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English Home Language

Name: Grade:

Number Language Concept Meaning

1 Common Nouns Common things around us – desk, chair
2 Proper Nouns Name people, places, months of the year and
always start with a capital letter – Mohammed
3 Abstract Nouns Things that you feel but cannot touch –Love
4 Collective Nouns A group of nouns – A pack of dogs
5 Adjective Describes the noun – beautiful girl
6 Pronoun Replaces the noun – he, she
7 Past tense Things that have already happened
8 Present tense Things that are happening
9 Future tense Things that are still going to happen.
10 Continuous tense Add “ing” to the verb and use words such as – was,
am, will be
11 Verb Doing words – run, skip
12 Auxiliary Verb A helping verb – is
13 Finite Verb Can stand on its own – sing
14 Adverb Describes a verb – quickly
15 Adverb of time Answers the question “when”
16 Adverb of Manner Answer the question “how”
17 Adverb of Place Answers the question “where”
18 Adverb of Degree Answers the question “To what degree”
19 Conjunctions Joining words – and, but
20 Figurative language Use your imagination
21 Literal language Exactly what the words mean
22 Suffixes Added at the end of a root word
23 Root Word Words from which other words can be formed –
24 Prefixes Added at the beginning of a root word
25 Subject Who or what is doing the action
26 Predicate The rest of the sentence
27 Direct Object The person or thing as action is being done to
28 Synonyms A word that has a similar meaning to another –
lovely – beautiful
29 Antonyms Opposite in meaning – big-small
30 Comparative Adjectives Compare one noun to another
Big, bigger, biggest
31 Prepositions Shows the position of things-up, down
32 Direct Speech The exact words spoken – use inverted commas
33 Indirect Speech To explain something that someone has said – no
inverted commas
34 Onomatopoeia Words which describe sound – sizzle
35 Alliteration Repetition of sounds or letters – betty bought
36 Simile Comparison using as or like
37 Metaphor Comparison without using as or like
38 Personification Giving inanimate objects human qualities
39 Homophones Words pronounced in the same way with different
40 Homonyms Words that sound the same and have the same
spelling but different meanings e.g. ruler - ruler
41 Ellipsis Punctuation mark formed by 3 dots…
42 Contraction A shortened form of two words – don’t
43 Clause A group of words that contains a verb
44 Main clause / Contains a subject and a finite verb and can stand
independent on its own
45 Dependent/ Do not make sense without the independent clause
subordinate clauses
46 Phrase A group of words that go together but do not make
sense on their own
47 Active Voice The subject of the sentence does the action
48 Passive voice The subject has the action done
49 Abbreviations Shortened form of a word or phrase
50 Rhyme Similar sound in the endings of words e.g. seat and

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