
judicialstamps, but not including rates of stamp duty.
39.Inquiries and statistics for the purposes of any of the matters specifiedin
List II or List III.
40.Jurisdiction and powers of all courts, except the Supreme Court,
withrespect to any of the matters in this List.
41.Fees in respect of any of the matters in this List, but not including
feestaken in any court.

11 Subs. by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956, s. 27, for “declared by Parliament by law”.
12 Subs. by s. 26, ibid., for entry 42.

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