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Global Warming Essay In English

Crafting an essay on the subject of global warming in English can be both challenging and
rewarding. The difficulty lies not only in presenting factual information about the phenomenon but
also in addressing its complex implications on a global scale. To create a comprehensive and
compelling essay, one must delve into scientific data, understand the socio-economic aspects, and
explore potential solutions.

Navigating through the vast amount of information available requires careful research and critical
analysis to sift through reliable sources and discern accurate data. The intricate nature of climate
science demands a solid grasp of concepts such as greenhouse gases, rising temperatures, and their
impacts on ecosystems. Communicating these complex ideas in a clear and accessible manner is a
crucial aspect of crafting an effective essay.

Additionally, addressing the global nature of the issue requires a nuanced understanding of
international relations and cooperation. Exploring the socio-economic dimensions of global warming
involves delving into topics like environmental justice, economic disparities, and the role of different
nations in contributing to or mitigating climate change.

Furthermore, proposing viable solutions and encouraging individual and collective action adds
another layer of complexity to the essay. This involves researching and presenting innovative
technologies, policy recommendations, and behavioral changes necessary to combat global warming

In conclusion, while writing an essay on global warming in English can be challenging due to the
need for scientific accuracy, comprehensive understanding, and effective communication, it is also an
opportunity to contribute to the discourse on a critical issue that affects the entire planet.

For assistance with essays on this topic or others, you may explore resources such as , where similar essays and more can be ordered to aid in your academic endeavors.
Global Warming Essay In EnglishGlobal Warming Essay In English
Earthquake Informative Speech Outline
Outline Worksheet

TOPIC: How to survive and prepare for an earthquake.


SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To inform the audience on how to prepare for an earthquake.

PRIMARY AUDIENCE OUTCOME (I want my audience to...): I want my audience to

gain knowledge so they themselves can use the information I presented to prepare for an

THESIS STATEMENT (A single declarative statement that captures the essence/theme of

the speech): Surviving from a major earthquake can be rather simple if you prepare.



Have you noticed the amount of natural disasters that have occurred lately? Recently,
natural disasters have been happening such as hurricane Harvey, Irma, and the 7.1
magnitude earthquake Mexico experienced. Sadly, California could be next to be hit
from an earthquake.

Purpose (state specific purpose, relate topic to audience and establish credibility):

California is due to be hit by an earthquake with an high magnitude of 8.0 comparable to

the 1906 San Francisco 7.6 earthquake.

State Thesis Main Points:

