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Essays About College Education

Crafting an essay on the theme of "Essays About College Education" presents a unique set of
challenges. Firstly, the subject itself is broad and multifaceted, encompassing various aspects such as
the importance of higher education, the challenges students face, the impact of college on personal
and professional development, and the evolving landscape of education in the modern world.
Navigating through these diverse components requires careful research, thoughtful analysis, and a
comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Moreover, discussing college education involves delving into statistical data, historical perspectives,
and sociocultural contexts, demanding a meticulous approach to gather relevant information. The
writer must strike a balance between presenting factual information and weaving a compelling
narrative that engages the reader.

Expressing original thoughts and insights is another hurdle. With countless essays on the same topic,
finding a unique angle or perspective that adds value to the existing discourse becomes crucial. It
calls for creativity and critical thinking to avoid clichés and contribute something meaningful to the

Organizing the essay poses yet another challenge. The structure needs to be coherent, with a well-
defined introduction, body paragraphs that flow logically, and a conclusion that ties everything
together. Juggling these elements while maintaining clarity and cohesion requires careful planning
and revision.

Furthermore, striking the right tone is essential. The essay should be informative yet engaging,
scholarly yet accessible, striking a balance that appeals to a diverse audience. Achieving this
equilibrium necessitates a deep understanding of the target audience and an ability to tailor the
language and style accordingly.

In conclusion, composing an essay on "Essays About College Education" is undeniably demanding.

It demands thorough research, creative thinking, careful organization, and a nuanced approach to
effectively convey the complexities of the subject. Despite these challenges, the process can be
rewarding as it allows the writer to explore the multifaceted nature of higher education and
contribute valuable insights to the ongoing dialogue.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing needs, various resources
are available, including online writing services like . These platforms provide
support in crafting well-researched and expertly written essays on a wide array of topics.
Essays About College Education Essays About College Education
The Bride Price By Bunchi Emecheta
The Bride Price is a novel written by Nigerian writer Bunchi Emecheta, which addresses
the problems of women in post colonial Nigeria. Published in 1976, it illustrates the life
of the Odia family and the hardships that they go through. Bunchi Emecheta is successful
in portraying the difficulties that women faced in that time and place. The protagonist,
Aku nna Odia, is an unmarried teenage girl who is kidnapped by Okoboshi Obidi s family
and forced to marry him. Later in the novel, she is rescued by Chike, a man that she
falls in love with and marries. She is not supposed to be with Chike because it is
shameful to her family because he is a descendent of slaves. Aku Nna later dies in
childbirth and Chike is left with his baby, Joy. One of her last statements is that only
in death will she win her freedom. Although this novel is a fictional story, Emecheta
weaves in semi autobiographical elements and situations. She illustrates the theme of
male dominance and women compliance to men. The men in Nigerian societies are
expected to be strong and powerful, while the women are expected to be the opposite.
The men act as the head of the family as they are the ones who make all the money and
decisions. Women on the other hand were demanded to give birth to healthy males and
do household work. In the novel, Ezekiel Odia, the father of the Odia family, works a
full time job at the Loco Yard and when he dies his family is left to fend for themselves.
In this culture, it is
Personal Ethical View Point
Even though I do not always speak up when I know something is wrong, I have a
strong code of personal ethics because I believe loyalty, honesty, and above all, respect
for others will guide me to make me the proper ethical decisions throughout my life. I
feel that I am a very loyal person. I believe that I am easy to get along with and can
make friends without effort. Once I make friends, I have them for life. I have always
prided myself on supporting decisions that my friends and family make, even if I know
they are a mistake. Who am I to correct anyone s actions? I understand the importance of
making mistakes, so we can learn from them.
Along with loyalty, I pride myself on having great fortitude. I am not easily swayed in my
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Again, even though I do not always speak up when I know something is wrong, I have a
strong code of personal ethics because I believe loyalty, honesty, and above all, respect
for others will guide me to make me the proper ethical decisions throughout my life.
How might you use your personal ethics to determine a course of action? I have an
example in which my personal ethics were greatly tested. When I was still working as an
Assistant Security Director, the head Security Director was a very harsh, uncaring,
pushy type of a person. He often treated all of his employees very poorly. He called
everyone awful names. Once an employee had made a mistake within their job duties,
my boss would forever hold that over their heads and often referred to those employees
as his retards. He would even introduce them to other people that were hired into our
department as retard # 1, 2, amp; 3. On a daily basis, I would watch our most manly men
come into the security office with their head held high, only to watch them leave feeling
less of a man, and their heads hung low. My boss would also make sexual remarks to
all the female security officers and I know it made them feel very uncomfortable. The
Security Director knew that what he was doing was terribly wrong, because he
The Rational Decision Making Model
Sometimes the hardest things in life are the very things that we do the most. All of
these things, both small and large require a process that is commonly referred to as
the decision making process. Decisions make up every aspect of our daily lives that is
remotely imaginable. One of the most common decision making model is called the,
rational decision making model. The first step in the model is to construe the problem
or the actual decision to be made. Then, you will identify the information needed for
the process to go forth. After that, you will weigh out all of your possible solutions.
After that you will need to heavily consider all the possible outcomes from each
decision that you have available. Finally the easiest step, to say the least is actually
making the decision and choosing a solution. As you can see this model is very basic.
For every decision to be made, it will be very helpful of you to follow these five simple
steps, for a more level headed decision. However with every good thing in life,
everything you will come across will have a down side. A rational decision model
presupposes that there is one best outcome. Because of this it is sometimes called an
optimizing decision making model. The search for perfection is frequently a factor in
actually delaying making a decision. (unknown; rational decision making models)
Another deem worthy model is the seven step decision making model. First of all you
have to define the decision that is to be made. This
Admire My Mother
Maybelys Avalos
Oct.26, 2017
My Abuela, Nory

