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Next-Generation Sequencing: Current Technologies and Applications

Chapter · July 2019

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-06088-6_39


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2 authors:

Srinivas Dwarakanath Harsh Deora

National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences


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Next-Generation Sequencing:
Current Technologies 39
and Applications

Dwarakanath Srinivas and Harsh Deora

Abbreviations HMP Working Group et al. 2009; Huttenhower

et al. 2012). Although fungi contribute less than
ALS Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 0.1% of the total microbiome, they contribute a
CNS Central nervous system major role in the various physiological and path-
HMP Human Microbiome Project ological processes of the body.
ITS Internal transcribed spacer More importantly, etiological diagnosis of
MetaHIT Metagenomics of the Human Intestinal inflammatory disorders of the central nervous
Tract system (CNS) is a major challenge, with more
NGS Next-generation sequencing than 50% cases going undiagnosed (Glaser et al.
SNP Single-nucleotide polymorphism 2006). Next-generation sequencing (NGS) and
metagenomics provide information regarding not
only the transcriptome of the human tissue but
39.1 Introduction also of the microbiome that resides in it (Salzberg
et al. 2016). 16s rRNA gene-based pathogen
The human body, apart from human cells, is com- identification is exclusive to prokaryotes, and
posed of microbial flora, which plays an impor- hence deep sequencing of the total DNA or RNA
tant role in various physiological processes, has been utilized to detect even the rarest patho-
called as the human microbiome (Zoll et al. gens present in the microbiome (Wylie et al.
2016). Population-scale projects such as the 2013).
Human Microbiome Project (HMP) and the
Metagenomics of the Human Intestinal Tract
(MetaHIT) project have provided a glimpse into 39.2 Current Technologies
the microbial composition of different mucosa,
like the skin, the gastrointestinal tract, the respi- NGS involves sequencing of the entire microbi-
ratory tract, and the urogenital tract (The NIH ome of the sample. The application of NGS is
still in infancy when it comes to clinical mycol-
D. Srinivas (*) ogy. However, giant strides are being made in
Department of Neurosurgery, National Institute of mycology research that may soon translate into
Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), its application to routine diagnostic mycology.
Bangalore, India
H. Deora
National Institute of Mental Health and
Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, India

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 471

M. Turgut et al. (eds.), Fungal Infections of the Central Nervous System,
472 D. Srinivas and H. Deora

39.3 Clinical Mycology analysis and SNPs are commonly used, ribo-
somal ITS and whole genome sequencing are the
In addition to data obtained from population-scale most sensitive in distinguishing various fungal
projects such as HNP and MetaHIT, Bittinger pathogens (Araujo 2014; Dannemiller et al.
et al. has demonstrated that the relative proportion 2014). Decker et al. showed that a NGS-based
of bacteria and mycobiota in the lung can be used diagnostic approach was the best in patients with
to differentiate infection from colonization septic shock. They also demonstrated that inva-
(Bittinger et al. 2014). However, fungal species siveness mycoses could be distinguished from
constitute only 0.1–1% of the human microbiome colonization, thus indicating the need for antifun-
and even less so in the CNS. This would imply that gal therapy (Decker et al. 2017). Alonso et al.
a level of 1012–1014 nucleotides per sequencing run suggested that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
per sample is required to even detect subspecies of (ALS) may be a fungal disease and demonstrated
the fungi. This means that current available a variety of fungal species in each case of ALS
sequencers such as Illumina Miseq, Ion Torrent with the help of NGS. They even suggest that
PGM, and HiSeq are far from the desired sensitiv- severity and evolution of the disease may vary
ity required to diagnose fungal infections. from patient to patient in accordance with the
Using mycobiomes obtained by sequencing fungal species (Alonso et al. 2017).
only amplicons of internal transcribed spacer Azole resistance has been demonstrated in
(ITS) of the fungal ribosomal genes, using fungal infections including itraconazole, voricon-
­platforms like Illumina NextSeq, it may be possi- azole, posaconazole, and isavuconazole, espe-
ble to extract information in clinical samples. This cially after long antifungal azole treatment (Bueid
would provide a relative composition of the micro- et al. 2010; Lockhart et al. 2011; Howard et al.
biological flora and thus provide an opportunity 2009; Snelders et al. 2008; Verweij et al. 2009a).
for application to clinical mycology. Especially in Mechanisms include efflux pumps, which reduce
the CNS, the relative proportion of fungi would intracellular drug concentration, increased azole
also give an indication of the severity of the fungal target enzyme production, and adaptation of tar-
infection. Salzberg et al. in a prospective pilot get site of demethylases active in sterol synthetic
study applied NGS in combination with computa- pathways. Forward and reverse genetic approaches
tional analysis to detect the presence of pathogenic have demonstrated genes involved in Cryptococcus
microbes in brain and spinal cord biopsies from neoformans life cycle. Ianiri and Idnurm evalu-
ten patients with findings suggestive of infection ated 35 genes required for viability in ascomyce-
but clinical and microbiological studies yielding tes and drug resistance, demonstrating genes
inconclusive results (Salzberg et al. 2016). They involved in ergosterol biosynthetic pathway
were able to detect infectious processes in eight of (Ianiri and Idnurm 2015). Similarly, Candida iso-
the ten cases, thus providing evidence that NGS lates resistant to azoles have shown mutations in
can dramatically improve our ability to detect or genes involved in formation of demethylases and
rule out a wide range of CNS pathogens. This is efflux pumps (Garnaud et al. 2015).
especially applicable to cases where conventional Aspergillus fumigatus is an opportunistic fun-
microbiology has been negative or takes too much gus causing a variety of diseases in immuno-­
time to be clinically viable (Salzberg et al. 2016). compromised hosts, including invasive
aspergillosis. Azole resistance is widespread in
this species with resistant species being isolated
39.4 Research Mycology form the environment (Snelders et al. 2009;
Verweij et al. 2009b). Insight into the methods of
NGS has been used frequently for research pur- azole resistance in this group has been investi-
poses. Options include single-nucleotide poly- gated with the help of whole genome sequencing
morphisms (SNPs), microsatellite analysis, on isolated strains of Aspergillus from patients
amplicon sequencing of ribosomal ITS, and with long-term azole resistance. Elucidated mech-
whole genome sequencing. While microsatellite anism points to mutations in Cyp51 A protein.
39 Next-Generation Sequencing: Current Technologies and Applications 473