Today I will inform the audience on how to survive a major earthquake coming to


I. MAIN POINT (state as a single declarative sentence): Before an earthquake, ensure the
safety of your house.
A. SUBPOINT: Look over the structure of the house. 1. Find the weakness points of your
Yayoi Kusama s Rtistic Identity
I first became attracted to Yayoi Kusama s work when I came upon a 1966 photograph of
Kusama modeling on her own installation with painted dots covering her body. The
photograph communicated what seemed to be a special message that fascinated me; I
was curious about what symbolism the polka dots express and what connotations
Kusama was intending to reveal by paintingrepetitive tessellations. I was instantly drawn
to the manner in which Kusama dresses in the fashion of her own endless imagination; it
seemed that Kusama s body and art have merged into one creative entity, softening the
variance between the artist and the art piece. In short, the photograph inspired me in
discovering Kusuma s history, analyzing her art pieces, and contemplating my... Show
more content on ...
By analyzing the history of Kusama, a fundamental explanation or motive for the themes
of Kusama s art can be gleaned. Yayoi Kusama was born in 1929 in Matsumoto, Japan
during a tumultuous time of economic crises. The Japanese population was extremely
oppressed by the Japanese military as the Great Depression reached Japan. Kusama
began to express enthusiasm in making art as she began exhibiting her work in her
teens; however, her family was not supportive of her interest and tried to influence her
towards a conventional path of becoming a traditional Japanese housewife. Kusama s
relationship with her family, and especially the relationship with her mother, was a
contributing factor to her anger against any kind of political and social oppression.
Kusama s mother was a disciplinarian figure in the family and tried to force her
daughter to follow traditional gender roles, which disregarded Kusama s aspiration of
professionally pursuing art. However, Kusama s creative ambitions were not curtailed by
her family s conflicting interests or the demanding work called upon her following the
outbreak of World War Two.
A Summary Of Sherman Alexie
Sherman Alexie had a different mindset than the other Indian kids on the reservation.
He was smart and arrogant with the mindset and discipline to the refusal to fail. His
will not be put into the stereotype set by the non Indian world around him. He would
not be denied the opportunity to better his future despite the hatred that he
experienced on a daily basis. To guarantee that he would not fail he began reading at
any given point in time he had. He would read before and after class, before and after
bed, etc. etc. At any given time Sherman Alexie would read anything Green 2 that had
words and paragraphs. He read everything from novels that his father brought home all
the way up to cereal boxes with words. To some growing up on a reservation with no
education, the ones who do receive a formal education or tea themselves are often
looked down upon by the other Indians. They look at them as if they are dangerous to
the society because they are more advanced and skilled than they are. Sherman Alexie
often had issues in school with some of the other kids because of this skill that he
possessed. Alexie appeals to the audience and builds his credibility by describing where
he comes from. Alexie is an Indian who spent his youth facing childhood on an Indian
reservation in Spokane Washington. He discusses how poor his family was and how
they, lived on a combination of irregular paychecks, hope, fear, and government surplus
food. (14) He says this to demonstrate that he didn t
Ww1 Heroism
The site makes a point that no matter who you are, you can be a hero. The site does not
only focus on Patch however, he is an example of how acts of heroism will be honored
by many people, the site also focused on every person that participated in WW1. The
overall goal of the website was to demonstrate that no matter where you come from or
what you have been through you can be a hero, you can be the bigger person and make a
change. In a war you have to work together and watch each other s backs. You have to
be able to trust the people are your side and be there for them as well. All you need to
do is be brave and be able to take a stand. Everyone in life as the chance to be a hero,
when you get that chance you should take it and show the people around you that it is
possible to make a difference. It does not matter if you are a man or a women, it matters
if you are brave and take the initiative. You can be the one to inspire others to do the
same.... Show more content on ...
The images depict ordinary people fighting in war and women providing nursery to
the soldiers demonstrates in order to be a hero one does not need to have
extraordinary powers or had be send by God but it can be anyone. The section that
contains paintings of men and women who participated in battles/wars. Most of them
are leaders and commanders but shockingly there is also paintings of nurses and
cookers that contributed to WW1 not by fighting but by curing those who got injured
while fighting or providing meals to the soldiers. That breaks the gender stereotype of
who can be a hero since one would expect that only men can become heroes but visual
images and the audio prove the
The Lasting Effects of the Hugo Chávez Regime Essay
In today s world, a leader of a country has an immense power. That person can either
wisely nurture the nation he or she has sworn to guide, or be responsible for the steps
backward that country will be doomed to take at the end of their rule. There is no in
between. Venezuela, a South American country that has a coastline on the Caribbean
Sea, is a prime example of this truth. Venezuelais an oil rich country that suffers from a
multitude of problems created by previous governments, most notably the Chávez
regime. Under Chávez s rule, the country was guided down a devastating and highly
controversial path (Rohter). Although this oil rich nation had been lead by flawed
leaders before, Hugo Chávez was the man who is ultimately responsible... Show more
content on ...
When Carlos Andres Pérez was elected president in 1988, he vowed to return the
country to its former glory. So, Pérez raised domestic petroleum prices (Golinger 24).
This resulted in the Caracazo, a massive violent event that left thousands of people
dead (Golinger 24). Despite this unrest, Venezuela s economy was growing at the
highest rate in the Americas (Golinger 24). But, income inequalities further widened,
and poverty and malnutrition became worsening issues (Golinger 24). Growing
unrest in Venezuela during the early 1990s would ultimately lead to a failed coup
attempt. The man behind this coup was Hugo Chávez. With the backing of his fellow
paratroop regiment members, Chávez embarked on an attempt to throw President
Pérez out of office permanently (Rodrigues). On February 4th, 1992, military rebels
launched an attack based in the western cities of Valencia, Maracaibo, and Maracaibo
(The New York Times). During the attacks, a state governor was abducted by the
rebels (The New York Times). In an attempt to take over the presidential palace, an
army tank repeatedly pounded one of the palace doors (The New York Times). After
troops still aligned with the government stifled the coup, 133 officers and 953 soldiers
were arrested (The New York Times). However, Hugo Chávez was still able to make an
impression on the Venezuelan public,

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