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Essay My Ambition

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Essay My Ambition" may seem deceptively simple at first glance,
but delving into the intricacies of one's aspirations can pose a significant challenge. The difficulty lies
not only in expressing one's ambitions but also in articulating them in a way that captivates the
reader. It requires a delicate balance between self-reflection, creativity, and the ability to weave a
compelling narrative.

Firstly, introspection becomes a critical aspect of the process. Unraveling the layers of one's
ambitions requires a deep dive into personal goals, passions, and the underlying motivations. This
introspective journey can be both enlightening and challenging, as it demands a genuine and
authentic portrayal of one's aspirations.

Furthermore, the challenge extends to the need for creativity in articulating these ambitions. A mere
list of goals is insufficient; the essay should be a tapestry of words that paints a vivid picture of the
dreamer's future. It calls for the use of metaphors, anecdotes, and descriptive language to bring the
ambitions to life, making them relatable and inspiring for the reader.

Navigating the fine line between confidence and humility also poses a challenge. Expressing
ambition without sounding arrogant requires careful consideration of language and tone. Striking this
balance is crucial to maintaining the reader's engagement and credibility.

Moreover, structuring the essay in a coherent and logical manner is another hurdle. The narrative
should flow seamlessly, guiding the reader through the journey of ambition in a way that is easy to
follow and comprehend. This organization of thoughts demands meticulous planning and revision.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of personal ambition is a demanding task that goes
beyond a mere expression of goals. It involves introspection, creativity, and effective communication
skills. The challenge lies in weaving a narrative that is both authentic and captivating, engaging the
reader on a personal level. The process demands time, effort, and a keen awareness of the delicate
balance between confidence and humility.

For those who find themselves grappling with the complexities of such essays, it's worth noting that
assistance is available. Similar essays, tailored to individual preferences and requirements, and
covering a wide range of topics, can be ordered through platforms like , providing
a valuable resource for those seeking support in their writing endeavors.
Essay My Ambition Essay My Ambition
Immigration Patterns In Australia Essay
To provide a context for this study, it is necessary to understand Australia s changing
immigration patterns. From its earliest occupation, Australia has attracted immigrants
globally, Australia has had a long history of immigration since the first European
settlement in the 1700s. People from all parts of the world have brought with them, their
cultures, customs and languages (Creswell, 2004).

Western Australia is the fastest growing state in Australia and the dynamics of this
population change now corroborates that the number of immigrants have excelled the
number of natural births. Current census data (Australian Bureau of Statistics) for 2013
2014 shows that even though the net overseas migration for Australia (212,700 ... Show
more content on ...
(2004) Immigrant Status and Home Language Background:Implications for Australian
Student Performance in PISA 2000. Australian Council for Educational Research Ltd.
De Klerk, V. Barkhuizen, G. (2009) Pre emigration reflections: Afrikaans speakers
Moving to New Zealand. South African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 22:3
4, 99 109.
Philipp, A. Ho, E. (2010) Migration, Home and Belonging: South African Migrant
Women in Hamilton, New Zealand. New Zealand Population Review, 36: 81 101.
Smith, P. (November, 2001) Long walk to Kiwidom. Metro 58 64.
Statistics Australia (2015) On WWW at Accessed
Tannenbaum, M Howie, P. (2002) The association between language maintenanceand
family relations: Chinese immigrant children in Asutralia. Journal ofMultilingual and
Multicultural Development 23, 408 424.
Vygotsky, L.S. (1978) Mind In Society: The development of higher
psychologicalprocesses. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Zelinsky, W. Lee, Barrett A. (1998) Heterolocalism: An Alternative Model of the
Sociospatial Behaviour of Immigrant Ethnic Communities. International Journal of
Population Geography 4,
The Negative Impacts Of The Reformation
The Reformation was perhaps the greatest religious movement in Christ since the early
church. It revived the Biblical and New Testament thoeological studies. b) a negative
effect of the reformation could be the disunity of the church. When the church was all
one, we at least had some since of fellowship. But now, all of the churches have their
own little groups and we condemn other churches for not being the same as your
denomination. We should all come together as a body of Christ and unify instead of
break apart. c) Although Christians can believe indifferent doctrines, the way we serve
God doesn t necessarily matter if you believe he died for your sins. If we can come
together and can be unified in our faith, then I believe Christ will expand to different
people. Also, if you have faith, then you should have unity, and vise versa. d) There is a
time for division in the body of Christ. When a church group is denying scripture and,
after being confronted, still continues their same practice, then it is time to break
fellowship with that group. This has happened with the Metropolitan Community Church
denomination which openly advocates the support of homosexuality. Also, there is an
Evangelical Lutheran church that is thinking about accepting homosexual relationships
into church. At this point it is ok to draw the line and say enough is enough. e) Tolerance
has to do with permitting and allowing, and putting up with, while love is active and has
to do with concern for
Perfectionism In The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien is one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century. His works
are greatly influential in modern times. Certain character traits allowed him to expand his
intelligence and write the works he has created. The to main character traits that were the
greatest part of Tolkien were his perfectionism and the fact that he is outgoing.
Tolkiens perfectionism made it so that he would constantly revise anything that he is
writing until he was satisfied. One example of Tolkien s perfectionism would be after
he wrote the main part of Lord of the Rings and it is said that, Yet even now he did not
finish. He revised, niggled, and corrected earlier chapters, spending so much time at it
that his colleagues came to regard him as lost to philology (203) Even after Tolkien
was done revising the main work and showed it to the publishers he would continue to
revises it and go through the entire story again and again. He revised the work for
several months before it began to be published and printed. Another example of his
perfectionism would be after he got a publishing deal for The Hobbit and ... he decided
that he ought to make substantial revisions to several parts of the book, for he had let the
... Show more content on ...
He would even do this after the original work he submitted was approved. A final
example of Tolkien s perfectionism would be after he retired and began to work on The
Silmarillion again and it is said
The Theory Of Folk Psychology
Eliminative materialism (eliminativism) is an ontologically radical approach that claims
that a matured cognitive science will show that mental states that common sense takes
for granted, such as beliefs, do not exist (or do not have referents). Instead, it claims that
these mental entities are theoretical terms for the false theory of folk psychology
(common sense psychology), which can be defined as the cognitive ability to explain and
predict the behaviour and mental state of other people. In essence, the theory aims to
discredit folk psychology by claiming that people will discover that there is no neural
basis to mental entities and thus, they are non existent. I shall argue that there are
significant fundamental flaws to both the arguments for eliminativism about
propositional attitudes and eliminativism about qualia (subjective experience). For the
former, I will argue that the eliminative materialist s theory theory is flawed and show
that propositions alone can discredit the position on philosophy of mind. This will lead to
identifying the position as self refuting. Furthermore, I will show that science itself has
proven simulation theory to be true so that I can discredit eliminative materialism. For
the latter, I will argue that qualia exist due to introspection. Combined, the deconstruction
of eliminative materialism with regards to propositional attitudeand qualia will show that
the materialist position is flawed and should not be agreed with.

Sellars first

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