Cyp51 A protein is a demethylase involved in stress and is regulated with epigenetic mecha-
ergosterol synthesis which is a component of the nisms like DNA hydroxylation-methylation.
fungal cellular wall and the main substrate for Cytosine methylation or hydroxylation can be
demethylase inhibitors like azoles (Latgé 1999). studied by the chemical conversion using bisul-
Mutations like amino acid substitution including fate of cytosine into uracil.
G54A, P216L, M220V, Y121F, and duplication Computational analysis along with NGS is
of 34 and 46 bp nucleotides in the promoter powerful tool to study/diagnose fungal infec-
region of CYP51A gene have been found to be tions. Transcriptome analysis studies gene
responsible for azole resistance. While former expression by growing fungal cells after messen-
mutations are just a marker for azole resistance, ger RNA are extracted from cells and sequenced
duplication in the promoter region leads to after conversion to complementary DNA. Thus,
increase in Cyp51 A protein synthesis. the relative abundance of messenger RNA grown
Other more obscure mechanisms have been after and before exposure to azoles provides evi-
reported. Camps et al. reported four Aspergillus dence to the change in gene expression because
fumigatus isolates in which two species devel- of these compounds.
oped azole resistance after prolonged therapy and Thus, while whole genome sequencing over-
could not be explained by Cyp51 A protein muta- comes much of the limitations of currently
tions (Camps et al. 2012). They followed these available sequencers like Illumina NextSeq and
changes with Whole genome sequencing of the HiSeq and provides insight into mechanisms of
isogenic Aspergillus fumigatus species and azole resistance, transcriptome analysis and
revealed several non-synonymous mutations. To DNA methylation provide proof of gene expres-
correlate mutations with phenotypes, sexual sion changes with azole exposure. These are the
crossing experiments were done on the progeny tools currently available for research in
of azole resistance phenotype. These revealed mycology.
that azole resistance was associated with a P88L
amino acid substitution in the CCAAT-­binding
transcription factor complex subunit HapE. Also, 39.5 Conclusion
the HapE P88L mutation caused an increased
CYP51A gene expression thus causing Accuracy, speed, and sensitivity are the USP of
resistance. NGS. It is especially valuable in fungal infec-
Similar study done by Fraczek et al. in tions as these are notoriously difficult to grow in
Aspergillus fumigatus species lacking Cyp51 A culture and thus offer “culture-independent”
mutation revealed 20 potential azole transporter mechanisms of diagnosis. In addition, these offer
genes (Fraczek et al. 2013). In one, CYP51A similar if not better information considering the
expression was increased 500 times in the pres- application of NGS to detect azole resistance,
ence of azoles. Others demonstrated an increase distinguishing infection and colonization and
in CDR1B efflux transporter gene and in one out guiding treatment. Thus, “next” generation needs
of five isolates, a P216L amino acid substitution to be incorporated to current diagnostic
was found in Cyp51A in conjunction with several methodologies.
other non- synonymous mutations and deletions
of clusters of genes (Hagiwara et al. 2014). These
authors thus concluded that the cdr1B efflux
transporter is associated with Cyp51A-­
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