Let me tell you about wonderful women that not only raised me but my mother. This
person is someone I admire and hope to be like her someday. My Abuela, Nory touched
the heart and soul of everyone that met her, but none more so than me. She has always
been there for me and my family. My Abuela has taught me many valuable things in life
and hopefully, she will continue to do that. Nory is important to me because she knows
how to cook, she knows how to have fun, and she s the most confident person I have
ever seen.

First of all, Nory is an exceptional chef. We all know how amazing a grandma can
cook especially if she s Hispanic. They know the recipes from the old world and can
recreate them perfectly. When we try to copy their masterpieces we find that we still
fall short. No one can measure up to my grandma. This 5 foot 3, 65 year old beast of a
woman can make you taste heaven in every meal that she prepares. I have always loved
baking but I found it fascinated when I would watch my grandma cook. She always has
more than two shoves one plus the rice cooker and the microwave. If you have ever seen
how busy a five star restaurant kitchen is on a weekend then I m sure you can picture just
how busy the kitchen is, except in this case its only one master chef. Her short auburn
hair is all over the place, the sweat on her face shows just how much she has worked and
you can never forget her signature mismatched socks. The best
Lobster Industry
In Where Have All the Exploiters Gone? Co Management of the Maine Lobster
Industry , author James M. Acheson validates Garret Hardin s logic in Tragedy of the
Commons that property rights do in fact help conserve resources. Acheson also refutes
basic principles set forth by Hardin that users of open access resources have no vested
interest in preserving resources over the long term and are unable to generate regulating
The Maine Lobster fisherman have developed a widely used and accepted territorial
system for regulating access to lobster fishing grounds on the coast of Maine. The system
is an informal system that it is not legislatively created or mandated, but is communally
imposed and enforced by the local fishing communities ... Show more content on ...
The fisherman strongly believed that the notching process during culling, which made
the sexually proven females off limits and illegal to harvest in the future, helped in the
conservation efforts and ensured those proven breeding females would be returned to the
waters. There they would be legally protected to continue breeding without danger of
being harvested in the future. Studies validated the local fishermen s theory that females
in the population showing spawned eggs were statistically more likely to breed again and
consequently would increase the egg stock in the waters and health of the lobster
populations. The Department of Marine Resources felt that the notching of the females
created conditions for infection of the females at the notch location. However, the
Department yielded at the insistence of the fishermen. There was evidence provided that
the practice was in fact helping the conservation effort. In addition, there was much
discussion between the groups of the effectiveness of conservation efforts such as
minimum harvest size, trap limits, licenses and escape vents on traps. The lobster
fishermen actively participated in the decision making process and worked through their
own lobbying efforts to guide and shape legislation for the Maine lobster industry that
both reflected their own conservation
Satire As A Satire
Comedy is a fickle medium. It is hard for a comedian to predict how an audience or
individuals will react to a joke. Satire is even more uncertain due the medium s socio
political nature. The purpose of satire can be misconstrued due to its tendency to
obscure or simplify the point it is trying to make for the sake of a joke. In Mathew
Bevis Taking Liberties , he argues that individuals with different world views can
interpret a satirical piece in very different ways. In this paper, I shall use the satirical
sketch A Politically Correct Minute by the Royal Canadian Air Farce to argue that satire
becomes and ineffective tool in conveying a political message due to Bevis argument that
the viewer shapes the meaning of the sketch. The creator might have tried to establish a
moral high ground, but it is hard to defend due to the medium being reliant on the
viewers sensibilities over the creator s intent, thus making us unsure if a moral high
ground actually exists. The Canadian satirical comedytroupe, The Royal Canadian Air
Farce, released the A Politically Correct Minute sketch in October 2001. This sketch was
a reaction to a petition created that year by the feminist organization, The Famous Five
Foundation. The organization called upon the... Show more content on ...
Tim Parks says that if [satire] doesn t point toward positive change, or encourage
people to think in a more enlightened way, it has failed (Parks 2015). When satire is
presented like it is by the Royal Canadian Air Farce, it has an alienating effect that
drives us to disdain politics and people with opinions that differ from our own (Speltz
2015). Discussion becomes near impossible with satire providing surface level
understanding of political issues, especially if satire becomes a person s sole source of
news (Speltz 2015). Critical thinking and problem solving becomes a moot point.

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